
Forever Yours(Yeong Wonhi-Dangsin)

ka_bee_ra · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 2-The breakup 1

Valerie's POV

I have been so busy all week, joggling moving in with Granny and assisting her with her chores. It has been so exhausting. Well, I finally met the 'Almighty Solomon' just few days ago. Jeez, that dude is so arrogant. He is definitely nothing like his father. He doesn't even spare me a second look, he acts like I don't exist. Well, to people like him, I am just a commoner. Surprisingly, he really loves Granny. Probably because Granny has been taking care of him since he was a baby. He is even closer to Granny than I am.

Well, back to my present situation, I have been very distant from my best friend and boyfriend, Mia and Lee Hyun Join respectively, ever since I moved in with Granny. Mia is black like me and I have known her since we were kids. Just like that, Lee's call comes through. The guy sure knows when to contact his 'babe'😊.

       'Yeoboseyo' , I say to him as I pick up the phone, trying to sound like a Korean.

       'Hey' , he replies me. That's weird, Lee never greets me with 'hey'.

       'Is everything okay?' , I ask

       'Of course, everything is perfect.

I just murmurred a silent 'uhnn' because he is starting to get annoying.



    'Do you mind meeting me at your favourite frozen yoghurt shop? I have something for you.'

    'No problem, since tomorrow is Saturday, I guess I can make it.' I reply with excitement.

    'Ok, see you then', and he hung up on me. That is the weirdest conversation I have ever had with Lee.

OK! Let me make a quick introduction about myself regarding frozen yourself, A.K.A fro-yo, especially the Vanilla flavour. It actually reminds me of my dad. When I was young, my dad takes me on a fro-yo treat every Sunday evening to have a 'father and daughter bonding' as he calls it. Even though, I don't have much memories of my dad, I can never forget that particular memory.

Back to the present, Lee invites me to my favourite fro-yo store which he only does if he has important news to share. Though, the conversation we had earlier was super weird and we have been distant for a while now, I am still excited to see my boo!!! I can't wait. 😱


I am just entering my favourite 'fro-yo' shop. Wow, it is just like I remember. I spot Lee just a few tables away from the entrance. I wave at him and he gives me a weird smile. I start walking towards him and just like that, the butterflies in my tummy comes alive. OK Valerie, pull yourself together.

    'Hey', I say and bend down to kiss him but he turned his cheek towards me. Weird, again! I sit across him because I think he doesn't want me to sit next to him.

        'How are you?' He asks me.

        'I am fine. I am sorry for not keeping in touch with you these past weeks. It has been really hard and stressful for me and....'

        'Hey, it is okay. I understand. ' He says interrupting my rant.

        'So, why don't you order something, maybe your favourite strawberry ice cream. '

         'That's a great idea. I can also order some fries and burger with it. ' Lee smiles at me, an actual genuine smile since I have been in this restaurant. He actually seems nervous. I quickly place my order and an uncomfortable silence settles  between us. This is awkward.

    'Hey Lee, what's wrong?'

OK! This is really getting scary because Lee starts fidgeting. The waitress comes with our order, or mostly mine because that is when I notice Lee didn't order anything.

       'Why didn't you order?' I ask him.

       'I already ate before coming here. '

        'Ohhh. '

I start licking my ice cream awkwardly before it dissolves. Say something Valerie!

    'OK Lee, this is so uncomfortable. Did you invite me here just to stare at your finger and fidget or what?'

    'Sorry, actually, I invited you here to tell you something important. '

    'Okay, go on.'

    'Look Val, I really like you but things are not going smooth between us and I think we should .....uhnnn..... go on a break. '

     'Wait, are you saying you want a break up'.

     'Something like that, we can come back together after you have settled down and you have more time. I hope you understand. '

Wow! I wasn't expecting this. This is so messed up. I can't believe it. I am in shock. I just stare at him for like five minutes straight. I can feel my blood draining. I feel like I am in my first stage of heartbreak setting in: SHOCK!!!!

         'Wow, this is crazy, I can't believe this. ' Okay, I guess I am moving on to the next stage: DENIAL!!!!

        'This is not true. We love ourselves Lee, we can fix this. I will make more time for you. Don't do this Lee. ' My eyes are watering already. What the heck Valerie, it is just a break up, don't be such a baby. I look down to pick up a napkin or maybe serviette to clean my eyes and I notice that my ice cream has dissolved. Damn it! Today is  not my day.

I stare into Lee's eyes and I can see the pain in his eyes. All of a sudden, he averts his gaze and looks towards the door. I follow his gaze and see a young Korean girl, about our age, walking towards us. She walks straight up to Lee and kisses him right on the lips, IN FRONT OF ME!!! Well, it is more of a peck on the lips but notwithstanding, their lips touched. I just sit there staring at them like a fool.

       'I thought I said I will text you when I am done. ' Lee says to the 'girl'.

       'Well, you told me to start coming once it is 12 pm. I didn't know it will take you forever to get rid of her. ' The 'girl' says. She deserves to be air quoted.

      'Wow! Get rid of her??? Seriously Lee, am I that disgusting to you?!!' I scream at them.

      'Val. It is not what you think and please reduce your voice, you are attracting the customers. '

      'You know what, screw this! I am done. ' I stand up to leave but Lee stops me suddenly,

      'Val, don't forget to pay for your meal. ' Lee says. Damn, I am actually fuming. I think it is time to make use of the dissolved ice cream. I pick up the ice cream and throw it right at Lee's face. Serves him right though. I smile and say:

       'You invited me here so you should take care of the bill. ' I look at the mannequin, A.K.A 'the girl' next to him and give her a stink look. She looks really shocked. I roll my eyes at her and walk angrily out of my favourite 'fro-yo' store. Well, not my favourite store anymore.


By the time I get home, my eyes are already swollen. They have become puffy from almost crying my eyes out in the bus. I walk into the kitchen to find  Granny and the 'three musketeers'. Wow, these guys are really hot. Valerie, wake up!!! A guy just broke your heart, don't fantasize over other guys.

      'Hi Granny. '

      'Valerie, you are home! How was your date with Lee?'

      'Well, it was a disaster because he broke up with me!!! ' I scream at Granny. Wow, that was intense.

     'Sorry Granny', I say, 'I didn't mean to scream at you. ' The 'three musketeers' just look shocked. Even Solomon that doesn't look at me is staring at me now.

      It is okay and I am sorry about Lee. ' Granny says, 'Anyway, this is Solomon, Mr Park's one and only son, and his friends, Michael King and Seo Ro-bin' ,she points at the two cute boys sitting on the kitchen stool next to Solomon. OK! These guys are really cute. I know I am over guys but I can't help but admire these wonderful works of God😊.

I wave at them and they wave back, well excluding Solomon though, I can't stand that guy!!!

I give then a awkward smile and say:

      ' Granny, I have to go in now, I am exhausted. ' The thing I like about the apartment given to Granny and I by Mr Park is that it is directly linked to the kitchen. This way, I don't have to go into the main house to get something from the kitchen. I guess the 'three musketeers' are really close to Granny because I can hear them all cracking jokes and laughing with Granny, something I rarely do with her. OK! That is an issue to handle some other time. Let me deal with my broken heart. I really like.....no.....liked Lee a lot. I have to use past tense because Lee is in my past now. This takes ms to my next stage of heartbreak: ANGER!! I have to tell Mia about this. I pick up my phone and angrily text me, telling her everything that happened. This is insane. Why am I even angry at Mia???

As I am about to go to bed, my phone chines with a text message from Mia.

      'OMG! I will be there ASAP!😱😢'


I check my phone and realise it is still early to go to bed. I plug in my phone and start to listen to Surrender by Natalie Taylor.  This song sure makes one cry because I don't even know when i start cracking up, with tears rolling down my face. This brings me to my fourth stage of breakup, which is DEPRESSION!!


Wow, that was a long one. I decided to update it today to make up for the short chapter yesterday. Hope you enjoy😁.

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Love xoxo💖❤💕