
Genshin Impact: Reincarnated as Summoner

Kazuki Mifune is a programmer who finds himself in the world of Genshin Impact, summoned by a Goddess. With her power, he is able to summon characters from games and anime to join his mercenary band, "The Peaceful Tree." As they traverse Inazuma City, they come across challenges that require them to use their wit and strength. Together, they experience every moment of this new life while helping others along the way. Join Kazuki's journey and discover the Summoning System as you explore the depths of Genshin Impact.

Overskull · Video Games
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14 Chs

First Summon

It was non-other than the aide of the Kamisato clan's head, Thoma. Kazuki approached Thoma and greeted him, "Excuse me, are you perhaps Thoma, the aide of the Kamisato Clan head, Ayato Kamisato?"

Thoma was taken aback by the sudden greeting, and his brows furrowed in confusion. "How do you know my name?" he asked Kazuki.

A shadow of a smirk settled on his face as he replied, "Oh, I know many things..." He grinned devilishly, and the glimmer in his eye was unmistakable. Then without warning, he guffawed aloud, "I'm joking! Who doesn't know Thoma, the most talented person in Inazuma after all."

Thoma was taken aback but then followed suit laughing at the joke. He smiled and replied, "Yes, that's me. How can I assist you?"

Kazuki announced, "I recently moved to Inazuma from Fontaine. My parents are from here originally, and I just arrived today. It would be great if you had any suggestions for places I should check out."

Thoma's eyes lit up as he suggested, "I highly recommend visiting the Grand Narukami Shrine. It's a sacred place that holds significant importance in Inazuma's history. And if you're interested in experiencing Inazuma's traditional tea culture, you should check out the Komore Teahouse."

Kazuki thanked Thoma for his advice. "Thank you so much for your kind advice. It's great to make a connection here in Inazuma," he said with a smile.

Thoma smiled back and nodded. He asked Kazuki, "Are you looking to see any particular sights? I can offer more recommendations if you'd like?"

Kazuki was touched by Thoma's enthusiasm and thought for a moment before answering. "I'd love to check out some of the local attractions. Maybe some of the traditional temples or shrines around here."

Thoma nodded thoughtfully. "Well, there's the Sangonomiya Shrine that's worth a visit. It's on a cliff overlooking the ocean and offers a stunning view. And then there's the Tenshukaku, the headquarters of the Shogunate. It's a grand palace with beautiful gardens and architecture."

Kazuki listened intently and asked, "Do you have any recommendations for activities or experiences unique to Inazuma?"

Thoma grinned and replied, "Well, there's the Thunder Sakura, a beautiful tree that blooms with lightning instead of cherry blossoms. And if you're up for a challenge, there's the Thunder Sojourn, a dangerous but exhilarating journey through the thunderstorm."

Kazuki was amazed by the suggestions and thanked Thoma again for his help. "I appreciate your guidance and recommendations, Thoma. You've been accommodating."

Thoma waved his hand dismissively and said, "No problem at all. It's always great to meet fellow travellers in Inazuma. Have a great time exploring!"

Kazuki stepped outside the restaurant with a new appreciation of Inazuma and its people. He decided that finding a place to stay was his next priority, so he began to explore the city in search of a suitable inn.

He strolled past traditional wooden houses, taking in the sights and sounds of this bustling city. Eventually, he came across a two-story building with a traditional Japanese design. Its walls are dark wood, and its curved roof is covered in thick, dark green tiles. Out front is a large wooden sign with the kanji characters for "Tsuruya Inn" carved into it.

Kazuki stepped into the inn and asked for an available room. The owner, an elderly man named Tsuruya San, gave him a warm smile and welcomed him inside.

Kazuki stepped inside the cosy room, furnished with simple yet comfortable furniture. There were two futon mattresses on the floor and a low table surrounded by cushions in the centre of the room.

He unpacked his things and began sorting through the information he had gathered. From his understanding, this period was before the Raiden Shogun enacted the Vision Hunt decree and before Inazuma closed itself off from the outside world. It seemed like an exciting era to explore further.

Kazuki knew that he needed to be careful and prepare for the future. He decided to start learning as much as he could about the era, the people, and the culture of Inazuma. He spent hours researching and reading through books, scrolls, and historical documents.

As he dug deeper, he realized that the Vision Hunt decree would eventually be enacted, which meant that all vision bearers would be hunted down. By then, the civil war will happen, and things will go south quickly. Kazuki knew that he needed to plan for this if he wanted to survive. He started considering leaving Inazuma and fleeing to Liyue just before the decree was enforced.

With this plan in mind, he planned to study and explore Inazuma, taking notes and gathering as much information as possible. He also needed to save up as much Mora as possible, knowing he would need it to escape.

"Considering the Decree is still not enacted, I have plenty of time. Until then, Information and Mora is the number one priority." Kazuki muttered to himself as he walked out of his room in the inn and into the bustling streets of Inazuma.

As he made his way through the crowds, he couldn't help but notice the beautiful architecture and design of the buildings. It was clear that the people of Inazuma valued their traditions and history.

Kazuki decided to head towards the local market to see if he could find any helpful information. He stumbled upon a small shop that caught his eye along the way. The shopkeeper was a kind old man who offered to sell Kazuki a map of Inazuma and some valuable information about the area. After bargaining, Kazuki could purchase the map and the information for a reasonable price.

Kazuki also spends some time researching and asking around about how to make Mora in Inazuma. He discovers that there are a few different methods. The first is hunting and selling animal products. There are a variety of animals in Inazuma, including boars, foxes, and birds, that drop valuable materials when hunted. These materials can be sold for Mora.

The second is Mining and gathering. Inazuma is rich in minerals and other resources. By gathering materials like ore and plants, Kazuki can sell them to Mora.

The third option is completing quests. Many people in Inazuma have tasks and quests that they need help with. By completing these quests, Kazuki can earn Mora as a reward. There was also the Adventure guild to be considered of.

There are undoubtedly many ways of gathering Mora for his adventure. But doing it by himself would be tiring. Fortunately, he has the summoning system. He then brings up the system to check his accumulated points so far.

Kazuki pulls up the summoning system and sees that he has accumulated more than 500 points. He remembered that he had heard familiar game fanfare at some point but chose to ignore it at that time. For example, when he first met with Thoma and conversed with him. He decided to find some kind of log and read the log history. Indeed there were some achievements he got, and he was rewarded accordingly.


[Met with the Fixer +20 points]

[Make an excellent first impression with Thoma +50 points]


There were a lot of Achievements he got, but he just skimmed and read the most crucial point. He then remembers the goddess explaining that he can use these points to summon characters. He decides to take a look at the summoning options and sees that there are three categories: Random, Focused, and Pinpoint.

Random summoning costs the least points, but the chances of summoning a desired character are lower. Focused summoning costs moderate points and increases the chances of summoning a desired character from a specific game or anime. Pinpoint summoning is the most expensive, but it allows for the specific summoning of a desired character.

"Random summon already cost me 100 points. I know things would not be so easy. Is there anything else I can do with the points?" Kazuki muttered to himself.

He explored the system and found the system shop. Most items were greyed out because he could not buy them with his current points. But he found something interesting. "An empty Vision?!"

He was shocked to see that this World power could be bought by point through his system. But then he understood that the characters he would summon would have unique abilities. The most reasonable explanation to this world resident would be Visions.

Visions sold at the shop were divided into three kinds. Empty Vision, which, as mentioned, was a Vision without any elemental power. The user needed to awaken his own Vision. It made it easy to receive Vision rather than waiting for the Gods of Tevyat to grant them one. But this kind of Vision will be more suitable for the summoned characters, as they already have some power. This item will just convert their power into Vision.

The second was Complete Vision. This cheat-like item would grant the bearer the elemental power of the respective Vision. Using this item, Kazuki can turn ordinary humans into powerful Vision Bearers. Of course, the price was much higher than the empty one.

Other than Visions, the shop also provided different kinds of items. From miscellaneous items like camping nessecitiy to cheat things like skill books.

"Should I save the point and go with focused summon, or just go with the random summon?" Kazuki pondered momentarily and then decided, "Screw it. I believe in the newbie's luck. Here come my first summon. I summon thee!"

Kazuki opens the summoning system and selects a random character to summon option. He watches as the system begins to glow, and a beam of light shoots out, enveloping him in a blinding flash. When the light fades, Kazuki finds himself face-to-face with a new character.

"I ask you."

"Are you my master?"