
The Arrival

Kazuki Mifune was a programmer, working long hours to make ends meet and his dreams come true. But when duty ceased being his primary objective, the man escaped into the limitless gaming world. More often than not, he could be found facing the flickering screen of his computer, fingers flitting across the keyboard as though they had their own volition.

A particular favourite was a gacha game where players pay for chances at receiving rare items, unique character skins even new powerful characters. It was an addictive pastime, quickly becoming an expensive hobby for Kazuki as he spent more and more money on the game's microtransactions.

But what had started as just a distraction quickly became a source of joy and solace for the programmer, providing him with an escape from life's mundane and challenging realities. As the days passed, he became more enthralled by the vibrant world he had found himself in, an escape from reality he had thought he could never find.

Kazuki was genuinely alive for once. He felt a joy more incredible than any he had ever encountered before, as though the glowing characters and vibrant environments of his favourite gacha game had taken him away from the drudgery of life. Even when the hours grew late, and his money dwindled, he knew that he could always escape into his virtual world, no matter what troubles faced him in reality.

The programmer soon found himself spending more time playing the game than on anything else — even working on creating new programs or fixing errors had to take a backseat to this newfound passion. Kazuki continued to push himself further into gaming, turning it into an integral part of his life despite its costly nature.

He felt truly at home in these games, as if they held all the answers he was looking for and gave him solace from the struggles of everyday life. All those hours spent staring at a computer screen were worth it in the end — Kazuki was no longer just passing the time but instead living out his dreams in a virtual world.

Kazuki decided to try his luck in Genshin Impact. A popular gacha game, Genshin Impact, was set in the world of Teyvat. The vivid artwork and imaginative characters quickly captivated Kazuki as he explored the sprawling world of Teyvat. He couldn't wait to plumb its depths and challenge himself with various puzzles and battles, all while collecting new companions, weapons and equipment for his adventure.

Kazuki was hooked from the start. Everything clicked when he entered the game, like all the puzzle pieces suddenly fitting together. The game gave him an unparalleled sense of escape from reality, allowing him to live out his fantasies in a virtual world without worrying about setbacks or failures he may encounter in real life.

He spent hours playing Genshin Impact, going on adventures with his party of characters and progressing further into the story as each day went by. It soon became apparent that this world was one that Kazuki wanted to stay in forever — it had become his own personal virtual sanctuary where worries were forgotten, and only fun remained.

But even with all this newfound enjoyment, Kazuki knew that all good things must end eventually. As much as he wanted to remain within Teyvat's walls forever, reality beckoned him back sooner or later. He'd have to face the real world soon enough — until then? Heaven awaited him in Genshin Impact's fantasy realm. Tevyat.

Kazuki was so engrossed in the fantasy world of Genshin Impact that he almost forgot about the real world. He threw himself into the game, playing for hours and neglecting his physical and mental health. His nutrition and sleep suffered greatly, causing him to become weakened and lethargic over time.

The amount of energy Kazuki was dedicating to Genshin Impact was becoming unsustainable — he felt almost like an addict, unable to break away from its grasp even when his body was screaming at him to do so. But Kazuki didn't want to listen — he missed out on important events in his life because of this game, but he couldn't seem to bring himself to quit playing.

One day, while Kazuki was deep in his gaming session, an electrical power surge suddenly struck his home. It was enough to instantly cause a fatal shock to Kazuki, leaving him dead by the time the power surge subsided.

The sun shone brightly on the vast grassland as Kazuki breathed in the crisp air and took in the scenery. Rolling hills of deep green grass with patches of wildflowers made for an enchanting view, while a wild cherry blossom tree that bloomed in the spring added to its beauty.

He was sure that he was dead just a second ago. And yet, at the very moment of his death, Kazuki opened his eyes and found himself enveloped in a mysterious haze. He sat up in amazement, barely comprehending what had just happened.

Kazuki found himself in a strange, otherworldly place. He looked around and saw he was standing on a floating island surrounded by clouds. The view is breathtaking, with the white towers and spires stretching into the heavens. The buildings are made of a sparkling white material that glitters and shimmers in the light, giving the impression of a place that is both grand and delicate at the same time.

As he looked below the stretch of cloud, he could see the world below stretches out as far as the eye can see, with rivers, mountains, and forests winding their way across the landscape. The clouds are at eye level, and the sky above is a deep blue, giving the sense of being on the very edge of the world.

The whole place is filled with an otherworldly light, casting everything in a soft glow that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. It's a serene and awe-inspiring place, filling those who visit it with a sense of wonder and amazement.

As he stood there, a beautiful person appeared out of nowhere. The person was radiant, with skin like porcelain and a face that could launch a thousand ships. Their hair is long and lustrous, their lips full and inviting, their eyes bright and clear. They have perfect posture and an air of serenity around them. They look like divine beings, something out of a dream.

"Greetings, Kazuki," the person said with a gentle smile. "We are the Goddess of Tevyat, and We have summoned you here for a special purpose."

Kazuki looked around in awe and said, "Wow, this place is incredible! Wait, what do you say? Tevyat?!"

The stunning Goddess smiled radiantly at Kazuki's question and replied, "That is correct. This is Tevyat, the world of Genshin Impact you love."

Kazuki was shocked but could not help to be excited. "But, why am I here?"

The Goddess replied, "Because you die while playing Genshin Impact, it allowed for a connection to be made between your world, Earth, and the world of Teyvat. This connection is what allowed us to summon you to Tevyat."

"For what purpose did you summon me to Tevyat? Do I have to save the world? No way! I am just a regular person!"

"I know this event may be too much for you and confusing. But rest assured, for we do not require you to save the world." Said the Goddess to confuse Kazuki. Suddenly her face looked sad, and she continued, "But please help the siblings.".

"The siblings? Do you mean the Twins?" Asked Kazuki

"That is correct" The Goddess smiled at Kazuki.


Hearing Kazuki's reply made the Goddess burst into the most radiant smile Kazuki had ever seen in his life... and death. And then she gathered a cluster of light that she shoved into Kazuki's chest. "I have given you the power to summon characters from games and anime. But, as with all powers, it comes with a cost."

Kazuki raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You will earn points based on your action," the Goddess explained. "These points can be used to summon companions but will cost you. The more powerful the character you want to summon, the more points it will cost."

Kazuki nodded, understanding the concept. "So, how do I earn points?"

"Your actions in this world will determine how many points you earn," the Goddess replied. "The more good deeds you do, the more points you accumulate."

Kazuki thought momentarily before asking, "What kind of characters can I summon?"

The Goddess smiled and explained, "You can summon characters from various games and anime. Simply access your status board and select the Characters Summoning tab. From there, you can choose the type of summoning you want to use and spend your points accordingly. Random character summoning is the cheapest, but it comes with the least amount of control. Pinpoint summoning, on the other hand, is the most expensive, but it allows you to select a specific character to summon."

Kazuki nodded, taking in all the information. "So it is basically a gacha system. Is there a 50-50 system and pity system?" A Trauma suddenly resurfaced in his mind.

The Goddess only smiled at his question. Kazuki could not help but shudder at the thought of it. "Thank you for explaining that to me. I'll be sure to use this power wisely."

The Goddess smiled and said, "Remember, Kazuki, great power comes great responsibility. Use this gift wisely, and it will serve you well."

He looked at his surrounding until he saw a magnificent and enormous Sakura tree on top of a high mount. From the fact that this place has a massive Sakura tree, Kazuki quickly knew that he was in Inazuma. "Teyvat! I'm really here," he thought to himself. "This is the world I've always dreamed of!"

Although it was exciting for Kazuki, he felt lost over being disconnected from reality. He loved playing Genshin Impact, but it could never replace the experiences he would have had back home in Tokyo. But regardless of where he ended up, one thing remained constant — Kazuki would always cherish this rebirth and make sure to get the most out of it.

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