
Forever Yours(Yeong Wonhi-Dangsin)

ka_bee_ra · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 3 - Move on

Mia's POV

My phone chimes as I walk out of the  bathroom. I pick it up and notice that it is a text from Valerie. I didn't realise how much I have missed her until I saw her text. I open the text and gasp. I have never seen a text as long as this. This must be serious. I sit at the edge of my bed so that I can read the message comfortably. I start to read it and by the time I am done, I am so infuriated. What the hell?!! I always knew that Lee boy was up to no good. I wonder how Valerie must be feeling. Valerie and I have been friends since we were six years old. Being black girls, we bonded so well. I know all about her past and she knows mine too. The girl really had a rough childhood, growing up with a single mother and an absentee father. Her mum died just a month ago and now 'stupid Lee' breaks her heart. I mean, cut the girl some slack!!!! This is just too much for her to handle. I text her back quickly saying:

       'OMG, I will be there ASAP😱😢' .

This is not a talk we can have over the phone. I need to be there for her. Valerie has always been the cool one and I have always been the crazy one so I am quite surprised when I read that she poured her ice cream all over Lee at the ice cream store. That is hilarious. Way to go girl! I guess I am having impacts on her already.

Well, I have to get dressed now. My twin sister from another mother needs me.


I am directed by one of the maids to the kitchen where I am assuming Granny and Valerie are. The house is a mansion. I just keep gasping in awe as I take each steps in the mansion. I can't believe they let me into this huge castle(in fact, castle is an understatement). I guess  Mr Park is a really nice man by the way. I always had a weird impression about rich Korean men to be arrogant and cocky but Mr Park proves to be an exception. After seeing his nice gestures towards Valerie and her grandmother, I must say the man is indeed a philanthropist.

I walk into the kitchen to find Valerie's grandmother and three guys around my age, laughing and making jokes together. They didn't even notice me walking in. As soon as I spot Granny(as Valerie calls her), I yelled 'Holmoni' and run to hug her.

      'I have really missed you. It feels like years since I have seen you', I say.

      'Silly girl, you saw me last month at the burial'.

      'Well, that is not a good place to see someone', I reply sadly.

'Anyways, how have you been Granny. I have really missed you a lot, especially your chicken soup', I say smiling.

    'Awwwn', Granny says 'I can make some for you to take home when you are leaving'.

    'Jinja??? Granny, you are the best', I say hugging her again.

The guy sitting on the middle stool clears his throat, probably to notify Granny to introduce them.

         'My bad', Granny says, 'Mia, I want you to meet Solomon, Michael and Seo Ro-bin', pointing to each of them as she mentions their name.

       'Hi, I am Mia, Valerie's one and only best friend. Any other Mia is a counterfeit'. I say smiling.

       'Anyways, it is nice meeting you guys'.

       'It is nice meeting you too'. The guy who cleared his throat earlier says. I think his name is Michael. Wow, they are really cute. Do they really have to look really good??? The dude sitting at the right of Michael just sighed, like he can sense what I am thinking. He must be Ro-bin. I didn't really pay attention when Granny was mentioning their names.

          'Anyways Granny, where is Valerie?' I ask.

         'She should be in the bedroom', Granny replies, 'You see the opening there, the first door by your left is where she is'.

        'Thanks Granny', I say hugging her. 'I have to go now, my bestie needs me'.


I walk quickly out of the kitchen, swaying my waist in the process😊. I locate the room Granny described and knock on the door. No response? That's weird. I open the door to find Valerie crying into her pillow. Wow, this is gonna take all night!!!

Valerie's POV

I am crying into my pillow when I hear a silent knock on my door. I decide not to answer, assuming it is Granny. The person walks in and yells 'Get your ass up right now. You are not going to continue suckling for the rest of your life girl!!!'

       'Argggh, Mia!!! Why can't you just be normal'. I stand up angrily and stare at her with my swollen eyes.

       'Don't stare at me like that', she says, 'I am not the one that broke up with you'.

         'Really Mia, do you have to remind me of that again?' I ask her rhetorically.

      'If not that you look like a mess, I would have said I told you so. I warned you against that foolish bastard, but because if your condition, I don't want to hurt your feelings more'.

      'Wow Mia, thanks for your consideration. ' I reply sarcastically, giving her a fake smile.

      'And I agree with you, he is indeed a foolish bastard!!!'

I sit on the bed and Mia does the same.

       'Hey, I brought you fro-yo, your favourite' . I hug her saying

'Thanks Mia, you are the best. '

'That's enough now', Mia says, unfolding my hands from her neck.

    'I just got heartbroken, the least you could do is give me a hug' .

    'You know I am not the touchy feely type'.

    'Wait, hope you didn't get the ice cream from...'

     'No, I got it from another store', she says, cutting my sentence off.  'Now tell me everything that happened. '

I start telling Mia everything again, with a lot of demonstration this time. She just keeps nodding and shaking her head as I talk with ice cream filling my mouth. By the time I finish, my eyes are watering again. Jeez, when will I stop crying??? I really need to accept that this is over.

   'See,' Mia says, 'I am not going to cuddle or pet you because that is only going to trigger your tears. You just have to accept this and move on. You know he is not worth it. '

      'You are right, it is time for the next stage, ACCEPTANCE!!!'.

     'That's my girl! Now, let's partyyyyyyy. You know I am a fun person'.

     'Uhnnn Mia? You know this is neither your house nor my house, right?'

    'Well, I am pretty sure they won't mind. Besides Mr Park is a nice man. ' She says smiling.

She picks up her phone and plays Ice Cream by Black Pink and Selena Gomez. Wow, this feels like a metaphor based on the fact that I just had ice cream.

     'Let's partyyyy!!!' Mia yells into my ear. She pulls me up on the bed and we start bouncing on it, moving our waist to the rhythm. Mia has always been a great dancer but I am not a bad dancer myself. Mia picks a pillow and hits me softly on my head, making me fall on the bed. I pick the other pillow and hit her leg, making her fall too.

    'Pillow fight!!!' I yell into Mia's ears. We start laughing and hitting each other softly with the pillows. This is so much fun, I didn't even think about Lee at all. I really hope I can keep on forgetting him for the rest of my life.

Mia's POV

I walk silently out of Mia's room after carefully tucking her in. We had a lot of fun today. She fell asleep peacefully in my arms, without even worrying about that jerk. Oh my gosh, I hate that dude so much. I walk into the kitchen to find Granny cleaning up. I whisper to her saying, 'She is asleep now, I guess I should get going. '

     'Thank you so much Mia. You both are really each other's keeper. '

I just smile and hug Granny. 'Bye Granny', I whisper into her ear.

   'Here, don't forget your chicken soup. ' Granny says. I smile at her and she does the same.

    'You are the best!!' I say, collecting my soup.

Cold breeze hit me in the face as I stepped outside. Wow, winter is coming soon. I rub my palms together, breathing into them.

     'Hey', a deep voice says behind me, startling me. 'Hi', I reply. Oh, it is Michael.

    'Are you cold?' He asks me.

    'Yes, I am. '

     'Do you mind if I give you a ride home. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be taking the bus or did you come with a car?'

    'Wow, smooth talker, I like that. ' I say smiling. 'No, I didn't come with a car and I definitely won't turn down a ride from a pretty guy like you. ' I reply, smiling as well. Wait, did I just see him blushing? Looks like we both know how to make use of our charm.

    'May I?' He offers me his right elbow.

    'You may. ' I take his hand and he starts walking me to his car.

Wow, he is driving a Mustang??? I don't know the model or year but I definitely know a Mustang when I see one. My brother is a car freak, so I know a little about cars.

Michael opens the door for me and I climb in. OMG! This is fantastic. The car smells exactly like Michael. Jeez Mia, get yourself together!!! I give him my address and he punches it into his GPS. We start with small talk and before I know it, we are already talking about each other's family. I find out he is the only son, just like Solomon and Ro-bin. He tells me how the three of them has been friends since they were babies and ever since then, they have been like brothers, looking up to Granny as their adviser and mentor. Granny literally raised these three dudes, no wonder they are attached to her. Speaking of attachment, I find myself attached to Michael and I have never felt like that, ever! I only mess around with guys and forget them. But Michael seems different, he is fun and easy to talk to. I find myself opening up to him, telling him details about me, my school, family and Valerie. How I became friends with her and how she has been my sister ever since, just like him and the guys.

I am disappointed when the car comes to a stop I guess it is time to go back to my world. The ride was so interesting that I didn't want it to end. He comes out of the car like a gentle man that he is and opens the door. I climb out of the car like a princess and we just stare at each other, waiting for one of us to make the first move. I am about to make the move, probably hug him or something when I see dark brown eyes staring at me from behind Michael. My brother, Jeremy. Does he really have to ruin moments???

I sigh and say 'Well, I guess we will be seeing each other around then. '

    'I guess so. '


Michael waves at me and walks to his car. I wave back at me and he just smiles and zooms off. Oh my....his smile is so catchy. Oh no, my chicken soup!!! His charm definitely made me forget my soup😥. I stare at his car until it disappears into the dark. What the heck is wrong with me???

I walk to where my brother is standing and look at him with distaste. He is so fucking annoying.

    'What?' He asks me smiling, acting like he does not know what he did. I should have been the elder one.

     'So you are dating a guy driving Mustang? Smooth. ' He nods his head and smiles.

I just shake my head and walk away angrily. No point explaining to him anyways. My love story is already ruined without it even starting.


Helloooooo😍😍. So, another chapter updated. Took me two days to write cos I was being so lazy, lol😀. Anyways, do u guys like Mia and Michael?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Before I go, I remembered I used some Korean words in this chapter and the one before.

Yeoboseyo means hello and jinja means really

Please keep on voting. Love, xoxo💕❤💖