
5. Chapter 5



I know that I am a stubborn woman who doesn't like to admit when people are right, my friends have known me long enough to know this. When Vic, a few nights ago, put me up against the wall and wanted to make me confess that I was attracted to Carina my immediate response was to deny - vehemently - all her comments.

It didn't matter that I had felt hot - and so incredible wet - when she danced with me, or that I had spent half the night blushing because of her comments and wanting to tease her even more so that she would continue this game with me.

It didn't matter that I had been staring at my phone for a few minutes, reading and re-reading the message she had sent me that morning.

"Buongiorno, Maya! I hope our schedules will coordinate again soon; I miss having coffee with you on our Ferry."

It didn't matter that I couldn't stop thinking about her, about how beautiful she looks when she smiles - not a common, shy, unobtrusive smile, but a genuine, toothy smile that causes wrinkles on the side of her eyes and makes her even more attractive - or how her hair is comparable to perfection. It didn't matter that I counted the minutes to meet her and that I was perpetually in a bad mood since we found out that we would be on opposite shifts that week for at least four days.

"Good morning, Carina! Have a good day at work. I miss going to the ferry, too, and seeing you."

Too forward?

I didn't know how to act around her, I got nervous every time I had to engage in any interaction with Carina and it was driving me crazy. I wished I could text her a nice compliment, ask her out – spend some time alone, just the two of us - and then meet her with enough determination to press a kiss to that beautiful mouth of hers.

But the truth was that I chickened out every time I gave this possibility a second thought because Carina was not just any woman. She was too confident, too comfortable in her own skin, the way she walked gave me the impression that not just anyone would have the privilege of being in her company and I was afraid of being rejected because what would a woman like Carina see in a woman like me?

It was fun to exchange pleasantries, flirt openly, and tease each other, but I had no way of knowing if all of this was just a game to her - as we had started - or if there was some truth behind our – her – comments.

Well, that and the fact that I didn't want to mess it up for a second time. Now that we were getting closer again, I didn't know if showing an interest beyond friendship was what I should do.

I hated that Carina was capable of shaking up my whole game.

Oh, the game!

In the last few days, we have been engaged in teasing through messages, so perhaps it was not very forward of me to send this message in response.

I pressed the "send" button and placed my phone with the screen facing the table.

A knock on the door made me jump out of my chair, like a teenager caught red-handed doing something wrong.

-Come in! - I allowed it as soon as I pulled myself together.

-Captain? - Travis poked his head into my office.

-Is something wrong?

-No, but we have a little problem! - He closed the door behind him. - Dean will no longer be able to host us at his house for game night.

-Is that tonight? - I asked back.

-Maya! I reminded you on Monday! - He crossed his arms against his chest, trying to give me an indignant look. - You said you would be there, and you said you would call the Italian goddess too!

-Oh. - I had a vague memory now that the words "Italian goddess" were spoken again. - I... I forgot! I'm sorry. But you guys can come over, it'll be fun!

-Did you forget to invite the Italian goddess too? - Travis asked, still with his arms crossed. - I won't admit living in a world where Andy and Vic had more access to that beauty than I did.

-Travis, you need to stop calling Carina “Italian goddess” if I'm going to invite her to join us tonight. - I laughed and rolled my eyes.

-Someone needs to compliment that woman's beauty. - Travis smiled. - Unless you want to be in charge of that part.

-I'll text her. - I wasn't going to respond to his last comment. - Was that it?

-Yes, so your place at 7 pm? - He asked, and I nodded. - Great! We'll bring the booze!

The man left soon after and I picked up my cell phone, there was a message from Carina.

"Oh, do you miss me? And that's because you don't know what I'm capable of.”

I knew I definitely wanted to find out what she was capable of.

"Don't flatter yourself! I probably miss the coffee more."

I lied.

"Hey, Travis has organized a game night and apparently it will be at my place at 7pm. Do you want to join us?"

I didn't have to wait long before I got an answer.

"Will you show me your room if I go?"

I was quick to answer.

"Only if you want to."

"How can I say no to this invitation then?"

The smile that appeared on my face isn't often used. Correction. It wasn't used often; but now that Carina had come back into my life I showed it to the world more and more frequently, I could even name it my "Carina smile".

"I'll send you my address later, I'll be waiting for you!"



-You're making me dizzy! - Andy held my wrist as I passed her in the hallway. - Stop pacing, she said she'll be here in ten minutes.

-What? - I asked, widening my eyes.

-You're nervous because Carina hasn't arrived yet, aren't you? - My friend asked me. - She's the girl from the ferryboat years ago, isn't she? The one you were devastated when she vanished?

-What? - I repeated, my voice a little shakier from being confronted by those words, but Andy didn't give in and just raised an eyebrow in my direction waiting for me to give her a concrete answer. - Yes.

-I knew it! - She pointed a finger in my direction. - You like her!

-You like her! - I said back.

-No, but you like like her! - She insisted. - It was pretty obvious from that day in the bar, the way you two were looking at each other. But now that I know there's a whole story behind it, everything makes a lot more sense. I've never seen you become so easily attached to someone before.

-I'm not easily attached!  - I immediately contradicted myself.

-Maya... You've asked me twice if you look good, you're wearing make-up for a game night, and you can't stop pacing around because the girl you like hasn't arrived yet. - She put the facts before my eyes.

-I think my heart is going to burst out of my chest. - I confessed softly. - Do you think she might like me?

-She'd be crazy not to. - Andy said back and gave me a smile.

We heard a knock on the door, and I rolled my eyes before turning around.

-Okay, stop freaking out! Just smile and open the door! - Andy pushed me toward the door and walked back into the room.

I took a deep breath before opening the door in front of me.

She looked beautiful, as usual, and I held my breath as I looked her up and down. She was wearing tight jeans and a colorful blouse that showed off her perfectly aligned shoulders; her lips were a rosy hue, and her hair was loose in magnificent waves.

-Good evening, Maya! - Her accent tickled my ears and that damn smile made my heart skip a few beats.

-Good evening. - I tried to smile back. - Come on in!

-I brought tequila. - She held out the bottle.

-Vic is going to like you a little better. - I joked back and got a giggle in response.

-I like your apartment. - The Italian woman said, looking around. - It's very you.

-What does that mean? - I asked back.

-Organized, well-styled, and... Beautiful. - She answered, looking directly at my face as she did so.

-Thank you. - I whispered the answer and looked away as I did so. - Come, let's put the bottle in with the others.

I led her into the kitchen and pointed to where she could put the tequila.

-Oh, I must warn you. - I turned in her direction. - Travis may call you Italian goddess a few times.

-What? Why? - She asked back.

-That's a question you should ask him. - I took a step forward, approaching her body and reaching out to slide my fingers around her waist. - But I think it's pretty obvious why.

I leaned my face forward and kissed her cheek before pulling away and pulling her by the hand into the living room.

-Guys, this is Carina. - I spoke loudly, drawing the attention of the firefighters who were talking loudly and giggling with red paper-cups filled with beer in hands. - Carina, this is Travis, and Travis's boyfriend, Emmett, and you already know Andy and Vic.

-Hi everybody! - She waved politely to everyone.

-Italian goddess! - Travis jumped up from the chair he was sitting in. - How does it feel to carry the weight of the world's beauty on your back?

Carina laughed out loud.

-That's pretty offensive to us, you know. - Vic immediately complained.

-You guys are jealous! - Travis spoke back.

-There's no reason to be jealous, Vic and Andy are just as beautiful. - Carina spoke with a sympathetic smile, but you could see that she was a little embarrassed.

-Ouch. - I said softly next to her and let out a giggle.

-Now that we are all here, let's start the games! I'll get the shots! - Andy clapped her hands a few times before heading to the kitchen.

I pointed to the couch for Carina to sit on, Travis sat down beside Emmett's feet - who had stolen his place in one of the armchairs - and Vic took the other available seat. I sat down next to Carina and waited for Andy to return.

-I'm going to help Andy with the bottles. - Vic said.

I just nodded and almost froze when I felt Carina's long fingers push my hair, so it’d fall down my back, and rest them on the back of my neck before she leaned over to me and spoke into my ear.

-I hope you know that it goes without saying that you are the most beautiful woman here. - She spoke softly, her breath and her touch giving me goose bumps. - You look beautiful tonight.

I turned my face away, and for a brief moment our noses touched, and I smiled.

-Not as beautiful as you. - I said back, still smiling.

Travis cleared his throat from across the room.

-What's the first game we're going to play? - he asked.

-Monopoly? - I suggested.

-Oh, dear Maya... So naive. - Travis said.

-What he meant was: what's the first drinking game we're going to play? - Emmett spoke between laughs.

-Oh... - Well, I was definitely too sober to face drinking games. - I don't know.

-Truth or dare? - Carina spoke up beside me.

-See? She's a goddess for a reason. - Travis smiled at Carina and gave her a wink.

-We're bringing booze! - Andy announced, walking back into the living room.

-And appetizers! - Vic handed a bowl full of snacks to Carina and a bowl of potato chips to Emmett.

-I brought you guys beers because I really don't think you guys should spend the whole night drinking the shots that Vic will force you to swallow. – Andy handed us our beers.

-Grazie! – Carina smiled at her, and I just nodded in thanks.

Andy handed out shot glasses for us while Vic filled them with the tequila Carina had brought.

-Okay, it's going to be truth or dare! - Travis said to the two girls. - The rules are simple, refuse to answer a question or make a dare and take a shot.

-Let's spin the bottle to find out who's asking who! I'll be the bottle spinner! - Andy made sure the bottle of tequila was sealed tight enough and spun it in the middle of the room, in the space previously occupied by the coffee table. - Vic asks Travis.

-Truth or dare?

-You know me, dare! - Travis smiled confidently at the woman.

-I dare you to finally show us that sexy mole on your ass that Emmett says you have! - Vic spoke up quickly.

-What? Is that how you're going to start the game? That's the first question, Vic! I'm sober! - Travis complained back.

-Well, that's my challenge. - Vic shrugged, not caring about Travis's drama.

-I hate you. - Travis spoke up and drank the shot of tequila that was in his hand. - Oh, God!

Carina laughed beside me.

-This mole is a living legend in our station, every time we drink, we try to finally see it, but Travis suddenly sobers up every time we get close to our goal and runs away from us. - I whispered to the Italian woman next to me to put her in context about the question.

-Now it will be my goal to see this mole. - Carina laughed beside me.

-Next pair... - Andy spoke up and turned the bottle. - I'll ask Maya! Truth or dare?

-Truth. - I spoke quickly, I was too sober to do a dare.

-What is the part of a woman's body that you like best? - She asked, giving me a smile with a twist of her mouth that said much more than her words. I gave her a hard look because I knew what she was doing, and I didn't want her to try to play cupid with me and Carina.

-Their back. - I answered, the words coming out through my teeth.

-Their back? - Vic asked back. - That can't possibly be your answer.

-Have you ever seen a woman's back when she's on all fours in front of you? - I asked, turning to my friend, one eyebrow raised.

-Oh, my God! - Vic laughed loudly, covering her face. - That's what I get for speaking out of turn! I totally deserved that answer.

-It's a good view. - Carina whispered next to me and then laughed.

-It sure is. - I shrugged.

-Next pair... - Andy turned the bottle, we waited patiently. - Travis to Carina.

-Truth or dare, beautiful? - Travis asked.


-I'm liking you more and more! I dare you to eat a raw egg. - Travis said.

-Tequila it is then. - Carina raised the shot glass in her hands and we all laughed. She turned the glass over and swallowed hard, coughing a few times after swallowing.

-She does that when she takes shots. - Andy laughed. - Next pair, we have... Maya asks Vic.

-Truth or dare? - I asked, smiling mischievously at Vic.

-Truth, Maya!

-What was the name of the guy you slept with at station 23? - I asked.

-Yeah! -Travis clapped his hands together.

-That, my dear friend, you will never know! - Vic drank the shot that was in her hands.

-Now Emmett for me. - Andy laughed softly. - It's going to be a dare!

-I dare you to put ice in your panties! - He said.

-Done! - Andy jumped up and ran into the kitchen.

-Since when do you get so excited about putting ice in your panties? - I asked Andy loudly as she picked up the ice.

-Have you never done that? - Carina asked beside me and I turned to her.

She kept that dirty little smile on her lips, knowing she was making me blush and trying to make me uncomfortable, but I wouldn't give in. Not tonight.

-I'd rather have ice on my nipples, down there makes me too numb. - I answered without stuttering, watching her squint her eyes as she realized that her attempt to intimidate me hadn't worked.

-How long? - Andy asked, pulling at the waistband of the pants she was wearing, ice cubes in hand and a determined look on her face.

-One minute. - Emmett said.

-The timer is ready. - Vic said. - Go!

We all looked at Andy in anticipation, she squirmed a little and breathed rapidly through her mouth, but she wouldn't budge. Emmett laughed and clapped his hands.

-30 seconds. - Vic announced.

-I hate you, Emmett! - Andy hissed, closing his eyes tightly, but holding on.

-That's it! - Vic spoke up and Andy's hand flew into her panties to remove the partially melted ice cubes.

-You did great! - Emmett said to the latina woman and got a middle finger in response.

Many truths were spoken, and many dares were done - or rather, not done because we all tried to get the other person to do something disgusting and ended up giving in to the shot - and the second bottle of tequila was already circulating among us when it was Vic's turn to ask me the question.

-Truth or dare? - The words were already coming out in a louder tone and a little more slurred.

-Dare. - I winked at her.

-I dare you to kiss Carina. - She spoke up and I swallowed hard immediately.

-It's not fair, it's not a challenge just for me. - I argued back.

-Oh, and was licking Emmett's foot a challenge just for me? - Vic said back, remembering the challenge I had chosen for her a few rounds ago.

-It's different. - I tried again.

-That's right, the challenge you proposed was much more disgusting. - She gestured, indignant with my attitude.

-I don't mind. - Carina shrugged beside me.

-Forget it. - I rolled my eyes and swallowed the shot that was in my hands.

The liquid burned as it went down my throat, the rapid movement of my head as I swallowed the shot made me a little dizzy, and as soon as my head stopped spinning, I let out a heavy sigh.

-Carina to Emmett! - Andy announced.

But I wasn't paying attention. I was beating myself up for passing up the biggest opportunity I'd ever had to finally do what I so desperately desired, but I still didn't regret my choice. I couldn't just kiss Carina in front of all my friends.

-I'm going to get a glass of water. - Carina announced.

-Let's take a break! - Andy said. - I have to go to the bathroom!

-Me too! - Vic jumped up from her chair.

-Me too! - Travis tried to stand up quickly but got dizzy and ended up falling onto Emmett's lap, who was drunk and uninhibited enough to pull his boyfriend's face to his and start kissing him.

-Okay. - I mumbled, slapping my own thighs briefly as I stood up, I wouldn't stand there to witness that scene.

Vic was banging frantically against the bathroom door asking Andy to hurry up and the woman shouted back that she had just walked in, the scene made me laugh, but I decided to go to the kitchen and do the same as Carina.

-Are you okay? -I asked.

-Drunk. - Carina pointed to her own face. - And hurt.

-Hurt? Where did you hurt yourself? - I asked back, taking a step closer to her, scanning her body for blood or anything that might indicate a bruise.

-My ego is hurt. - She clarified.

-And why is that? - I asked back, laughing and reaching for a glass to fill with water, being grateful for my high tolerance for liquor.

-Because you said you didn't want to kiss me. - She said back, a pout too cute for her own good was on her lips.

-I never said that. - I said in response, taking a few sips of water.

Carina was definitely drunker than I was, her eyes were no longer as open, her smile was still charming, but definitely more relaxed than usual and the effects of the drinking could be seen in her movements.

-Vic asked you to kiss me, and you didn't want to. - She insisted.

-Carina, you're too drunk to have this conversation. - I laughed again, but this time out of nervousness.

-I'm not. - She crossed her arms against her chest.

-Yes, you are. - I insisted and brought my hand to her face, stroked her cheek gently, and she closed her eyes and tilted her head toward my hand, surrendering to my touch. It was getting harder and harder to control myself and stop myself from kissing Carina at that very moment.

-Why didn't you kiss me? - She asked as I analyzed her face.

Her parted lips and closed eyes were a silent invitation - one that I so deeply wanted to accept - and after placing the glass on the counter beside me, I took another step closer and let my other hand go to her hip. She was slim, her hip bone pressed against my palm, but her body had all the most perfect and necessary curves, and my hands desperately wanted to travel through each one of them.

-Carina... - I whispered her name and she opened her eyes to look directly into mine. Her arms uncrossed and now rested loosely at both sides of her body. - If I ever kiss you, it will be because we both chose to do so and not because of some stupid game.

Carina shifted her eyes to my lips, leaning her face toward me, our noses brushed briefly, but she didn't close the distance. Our breaths mingled and the proximity was delicious – and torturous – and made my body shiver as my mouth tingled with the desire to kiss her.

-If I ever taste you, I want you to be sober enough to remember it the next day. - I whispered, still so torturously close to her face.

-Do you want to kiss me? - She asked softly, nuzzling her nose against mine.

-Maybe. - I replied in a joking tone and laughed softly. I lifted my face and kissed the tip of her nose. - Just so you don't end the night without a kiss from me.

I then stepped away and gestured to the glass of water she had left half empty - it was important that she hydrated herself so that the hangover wouldn't be so brutal the next day - and Carina brought it to her lips drinking all the remaining water as if the liquid was the salvation to the fire that I hoped she was also feeling inside.

-We're going home! - Travis spoke up, walking into the kitchen, his face red and some of the buttons on his shirt already undone. Emmett followed, his hair in disarray.

-Enjoy! - Carina laughed beside me.

-Vic, Andy... We're going! - Travis shouted.

-Oh, we're coming with you! - Vic yelled back, opening the bathroom door.

Andy was waiting for her in the hallway, the two girls joined the men, and we exchanged a few hugs and kisses before Travis yelled from the hallway that the car he had requested was already arriving.

-Bye, Italian goddess! - Travis shouted as the elevator doors closed.

-Bye, Travis! - Carina shouted back in between giggles.

I closed the apartment door and when I turned around, I saw Carina already looking for her own things.

-Hey, have you seen my phone? - She asked, lifting a cushion from the sofa. - I need to get an uber.

- There’s a lot of tequila inside you right now. I don't feel comfortable letting you take an uber in the middle of the night, all alone, after drinking so much. - I confessed, crossing my arms against my chest.

-It's only a few blocks away. - She continued to look for the device.

-Many things can happen during an “a few blocks drive”, Carina. - I insisted. - I have a guest room, you can sleep there and tomorrow you can wake up early and get home in time for work.

-I don't work tomorrow. - She said back, now on her knees in front of the sofa, leaning her body forward and trying to see something underneath it.

The sight in front of me was tempting and provocative, her ass was way up, appetizing, and I wanted to get closer, to lift the blouse she was wearing and watch her back while she was in that position. I wanted to run my fingers down the length of her spine and pull her waist until her ass was grinding against my front in a wonderful friction. I wanted to hear her moan as I rubbed my hands down the back of her thighs, moving my fingers up the inner side of her legs in search of her center, rubbing my short nails over her skin to tease her.

-It's over there, on the kitchen counter. - I pointed to the device when I snapped out of my thoughts as she got back on her knees. Carina soon turned around to see where I was pointing to. - I noticed it just now.

Carina went to the phone, and I followed, she unlocked the device and ran her fingers across the screen in search for her Uber app.

-Stay. - I asked, holding her wrist gently.

Carina looked in my direction, I didn't want her to risk herself and I tried to tell her all my concerns with just a look.

-Please. - I whispered.

-Okay. - She spoke in the same tone, and I smiled.

-Come on, I'll get you some comfortable clothes to sleep in. - I started to walk toward my bedroom, listening to her footsteps behind me, suddenly getting nervous.

-Your room is nice. - She said behind me.

-I told you I'd show it to you if you wanted, didn't I? - I joked, referring to the messages we had exchanged earlier.

I went to my dresser and opened the second drawer, looking for a pair of comfortable PJs, and rummaged through some clothes in the process.

-Oh! - Carina spoke up behind me in a moan. - Your bed is so comfortable.

I let out a giggle at her comment at the same time that my brain burned - as well as the middle of my legs - with how wonderful it felt to hear her moan. My body heated up in response to the sound, and I bit my lower lip hard to keep myself from letting out a naughty comment in response.

-Here it is. - I spoke loudly with the garments in my hands and turned around.

Carina was lying in the middle of my bed - her feet still flat on the floor denoting that she had sat down on it and thrown herself back – with a comfortable smile on her lips as she kept her eyes closed.


-Apparently, I'll be the one taking the guest room. - I joked and threw the clothes over her belly.

-Or you can sleep here with me and cuddle. - She spoke back, laughing and then yawning.

-I'm not good at cuddling. - I confessed a little embarrassed.

Moments of intimacy were not my specialty at all. In the past I never knew how to simply cuddle with a person in bed and I never had the desire to do so. Now what I lacked was the "knowing how to do that" part, because I now had this urge to cuddle with Carina under my sheets, letting her smell mingle with mine and leave me with a good memory for the next day.

-I'll teach you how to do it the way I like it. - Carina said as she put her elbows on the bed to raise her upper body. The woman gave me a smirk denouncing the double meaning she intentionally used. - I'm a clingy drunk.

-I can see that. - I said, laughing at how slurred the words came out of her mouth, and trying to ignore that smirk. - Go change in the bathroom, I'll get you some more water and an aspirin for tomorrow.

The night was heading to a place that I couldn’t have imagined even in my wildest dreams, and I was loving every moment of it - even though I was equally nervous - and as I walked to the kitchen, I couldn't contain the smile that spread across my face.

I grabbed a water bottle and a couple of aspirin and went back to my room, letting out a sigh of relief when I saw that the bathroom door was still closed, and I took this moment of privacy to change into more comfortable clothes too.

The door opened behind me as I pulled up my shorts, startling myself a little in the process, and I quickly turned toward Carina.

-Won't you get cold? - She asked, gazing at my legs, and coming toward me.

-No. - I was too delighted to see Carina in my clothes to think of a more elaborate answer.

Carina walked over to the left side of the bed and pulled back the comforter so that she could lie down, and I bit my lower lip before running one of my hands along the back of my neck.

-That's the side you sleep on, isn't it? - Carina laughed as she saw my discomfort. - Come here, Maya.

She climbed into bed, but crawled to the right side, fluffing the pillow a few times before lying down while I slowly lay down beside her - still avoiding looking at her - and I heard a loud yawn next, the noise making me laugh and relax a little.

-Come hold me. - Carina asked, moving on the bed behind me.

I turned on the bed, getting on my side, and saw that her back was facing me.

-How should I do this? - I asked in a whisper as my eyes traveled the entire visible length of her back.

-Give me your hand. - She reached out her hand toward me without turning around on the bed and I gently took it.

The feeling of having her hand in mine shouldn't trigger so many emotions in my chest, but it was uncontrollable. My body responded to Carina in an inexplicable way.

Carina pulled my hand toward her body, under the covers, so now I was hugging her waist and had to slide closer to her to make it happen. My front was pressed against her back, the delicious smell of her hair flooded my nose, and I could finally understand why people enjoy being like this so much. It was comfortable and cozy, very different from the torment I imagined it would be; the closeness was invigorating, it made my body relax and the warmth of her body made me forget about the Seattle winter.

-Now put your other arm under the pillow to make yourself more comfortable. - Carina rose briefly from the bed so that I could do as she said. – There you go, now all you have to do is hold me like this, tight.

-Okay. - I whispered. - Can you just move your hair so that I don't suffocate to death?

-Sure. - She laughed and pushed her hair up a bit, so my mouth was now close to the nape of her neck. - Is this comfortable?

-Yes. - I answered softly, and she shivered before grabbing the hand that was glued to her belly and pulling it under her chin. I felt her kiss one of my fingers, melting me a little further, and I got as close to her body as possible.

-Good night, Maya. - She spoke, and I gathered up all the courage I had to kiss her affectionately on the back of her neck, hearing a heavy sigh from Carina as a consequence of the touch of my lips on her skin.

-Good night, Carina.