
Chapter 6 Scaly Cat

(As many people have asked me, the dragon will be only very smart, that is not bad at all, and many people sayd me that I nerfed the dragon too much. I thought a little and came to the conclusion that this is true and the dragon needs to be more powerful. The defence will not change much, because his defense is stealth, I'll change only his flying and running speed and now it is not a turtle in both.

I'll give him a normal fire breath too because I came to the conclusion that his actual breath is way too dreadful. Just think that this dragon can literally one shot a ship with the crew to death.

The substance will fall in the middle of the ship and cause the wood to become fragile, it will break and the ship will part in two and start to sink. The substance will reach water and freeze all the crew to death.

He is still able to use his ice fire shot, but it will not be used too often because of how dangerous it is.)

It takes me some time to get back to the village, where Gobber was waiting for me, seeing him I remembered why I was checking all the caves and this made me sad. At final I didn't find my father, and the whole tribe was unaware where he could be.

- Found something? - asked me Gobber.

- Nothing, not even a trace of his presence. - I responded to him.

- I'm sorry. - It seems that even Gobber was sure that my father was dead. - We will check the forest another time.

This was not the first time Vikings checked the forest in search of my father, but they found nothing.

- I want to go home.

- Oh, of course, you can, do you need something? - Said Gobber while nervously rubbing his hummer that now replaced the hook.

- No, thank you.

I headed to my home and after reaching it and closing the door the sudden desire of destruction came to me. I took my own helmet and threw it at full force to the wall. When I calmed down I took the dragon's egg that was still frozen.

If I remember well the biologic it is needed to unfreeze the animal or in our case the egg very fast to have the probability for it to survive.

My attention was attached to a wall at which I threw my helmet. It was heavily damaged, the same damage can be expected from a dragon, not human. All that while the helmet was completely intouch. Throw the science from the window, these things don't work here, not in the world where a big piece of meat like Grommel can fly in such tiny wings.

I literally just boiled some water in a pot and later put the egg for a few seconds there and took it back. Now I have to put this egg in a bucket of water because I remember that dragons eggs can be a little bit explosive, and wait if the plot… the magic of this world works well and it will revive.

Having all that done I realized that it was starting to get dark, so I had dinner and went to sleep.

The next day when I woke up I felt a strange noise near me, I opened my eyes and saw a small white dragon sleeping in my bed near my pillow. His head and tail has a strange form but it seemed very cute. This is literally a scaly cat. I moved my hand and slowly petted the dragon.

LOL, now I'm the first viking in the tribe to pet the dragon and not the Hiccup, Valka don't count.

(He is not the first. Even if we don't count Valka.)

Suddenly the dragon bited me.

- Ouch, what are you doing? We were going so well. - The dragon just standed up and started to jump, this reminds me about two things, first is how the players in minecraft are asking to be friendly and the second that it has to be very hangry. - Ok, ok, let me get some food, I'm hungry too.

I took the dragon and put it to my shoulder and then went down to the first floor. Now the most complicated part, that I have to feed the dragon. The dragons are like crocodiles, so I guess that they don't drink milk. If I remember well the crocodiles eat only meat, so I have to give that little one meat, a fish. I took 1 dried fish for the dragon and 2 dried fish for me. Put the dragon on the table and started to eat.

The dragon understood that this food is comestible so he started to eat too. It was not easy, but soon he managed to take the first bite and soon the whole fish was eaten. I picked it up and started to search for it.

He had a triangle like head with a lot of small teeth inside, the tail that attracted my attention seems to be used for diving and I managed to find gills in his neck too. The wings are really large, that is good. I don't like dragons with small wings like Grommel because for me it is impossible for these things to fly.

Now the question is, who's that pokemon?

- Mmmm, I'll call your species Frozen Death and your name will be… will be… Whitewing.

(This is due to my bad imagination for the dragon's names.)

- I'm interested, why are you so obedient? I remember that the dragon's children are very playful and disobedient. - The dragon just roared something rare in response, I put it on the floor, the question now is how to hide this guy from the whole tribe and my family. - Observer, isn't this your work, you just killed my father to make my life with a dragon easier?

The silence only responded to me. I started to play with a Whitewing, while planning how to hide the dragon from the eyes of vikings. Some people may think it is easy to hide something in the isle of viking tribe that knows every single rock in his isle. There are literally no caves or places that can't be known by at least one viking in the tribe.

Thinking some time I come to the conclusion that I can't hide it in any cave, but I can hide it in lakes or maybe even in the sea. But not now, the dragon is still too weak to protect itself. Now I know why my mother in my past life didn't allow me to have a cat.

Hello everyone, as I promised, here is the next chapter. Actually, this chapter I was making in a hurry, that means that every error you found contact me in comments, I read all of them. This dragon is not reincarnated so don’t worry about it.

The next chapter will be Whitewing Pov that will explain his world vision, and later we finally will be coming to the end of the childhood, to the time skip till the main events of the first movie.

Alexei_Nazarovcreators' thoughts