
From Another Time

James is a popular playboy and the leader of the band, the Idolz. He will end up in a different timeline where he will meet the woman of his dreams. But she might also become his first heartbreak since she's not what she seems. Chloe is a 40-year-old woman who happens to be the shopkeeper. James will not even notice her during the present time. But they will replace King Yung Ho and Princess Amaya in Hanyang. The same royal couple who are about to get married. As time goes by, James will fall deeply in love with Chloe. Only to find out that she is way too older than him at the present time. But Chloe will hold back because of their age difference. It's up to James if he will still pursue her once they get out from another time.

Jaymie_Suh · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

The Real King

"Wow!" That's the reaction Chloe got from the five princes the moment she got out of one of the guest's chambers.

She knows that she looks pretty with the authentic hanbok that she's wearing now. Chloe realizes that the ones from the hanbok shop are fake. She looks like a queen with a red hanbok since that's what the royalties are wearing around here.

James comes out from the king's chamber. She noticed that he had now changed into an original hanbok. He looks more like a king now and that expensive hanbok fits him quite perfectly. He looks the part he's playing right now.

"Wow!" Chloe can't stop herself from saying it out loud.

"Perfect! Now you're ready to meet up with the former king!" The advisor looks proud of how they both look now.

Chloe walks towards James to make sure that she will not lose him. In case there's a way for them to go back to Seoul, she can just grab him. But for now, she decided to enjoy their stay in Hanyang. Everything looks grand around here anyway and she likes the feeling of being treated like royalty.

"Wow, you look like a real princess now!" James told her that made her blush.

Not because of his compliment but because she remembered their kiss earlier. That's an early treat for her but she tried her best to keep a straight face. Chloe doesn't want James to know that she's screaming inside.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" She bowed to him as a princess should.

She only did it because she didn't have a choice. There are a lot of palace people around them. They will think you're disrespecting the king if she doesn't bow down to him. That happens to be James right now. But she wondered where the real king was. Hopefully, he's having fun as well wherever he is. 

*Present time in Seoul, South Korea*

"Where am I? King Yung Ho asks himself in a confused tone.

When he woke up this morning, he almost had a heart attack. He didn't know how he ended up in this strange place. He was just sleeping in his chamber. But then, he woke you up with many people with strange clothing around him. So he decided to get out of there. 

But the moment he got out, he was greeted by odd-looking people. They were all holding something in their hands and they smiled while looking at it. He also noticed that everyone seemed to just ignore him. Nobody takes time to bow to him anymore.

"You're ignoring the presence of your king! Just wait until I get to the palace. You will see who I truly am!" King Yung Ho shouted in frustration.

A group of people is looking at him now but they seem to be mocking him. He can't take these disrespectful people anymore. Are they treating him like that because he's still in his sleeping attire? He ran as fast as he could to go to the palace.

The moment he arrived at the palace, he felt thankful since finally, he would have some peace. He walked towards his throne and waited for his servant to arrive. They should be here any minute now to dress him up. After about five minutes, the servants arrived.

"Excuse me, Your Highness! May I take a picture with you?" The servant asked him in a language he couldn't comprehend.

But it seems like the servant, who happens to be a woman, is not asking for his permission. She immediately got closer to him and she was holding that thing as well. She smiled and looked at it, not at him.

Confused, King Yung Ho just goes along with what's going on around him. He seems to have a lot of visitors inside the palace. But he's still in his sleeping attire until late afternoon. When the crowd had already left, he decided to go back to his chamber. 

On his way, he saw a woman that looked exactly like Chloe. But she's in her 40s and she looks confused as well. The woman seemed to know the king and bowed her head before he passed by. The king immediately noticed that the woman recognized him. 

"Stop right there! You recognized me?" The king asks the woman.

"Of course, Your Highness! You're the King of Hanyang. How can I not recognize you?" The woman replied while avoiding eye contact.

That's how it was supposed to be but the other people seem to forget about his status. But this woman recognized him without any issues. He needs to bring her to his chamber so he can understand what's happening around here.

"You, whatever your name is, come with me!" King Yung Ho, ordered the woman.

"My name is Amaya, Your Highness!" The woman introduced herself.

"Princess Amaya?" The king asked since he recognized that name.

"Yes, Your Highness! I'm Princess Amaya." She confirmed.

"Are you pulling my leg? The Amaya I know is a young and beautiful princess!" The king can't believe what he's hearing.

This time, Amaya looks at him directly, and the king can believe it. He can recognize those brown eyes anywhere! But she can't be in the same place he is currently in right now. 

Although he can't ignore his feelings when he looks into her eyes. She is his Princess Amaya! What happened to her? She looks way older than her previous self.

"Follow me to my chamber! We don't want those strange people to see us." King Yung Ho said and turned to get inside the chamber.

Amaya followed the king even if a princess like her should never do that. But they are in a different situation now. She needs to stay close to the king if she wants them to go back together where they came from.

Maybe the reason why the king didn't recognize her was because of her strange clothes. She enters the king's chamber and she catches a glimpse of the huge mirror. Amaya fainted after seeing her older reflection.

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