
From Another Time

James is a popular playboy and the leader of the band, the Idolz. He will end up in a different timeline where he will meet the woman of his dreams. But she might also become his first heartbreak since she's not what she seems. Chloe is a 40-year-old woman who happens to be the shopkeeper. James will not even notice her during the present time. But they will replace King Yung Ho and Princess Amaya in Hanyang. The same royal couple who are about to get married. As time goes by, James will fall deeply in love with Chloe. Only to find out that she is way too older than him at the present time. But Chloe will hold back because of their age difference. It's up to James if he will still pursue her once they get out from another time.

Jaymie_Suh · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

The Idolz

"If you don't want to entertain the tourists, then you have to leave this place right now!" The coordinator informed King Yung Ho.

She's a 50-year-old woman who's managing the tourism for the palaces that are located in Seoul. It was the old Hanyang and the home of the King and his royal subjects. But now, it's nothing more than a tourist spot.

But the present date, it's nothing but just a tourist attraction. King Yung Ho was able to realize that after his talk with Princess Amaya. Somehow, they were transported to the future where the royalties don't matter anymore. 

"Alright, I will come out for the tourists, whatever they are! But you have to bring me food every day!" King Yung Ho demanded.

The coordinator laughed at his demands but just played along. It's hard to find kids these days who will wear the king's hanbok. Plus, he's good-looking too so he fits the role of the king. It's just a shame that he already lost his mind. He keeps insisting that he's the king. 

"Okay, whatever you say, Your Highness! I'll order food delivery for you. But that will be deducted from your paycheck!" The woman said and left him.

King Yung Ho can't understand what she's talking about. But at least the food issue has been settled. He can invite Princess Amaya as well so she doesn't have to worry about it anymore. She's a smart woman since she figures out what's happening right away. 

She's so shocked to find out that she looks older now though. But she didn't know that she was still beautiful. He preferred older women to be her queen someday anyway. That way, she can take care of him better, and from what he knows, older women are also better in bed.

King Yung Ho scolded himself for thinking that far. He needs to go to the palace and greet the tourists. It's his job now to entertain them instead of the other way around. But until he figures out a way to go back, he needs to survive being a peasant.

"It's the king! Let's take a picture with him!" One of the tourists shouted.

He wanted to push them away but stopped himself. He needs to do what that old woman earlier told him to do. His food is at stake so he needs to just play along. The tourists or whatever they called themselves smiled at the rectangular thing again. So, he did the same.

Come to think of it, he's enjoying mingling with these peasants. They all look so happy and he never had that experience back in Hanyang. This place is now called Seoul, according to Princess Amaya. But it's still the same land where his palaces are located.

"Oh, my God! It's James Seo!" One of the tourists pointed at him.

Great! Now they mistook him for another person! Maybe he's part of the royal family too if he looks like him. That's what he just told himself. But now that they called him by that name, more tourists came to take pictures with him. They smile at the rectangular object like crazy people.

"James! What are you doing here?" A group of guys approaches him. 

King Yung Ho can't believe what he's seeing right now. His brothers are also in this weird place! He immediately waved at them and waited for them to come closer. As the King of Hanyang, he never approaches anyone. He waits for them to go to him.

"James, we thought you were missing! What happened to you?"  The guy who looks like Prince Min hugged him right away.

"Prince Min, you're also here! As well as our brothers!" He excitedly said.

"What are you talking about? What happened to you and Tom? He's also missing!" Prince Moon asks him.

"Who's Tom?" He asks in a confused tone.

"Remember Tom, the artist? He is supposed to be your guest for your show. But you both went missing!" Prince Tae tried to remind him. 

"What are you all talking about? We have to go back to Hanyang! Our father might be worried about us by now!" King Yung Ho informed them.

"I think James hit his head somewhere!" Prince Chan commented.

"Who's James So? You keep on calling me by that name!" He's getting mad now. 

"You are!" Yoko informed him.

"Oh, my God! The Japanese had invaded our country! How did that happen?" He was surprised to see him.

"You know what, guys? I think we have to bring James home first so he can feel better." Mark suggested.

"Prince Min, you have a home here? Where's that palace located" He asks in an excited tone.

"Whoa, dude! Stop calling me that name. I'm Mark!" He reminded him.

"You can still call me Prince Chan if you like!" Chan suggested and smirked.

"I'm Tim, your sub-vocalist. You don't have to call me a prince. It's too much, although I look like one!" Tim said.

"Just call Don and stop acting weird!" Don told him with an annoyed look. 

"I'm Jeff, man! What happened to you?" Jeff looks worried. 

"Just call me Yoko. Yes, I'm Japanese but the invasion happened a long time ago. Joseon is now called South Korea whatever timeline you came from!" Yoko explained.

"But I'm King Yung Ho, the new king of Hanyang!" He still insisted.

Yoko turned to the other guys and they all agreed that James was not himself. They have to bring him home even if they have to drag him. The only reason they are all there is that they have to shoot some content for YouTube.

"Let's postpone our filming for today. James needs us right now!" Tim suggested.

But Yoko is already filming everyone, especially James who is claiming to be the new king of Hanyang.

"What? I want to show it to him when he's back to his senses!" Yoko laughed.

King Yung Ho realized that these guys were not his brothers. But they all look so similar to the princes of Hanyang. He needs to play along if he wants to find a way back to Joseon.

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