
Genshin Impact: The Admiral of Fontaine

House Proudmoore, a noble house that served the Hydro Archon Egeria for hundreds of years, was blessed by the power of the sun and guarded Fontaine for generations. However, everything changed 500 years ago when Egeria was replaced by the new Hydro Archon, Focalors. For five centuries, House Proudmoore refused to serve their new Archon, believing she was a usurper and a false god who had taken the true Hydro Archon's place. This stance remained unchanged until Tempest Proudmoore rose to become its Duke. NO HAREM FURINA IS THE SOLE LOVE INTEREST Genshin Impact does not belong to me it belongs to Hoyoverse and the ff thumbnail is Ai generated. I just created this ff cuz I can't stand to see Furina crying on that trial, also this is my first fanfiction and probably the only one I would write so leave some suggestions for the story and don't be afraid to remind me if I make mistakes. Also, Prologue to chapter 5, might have a few grammar mistakes, since I still haven't started using grammarly from there.

Dummydumdum1 · Video Games
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92 Chs

Chapter 80: Good News

(Chapter 80 Good News)

At Café Lutece, two figures sat across from each other, enjoying lunch in the aftermath of the trial. Furina had graciously accepted Tempest's invitation to his upcoming birthday, and though the event was still some time away, Tempest's mind was already buzzing with plans. He intended to make this birthday one to remember and was already considering inviting artists from Mondstadt to perform, which might even draw the attention of a certain bard.

Though Tempest remained outwardly composed, a myriad of thoughts swirled in his mind. He didn't voice his true desire to Furina, but deep down, he hoped that on his special day, he might have the chance to share a dance with her.

"My Lady, would you, by any chance, like to visit Stormwind?"

Tempest asked, his tone slightly more hopeful than usual as he looked at Furina.

"Stormwind? It's been centuries since I've paid a visit there. But, since you're the one inviting me, I suppose it's time for me to step foot back into Proudmoores lands once more."

Furina said with a small, approving nod. With that, she returned to her cake.

"Thank you, My Lady."

Tempest replied with a warm smile. For centuries, Stormwind had isolated itself from the rest of Fontaine, its gates closed off due to the strained relationship between the Proudmoores and the Hydro Archon. The land had become a realm unto itself, a fortress of solitude. However, with Tempest's actions and the recent changes, the tides had finally turned. Stormwind was now once again an integral part of Fontaine, its doors open and its people ready to welcome the world.

'Maybe I should get rid of that Oceanid first...'

Tempest thought to himself, contemplating the last remnants of the past that still lingered in Stormwind.


Tempest spotted someone in the distance, a child whose eyes widened as they made eye contact with him. The child quickly averted their gaze, hoping Tempest wouldn't approach.

"Hold on a minute, My Lady."

Tempest said as he stood from his seat and approached the child, who was slowly trying to walk away.

"Is something wrong, Tempest?"

Furina looked up, curious.


Tempest said firmly, reaching out to gently grasp the child's shoulder. The child flinched visibly at the contact and slowly turned around, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and apprehension.

"C-Can I help y-you, Your Grace?"

The child stammered when he talked his periwinkle eyes struggling to make eye contact with Tempest's stoic face.

"So it was you, Freminet, wasn't it?"

Tempest asked, his tone calm yet inquisitive. Freminet, visibly nervous, nodded slowly in response, his eyes still averted from Tempest's unwavering gaze.

"Tempest, do you know this child?"

Furina inquired, her curiosity piqued as she joined the conversation. She observed Tempest's interaction with Freminet, her expression a mix of intrigue and concern.

"I do, My Lady."

Tempest replied, turning to Furina briefly before redirecting his attention back to Freminet.

"Would you like to join us for a while?"

Tempest asked Freminet, his tone gentle yet firm.


"It's bad manners to decline an offer."

Tempest interjected.

"Do you mind, My Lady?"

Tempest turned to Furina.

"Not at all! Come, join us. I'm rather eager to indulge in more desserts!"

Furina said with a warm smile as she returned to her seat at the table, patting the empty chair beside her.

"I'm going to have some questions for you later."

Tempest said to Freminet, his tone serious but not unkind. He gestured for him to join him and Furina at the table. In truth, Tempest was less interested in Freminet himself and more curious about the recent silence from the House of Hearth.

Invited by both the Duke and the Hydro Archon, Freminet had little choice but to comply. He took his seat between Tempest and Furina, feeling distinctly like a third wheel. Despite the honor of being included, he couldn't shake the feeling of being somewhat out of place amidst the distinguished company.

"What would you like, Freminet? Tempest is treating us today, so feel free to choose whatever you fancy!"

Furina said with a warm smile, making the offer even more inviting.

"I'm o-okay... I-I don't need anything right now, thank you."

Freminet replied timidly, his gaze shifting between Furina and Tempest, clearly overwhelmed by the attention.

"No, no, that simply won't do! It's obvious you need to gain more weight, no offense, but you look like you haven't been eating properly. Waiter! We'll have two plates Two plates of Conch Madeleine!"

Furina called out to the waiter, who nodded in acknowledgment before turning his attention to Tempest.


Furina asked him if he wanted to add anything.

"I'm full, My Lady."

Tempest replied to Furina, she nodded in response.

"So, what's a young child like you strolling alone through the city? Where are your parents? You shouldn't wander around without proper supervision, you know."

Furina spoke with a hint of concern and a touch of gentleness in her voice, her words tinged with a hint of curiosity.

"I w-was told to get s-something, my g-guardians are back home..."

Freminet replied timidly, his voice barely above a whisper as he looked down at his feet.

"Why is it that you are the one tasked with getting this 'something'? Shouldn't the adults be responsible for such errands?"

Furina asked Freminet, her tone carrying a mix of concern and curiosity as she studied his hesitant expression.

"It's okay... They're just... busy..."

Freminet replied quietly. Furina's eyebrows arched in curiosity, a hint of concern etched on her face as she considered his response.

"I see..."

Furina said, her expression thoughtful. Moments later, the waiter arrived with two plates of Conch Madeleine, setting them down with a practiced grace.


Furina exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she clapped her hands together. She eagerly picked up a piece of the Conch Madeleine, savoring the delicate aroma before taking a bite. Her delighted expression clearly showed her appreciation for the treat.


Furina asked, noticing that he hadn't touched his food yet. Her gaze was filled with curiosity and concern as she observed him sitting silently, his plate untouched.

"I'm f-full..."

Freminet replied, his eyes downcast. Furina let out a resigned sigh before addressing him with a firm yet gentle tone.

"Freminet, as your Archon, I order you that you eat your food. It's important for your health, and I won't take no for an answer."


Freminet's eyes widened in surprise as he looked from Furina to Tempest, who gave him an encouraging nod. The child seemed momentarily taken aback by their insistence.


Freminet replied, his voice hesitant. Slowly, he picked up a piece from his plate and took a bite. His eyes widened in surprise as he tasted the exquisite flavor.


He exclaimed, clearly impressed.

"It's good, isn't it?"

Furina asked with a warm smile. Freminet nodded vigorously, his earlier hesitation replaced by genuine appreciation.

"You should have one as well, Tempest!"

Furina insisted, her tone light and playful. She speared a piece with her fork and extended it toward him. Tempest accepted the offering with a grateful smile. He took a bite, savoring the taste with a nod of approval.

"It's good."

Tempest remarked, and Furina nodded in agreement.

"This day has been rather lively."














"Here, My Lady."

Tempest said, offering his handkerchief to Furina as she finished her plate.

"Thank you, my good sir."

Furina accepted it with a grateful smile.

Freminet remained quiet, absorbed in the task of chewing on a piece of Conch Madeleine. His plate was still half full, indicating that he was savoring the meal at a leisurely pace.

"Freminet, could you accompany me to the counter for a moment?"

Tempest asked, his tone inviting but firm.


Freminet replied, nodding as he stood up and followed Tempest. Bringing a piece of Conch Madeleine with him.

"We'll be back shortly, My Lady."

"Take your time."

Furina responded with a smile, casually grabbing a piece from Freminet's plate as they left the table.

Finally, Tempest found himself alone with Freminet, the bustling café scene fading into the background. The moment for questions had arrived, and Tempest's demeanor shifted to one of focused curiosity.

"How is she?"

Tempest asked Freminet.


Freminet replied, looking up with a mix of confusion and apprehension.

"I won't ask twice."

Tempest said, his eyes narrowing into a sharp glare that made Freminet flinch involuntarily.

"S-She's gone..."

Freminet replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Gone? What do you mean, 'gone'?"

Tempest echoed, a look of confusion crossing his face.

"P-Peruere... killed Mother... and then was taken to Snezhnaya..."

Freminet said, his voice trembling as he spoke.

Tempest listened intently to Freminet's words, and a small, unsettling smile slowly crept across his face. Freminet, noticing the strange reaction, felt a shiver run down his spine, finding the smile both disturbing and confusing.

"How ironic..."













Nighttime. At the back of the Palais Mermonia, Furina was once again, saying farewell to Tempest as he prepared to head to the Fontaine Research Institute.

"Two months until your birthday, is it? I trust that it will be an occasion to remember, meticulously planned and flawlessly executed. And, considering that I will be in attendance, you can be certain that the standards will be exceptionally high, won't they?"

Furina remarked with a knowing smile, her tone both playful and earnest as she looked at Tempest.

"I'll make sure of it, My Lady."

Tempest replied with a confident nod. Furina nodded, satisfied with his response.

"Goodbye, for now, Tempest Proudmoore, and once again, welcome home."

Furina said with a graceful smile, raising her hand toward him. She had grown accustomed to this farewell gesture, knowing well that Tempest would take her hand and kiss it with the utmost respect.

Tempest knelt gracefully before Furina, gently taking her hand in his. His expression was both respectful and sincere as he spoke softly.

"I'm home, My Lady."

With a respectful smile, he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her hand, a gesture that spoke volumes of his admiration and respect.

As the last aquabus of the day prepared to set off, Tempest boarded it. He glanced back toward the dock, where Furina stood in the distance, her figure illuminated by the soft evening light. She waved gracefully, her expression a mixture of warmth and farewell. Tempest returned her gesture with a nod and a smile.

"Good evening, Your Grace."

"Good evening, Miss Talochard. I want to extend my gratitude for your service tonight."

Tempest said with a respectful nod to the Melusine in charge of the aquabus on the Callas line.

Tempest settled into his seat and pulled out a notepad and pencil from his uniform. He resumed his sketch of Nahida's figure.

"Time to build you a new vessel."


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