
Genshin Impact: The Admiral of Fontaine

House Proudmoore, a noble house that served the Hydro Archon Egeria for hundreds of years, was blessed by the power of the sun and guarded Fontaine for generations. However, everything changed 500 years ago when Egeria was replaced by the new Hydro Archon, Focalors. For five centuries, House Proudmoore refused to serve their new Archon, believing she was a usurper and a false god who had taken the true Hydro Archon's place. This stance remained unchanged until Tempest Proudmoore rose to become its Duke. NO HAREM FURINA IS THE SOLE LOVE INTEREST Genshin Impact does not belong to me it belongs to Hoyoverse and the ff thumbnail is Ai generated. I just created this ff cuz I can't stand to see Furina crying on that trial, also this is my first fanfiction and probably the only one I would write so leave some suggestions for the story and don't be afraid to remind me if I make mistakes. Also, Prologue to chapter 5, might have a few grammar mistakes, since I still haven't started using grammarly from there.

Dummydumdum1 · Video Games
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92 Chs

Chapter 82: Welcome to Fontaine

(Chapter 82 Welcome to Fontaine)

"Good morning, Young Pasha."

Tempest greeted, a slight smile tugging at his lips as he watched the vessel come to life before him.


Nahida exclaimed as she wobbled, still unsteady in her new vessel. She stumbled as she tried to stand, but before she could fall, Tempest swiftly caught her.

"Careful now."

Tempest said calmly, steadying her with a firm yet gentle grip.

"Hehe, sorry, I guess I'm still not quite used to this new vessel yet, it's a bit different from borrowing Katheryne's body."

Nahida giggled, looking slightly embarrassed. Her smile was warm, though a hint of awkwardness showed in her movements as she tried to regain her balance.

"I didn't expect you to craft me a vessel this quickly. You've really captured every detail perfectly, it feels so... lifelike."

Nahida remarked, inspecting her new form with fascination. She flexed her fingers, marveling at the precision and accuracy of the body that mirrored her down to the smallest feature.

"I'm not the one who built you that body. I simply gave them the reference for what you look like. The ones you should really thank are those two."

Tempest replied, shaking his head slightly. He glanced over at Hatsume and Faruzan, both fast asleep on the couch, their exhaustion evident from working tirelessly through the night.

"When they wake up, you'll have the chance to show your gratitude."

Tempest said, his voice calm.

"I'll be sure to thank them, I promise."

Nahida said with a warm smile. She glanced down at her new form, stretching her arms slightly.

"This vessel feels familiar, almost like when I used Katheryne's body, but just a bit smaller."

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she continued to examine the intricacies of her new form, clearly impressed by the craftsmanship.

"Well, they used the necessary parts from Katheryne's body to build you this new vessel. That's why the process went quicker than expected."

Tempest explained. Nahida glanced to the side and noticed Katheryne's nearly dismantled form. A slight pang of sadness washed over her, and she turned back to Tempest, her expression softening.

"Do you feel bad about it? You should know that this isn't the same Katheryne from Sumeru."

Tempest replied, observing the conflict in her eyes.

"This body was just a shell, repurposed to create something new. It doesn't hold the essence of the Katheryne you know."

He paused, letting his words sink in.

"Besides, the real Katheryne is still out there in Sumeru, fulfilling her duties. The body they used was merely a means to an end, and now you have a vessel of your own."

Tempest said, his voice steady and reassuring.

"I see... Thank you, Tempest, for granting me this second chance and for providing me with this incredible opportunity."

Nahida said, her smile brightening as she spoke.

"It's not just a new vessel, it feels like a fresh start, a chance to explore and engage with the world in ways I couldn't before. I truly appreciate your support."

Her eyes sparkled with gratitude, reflecting the newfound hope she felt within her new form.

"Of course, here. You should wear these."

Tempest said as he handed her a neatly folded set of clothes. The fabric was soft, and the colors vibrant, perfectly suited to her new form.

"Thank you, Tempest."

Nahida said, accepting the clothes with a warm smile that radiated genuine appreciation.

Tempest nodded in acknowledgment before turning away to give Nahida some privacy as she changed into her new clothes.

'Now the real problem is how in seven hells do I explain her to everyone? Since her true body is still in Sumeru, I doubt anyone will recognize her as the Dendro Archon. Not to mention, she hasn't revealed herself in five hundred years... Hmm... Perhaps I can craft a fake story for now. Maybe I could say she's a distant relative of my Father, a bastard child perhaps...'

Tempest pondered these thoughts, feeling the weight of the decision pressing on him. The last thing he wanted was to draw unnecessary attention to Nahida, especially as she was still adjusting to her new vessel.

"I'm done!"

Nahida exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

Tempest turned around to see the clothes fit her perfectly. The vibrant colors of her new clothes seemed to complement her personality perfectly. With a proud smile, she looked at her reflection, admiring how the outfit hugged her form and enhanced her newfound identity. The transformation was complete, and she felt a rush of confidence surging through her.

"How do I look?"

She asked eagerly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"You look good, like a noble's child."

Tempest replied with a nod, his expression reflecting genuine approval.

"Hehe, thank you, Tempest."

Nahida replied, her voice bubbling with delight as she spun around to admire her new clothes. The fabric flowed gracefully around her, and she couldn't help but giggle at the way it swished with each turn.

"Young Pasha."

Tempest said, his tone shifting to a more serious note.

"Yes, Tempest?"

Nahida replied, her eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of concern. She sensed the seriousness in his tone and knew this was an important moment.

"I've given you this opportunity."

Tempest began, his expression serious.

"First, no reading other people's minds or taking control of their bodies, this is essential for maintaining trust and respect. Second, you must not reveal that you are the Dendro Archon, the world believes you have been absent for five hundred years, and this secret must remain intact. Third, you are not to leave the mansion's grounds."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle.

"I know this may feel restrictive, and I apologize if it seems like you're being imprisoned again. But remember, this was your choice, you prevented me from truly freeing you. I need your cooperation to ensure your safety and the safety of others. Do you understand?"

He looked at her intently, waiting for her response, hoping she grasped the importance of what he was asking.

"I understand, Tempest. I have no right to ask for more, especially after all you've already done for me. You've given me a second chance, this incredible opportunity, and for that, I'm truly grateful."

Nahida replied softly, her eyes warm with gratitude. She smiled gently, her expression filled with sincerity as she acknowledged the weight of his words.

"That's good to hear, well done, Young Pasha. Welcome to Fontaine."












Riding aboard the aquabus along the Callas line, which was bound for the Court of Fontaine, sat Nahida and Tempest. As they glided smoothly over the waters, Nahida's gaze wandered curiously around her surroundings. It was her first time venturing beyond the borders of Sumeru, and the unfamiliar sights of Fontaine stirred an undeniable sense of wonder within her. Her attention was especially drawn to the strange, aquatic creature operating the aquabus. She couldn't help but lean forward slightly, fascinated by its movements and the seamless way it guided the vessel.

"This place is so different from Sumeru, and that creature... I've never seen anything like it before."

Nahida whispered softly to Tempest, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Don't refer to her as a creature, Young Pasha, that's rude. They are called Melusines, citizens of Fontaine just like anyone else, with the same rights and respect. And remember, they're all female, so address them properly. It's important to show respect to everyone, regardless of where they come from or what they look like... Except the people that belong to the Fatui."

Tempest whispered softly, leaning closer to Nahida.

"I see, I'll make sure to remember that. Thank you for the guidance, Tempest."

Nahida replied, her smile warm and appreciative.

Soon, the aquabus docked smoothly at their destination. As they disembarked, Tempest and Nahida turned to Talochard, the Melusine operator, offering their thanks.

"So this is the Palais Mermonia, it's beautiful."

Nahida said, her voice filled with awe as she gazed up at the towering structure before her. The grandeur of the building was unlike anything she'd seen in Sumeru, its intricate architecture and majestic presence commanding attention.

"It is the heart of Fontaine. My Lady, the Hydro Archon, resides there, and so does the High Judge. This place isn't just a symbol of power, it's the very core of Fontaine's justice and governance."

Tempest replied, his voice steady as he admired the grand structure before them.

"I can feel its importance. It radiates authority."

Nahida's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she took in his words, her gaze still fixed on the towering Palais Mermonia.

"I remember glimpsing in your memories, that was where your accolade took place, wasn't it? A moment of great significance for you."

Nahida said thoughtfully, her eyes reflecting a hint of wonder.

"This is the very spot where I stood and pledged my unconditional loyalty to Fontaine and to her. It was a moment that defined my purpose and commitment to serve this nation, and it marked a turning point not just for my family, but for the future of the Proudmoores as well."

Tempest said, his voice carrying a sense of reverence.

Nahida smiled warmly at Tempest, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

"It's wonderful to see that you've found your place in this world, Tempest. I'm truly proud of you."

Her words carried a weight of encouragement as if she understood the struggles he had faced along the way.

"Thanks, mom."

Tempest replied with a playful smirk, sarcasm lacing his voice. Nahida couldn't help but chuckle at his response.

Before long, they stepped into the sleek elevator that would take them down to the Waterway Hub.

"Please stay close to me, Young Pasha. I'm going to grab a coffee before we head to the Penacony."

Tempest said, glancing at Nahida with a warm yet protective expression. He understood how overwhelming the bustling environment could be for her, especially since it was her first time in Fontaine.

"Yes, I understand."

Nahida replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She extended her hand toward Tempest, a playful gesture that resembled a child's request for reassurance.

"You're five hundred years old, you know? Hah, whatever."

Tempest sighed, shaking his head in mock exasperation. Nahida giggled in response, her laughter light and infectious.

As the elevator doors slid open, revealing the grandeur of the Court of Fontaine, Nahida's eyes widened in awe, taking in the intricate architecture and vibrant atmosphere. The sights were overwhelming, and she felt an urge to dash off and explore. However, Tempest gently but firmly held her hand, preventing her from getting too carried away.

"I just told you not to run off."

He said, his tone a mix of amusement and caution. Nahida turned to him, her excitement bubbling just beneath the surface.

I know, I know, but it's so beautiful here!"

She replied with a playful pout, her eagerness palpable.

"Slow down, you can explore under my watch."

Tempest replied, he could see the excitement radiating from Nahida, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I promise, once I grab my coffee, I'll let you roam a bit."

Nahida's face lit up at his words, her enthusiasm barely contained.

She asked, bouncing slightly on her toes. Tempest sighed, nodding in affirmation.


With a satisfied grin, Nahida squeezed his hand, ready to embark on this new adventure together, her mind racing with all the wonders she was about to discover.

"What's that?!"

Nahida exclaimed, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"That's a patrolling Meka."

Tempest replied, gesturing toward the Meka moving through the bustling square.

"And that?!"

She asked, pointing to a small creature waddling by in a colorful outfit.

"That's a dog with clothes."

Tempest explained.

"What about that?!"

"That's a workshop."

Nahida nodded, absorbing the information like a sponge, her excitement palpable. Each new sight sparked a thousand questions in her mind, and Tempest could hardly keep up with her relentless curiosity.

'I'm being reduced to a babysitter now...'

Tempest thought to himself, a mix of amusement and exasperation washing over him.

"Sit down and wait."

Tempest instructed Nahida firmly but kindly as they arrived at Café Lutece, Nahida nodded, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she settled into her seat, glancing around at the lively café bustling with patrons.

Tempest approached the counter and placed his order for a cup of coffee. Once his order was ready, he turned to head back to the table where he had left Nahida.

"Of course..."

He muttered to himself, a mix of frustration and concern bubbling up inside him. He quickly scanned the café and the surrounding area, hoping to catch a glimpse of her distinctive figure.

"Tsk... I'm going to put a leash on her."

Tempest muttered sarcastically under his breath, frustration creeping into his tone. He glanced around the vibrant streets of Fontaine, scanning every corner and nook for any sign of Nahida.

Shortly after, Tempest spotted a gathering of people crowding around a street corner, their hushed whispers and excited chatter piquing his curiosity. As he pushed his way through the throng, the crowd parted slightly, bowing their heads in respect for the Duke as he approached.

To his relief, there stood Nahida, completely entranced by a magic performer. Without hesitation, Tempest lifted her by the back of her outfit, pulling her away from the spectacle.

"I took my eyes off you for a minute, and you vanished."

He scolded, a mix of exasperation and concern in his voice.

"Don't make me regret my decision, Young Pasha."

His tone softened slightly as he set her back down, but the underlying worry was clear.

"Sorry, I can't help but be curious! Just look at that!"

Nahida exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with wonder as she pointed toward the young magician performing. His sister, most likely his assistant, stood beside him, his magic captivating the crowd with their tricks.

As Tempest stepped closer, the pair paused their performance, bowing their heads in respect at his approach. The magician's eyes widened with recognition, and the atmosphere shifted, a blend of excitement and reverence hanging in the air.


Tempest said to the magician, a hint of encouragement in his voice. The young performer, visibly thrilled to have gained the attention of someone of Tempest's stature, nodded eagerly.

"Thank you, Your Grace! Watch closely!"

The young magician resumed his performance, deftly pulling a bouquet of flowers from thin air, followed by a dazzling display of lights and illusions. The crowd gasped in delight, and Nahida's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned forward, completely captivated by the spectacle. Tempest couldn't help but smile slightly at her joy, feeling a warmth in his chest as he watched the magician weave his magic.

Shortly after the final flourish of his performance, the magician bowed deeply, his expression a mix of gratitude and humility. The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers filling the air as they showed their appreciation for the captivating display. One by one, audience members stepped forward, tossing Mora into the wide-brimmed hat he held out in front of him.

"What's your name?"

Tempest inquired as he approached the young magician, curiosity piqued by the performance.

"Lyney, Your Grace."

The young magician replied, a confident smile lighting up his face. He then gestured toward the girl beside him, who had cat ears and a tail.

"And this is my twin sister, Lynette."

Lynette, with a gentle demeanor, remained quiet but bowed her head respectfully in Tempest's direction.

"Excellent performance, you two."

Tempest praised, his tone genuine as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a pouch of Mora and handed it to Lyney, who accepted it with wide eyes.

"Thank you! Your Grace!"

Lyney exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. He beamed with pride, clearly thrilled by the recognition from someone of Tempest's stature. Lynette, watching from the side, smiled subtly, her eyes sparkling with appreciation for her brother's excitement.

"They're quite talented, aren't they, Your Grace?"

A voice remarked from behind him. Tempest turned to see a nobleman, elegantly dressed and exuding an air of refinement. The man bowed his head respectfully, recognizing Tempest's higher status.

"Yes, they are."

Tempest replied, a hint of admiration in his voice. He glanced back at Lyney and Lynette, their faces still lit with joy from their performance.

"It's not every day you see such skill combined with genuine passion. They have a bright future ahead of them."

"That's why I'm giving them an even bigger opportunity."

The nobleman declared, stepping closer to Lyney and Lynette, his eyes sparkling with ambition.

He crouched slightly to meet their gaze.

"How would you both like to perform on a grander stage in the future? If you're interested, I could adopt you both and help make your dreams come true."


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