
Forever Yours(Yeong Wonhi-Dangsin)

ka_bee_ra · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - School

Valerie's POV

I wake up very early on Monday morning, ready to go to school. Fine, I am a little bit nervous but it is not like this is my first time going to school. I am pretty sure I can handle the stares and whispers from all corners though. I am getting over Lee by the way. After my fun-sad Saturday night with Mia, I braced myself not to let Lee affect my life again whatsoever. I apologised to Granny for screaming at her and giving her attitude but she just acted like nothing happened, giving me a confused look when I kept on apologising. I know she is fully aware of my attitude to her, she just doesn't want me to be guilty or sad over it. That is probably why she acted like she had no idea about what I was talking about. I love Granny so much. Always having my best interest at heart.

I sluggishly drag my ass into the bathroom and take a lazy bath. Wow Valerie, you should be really energetic by now. I think you slept enough yesterday. I dress quickly in my new school uniform and hurry into the kitchen to eat my breakfast. I must not miss the bus on my first day. I am sure Solomon will be brought to school in his luxury car. That spoilt brat!!!

"Good morning Granny." I peck her on her right cheek.

" See my baby girl, you are looking much better than yesterday and I must say, this uniform fits you a lot. I am sure you are going make the boys in your school go cra-cra." I laugh out loud and Granny smiles too

"It is so good to see you laughing again." I just smile and give a dull look.

"Granny, what are we having for breakfast?"

"Pancakes with bacon and syrup."

"Yummy." I clap my hands together ready to devour the meal. I dig in and before I know it, my plate is empty. I pack my plate and wash it hurriedly in the sink.

"Here, have some orange juice, it helps the food digest. "

"Thanks Granny." I quickly down the juice and grab my backpack.

"Why are you in such a hurry. "

"Well, I must not be late on my first day." I grab an apple on my way out and yell 'goodbye' to Granny. As much as I am nervous, I can't wait to see how Park High School looks like.


I have been in the principal's office for over thirty minutes now. Where the hell is the man??? The bell for the first period rang a couple of minutes ago. Uhnnnn, so much of me not being late on the first day. Without my registration form, I can't be in class. I just need this man to sign this damn form and I am done. He better gets his ass down here or else....my thought is interrupted when the door opens suddenly. I jump to my feet and as if sensing my thought, the principal, Mr Moon Sang tae walks in. Finally!!!

"Good morning sir. "

"Good morning dear. You are Valerie Thomas right?" I nod my head in affirmation.

"I am sorry for coming late, had to pick up some stuffs. " I mentally roll my eyes and give him a bored look. Thank God he is not looking.

"Let me have your form." I give it to him and he picks up his pen to sign it. He goes through my form and he just keeps nodding. Will this man just sign the damn thing.

"You are Nigerian uhn?"

"Yes sir"

"You have been in Korea for almost fifteen years now. Can you speak Korea?"

"Uhmmmm.....a little sir."

He just smiles and nods his head.

"You should really learn it though. You will need it. Not all students speak English."

"Noted sir."

"Here," he passes me my form, "you are good to go. Let me walk you to class."

We both walk side by side towards my class. I am in Grade 11, just a year left for me to finish high school. I am very nervous. Okay, deep breaths Valerie, you can do this. We walk into my class and different pairs of eyes stare at me. Dark brown, blue, green, hazel and different eyes of different colours. Wait, how come I can't see Solomon and his gang. Didn't Granny say they are in Grade 11??? Oh, this is 11b, they are probably in 11a. The principal whispers into the ear of the teacher at the front of the class. The teacher nods and smiles at me saying;

"Hello, I am your homeroom teacher, Mr Kang. Feel free to come to me anytime you are having troubles, OK?"

I just nod politely and give him a weak smile.

The principal clears his throat and says

"Hi everyone, you have a new student. She doesn't speak Korea much but she speaks English pretty well. I hope you are all nice to her, araso?

"Deh gyo jang nim." They all respond.

"Do you want to make a liitle introduction about yourself?" The principal asks, looking at me.

"Uhmmmm.....anyaseyo, my name is Valerie Thomas. Transfer student from Balwang Girl's High School. "

"Is that all?" The principal asks again.

"Yes, that's pretty much it. "

"Ok, you can take the vacant sear next to Kim So-yeon. "

I bow gently and head to my seat. The so called 'Kim So-yeon' moves a little away from me when I take my seat, I just act like I didn't see it, even though it hurts.

The rest of the class goes on with the homeroom teacher addressing us about some stuff I wasn't listening to. I just stare at him, smiling and nodding as he talks. After he goes out, the mathematics and the history teacher comes in to teach us, using an hour each. The mathematics class is pretty interesting. As for the history class, even though the teacher is fun, the class is still boring. History will forever be boring to me, no offense though. I notice I am lagging behind due to my late admission into the school. I hope I make new friends to keep me updated about everything I have missed. The bell rings and the History teacher leaves the class. Before I could blink my eyes, the class is already upside down, different cliques in different corners. Girls flirting with boys, some yelling, some gossiping (mostly about me though😀). Everything just looks like chaos. I check my schedule and realise it is lunch break already. Wow, that was fast. I look around and notice three pairs of eyes staring at me. They must be popular girls in the class. They all look sophisticated, maybe too sophisticated. They are overly dressed for just a highschooler. Make up on their faces and paints on their nails. I wonder if the school has a rule against makeup and nail polish. The girl in the middle brings out her phone and starts taking pictures. I guess she is the leader just like Regina from 'Mean Girls 1'. Her two minions also join her and they start making duck faces at the camera. I start laughing silently at them but it looks like I am not silent enough because 'Regina' starts walking towards me with her minions trailing being her. Oops, busted!!!

"Hey newbie, what are laughing at?" She asks.

"Not you obviously." I reply, smiling.

"Then tell me what is so funny. I want to laugh too." She says with a serious face.

By now, the class has become dead silent that I could hear a pin drop. I smile awkwardly at 'Regina' and pick up my backpack.

"Let me make something clear to you newbie, we are the three barbies. No one messes with us and goes scot free. "

"Barbies indeed," I whispered underneath my breath.

"Anyways, thanks for the warning, I will make sure not to cross path with you in anyway. But just so you know, no one also messes with me and go scot free." With that, I stand with my backpack and walk out, intentionally hitting 'Regina on her right shoulder as I walk past her. I can hear 'oohs' and 'aahs' from my classmates but I ignore it. I guess I am not making friends anytime soon.

Speaking of friends, it is time to keep Mia updates about the school. I dial her number and she picks up on the first ring.

         "Wow, were you waiting for my call?"

       "No, dumb dumb, I was playing candy crush and my hand.....you know what, never mind. What's up? You getting used to the rich setting?"

     "Of course, I literally live with rich people. " I answer in a 'duh' tone.

       "Uhnn uhnnn....whatever. So, how is your first day so far?"

     "Well, kinda great. The principal kind of mocked me for not understanding Korea. "

      "It is high time. How will you live in Korea for 16 years without learning how to speak it. You are so slow witted. "

      "Oh puleaseeeee, like you are any better. And besides, it is 15 years not 16." I am pretty sure she rolls her eyes at my correction.

    "At least I am better than you when it comes to speaking it. Very much....very very very much better than you. "

    "I can speak Korea!!!" I yet at her over the phone. "I just find English more convenient than Korea. "

    "Whatever. So tell me, what else happened today?"

    "Well I kinda had an argument with the school's plastics."

     "OMG! Way to go Val. You got into a fight on your first day. Moreover, with the popular girls. I am so proud of you!"

     "It is not a fight and besides, you should know me, no one can out beat me. I just put them in their place, that's all. "

       "Still proud of you baby. I am having an impact on you already. "

    "Yeah right. " I say sarcastically. "So I heard you caught yourself a new fish on Saturday. Michael, he even drove you home. "

      "Don't qualify him as a fish. He is just a friend and besides, he offered me a ride. You don't expect me to turn that down. "

      "So, what did you guys do together?"

      "More of what we talked about. I even forgot my chicken soup in his car. Do you know that he is half Chinese, half Korea. No wonder his name looks different, Michael King. "

      "Awwwn, look at the way you pronounced his name with so much love. "

     "Wake up from your dreams girl. Mia is not the lovey dovey type. "

      "We will see about that. "

      "Oops Val, sorry, lunch break is almost over. I have to get to class. I miss you so much. "

     "Ooh, talk to you later. I miss you too. Bye. "

Mia hung up before I could even say another word. I still have 30 minutes left before my lunch break us over. I guess it will be better for me to know the school more. A tour won't be bad, I just have to follow the map. I hope I don't get lost though because this school is huge. It is an entire city on its own. I keep looking around when I spot a masculine figure just a few steps away. I start walking towards the figure and he hides behind one of the pillars nearby. Who could it be? I walk faster towards the figure only to figure out who it is.

      "Seo Ro bin?" I ask with surprise.

    "Hey....ehmmm....you are looking good in the school uniform. "

    "What do you want? Why are you following me?" I ask him.

    "I  thought you might need help. Maybe a tour or something. "

    "Well, did I ask you? Don't you have something to do?" He looks hurt and disappointed by my words. Looks like he is not used to getting rejected.

     "I will prefer if you just leave me and stop following me around." With that, I turn around and start walking hurriedly away from him. I don't know why I lashed out my aggression on him but it feels good. He just happens to be a victim. I turn to my left, only to find a building with word "LIBRARY " placed boldly in front of it. I guess I have found a place to spend the rest of my lunch break. I walk into the library and wow.....this place is huge. I can't seem to contain my awe that I even exclaim out loud. I quickly cover my hands with my mouth so that I don't get kicked out of the library. I see some students sitting at the corners of the library and some checking the books by the shelves. I find an empty seat at the back of the library and quickly occupy it. I bring out the apple I took from the kitchen counter in the morning and start munching it. I hope the librarian doesn't find me eating.

     "Hi." A tiny voice says, startling me. I look up to find a girl around my age staring at me. She had fringe and long dark hair. She is really cute with her petite figure and all, it suits her a lot.

     "Is the seat taken?" She asks me shyly, pointing to the chair next to me.

     "No. You can take the seat."

     "Thanks. I am Kim NaNa by the way. "

     "I am Va..." She interrupts me by saying.

     "I know who you are, Valerie Thomas. I am in your class. "

     "Oh.....nice to meet you."

I love the way you stood up to the 'Barbies'. You are really brave. " she says with admiration.

    "Uhnnnn.....no one messes with me. " I reply proudly, blushing a little. "What is it with those girls though?"

     "The Barbies? They are a clique. The three richest and prettiest girls in the school. Oh Ha Ni is the one you confronted." Oh, so 'Regina's' real name is Oh Ha Ni.

      "She is the richest, prettiest and smartest. Then, there is Go Hye Mhi, the fashion freak. Lee Ji Eun, the social media freak."

      "Wow. Well, I have none of their crazy qualities, only that I am prettier and smarter, which makes them no match for me."

She smiles and brings out a sandwich and a drink from SUBWAY.

    "Want some?" She asks, offering me her sandwich, "I can see you don't have your lunch here. "

      "No, I am good but thanks by the way. "

      "If you need anything, I will be glad to help. "

      "Thank you for that and Kim, you don't have to be formal with me. I am sure we are of the same age. " I smile at her and she smiles back shyly.

     "Wait, Kim?" She asks me with surprise.

     "Oh, that? I don't like calling people by their full name and 'NaNa' sounds naive. Hope you are cool with Kim?"

    "Yes. Even though that is my surname." She says with a forced smile. She just has to accept the name because I am not calling her 'NaNa'. Sounds like a name some kids call their grandma. We chat more, getting to know each other. She tells me some important facts to know about the school. She is quite funny though, especially when she is acting shy. During our conversation, she never made mention of the "three musketeers". I wanted to ask her about them but I talk myself out of it. If I want to know them more, I should do that personally. The bell rings suddenly, scaring the living crap out of me. I guess it is time for class again. On our way to class, we notice people gathering around and whispering. Kim doesn't even act or look surprised, she already knows what is happening. I suddenly see the 'three musketeers' walking towards our direction. It looks like a scene from 'Boys Before Flowers', just like when the F4 are passing. I am carried away with my thought that I didn't realise that they are very close by.

     "Yo Valerie." Michael greets me. "You look good in the uniform." Ro bin just smiles at me but I could see the hurt and disappointment in his eyes. Damn Val! You hurt the poor boy for no reason. Solomon didn't even look at me, not to talk of stopping to talk to me. He just keeps walking like a robot. That annoying spoilt brat!!! Why do I even sound like I am craving for his attention???? It is so annoying.

      "See you around though.' Michael says and waves at me. I wave back and he goes his way. I look at Kim NaNa and realise she is looking starstrucked.

     "You know them??" She asks me.

    "Yes, everybody knows them." I answer in a 'duh' tone.

    "No, I mean personally."

     "Well, let me just say we live together. "

   "What?! All of you? How is that even possible?"

     "Don't worry, you will get it in the long run."

     "Wow." She says absentmindedly, staring off at the direction the guys are walking.

     "Why are you even staring at them? Do you like one of them?"

      "What? Don't be ridiculous. Why will you even say that?" She says quickly, scurrying away like a mouse.

      "Wow, you are even blushing. Tell me who it is." I run after her and put my hands around her shoulder. I keep disturbing her as we walk to class. I am sure as hell that we are already late for this class.


Hi guyssss😍. Sorry for the late update. I have actually been busy. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. Please vote and comment🙏. Do you guys like Kim NaNa????

You can follow me on Instagram as ka_bee_ra to keep getting updates. Love you, xoxo💕😍❤💑😘💏