
Chapter 3: The Weight of Leadership|

Anger, unspeakable anger, burned in Danzo's chest. His fists clenched as he surveyed the scene before him. It wasn't just Danzo who was furious; all the shinobi from Konoha and Sunagakure fighting alongside them were also filled with rage. Just a few minutes ago, they had arrived at the camp where Sunagakure was stationed.

When Sunagakure retreated, they naturally chose to pursue them. It made sense that they should be happy, finally having expelled Sunagakure from Hi no Kuni. But before they could fully revel in their victory, Sunagakure retaliated fiercely.

"Everything within a one-kilometer radius is gone," Danzo muttered, his voice trembling with barely contained fury. Not a single blade of grass remained. They took everything they could and burned what they couldn't take. From above, it resembled an irregularly shaped basin. Even now, Danzo vividly remembered the emotions he felt when he witnessed the glow of Heavenly Fire.

"Chase them! Pursue them! We must kill those scoundrels from Sunagakure and reclaim what is ours!" Danzo's whole being contorted with rage. This would forever be a blemish on his life. As soon as Danzo finished speaking, the shinobi around him quickly scattered, led by the Hyuga Clan, and pursued Yasuke and the others who were retreating.

Compared to the Konoha side, the Sunagakure side was filled with overwhelming excitement. Their joy was indescribable.

"Yasuke-sama, we've struck gold this time! Konoha is so wealthy," exclaimed Rasa, a red-haired individual, with excitement.

"Hmph, hmph, it's all thanks to Kazekage-sama's brilliance. Without him, we wouldn't have acquired so many valuable treasures," Yasuke replied with a smile. The thought of their achievements filled him with pride, and he couldn't help but glance back at the retreating Konoha forces.

"Don't get too excited; we need to hurry. Monk Bunpuku is waiting for us at the border. If they dare to pursue us, we'll give them a significant gift," Yasuke's mouth formed a cruel smile. Monk Bunpuku may not be fond of killing, but that doesn't mean he won't resort to it. Their combat strength will be diminished on Konoha's land. However, in Kaze no Kuni, their battle prowess will increase exponentially, especially for Monk Bunpuku.

A never-ending sandstorm looms ahead of Shimura Danzo and the others. At this moment, Danzo's face reflects the sentiments shared by most netizens—an indescribable darkness that cannot be washed away.

"Danzo-sama, I couldn't do it. I tried to send a snake over, but this sandstorm blocked our path," Orochimaru said helplessly, sticking out his tongue.

"Where are the members of the Hyuga Clan? Let them have a look," Danzo commanded.

"I can't see anything, Danzo-sama. This sandstorm is artificial, and an overwhelming chakra permeates the entire area," the Hyuga Clan members replied, even more perplexed.

"It's the power of Shukaku. Monk Bunpuku is the Jinchuriki of the One-Tails. In the desert, the One-Tails is virtually invincible," Mitokado Homura raised his eyes and said with a helpless tone. "Danzo, we should retreat. The war with Sunagakure seems to be over. Their intentions have been made clear, and we can't do much about it."

Alas, Shimura Danzo is no fool; he understands the challenges they face. Shukaku, once known as the Sand Demon, possesses unimaginable power in this vast desert. Bunpuku and Yasuke stand behind the sandstorm, each covering one eye.

"It's over. Even if we withdraw, this Shinobi World War is finished."

Bunpuku disperses his ninjutsu and relaxes. "Yes, we lost, but we also won. Now, it's time to focus on domestic affairs," Bunpuku says with a sigh of relief. Yasuke also lets out a sigh of relief. "Indeed, our focus should now be on domestic matters."

Bunpuku's eyes turn serious as he whispers to Yasuke, determination evident in his gaze. "Go back. This is enough for me and Shukaku. Kazekage-sama needs you."


Outside the walls of Sunagakure, Hitoshi stands on a rock alongside a group of Sunagakure shinobi. Many shinobi look astonished. Outside, numerous Suna shinobi maintain a technique formation, primarily consisting of a large piece of land within the formation and the saplings growing on it.

"It's an incredible display of power," Ebizo exclaims in shock. Despite being aware of Hitoshi's plan beforehand, witnessing it firsthand leaves him astounded.

However, can we sustain it? Many shinobi gaze in surprise at the red-haired youth before them. Hitoshi has no concerns like Sunagakure's. In Fairy Tail, Irene could melt a snow-capped mountain and rejuvenate the land. Hitoshi possesses the same ability.

If it weren't for the fear of going too far and being besieged by other ninja villages in the Shinobi World, Hitoshi even desires to demonstrate how something can be created out of thin air. A world of magic. Do not doubt Hitoshi's capabilities. As long as there is a demand, Hitoshi can fulfill it.

Irene Belserion, a magician who has lived for four hundred years and evolved into a giant dragon, possesses magic power and reserves comparable to those of the infamous black magician. Hitoshi possesses a similar template power, and there is nothing he cannot accomplish.

In the following moments, Hitoshi showcases a solo performance to the Sunagakure shinobi. Large-scale solidification magic is performed, merging the land with the desert. Then, large-scale spawning magic follows, causing the trees to rapidly take root and grow. All of this makes both shinobi and ordinary people of Sunagakure sense the arrival of something divine.

As they feel the tree roots penetrate the underground river, Hitoshi finally smiles. This has been a challenging task for him. In order to improve Sunagakure's conditions, he has secretly made numerous preparations. During quiet nights, he would stealthily enter Sunagakure to enhance the environment, all in preparation for this very moment.

Mr. Zhou Shuren once said that there are no divine vestiges in the world. If you witness one, then, my child, consider yourself fortunate to have been a part of someone's scheme.

"Hmph, hmph, I may not be able to plant trees everywhere like Senju Hashirama, but I can transplant them. With these trees, we have taken the first step in transforming the desert," Hitoshi proudly declares.

Hitoshi is well aware that after his recent operations, no one in Sunagakure can stand in his way any longer. "Elder Ebizo, please arrange for the shinobi with Water Release abilities to water the trees daily, gradually expanding the area. One day, we will create a vast forest," Hitoshi exclaims with excitement, his arms outstretched.

Hitoshi's audacity is unexpected, yet they have faith in him. The reason is simple. Sunagakure previously lacked any greenery, but now, there are flourishing trees that have been meticulously counted.


In the Hokage's Office of Konoha Hidden Village, a meeting is taking place among a group of Konoha leaders. With a fierce thud, Danzo slammed his hand on the table and angrily shouted, "Sarutobi, why should we stop attacking Sunagakure?"

Shimura Danzo was filled with rage, causing everyone around him to instinctively hide, fearing his outburst. "Why?" Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered and met Danzo's gaze with sharp eyes. "Danzo, don't you understand? If it's not clear to you, let Sakumo and Orochimaru explain it to you again, as the commanders."

While others feared Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not. As the current Hokage, he needed to consider the bigger picture, not just Danzo's personal feelings. "Give me some more time. I will find a way to penetrate Bunpuku's Sandstorm. I won't rush into negotiations so quickly," Shimura Danzo said, lowering his head and attempting to calm his tone under Sarutobi Hiruzen's piercing gaze.

"If you can't break through, if you can't break through, I will have to keep our troops on the side of Sunagakure. Not to mention Iwagakure, Kumogakure's forces have been displayed at the border. Once we retreat, it will be too late to mobilize our shinobi. Kumogakure will surely take advantage of our vulnerability, and Iwagakure will strike when we're down," Sarutobi Hiruzen asserted dominantly. "And when that time comes, it will be you, Shimura Danzo, or the Shimura clan, or even me, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, who will bear the consequences of the loss."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice grew louder, eventually leading to a direct roar. He felt deeply disappointed. His old comrade-in-arms could no longer see the situation clearly. Shimura Danzo retreated to his seat, bowing his head and remaining silent. The young Sarutobi Hiruzen turned back to Sakumo and Orochimaru, who were waiting for orders. "You two talk about the situation. The rest of you sit and listen quietly."

The high-level meeting turned into a heated debate. However, when the facts were laid out before them, even the obstinate Shimura Danzo had no room for argument. Sunagakure's determination to end the war became apparent, and the other villages' interest in Konoha further complicated matters. The prospect of a united front against Sunagakure was no longer realistic.


Back in Sunagakure, Hitoshi stood proudly before his people. He had successfully led them through one of the most challenging times in their history. The war had taken its toll, but it had also provided invaluable lessons. The victory was not just in the battlefield but in the unity and resilience displayed by Sunagakure.

With a determined look in his eyes, Hitoshi addressed his people, "We have faced great challenges, but we have also shown great strength. Our victory is not just in what we have taken, but in what we have become. Together, we will continue to build a prosperous future for Sunagakure."

The crowd erupted in cheers, their spirits lifted by Hitoshi's words. The road ahead would be long and arduous, but with their leader's guidance, Sunagakure would emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As Hitoshi looked out over the faces of his people, he knew that their journey had only just begun. The future of Sunagakure rested in their hands, and together, they would forge a path to greatness.