
Gacha No Life

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Prologue - Awakening

This is the usual plot where rifts appear all over the world and humans begin to awaken mysterious powers to combat these rifts.

People awaken at random, unbiased by age, gender, health, or social standing.

These awakener's abilities are determined by the Rank, which can very from F (the lowest) to SSS (the highest), and the type which varies quite randomly.

But it has been determined by public opinion that one type is seen as almost completely useless by public opinion....


The gacha type's abilities vary depending on luck and the rank of the awakened ability. So if you're born as a F Ranked Gacha type, you're seem as less than utter trash, since the highest item you can pull is F ranked. But if you're somehow magically able to come out with a B Rank or higher Gacha.... Then you'll be coveted by quite literally the entire world! Since even a F ranked sword is batter than any modern weapon in case of attack power.... But comparing it to a weapon of higher rank, it's like the difference between night and day!

Especially since there's only a handful of B+ Ranked Gacha users in the world....

You can see why everyone wants them.

But it's not like F Ranked Gachas are worthless! They can still be hired by the military as arms dealers!

If they're that lucky that is....

For you see.... Even with a Gacha type, depending on sheer fucking luck, you could only be able to pull various food items! Or even worse! Garbage!

So do you see why people dread pulling the Gacha type?

Anyway our protagonist is none other than one Puck Gier, a orphan due to the rift outbreaks with literally zero friends.

Why does he have no friends you may ask? Well it's not because he's a shut-in or a introvert.... The fact of the matter is that he was abandoned by everyone he once called a friend for the sole reason that he wasn't able to awaken a ability. Now I know I said that you can awaken a ability whenever, but some would say the earlier the better!

So as all his friends started to awaken abilities one after one, he was soon left on the dust. Alone. At the age of 21 with no ability. Not to say normal people don't exist, they're just a 1/10,000 chance of happening at this day in age....

The only solace he had was the fact that he was absolutely addicted to Gacha games! Despite the hate for Gacha type abilities, Gacha type games are on the rise and still holding strong!

So of course he's gotten addicted to them! It's literally the only reason why he has a pc and phone in the first place!

Speaking of which....

He was actually currently grinding on one of his favorite Gachas! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan!

He's a free to play player of course, but that doesn't mean he was by any means struggling at all! If his level 894 account was anything to go by!

He was just about to draw on the newest banner....

It appeared.


He nearly threw his phone when this sudden message appeared before his eyes. He first thought that starring at a screen for so long that he started to see things.

But after a moment of thought.... He soon realized what was happening and he could barely restrain his excitement. His hand were literally shaking as they slowly approaches the usual translucent blue screen before they finally made contact with it.


His breath literally was caught in his throat as he read this notification over and over again before he simply clicked the screen, still in shock.

His mouth was dry as stares at his own status for the first time.

Name: Puck Gier

Age: 21

Lvl: 1

Race: Human (?)

Occupation: None

Status: Awakening

Class: N/A

Rank: N/A

Str: 13

Int: 14

Dex: 15

Luck: 22

HP: 100/100


Current Titles: N/A

Skills: N/A

~Would You Like To Awaken?~


The question was so simple and the answer even more so....

But for some odd reason....

Puck struggled to make the decision. He just stared at his pathetic status in awe, his jaw hanging open.

Now he knew most normal people had stas ranging around 10 before they awaken, but weren't his above average for a level 1? Especially his fucking luc stat!

He wasn't even gonna question the (?) by his race,nor the fact that his luck was relatively ass when it came to video games and the age at which he awakened, cause none of that mattered!

The only thing the mattered right then and there was awakening.

So, with a deep breath, he clicked Y and accepted what he could only hope to be the turning point of his life.

He braced himself for something to happen, a bright flash of light, or maybe lightning to strike him or something! Hell! Even the feeling of himself changing in some way would welcomed at that point!

But there was nothing....

The screen did change though.

It because something that he was all too familiar with....

A wheel.

One that you spin to determine an outcome.

And on this wheel the different ranks were listed from F-SSS and the different percentage chance for each was also listed, with F, being the most common, listed as a mere 35% chance.

F - 35%

E - 25%

D - 15%

C - 10%

B - 5%

A - 0.5%

S - 0.033%

SS - 0.0025%

SSS - 0.00001%


The longer he stares at it the more impossible it seemed....

No wonder why there weren't even 1000 A Ranked awakeners! And even less S+ ranked!

The jump from B - A rank was like comparing the fucking earth and the moon! The jump in acquisition chance was astronomical!

But it wasn't impossible! He's seen worse rates in some of the gacha games he's played on his phone!

He held his breath as he finally worked up the courage to spin the wheel.

This would literally decide the fate of his future and the rest of his life!

And so....

He watched with bated breath as the wheel slowly began slow to a crawl....

It was slowly making it's way over the F Rank portion and his heart stopped, his eyes beginning to water as he closed his eyes, he couldn't bare to see it! Who cares what his class was when no matter how hard he tried there'd always be a unsurpassable wall?!

He couldn't even bare to look when a resounding ding was heard signalling the wheel finally stopping.

After what felt like hours....

He slowly opened his blurry eyes and blinked away the tears.

It took a moment to regain his thoughts as he starred at the outcome of the wheel.

He blinked once....

Then twice....

And then by the third time tears started to well up once more.

But not in sadness....

But in pure, unadulterated, joy!


He couldn't hold it anymore and began to sob tears of joy.

How was it even possible?! F Rank was quite literally MILES away from SSS! That's when he finally realized just what the Luck stat did....

And he just couldn't help but hope it held out when he was picking a class....

His celebration was cut short as the screen changed to what looked like an actual Gacha machine. With a lever and everything! It didn't have ranks, since it was completely random what class you were given.

He honestly couldn't care which one it was at this point. SSS Rank pretty much guaranteed him a good like with whatever class he got.

So he just sat back and let the balls roll until the notification sound finally rang out signalling the stop of the machine.

He jumped up in excitement to look at his class....

Only for his excited grin to immediately fall at the sight of....


A small chuckle escaped his throat that soon erupted into full blown crazed laughter at such irony, even as the screen changed back to his status screen.

Name: Puck Gier

Age: 21

Lvl: 1

Race: Human (?)

Occupation: None

Status: Awakened

Class Type: Gacha (Humanoid)

Rank: SSS

Str: 13

Int: 14

Dex: 15

Luck: 52

HP: 100/100

Cost: 100

Current Titles: God of Gacha

Skills: Gacha Summoning, Gacha Inventory

~Swipe The Screen To Head To The Gacha Area~

He starred in shock at his new status, save for the fact that none of his stats really changed, his luck stat was now through the roof! Not to mention the fact that his MP was changed to cost like in most Gacha games.

And that new title did more than just stroke his ego.

He somehow completely glanced over the (Humanoid) part near his class type.

He couldn't help but scoff as he smirked, swiping the screen to go ahead and see just what type of Gacha he was dealing with....

Only for the screen to suddenly flash red.

He immediately flinched away at this as huge red warning signs filled the screen.


He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense....

He literally just awakened....

Didn't he?

Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened....

He wasn't disappointed.

The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer.


His jaw dropped at this.

"YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!!" Those were the only words circling his brain in a endless cycle as he clutched his head.

He waited his entire life for this moment!

And now he has to wait more?!

What kinda bullshit was that?!

And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place!

Damn his curiosity!!!


(Hello everyone! I'm a writer from Wattpad, wanting to spread my horizons and share one of my most viewed stories on this lovely platform! I'll upload as much as I can!)

Hello everyone! I'm a writer from Wattpad, wanting to spread my horizons and share one of my most viewed stories on this lovely platform! I'll upload as much as I can!

PuckZCatcreators' thoughts