
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

he came and sat on the couch, Ariana's back was towards him, don't move just slide back she slid back

ok, now turn right, turn towards me

Ariana sat close to John, facing him, her feet were placed on the pillow below and she was sitting facing him

he opened his arms and took Ariana closer to him, and John laid Ariana's face on his chest

she was very close to him, he grabbed her waist and she sat to closer him

the position is just like they are hugging each other

the face was turned red

she talked to herself

why, did I feel too safe to whom was I close, and why did I feel this touch was familiar

she sat his closer so she could feel his cold body, his cold skin, and his collarbone also

his cold, sweet fragrance she can also smell

his fragrance

she feels to him

John called Ariana, Ariana


are you sitting comfortably?


she grabbed his back closed his eyes and slept, when she grabbed him, John smiled slightly

John remained sitting in the same position the whole night and Ariana kept cuddling him the whole night

it's morning

it's 7: 00 o clock

Ariana was still asleep

John was looking at Ariana her front hair reached her face, John pushed her hair back from her face

John was touching Ariana's face with his cold hand he was caressing her Cheeks with his hands, and then he touched her lips with his cold fingers

she was sleeping deeply, but she was feeling that someone was caressing her face

after half an hour, John placed her head on the sofa and placed pillows on her side so that she would not fall on the floor

then he went to get ready, came down ready

Ariana was still sleeping, John saw her and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast

he acted like a human, it didn't seem at all like he was a vampire

twenty minutes later he came and woke up Ariana

he called Ariana, Ariana got up

she got up but she was sleepyhead, she gets and sat on the couch but there was sleep in her eyes

John looking at her and talking to himself

she looked so cute when she in sleepyhead, and smiled slightly

ten minutes later she opened her eyes, and she was searching for him

John sitting opposite

five minutes later she saw John sitting opposite

John was scrolling his mobile, when he saw Ariana get up and open her eyes

he saw her and said good morning Ariana

she looked at him, gave him a faint smile, and said good morning

she was thinking, how do I get my room to get ready?

till then John gives voice to Ariana



what are you thinking Ariana?


I think you are thinking about how to get to your room

she was shocked

hmm, how did you know?

he stood up and went closer to her and picked her up

John is taking Ariana to Ariana's room

she couldn't breathe when she saw him closely

like she forgot to breathe


maybe you've forgotten that I'm a vampire, I can read minds too

w_ , what

don't panic Ariana

she talked to herself

meaning, John knows whatever I was talking to myself

he smirked and said yes I know yesterday what are you thinking

you're running away from me?

she was a little bit scared and embarrassed too

n_, no, nothing like that

really ?

they reached her room

she changed the topic, we reached the room

hmm, I know

put me down

no wait I'll drop you to the bathroom , call me when you come out and I will come to pick you up

he made her stand in the bathroom

call while coming out, I am outside

he left from there

Ariana talking to herself, ahh! thank God there is a washroom and bathroom

she gets ready or comes and stands near the door

she calls John

John arrives and opens the door

what happened are you okay? ,

y_ , you fell on the floor?

she just looked at him

what happened, can you tell me something?

she saw him, she told herself he looked so adorable

John shouts Ariana, Ariana I am asking something

nothing happened I'm fine John, you are getting worried for no reason

okay, I thought you got hurt, that's why you are calling me, umm I'm sorry Ariana

it's okay John, Don't worry, anyway John are you picking me up?


he gets closer to her and picks her up

they both came out of the bathroom and went down to the hall

when both of them are coming down

John teases Ariana

I heard someone found me adorable,

Ariana's face turns red after hearing this

she didn't answer

they reached the hall

he made her sit on the couch

she couldn't eye contact with him

John smirks and teas her again


you were reading my mind again?

he said Ariana flirting way yes if someone is thinking about me and I don't listen this is wrong

and then he said teasing way and if you speaking I'll of me, I have to listen to it right

and laugh hahaha

Ariana looked at him angrily and said, and why I'm talking/thinking about you ill.

hey, you got angry, I'm just kidding with you

he gets closer to her and looks into her eyes

she got lost in his eyes

John said to Ariana, you have a special feeling that draws me to you

Ariana's anger goes away and she is a little distance from John and she looked away

John stands up and goes to the kitchen

and brought Ariana's breakfast plate into the hall

he called Ariana


here's your breakfast

while Ariana was taking the plate, John asked her can I feed you

n_, no, I will eat it myself

she takes the plate, John puts his hand on Ariana's plate and says, look I got it, so you hold the plate I feed you

she staring John

Don't look like that, open your mouth and eat

he feeds her and she eats

John called Ariana, Ariana


I'm sorry about what happened yesterday

Ariana said to John what are you talking about?

About Nick, I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry, I was a little jealous seeing him close to you

I was wrong what I said was wrong I'm sorry

I got angry and said forgive me

she takes a deep breath

don't say that again, let it be but think next time before you say

I'm sorry Ariana, I won't make the same mistake again

it's ok let it be John

Ariana finished having breakfast

by then Nick has arrived

Nick looks at Ariana and John and says

I might have missed seeing something

he went to Ariana sat beside her and said hey, how are your feet

Ariana looked at him gave him a faint smile and said, better than yesterday

Ariana looked at John and Nick and said, you guys are not going to college today

both said together no, and started at looking each other

nick asked John why aren't you going?

I am a university director, no one will have any problem with me not coming for a day

nick nodded okay

John asked Nick, why aren't you going

my reason is Ariana, I am worried about her, so that's I can take a day off today

or Ariana is my sister, I can do this much for my sister


Ariana was listening to both of them