
Genshin Impact: Reincarnated as Summoner

Kazuki Mifune is a programmer who finds himself in the world of Genshin Impact, summoned by a Goddess. With her power, he is able to summon characters from games and anime to join his mercenary band, "The Peaceful Tree." As they traverse Inazuma City, they come across challenges that require them to use their wit and strength. Together, they experience every moment of this new life while helping others along the way. Join Kazuki's journey and discover the Summoning System as you explore the depths of Genshin Impact.

Overskull · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Kazuki closed his eyes and allowed himself to truly take it all in — the fresh breeze, the sweet smell of nature, and the vastness of his surroundings. He remembered how he ended up here — what if it was just a dream? What if he wasn't really alive again? But then he realized those doubts were pointless — his current predicament was that he was alone in the wilderness without any means to protect himself. He only owned a jacket, a T-shirt and a trouser that he wore.

As for getting back home? Well, maybe he'd find a way one day — but until then? Kazuki was resolved to enjoy every moment of this otherworldly experience.

As Kazuki made his way through the grassland, he saw a traveller sitting under a nearby tree, taking a break from their journey. The traveller looked up as Kazuki approached. He looked at Kazuki warily because of the attire he wear but then choose to ignored it and smiled in greeting.

"Hello there, fellow adventurer!" the traveller said. "What brings you to this beautiful part of Inazuma?"

Kazuki smiled back, happy to have met another friendly face. "I'm just exploring, taking in the sights and sounds of this amazing place," he said. "It's my first time here, and I love every minute."

The traveller nodded in agreement. "It's a truly wondrous land, full of mystery and adventure. I've been travelling through Inazuma for some time now and still discover new wonders daily."

Kazuki was intrigued. "What kind of wonders have you seen?"

The traveller leaned forward, his eyes shining with excitement. "I've seen ancient ruins, hidden caves filled with treasure, and mystical shrines where the very essence of the land can be felt. There's always something new and amazing to discover here in Inazuma."

Kazuki's heart beat faster at the prospect of new adventures. "That sounds incredible," he said. "I can't wait to see it all."

The traveller stood up, ready to continue on their journey. "Well then, my friend, I wish you luck on your travels. May your adventures be many and your dangers few."

As the traveller started to walk away, Kazuki quickly called out to him. "Wait, before you go, can you tell me if there's a nearby village or settlement? I'd like to rest and resupply before continuing on my journey."

The traveller smiled, happy to help. "Of course, my friend. There's a small village near here, just a short walk through the grassland. It's called Konda Village, a peaceful place with friendly people. You'll find everything you need there."

Kazuki thanked the traveller for the information and made his way towards Konda Village. As he walked, a sense of peace and calm settled over him. He could hear birdsong in the air, and the sun felt warm on his face.

When he arrived at Konda Village, Kazuki was amazed by what he saw. The houses were built with traditional wooden architecture, and quaint shops lined the streets. He could even smell freshly cooked food wafting through the air.

As Kazuki entered Konda Village, he couldn't help but marvel at the size and scope of the world of Teyvat. He had been to Konda Village in the game, but it was nothing compared to the village. The village was much larger than he had seen in the game, with more shops, stalls, and people doing their daily business.

Despite its larger size, Konda Village retains its charm as a peaceful rural village. The houses were still made of wood and straw, with simple yet elegant designs that blended seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. The villagers were friendly and welcoming, and Kazuki had been able to learn more about the local customs and traditions.

Kazuki spotted an old man sitting outside his house. The old man was kind and welcoming, and Kazuki decided to approach him for directions. "Excuse me, sir," Kazuki said, "I'm trying to find my way to Inazuma City. Could you tell me which way to go?"

The old man smiled kindly at Kazuki and nodded. "Ah, Inazuma City. A grand city it is, full of wonders and marvels. You'll need to follow the path eastward, through the forest and over the mountains to get there. It's a long journey, but I'm sure you can handle it."

Kazuki thanked the old man and followed the path eastward towards Inazuma City. As he walked, he thought about the old man's words. He knew the journey ahead would be long and challenging, but he was determined to reach his destination. The thought of the wonders and marvels that awaited him in Inazuma City filled him with excitement and anticipation.

Kazuki's journey had taken him hours, but he had finally arrived at the gates of Inazuma City. He looked up at the towering entrance, guarded by two powerful samurai.

"Halt! Who goes there?" one of the guards shouted.

Kazuki took a deep breath and approached the guards, trying to appear calm and respectful. "My name is Kazuki," he said, bowing respectfully. "You maybe not believe me because of the attire that I wear. But I am actually an Inazuman. This clothing is something that I got from my Fontaine friend."

The guards looked at Kazuki sceptically, eyeing his unusual clothing and equipment. "We cannot simply take your word for it," one of the guards said. "You must prove your Inazuman identity."

Kazuki nodded, understanding their caution. He reached into his bag and pulled out a small pendant intricately crafted with the symbol of Inazuma. "This pendant has been passed down in my family for generations." He crafted it himself during his travels, but he hoped the guards would believe his story.

The guards examined the pendant closely, their expressions softening as they recognized the symbol. "Very well," one of them said. "You may enter, but remember that you must follow Inazuman law and customs here."

Kazuki nodded gratefully and stepped through the gates, his heart pounding with relief. As he made his way through the bustling streets of Inazuma City, he marvelled at the sights and sounds around him. The city was like nothing he had ever seen, with towering pagodas, bustling marketplaces, and beautifully manicured gardens.

Kazuki strolled through the bustling streets of Inazuma City, taking in the vibrant sights and sounds around him. He passed by countless vendors selling various wares, from traditional clothing and accessories to rare exotic ingredients. One particular vendor caught his eye, a middle-aged woman hawking freshly caught fish.

"Fresh fish for sale!" the vendor called out, waving a large catch before a potential buyer. "You won't find a better deal anywhere in the city!"

Kazuki watched as a young woman, eyeing the fish critically, approached the vendor. "How much for a kilogram?" she asked, pulling out a small pouch of Mora.

The vendor smiled. "For you, my dear, I will offer a special deal. One kilogram for the price of 250 more!"

"How about a little bit less? I can go to the next stall and see if they have better prices," the young woman said with a smile.

The seller hesitated for a moment, considering her offer. "Alright, I'll give it to you for 50 Mora less. But only because you have a beautiful smile," the seller responded with a chuckle.

The young woman grinned, her eyes sparkling with joy at the discount she had received. "Thank you so much! I knew you'd give me a good deal."

The young woman grinned and handed over her pouch of Mora, eagerly accepting the fish and thanking the vendor. Kazuki continued, his stomach rumbling at the delicious smells wafting from nearby food stalls.

He eventually found himself at a bustling marketplace filled with locals and tourists alike, all jostling to get a taste of the famous Inazuma cuisine. He watched as people devoured bowls of steaming hot noodles, skewers of juicy meat, and freshly baked bread.

Kazuki suddenly realized that he had no Mora on him at all. He had nothing to pay for a room to rest in, let alone to buy new clothes. He just arrived; how can he have this world currency?

Feeling desperate, Kazuki glanced around, hoping to find a buyer for his pendant. His eyes landed on a young woman browsing a nearby stall, examining a piece of jewellery. He approached her, clutching the pendant tightly in his hand.

"Excuse me, miss, would you like to purchase this pendant? It's a piece I crafted myself, with great care and skill," Kazuki explained, hoping to convince her to buy it.

The young woman examined the pendant closely, nodding in approval. "It's lovely, but I'm more interested in your clothing. It's not often I come across such unusual pieces. Would you be willing to sell it?"

Kazuki hesitated, but the prospect of earning more Mora was too good to pass up. "I could sell it, but it's my only outfit."

The young woman smiled understandingly. "I'm willing to pay a good price for it. How much are you asking for?"

Kazuki considered for a moment before naming a price. The young woman didn't even flinch at the amount and handed over the Mora, taking the clothing from Kazuki's hand.

"Thank you, it's a great addition to my collection," she said with a smile before walking away.

Kazuki watched her go, feeling relief and sadness at having to sell something he had grown attached to. After all, this clothing reminded him of his home, Earth. However, he knew that he needed the Mora to survive in this world. He quickly went to a nearby inn, grateful to have a place to rest for the night.

With some Mora in his pocket, Kazuki decided to treat himself to a meal at the renowned Uyuu Restaurant. He had heard many stories about the restaurant's delectable cuisine and was excited to try it for himself.

As he walked into the restaurant, he was greeted by the aroma of exotic spices and delicious food. The interior was elegantly decorated, with lanterns hanging from the ceiling and traditional music playing in the background. The waitress was dressed in formal attire and greeted him warmly.

Kazuki asked the friendly waitress for a recommendation. She smiled and suggested the Inazuma speciality, grilled fish with miso sauce.

"It's one of our most popular dishes," she explained. "The fish is caught fresh every morning from the nearby ocean, and our chef grills it to perfection. Then we add our special blend of miso sauce, passed down through generations of Inazuman chefs. It's a savoury, slightly sweet flavour that pairs perfectly with the fish. We also serve it with steamed rice and some pickled vegetables to balance the flavours. It's a classic Inazuman dish that we're very proud of."

Kazuki was convinced and ordered the grilled fish with miso sauce. As he waited for his food to arrive, he could already smell the fragrant aroma of the dish. The smell of the miso sauce was just as the waitress described. It was a savoury, slightly sweet flavour blended perfectly with the fish.

When it finally arrived, he was impressed with its appearance; the grilled fish with miso sauce was served on a wooden plate with rice. The fish was plump and pink and lay on a bed of lightly steamed rice. Surrounding the fish and rice were some pickled vegetables that were a deep purple.

The grilled fish glistened with grease and drippings, the miso sauce thick and clinging to the fish, mixed with rice and vegetables.

The first bite was sublime, with each flavour dancing on his tongue, the sweet from the sauce, the salt from the fish, the sour from the vegetables.

The grilled fish with miso sauce had a distinctly salty flavour with a hint of sweetness. The rice had the perfect seasoning, and the sea vegetables added a crisp, decisive crunch. It was the perfect combination, and he could understand why it was one of the restaurant's most popular dishes. He ate slowly, savouring every bite, and felt a sense of contentment wash over him.

Kazuki took another bite and closed his eyes in delight. "I've been travelling for a while and craving a good meal. This fish with miso sauce really hit the spot. Thank you for suggesting it!" he said.

"It's our pleasure to serve you. We're happy to be able to offer some respite to weary travellers like yourself," the waitress replied with a kind smile.

As he planned to leave the restaurant, he saw someone familiar.