
Let's be a hero

Ned seemed to be of the opinion that i had girlfriend who i loved dearly but had to breakup with because she moved away, i mean the premise of talking to the moon is exactly that but i sang it with the people i lost in my mind.

I finally couldn't hold it in with all of neds questioning so i asked "did you not read the description dude?"

The look he gave me suggested he thought i was a weirdo as he asked me "did you ever read the description of a video?"

I had to face palm myself and groan as i thought of the last time i checked the description and came up with nothing so i explain "In the description it says 'i wrote it cause i was missing my parents'"

Neds face scrunches up in understanding as he says "Oh,my god sorry dude, maybe that's why I wanted to cry after listening to it"

I nod knowing that he too lost his dad at a young age, so we walk in silence instead of our usual chit chattery and that's when this random dude, wearing a hoodie with his hands in the pocket and the hood up stops infront of me and says "I know what you feel, I'm sure you'll find her again" and walked away.

Fuck you if you think I'm an emo kid who misses his girlfriend that's teenage angst kind of shit, yes i do have angst but it is pretty fucking justified so pissed out of my mind i hurry to class and sit in my place with ned beside me for chemistry and ignore any and all stares.

I don't think the stares will ever stop and that i should ignore them and i sure can ignore them but not when i have super fucking senses and i can hear all the boys talk of me as if i eas a looser while the girls talk of me as if i'm a poor lonely soul who needs an angel to save him.

I don't know which of them is worst, the first or the second i was wondering if disgust was better than pity when i almost bumped into someone before my Spidey senses warned me and i stepped aside just in time to see a girl in mostly guy clothes almost fall down, so i grab her shirt and pull forgetting about the strength i have resulting in her falling backwards right in time for my hand to catch her by her waist, i catch the tray she thre up high and catch all the items with my reflexes before looking down to see 'zendaya'?

I continue looking at her in shock which seems to confuse her as she says "I definitely know i don't look that gorgeous love boy"

That pushed me out of my trance as i set her straight and ask "Did we meet somewhere before?"

She lifts her brows as she says "No"

The simple answer may have stumped someone else but not me "So we gonna ignore what happened?"

She nods in a hurry as she says "ofcourse we will" before she cringes and says "That's the most cliche way of meeting someone"

I laugh at that and say "I met someone recently who'll think the same"

She asks in an interested tone "Oh really, is this someone your girlfriend?"

I shake my head and say "no just a friend"

She asks excitedly "So when can i meet her?"

I hold up my hands and say "woah, woah, woah what's up with the rush here"

She looks sheepish as she says "Well it's hard to meet someone who thinks it's cliche to be caught by a handsome guy"

I look at her in surprise and ask "So you think I'm handsome"

She replies with a casual "duh" So i say to her "I'll ask her if she can meet you" and pass her the food i caught as i say "See you around"

I walk off as i hear her "See ya" and didn't think anything of it until i reached my next class and completed a whole day in school before i called aunt may and asked her about where i should go as she tells me to come back home.

I open the door to our house only to notice an extra pair of shoes and extend my senses to find out who it was only to find out it was Vinderella who's real name i still don't know.

I walk in to find her chatting with uncle ben as aunt may is on the phone with someone so i ask her "what are you doing here? i thought your parents were coming tomorrow" she looks up from the food she is 'trying' to make and says "I convinced them that everything is under control and they let me be"

I think of all the things she did with youtube, twitch and everything and come to the conclusion that she is an ignored child who wants to be noticed, hence her constant need to record stuff happening around to make content out of, I'll have to look into it later but for now i go upto my room and take care of my needs before i come back down to see uncle ben telling her all the conspiracies he knows while aunt may is cooking food with a fond smile on her face as she hears Ben's insane stories, i look at how normal this family looks and think of the guys i beat the shit out of to make it look like this.

The same guys who were released from all charges, oh I'm sorry escaped before they could be identified right from the hospital they were in somehow getting all their cuffs to open while the whole hospitals cameras weren't recording.

The guy who was sent to observe uncle ben talked about how uncle ben will kill the russians to make his family feel safe and from how they said it they had no doubt that he could.

That means the gang we fought must have been Russians no they must belong to some high level name because they risked so much to save their asses.

I was going to take my time to ease myself into the superhero thing but now that the russians might mess up my real life and family i have to wipe them out of the face of the earth just in case they decide to come back for more and I'll do it to protect what's in front of me.

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