
From Another Time

James is a popular playboy and the leader of the band, the Idolz. He will end up in a different timeline where he will meet the woman of his dreams. But she might also become his first heartbreak since she's not what she seems. Chloe is a 40-year-old woman who happens to be the shopkeeper. James will not even notice her during the present time. But they will replace King Yung Ho and Princess Amaya in Hanyang. The same royal couple who are about to get married. As time goes by, James will fall deeply in love with Chloe. Only to find out that she is way too older than him at the present time. But Chloe will hold back because of their age difference. It's up to James if he will still pursue her once they get out from another time.

Jaymie_Suh · Ficção Científica
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23 Chs

Royal Breakfast

Chloe finally arrived at the location where the former king was waiting for his sons. That made her nervous since James had to be there. What if the king didn't recognize him? They will both get into trouble!

"Your Highness, you came with Princess Amaya!" The former king greeted James.

"My brothers will not take no for an answer," James replied and laughed as if he were the real king of Hanyang.

The former king found it amusing that he also laughed. It means that everyone must laugh since the king made a joke. Chloe laughed as well because she thought it was funny. It feels like they are in a Korean Drama right now. 

Chloe has to admit that James is a very good actor. After the greetings, everyone settled down and started breakfast. She can feel her stomach growling already. Prince Moon looks at her as if she committed a crime.

"I'm sorry, I think my stomach has a mind of its own!" Chloe tried to be polite since she was supposed to be a princess.

The maids immediately rushed to her and offered different food choices. It made her feel excited but since she is not Korean. The food from Joseon seems to be unfamiliar. She just grabs whatever looks good.

"Your Highness, since the princess is also here, maybe we should discuss your wedding." The former king suggested.

Chloe almost choked on the food you're eating because of that suggestion. One of the maids immediately gives her a glass of water. She's worried that her reaction might offend the former king.

"Is there any problem with my suggestion, Princess Amaya?" He asks with an arrogant tone that makes you scared now.

"Of course not, Your Majesty!" You don't know how to address him so you just said the first thing that came to mind.

The former king laughed, "You don't call a former king that way. Just call me father since you will be my daughter-in-law soon anyway." 

"I'm sorry about that! I guess I have a lot to learn about your customs, Father." Her last word sounded forced.

"Don't feel bad about it, Princes! I know that it's different from your country. But you will get used to it." He replied.

"I was just wondering, from what I heard, the firstborns can't marry a foreigner. Am I right, father?" You asked since you feel more comfortable now.

"I'm not the firstborn, Prince Moon is. So, you can marry me but not him!" James interrupted her convo with the former king. 

"Your Majesty is right about that, Princess! Plus, your family is royalty in your country. How can we not approve of you?" The former king informs her.

Now it feels like she just walked straight into the trap. Chloe is wondering why James is very supportive of the marriage conversation. When the royal breakfast was finally over, she decided to talk to James.

He seems to have an idea of what's happening around this timeline. Although Chloe knows that those who are betrothed must get married soon. It's like they are engaged to each other and they have to play the part now that they are in Joseon. 

"Psst...James!" Chloe whispered and made a hand gesture.

James is currently laughing with his supposed-to-be brothers. They look like his band if Yoko is around. But maybe he's not here since he is Japanese. During this era, foreigners were frowned upon. 

Good thing, she looks like Princess Amaya. Everyone bows seeing her with their king. Although it feels great to be a princess, she doesn't want to mess up with this timeline. 

Something might change in the future if they just keep on playing along.

"Yes, my Lady?" James looks so handsome as he walks toward you.

Chloe can't help but be mesmerized by his looks right now. He's perfect for the role of the king in Korean Dramas. But then, this is not just a drama since it's happening for real now. It bothers her how everything turns upside down.

"Stop that, James! You're making me blush!" Chloe scolded him.

"What's wrong? Aren't you enjoying this place? It's like we're on a TV series!" James chuckled. 

"I don't think we should just play along. Something bad may happen if we do that!" She just told him what was bothering her.

"Stop worrying too much! You sounded like an old woman." He laughed at you.

"I'm already an old woman! Well, not that old but I'm older than you!" She informed him.

"Right, how can you be older than me?" James asks her in a challenging tone.

"It's complicated! Just stop enjoying everything too much!" She replied thinking about telling him her true age.

"Why? Isn't it great that we're royalties around here? This is something we can only dream of happening!" He responded.

Chloe starts to feel frustrated with him because no matter what she says, he seems to be enjoying the role of the king. He was able to easily deceive the king's father and brothers. It seems to be a bad idea. 

"Listen, Chloe! We must play along if you don't want to be sentenced to death! This is Joseon and they don't mind killing anyone." James looks more serious now.

"Yeah, I guess you're right! I'm just worried because this is not our timeline. What if we can't go back anymore?" She also realized that it can happen.

"Whatever the reason why we ended up here, we have to be patient and wait. For now, we have to play along." James said then attempted to hug her but she stepped back.

"They want us to get married soon! What are we going to do?" Chloe asked him in panic.

So, that's what is bothering her! James thought but he finds it adorable. Chloe is a beautiful woman and he didn't mind being married to her. Even though he is a player back in the present time. He can't do that around here even if he is the king.

"We have to do what's needed. After all, you will be the queen once we're married." James looks like he's convincing her now.

But her mind is still racing from what's happening. When James attempts another hug, she just lets him do it. Both of them are not even aware that everyone is watching right now. As if they are in a romantic movie, they all think that love is in the air.

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