
Found A True Love

anna_1703 · Fantasy
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Chapter 10

John also stood up and started cleaning the house Ariana was a little shocked to see John doing household chores

John asked Ariana - what happened Ariana?

Ariana - nothing

she stood took a vacuum cleaner and started cleaning

John - Ariana what are you doing?

Ariana - cleaning

John - let it be I will do it

Ariana - no, I will do it, you're already doing a lot of work

John - let it be, it's just two minutes of work for me, I will do it

Ariana - but

John - if you have some work to do, take a chair from the dining table and sit in front of me

Ariana - no, I'll sit on the sofa

John - umm, ok as you wish

she sat on the sofa, while she was board to look at John because he worked like a human, he didn't use his vampire Powers to do chores work

she got bored and sat down with the TV on she went back to sleep on the couch while watching the tv

it was midnight for John to do all the household chores like a human being

he sat next to Ariana, Ariana was already in deep sleep, she felt cold

he went to her room and brought her blanket to Ariana's room, and he went to Ariana and covered her with the blanket

he sat down and watched a tv

it's morning

he heard a voice, that voice came to him through the window, someone was knocking on the window he stood up and went to see who was near the window

and he saw Nick knocking on the window

he opened the window

Nick jumped and came inside the house through the window

John was looking at Ariana, Ariana was sleeping

John gestured to Nick to keep his voice low

Nick looked at Ariana, and then looking at John he said this is the Same girl who came to the mansion that day

John nodded yes

so what are you doing here with her?

you haven't even come to the mansion, and why?

Nick is his slave but he is like a best friend to John

Nick - umm, let me guess, are you in love with her?

he says to John

oh! Finally, I met my sister law

he hit him with a pillow

what and why did you hit me with the pillow?

ok, ok I'm sorry

John - I'm going to be ready I'll be back in two minutes stay away from her and don't wake her up

nick - okay

John went to get ready

but then Nick was noticing Ariana

John come ready

Nick is looking at John

John asked Nick - what happened?

and Nick indirectly told John without thinking - she looks so pretty

John was a little jealous at that time, and staring at nick

he was a little nervous

hey, I am just praising, I know she is my sister in law

hmm, this will be good for you Nick

by the time Ariana wakes up, she gets up and sits down

she looks at John, John comes and stands in front of her

nick would stand behind him, and say good morning to Ariana

she looked at the boy, who was wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt, and black jeans his height was one inch less than John's, but he looked so handsome

she remembers that he is too a mansion vampire and John's slave

she wakes up in astonishment after seeing him, or when Ariana is about to fall, John catches her and holds her close to himself

don't panic, you can trust Nic, he won't harm you she stood one step away from John

hey, my name is Nick, we are meeting for the second time, you didn't tell me your name

she is a little confused

hello, my name is Ariana

nick - okay Ariana don't be afraid of me, I won't harm you, and I won't do anything

she didn't answer anything

John says to Ariana - Ariana go freshen up and get ready and come down

she nodded and went to her room

Nick sat on the couch

John rolled up his sleeve and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast

Nick was looking at John

Nick asks John - what are you doing?

John - making breakfast

nick - living among humans, you may have forgotten that you are a vampire young master, and vampires don't eat food you remember this, right?

John looked at him angrily

nick - what, I said something wrong

John - I remember, I'm a vampire, I'm making breakfast for Ariana

Nick - oh! ok

John was asking while preparing breakfast for Ariana, Nick why are you here? did you have some work or some important message for me?

by then Ariana got ready and come down

she went to the kitchen to drink water

Nick was telling John

hmm, yes I remember, there is a meeting between vampire and Volturi vampire, that's what I came to tell you about

she stood beside John with a glass of water

John says angrily - ah! the vultures

she looked at John and asked what the vultures meant

nick entered mid-conversation

an evil vampire who kills humans, that's called a vulture and this entire Finland is John's, no vulture vampire can come here

when she listens to the evil vampire, the glass of water falls from her hand

John asked Ariana - are you okay, Ariana

she was a little scared, but she nodded, I'm okay she bent down to pick up pieces of glass,

John says - Ariana

Ariana - hmm

John - I will clean and you can have breakfast, go sit at the dining table, I will bring breakfast

she sits near the dining table, John has finished cleaning, and he brought her breakfast to the dining table and places it in front of her

John sitting next to Ariana, Ariana was eating breakfast

Nick says John - you have to go today at noon to meet the vultures

John - hmm, he nodded

nick - ok then I will leave

John - wait

Nick - what happened now?

John - I don't know how much it will take to get me home

nick - so?

John - you will stay with Ariana for safety, I don't want anyone to harm Ariana or cause trouble

hearing this, Ariana coughed while eating breakfast, she was a little shocked hearing all that

John asked Ariana - are you okay?

she just nodded yes

John started talking to Nick

John says to Nick - Now that my scent is with Ariana, some vultures might come and attack her, I don't want to take any risk by leaving Ariana alone

nick saying to John - young master John, I will protect Ariana until you arrive

John - thank you, Nick

Ariana ate her breakfast, stood up, and went to put the plate in the sink

John - came towards Ariana

John says to Ariana - Ariana, don't go out and like I said before, you can trust Nick like he's your brother

John looking at Nick, John said to Nick

don't trouble her

nick - hey, you just said I'm like her brother, so we can fight like brother and sister

he said jokingly

John said angrily to Nick - don't bother Ariana

nick - ok young master, I'm sorry