

With the emergence of portals from which came various creatures that we call monsters, humanity began to awaken skills that they used to resist these creatures. Our MC is someone who loves to fight ...(Come, Vera, see the sails in the wind!)

Charlottee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs



The lizard's body split in half, coloring the dried tree with its blood.

The group seeing Bruce cutting the lizard in half didn't bother to take a second look, this wasn't the first time this had happened. As they headed towards the hill several of these lizards appeared they had some ability that allowed them to camouflage themselves, but in front of Bruce it was nothing more than a joke.


Looking at the lizard's body Zyan let out a sigh, he didn't know how many times he sighed since they arrived in the dungeon.

He was frustrated after all whenever a monster appeared it was cut by Bruce or burned by Bobby.

As he shook his head he couldn't help noticing Mike looking at the lizard's corpse, he had been doing that often.

Zyan knew it was due to his blessing, Mike could see shadows coming out of the corpse but no matter how much he tried to control it he always failed it was making him depressed.

At first, it was like Zyan told him, as soon as he saw the corpse he would know what to do.

He could feel that he had to form a connection with that shadow for it to take shape, but he didn't know how.

"Hey man, how long do you intend to keep looking"

Zyan asked as he approached him.

"Sigh! I don't understand, I can see more...Sigh..."

"Don't worry, maybe these things are too weak or just silly, and they can't make a connection"

Zyan remembered that Mike's first soldier had been one of the brothers he had killed, so when he heard Mike talk about connection he thought it was like a monster contract.

In a contract, the two parties must accept the terms, thinking so Zyan decided that the best target for Mike should be able to think for himself what better than a human.

Thinking about it, several bad thoughts came to his mind, of course he wouldn't say what he thought.

Heading towards the hill, the roars of monsters could be heard occasionally.

They had been walking for two hours now, the closer they got to the hill the stronger the monsters.

But it didn't matter if they got stronger in the end this was a D-Rank dungeon the monster's strength was just that.

As they moved on, Zyan thought it was not a good idea to bring Bobby, not only Bobby was stealing his food and now even taking the Kills that should have been his.

Zyan just didn't like how the monsters here couldn't withstand a single attack from Bruce and Bobby.

No longer able to stand just watching Zyan walked forward and let his blessing spread across the ground.

Looking at the once wet and muddy floor it was now solid with a bluish white coloration.

Creating an ice path, he began to slide forward.



"What! Why is there a bunch of cows here?"

After moving on for a few minutes Zyan came across a group of monsters, looked like a wolf, their skin was gray, they had skin less than 10 feet tall with a golden horn above their eyes and a tail with a thorn like its horn. It was just bigger.

Its roar resembled the lowing of a cow.

This is not important!

Creating an Ice Sword Zyan charged one of the monsters.

The monster seeing Zyan also charged him.


Hitting his head with the sword, there was no damage.

On the contrary due to the recoil Zyan was thrown into the air.

Twisting hard, Zyan turned a somersault and dug his feet into the ground, eliminating the strong recoil.

As he settled on the ground, his body shuddered, it wasn't fear but excitement, Zyan was getting excited.

If one of those could fend off his sword and even send him flying what could an entire herd do?

Seeing that Zyan was okay the monster seemed to get angry and again he attacked Zyan.

Looking at the onslaught of the monster Zyan noticed a defect, he was not fast.

With his experience Zyan could easily see that his defense was high and his speed was lacking.

Like a nice guy, Zyan tried to help him get faster. Freezing the ground ahead, he made the monster slide toward him, increasing its speed twice.


Just as they were about to clash, Zyan made several thorns pop out of the ground, skewering the monster.


The monster that initially thought it could kill Zyan now screamed in pain as its body pierced and lifted from the ground by spikes of at least 4 meters.

As Zyan watched the color of the monster's eyes fade, the mark in his stomach began to burn.


Quickly lifting his shirt, he saw other streaks appearing on his stomach.

The mark on his stomach was just a scrawl, they didn't look complete.

As the mark on his belly grew, Zyan couldn't help noticing that as the mark burned, he grew stronger, it felt like his base was being reinforced.

Zyan was immersed in that feeling, even though he was burned, it wasn't a pain he couldn't bear. Zyan liked that feeling of knowing he was getting stronger.


Seeing the group advancing towards him, Zyan soon forgot his disappointment at ending the fight too quickly, as well as ignoring the burning mark on his belly.

And so he began his massacre.




Bruce and Mike, who were right behind seeing Zyan, also participated in the fun and so began a silent competition to see who killed the most.