
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

Ariana fell asleep while talking

John and Ariana reached home

Ariana, Ariana

we are coming home, get up Ariana

she had a high fever and couldn't wake up

John took Ariana to her room,

put her to sleep on her bed

( John went down to the drawing-room)

mama where are you, why are you taking so much time?

I can't even leave Ariana in this condition

John was checking Ariana's fever all the time

it was evening

Ariana's fever had gone down

Ariana's mother hasn't come yet.

a voice comes from Ariana's room.

John came to Ariana's room

w, w, water I need some water

John made Ariana sit down

the water here is Drink water

she drinks water

thank you

how are you feeling now?

are you ok?

hmm, fine

where is mom

she hasn't come yet

suddenly someone rang the doorbell

who has come

I think your mother has come.

John opened the door

Ariana's mother came

oh! John you opened the door, where is Ariana?

Ariana's mother came inside the house she called Ariana

Ma'am Ariana is in her room

he had a fever, no need to worry now, she is fine now

what happened to her?

she is not used to cold weather, so she had a fever

now she is fine, she is resting in her room.


she went to Ariana's room

Ariana, how are you feeling now?

Mom, I'm fine now


John was down in the drawing room

he had received a call and had to go out somewhere, due to work

he came to Ariana's room

I am going, I have some work

if you need any help then call me ma'am

eat something and then go

no thank you

come again

John left

Ariana bring you something to eat

no mom

I just need some rest

I don't need anything


get some rest

if you need anything, call out I will come

yes mom

she went to her room

John came to Ariana's room late at night

to see her

Ariana was sleeping

he was checking her fever, all the night

John left there at 5 in the morning

Ariana's mother came to Ariana's room

morning at 9 o clock

Ariana had already woken up


yes mom

how are you feeling now?


bring you something to eat here

Mom, I will come down for breakfast

are you sure Ariana?

yes mom


but wear warm clothes

okay mom

I will come in 10 minutes


Ariana's mother went down

Ariana gets ready and comes down

her mother served breakfast

that's too much, mom

no, it's not much Ariana

I am going late, I am going


flower shop

okay mom

if you feel sick, call me

okay mom,

don't worry Mom, I am fine

suddenly the mobile rings

( Ariana gets a call from her friend )

Ariana: hello

hey Ariana

where are you?

and why haven't you called and messaged for so many days?

will you say something?

first, you relax a little Eli

let me tell you something then I will talk

oh! I'm sorry Ariana

I was worried about you

you have not called and not messaged for so many days then,

I said all this out of frustration

I'm sorry

it's okay Eli

ok I want to tell you good news, I am coming USA tomorrow

Eli, I have something to tell you

(Eli's mother was calling Eli ) Eli come here

hello, Ariana let's talk tomorrow

I will come to your house tomorrow to meet you

bye see you tomorrow

h _ he_ hello Eli

( Eli cut the call )

Ariana talking to herself

you should have listened

I don't live there, we have come to live in Finland

what should I tell her now, she would be sad if I told her the whole story

I'm feeling tired, I will go to sleep

( Ariana goes to her room to rest )

it's night

it's nighttime

Ariana still slept

Ariana's mother came home

Ariana ( she called Ariana )

Ariana, where are you?

( Ariana's mother went to Ariana's room to see her )

Ariana was sleeping

( she saw Ariana and she went to freshen up )

she freshened up and went to prepare dinner

Ariana got up after half an hour

she had a voice

she came down, to see

( she saw her mom )

Ariana, you got up

you were sleeping that's why I didn't wake you up


how are you feeling now?

feeling tired

get some rest then you'll be fine

okay mom

they had dinner

Ariana's mother was doing household chores

Mom, let me help you a little

no don't, you go and rest

if you want to help me, take a rest

you will help me

okay mom

she went to her room and slept

someone come into her room again

( Ariana was in deep sleep )

John came to check whether she had a fever or not

John talking to himself

I don't know what's so great about you

your blood or you are different from everyone else

I don't know why I come towards you

he didn't know anything that,

he is in love with Ariana

he left after a while

next day

Ariana got ready and went down