

With the emergence of portals from which came various creatures that we call monsters, humanity began to awaken skills that they used to resist these creatures. Our MC is someone who loves to fight ...(Come, Vera, see the sails in the wind!)

Charlottee · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Giant spider

Note: I forgot to tell you what Bobby's parallel conclusion was, so I will be including it in this chapter.


Approaching the hill. The wind sounds like a howl in the night that echoes through the swamp.


With the ground in front shaking rocks and dry branches were broken.


Zyan was actively looking for monsters, he turned almost immediately and launched a torrent of icicle towards the sound.


Icicles pierced the creature that emerged from the floor. The monster screamed in pain as it was pierced by several sharp points of ice, looking like a sieve, it fell to the floor as it rolled and blood was pouring everywhere.

She tried to protect herself with her webs, but these were easily pierced.

As soon as the creature started to slow down, it caught fire.

"Looks like I killed one more," said Bobby with that brazen smile on his face.

Listening to Bobby, Zyan looked at the dust that used to be a giant spider.

"She was already dead"

"If she was dead, she wouldn't scream and move, right?"

"Her body just completed the last command of her brain, she was already dead."

"Was not"

While Bobby and Zyan discussed who killed the creature. Lia, who was watching, was wondering if this really was the dangerous, bloodthirsty and insatiable monster that unscrupulously killed that she heard about.

The giant spider were known for their poison and their strong web. After seeing how easily Zyan killed her, Lia didn't know if she should believe this information.

As she thought about it, the ground started to shake again, looking around several rocks started to get bigger and move.


Hearing the roar and rubbing her eyes she realized that it was not rocks but giant spiders.

His legs were plump and when he shrunk they curled his legs as if they were hugging each other. In that state they looked like a meter-long rock.

Among them was one that was bigger. She had long legs like horses that were longer, her height was around 3 to 4 meters. She was accompanied by several other smaller spiders, certainly cursed offspring of this hideous creature.

Looking at the army of giant spiders, the two girls and Mike could only keep their mouths open while they were surrounded. The three looked scared.

It was to be expected Lia was a healer, Angel could fight, but she was in charge of protecting Mike and as for Mike without his blessing as soon as he was surrounded he was sure it would become spider food.

Mike still couldn't use his blessing and Zyan also said not to use his blessing on these monsters, he didn't want others to know about his blessing before the Conflagration hunters, he also thought these monsters were weak and not worth it.

While the three were scared Bruce was as insensitive as ever, Bobby curious and Zyan excited by the hope that this boss would be worth something.

Léo thought that this was the perfect situation for him to discount his frustration of not being able to do anything. Since they entered the dungeon he just watched while Bruce, Bobby and Zyan had fun killing everything on the way.

Feeling a powerful tingle rising in his body, Bobby was the first to attack. Covering his body with fire, he extended his hands forward, then a bright and flaming beam escaped from his hands, it looked like a flamethrower targeting the creature and several of your kids.

The creature was singed, its hair was consumed, giving way to a hideous and disgusting carcass, but it was not badly injured beyond a few burns.

Before she was furious when she noticed one of her dead cubs, and now she was even more so when she saw her cubs turn to dust.

Opening her jaw, she let out a powerful hiss that made everyone cover their ears when they were in pain. Other creatures close to the area fled when they heard the boss's shout and some closer ones passed out.

While they covered their ears to withstand the sharp and penetrating hiss, the boss spat poison towards the group, even at some distance it launched webs with the intention of trapping or cutting its target.

Seeing the acid rain covering them, Zyan formed an ice dome blocking the poison.

Seeing Leo advance Zyan covered him creating ice barriers to block the webs launched by the boss. Removing his hands from his ears Bobby again burned the spiders that surrounded them.

"Ha ha! Do you want a barbecue there?" he said as he burned them.

Seeing that the chief was paying attention to the three who killed their pups while heading for him, Bruce also wanted to move forward but decided to retreat to help Angel and Mike. They stood with their backs to each other and covered three different angles. In his fighting position, Bruce no longer used a stick, he now held a katana while cutting the spiders that approached them.

Zyan only acted as a support blocked attacks and attacking from a distance, while Lia stood beside hir waiting for someone to suffer an injury for her to heal them.

In fact, this boss was not very strong for Zyan if he wanted to, he could finish him off using Gefrorene Speere or Frozen moon, but he didn't want to end the fun.

Zyan also would not be able to use Frozen moon with its full power despite being a C-ranked strength it was insufficient to perform this attack. He could only use a shorter and much weaker version.

While Bobby set fire to the spiders, Zyan threw several small icicles at the boss, causing black blood to come out of his wounds.

Leo, who was advancing, used his blessing and crushed the spiders coming towards him with his fists. Finally, reaching the boss he used his blessing which covered his chain with a gray layer, swinging it towards the boss he hit one of his legs and crushed it in the process.


With one of her crushed paws she cried out in pain and attacked with her other leg.


Spinning the chain Leo used it to block her leg. As soon as the boss's chain and leg collided, his chain was thrown backwards while the boss pulled his leg back in pain.

With his foot on the ground, Leo held his chain, so it wouldn't fly out of his hands, with his feet sinking into the ground he managed to hold it.

As soon as he turned to the boss he faced an acid rain on his face, quickly covering himself with his arms he prevented him from hitting his face.

"Grr" gritting his teeth Léo endured the pain of having his body corroded by the acid poison of the boss.

After a minute of fighting, the boss had several holes in his body as well as two eyes pierced by ice spears. Some of his legs were crushed by Leo and his body had burns caused by Bobby's flames.

Around Angel, Bruce and Mike had several fallen bodies, some with missing limbs and others split in half. Angel used her wings to attack while Mike blocked them with a small shield on one arm and cut with a small dagger in his other hand.

This was Zyan's idea, he said that as Mike should be protected while his soldiers attacked more like the team's killer he should also learn to use a dagger for when he needed to fight 1 on 1.

Moving behind the boss Bobby released a jet of fire at her buttocks which caused her to let out a high-pitched scream.

"Dude, how do you do that?" Zyan asked when he saw how easily Bobby dodged attacks when moving behind the boss.

"My parallel conclusion allows me to feel what I want is like a GPS that you position the target, and it takes you. Now I wanted to feel the dangers I face, so as soon as an attack came against me, I knew."

"Damn it now I know how you always managed to find us at the cafeteria ... You defined food and your parallel conclusion took you to Leo."


"Shit" Leo who overheard the conversation can only curse while attacking the boss.

Zyan decided to join the wave, creating a spear he launched, effectively hitting the boss's buttock. The greenish black blood cascaded from his wound, with the enormous loss of blood his forces drained away.

In the midst of the attacks, she tried to move and block, but her shell broke when she was hit by Leo. Her guts came out, making her scream horribly, then she fell dying onto the ground.

Her offspring that remained after seeing her fallen mother following her survival instincts tried to escape but were blocked by walls of ice and a flood of fire.

Word count: 1481

Note: Bobby's parallel conclusion is quite special. It allows him to feel what he wants, for example: he can choose to feel if a person is lying or when a person is around, he can also choose to feel the danger as he did in this chapter.


I managed to write this chapter today.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Charlotteecreators' thoughts