
Genshin Impact: The Admiral of Fontaine

House Proudmoore, a noble house that served the Hydro Archon Egeria for hundreds of years, was blessed by the power of the sun and guarded Fontaine for generations. However, everything changed 500 years ago when Egeria was replaced by the new Hydro Archon, Focalors. For five centuries, House Proudmoore refused to serve their new Archon, believing she was a usurper and a false god who had taken the true Hydro Archon's place. This stance remained unchanged until Tempest Proudmoore rose to become its Duke. NO HAREM FURINA IS THE SOLE LOVE INTEREST Genshin Impact does not belong to me it belongs to Hoyoverse and the ff thumbnail is Ai generated. I just created this ff cuz I can't stand to see Furina crying on that trial, also this is my first fanfiction and probably the only one I would write so leave some suggestions for the story and don't be afraid to remind me if I make mistakes. Also, Prologue to chapter 5, might have a few grammar mistakes, since I still haven't started using grammarly from there.

Dummydumdum1 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs

Chapter 81: A New Body

(Chapter 81 A New Body)

"Hmm... Am I missing something?"

Tempest muttered to himself, tapping the pencil against the notepad thoughtfully. His eyes scanned over the incomplete sketch of Nahida, searching for the elusive detail that would bring the design to life.


Tempest muttered as a thought struck him. With swift, precise movements, he began sketching a traditional outfit for a Fontainian child on the side of the notepad. The design was intricate yet modest, capturing the essence of Fontaine's culture.

"Obviously, you can't just walk around telling people you're the Dendro Archon."

Tempest muttered to himself, a hint of amusement in his voice. He closed the notepad, tucking it back into his uniform with a thoughtful expression.

"Your Grace, we have arrived."

Talochard announced gently. Tempest looked up, momentarily pulled from his thoughts, and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Thank you, Miss Talochard. And remember, don't let what others say discourage you while on duty. You have a fine voice, perfectly suited for an aquabus tour guide."

Tempest said with a reassuring smile. He had heard the rumors about her voice, some saying it sounded like a crow's caw, but to him, it was anything but unpleasant.

"Thank you, Your Grace. We hope to see you next time!"

Talochard replied, offering a deep bow. A smile spread across her face, genuine and warm.

Tempest gave a brief nod in response before stepping off the aquabus. As he disembarked, his gaze immediately fell upon Falric, leaning casually against a post at the station, a cigarette between his lips. Upon noticing Tempest, Falric swiftly removed the cigarette from his mouth, crushing it effortlessly beneath his mechanical left hand.

"Good evening, Your Grace."

Falric said respectfully, bowing his head as he addressed Tempest.

"Director Denis has requested to see you."

Falric continued.

"Hm, very well. Where's Penance?"

Tempest asked, his voice tinged with curiosity as he glanced around, expecting to see his sister nearby.

"She already fell asleep, Your Grace."

Falric replied.

"I see. Let's get going then."

Tempest said, his tone decisive as he nodded to Falric, who gestured for him to follow.

Shortly, Falric led Tempest through the halls of the Fontaine Research Institute, until they reached the room where the Ghost Program was housed.

"Your Grace, allow me to congratulate you on your successful expedition."

Director Denis said as he approached Tempest upon entering the room.

"This better be worth it, Director. I lost some good men securing that Warden-Class..."

Tempest said his tone firm with a hint of frustration.

"I apologize for the loss, Your Grace, but rest assured the Ghost Program is nearing its completion. I must say, the woman you brought, Madam Faruzan, has been invaluable. Her knowledge has surprised us, and she immediately identified and fixed most of the Ghost suit's issues."

Denis said, his tone tinged with awe and gratitude.

"Come, Your Grace, there's more I must show you."

Denis said, gesturing for Tempest to follow. He led Tempest to a containment room, where a glass barrier separated them from the interior. On the other side, the remnants of the Warden-Class lay exposed, most parts dismantled and removed.

"Thanks to the Warden-Class, we've managed to resolve most of the issues with the Ghost suit. Madam Faruzan also developed these earlier."

Denis said, handing Tempest a pair of goggles with a proud smile.

"Just yesterday, it was impossible to spot a Ghost, except when it gets closer to Electro, where its silhouette would be revealed. But these goggles can completely reveal them."

Denis explained, emphasizing the breakthrough with a sense of achievement.

"Impressive work, Faruzan invented these?"

Tempest remarked, nodding thoughtfully as he inspected the goggles.

"Yes, she's quite brilliant. I would say she's smarter than 95% of the people here at the Institute. You made an excellent choice in bringing her here, Your Grace."

Denis affirmed with a hint of admiration.

"The only remaining issue with the Ghost Program is determining who will train the Ghosts."

Denis continued, his tone thoughtful.

"I think I have someone."

Tempest said, his thoughts turning to Stone, currently imprisoned in the Fortress of Meropide. Despite his resentment for Stone's role in the massacre of his entire line of musketeers, Tempest recognized his potential usefulness as a pawn in this endeavor.

"That's good to know, Your Grace. I'll leave it to you then. However, I must caution you, just like the ghosts in children's stories, these Ghosts are indeed terrifying. But I assure you, the reality is far more frightening than any tale could convey."

Denis turned his attention back to the Warden-Class, his expression reflecting a mix of awe and unease.

"One proficient Ghost can cripple an entire army, rendering it ineffective."

Denis continued, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

"But that's not the primary concern. The real issue arises if a Ghost were to go rogue. Capturing such a rogue Ghost would present a formidable challenge."

Denis then retrieved a collar-like device from a nearby table, its sleek and ominous design reflecting the room's light.

"That's why I propose a solution."

He said, holding up the device with a measured expression.

"Every Ghost should be equipped with these devices."

Denis explained, his tone authoritative as he held up the collar-like contraption.

"These collars are designed with two functions. The first is to deliver an electric shock to the Ghost if they ever deviate from their assigned duties or step out of line, effectively stunning them instantly. The second function is far more severe, with a single press of a button, the collar can deliver a lethal jolt, ensuring the Ghost can be terminated immediately if necessary."

Denis's gaze was steady, underscoring the gravity of his proposal.

"No matter who you assign as a Ghost, Your Grace, whether they are a complete stranger or someone who is devotedly loyal to you, they must be equipped with these devices. The potential for destruction if a Ghost were to go rogue is immense and catastrophic. Therefore, it is imperative that every Ghost be fitted with these collars. They serve not only as a deterrent but as a crucial measure to prevent any possible havoc they might wreak."

Denis advised, his voice firm and resolute.

"Very well, I accept your proposal."

Tempest said, nodding in agreement.

"Excellent. It's crucial that you and someone you trust implicitly are the only ones with access to the device that can control the Ghosts. This will ensure that only those with the highest level of trust can exercise such significant control over these formidable assets."

Denis responded with a relieved smile.

"The first non-prototype Ghost suit should be ready by tomorrow, and in the coming months, we anticipate the completion of the initial batch. Thanks to Madam Faruzan's assistance and guidance, we have made significant progress, and it won't be long before we have fully operational units at your disposal."

Denis said, his tone reflecting both confidence and eagerness.

"Excellent. Speaking of Faruzan, where is she? And Hatsume, as well? I would like to know their whereabouts, as I have matters to discuss with both of them."

Tempest inquired, his curiosity evident.

"Ah, Madam Faruzan is currently with Hatsume. Hatsume is busy packing up her belongings as she prepares to move to Stormwind. It's a shame to see her leave the Institute, but her extraordinary talents will be of far greater use in support of your endeavors, Your Grace."

Denis said with a smile, proud of Hatsume for securing her future.

"Mm, thank you then, Director. It was a pleasure working with you."

"As do we, Your Grace."












"No, no, no! That's not how it works, you old hag!"

"How daring of you to speak to me like that!"

The voices of Faruzan and Hatsume could be heard arguing from outside. Tempest approached the door of Hatsume's laboratory, where the commotion was escalating. It was clear they were deeply engrossed in a heated discussion about something.

"What seems to be the commotion?"

Tempest asked as he entered the room. His authoritative tone was unmistakable, cutting through the heated argument between Faruzan and Hatsume.



Faruzan and Hatsume exclaimed in unison as they looked up, their argument coming to an abrupt halt with his sudden entrance. They exchanged uneasy glances before turning their full attention to him.

"Uh, we were just having a spirited conversation, filled with vibrant exchanges and lively banter. A delightful conversation, indeed!"

Faruzan said, her eyes twitching slightly as she cast a sharp glance at Hatsume.

"Mm! Absolutely! Just a lively discussion!"

Hatsume chimed in, nodding vigorously in agreement.

Tempest raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his gaze, but chose not to press further.

"Alright then. Anyway, I have a task for both of you. I need you to build me a bionic mechanical body."

Tempest said, pulling out the notepad and revealing his sketch of Nahida.

"Here's a reference on how I want it."

He placed the notepad on the table, allowing Faruzan and Hatsume to examine the intricate design.

Both Faruzan and Hatsume exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity piqued by Tempest's unusual request. They couldn't help but wonder why he would want a bionic mechanical body, particularly one modeled after a child. The sketch's intricate details and the choice of design only deepened their confusion.

"Uh, why-"

"I'll explain everything tomorrow. More precisely, she'll explain it. For now, can you both handle this task?"

Tempest cut off Hatsume before she could ask more questions. He held up the notepad with the sketch of the bionic model, signaling his seriousness about the request.


Hatsume said, taking the notepad from Tempest. She gave him a weird look, her eyebrows raised in both intrigue and confusion.

Tempest sighed in response to the misunderstanding, casting a glance toward Faruzan, hoping for a bit more understanding from her.

"Goodness gracious, the people of this generation are truly peculiar in their taste."

She gives a bewildered shake of the head, a slight frown upon her face.













The next day, Tempest entered Hatsume's laboratory to find a fascinating scene. In the center of the room stood a nearly perfect model of Nahida, meticulously crafted to resemble her original appearance, with her eyes closed and draped in a blanket. Off to the side, Faruzan was asleep on the sofa, looking utterly exhausted. Hatsume, on the other hand, was busy applying the final touches to the model, her eyes heavily shadowed from an entire night of work. The sight made it clear that both had poured their energy and effort into this project.

"Ah, chief..."

Hatsume said wearily, her usually vibrant and eccentric demeanor subdued by exhaustion.

"Thank you for your hard work. I didn't expect it to be completed today."

Tempest said to Hatsume, who yawned deeply before responding.

"Yeah... I managed to get a Katheryne model from the Director, disassembled it, and incorporated the necessary parts into this Meka you requested. Sorry, Katheryne..."

Hatsume explained, her voice tinged with fatigue.

Tempest glanced around the room and noticed a nearly dismantled Katheryne lying in a corner, its components scattered about.

"You're not planning to do anything weird with it, are you?"

Hatsume asked, her voice laced with concern.

Tempest didn't respond only shooting her a glance.

"Ah, forget I ask... I'm going to sleep now..."

Hatsume said with a yawn as she walked over to join Faruzan on the couch. She flopped down beside her, ready to catch up on much-needed rest.

Tempest turned his attention to the model of Nahida, taking a moment to admire the craftsmanship. He then carefully took out his Akasha Terminal and attached it to the model's ear.

'Well then, Young Pasha, go on.'

Tempest prompted mentally, his voice calm but expectant. Moments later, the Akasha Terminal embedded in the model's ear began to glow softly. As the system powered up, the model's eyes slowly opened, revealing a vibrant, inquisitive gaze. She looked up at Tempest with a gentle smile.

"Good morning, Tempest."

*What Nahida looks like*


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