
4. Chapter 4



I definitely didn't know what I was getting myself into, but what I did know was that I couldn't - or wouldn't - put a stop to it.

I woke up early that morning and cursed a few times before I finally managed to jump out of bed and go to the bathroom in the hopes that a shower would wake me up a bit - the truth was that I knew my day wouldn't start until after a good cup of coffee, and I wouldn't have access to it for another hour - before getting dressed in clothes warm enough to face the cold Seattle wind.

This was kind of ridiculous, from an outsider's point of view. I know.

Why would I walk three blocks, take the subway, and walk another five minutes to get to the ferry just to make a round trip?

Ten years ago, there was a reason to take the ferry, my mother lived in Bainbridge and my classes were at the University of Washington, but these days I lived on Capitol Hill, I didn't need the ferry anymore.

Except that I needed the ferry to see Maya.

After our conversation so many days ago, I knew there wasn’t a need to keep going there - I could just text her, call her, finally work up the courage to ask her out eventually and stuff like that - but I knew she would be there on the mornings she was off shift and part of me enjoyed reliving the nostalgic feeling of being on that boat with the blonde.

-Good morning! - Maya spoke cheerfully when I nudged her in the ribs, making my presence noticed while I stood next to her in line for coffee.

-Buongiorno. - My greeting was almost interrupted by my yawn.

-I see you're not yet a morning person. - She laughed and stepped forward as another person in front of us approached the counter.

-I am not and never will be! - I confessed, shaking my shoulders to ward off the cold shiver that ran down my arms.

Why does this city have to be so cold?

-I confess that I was surprised when you texted me saying you were coming this morning. - Maya spoke up and turned to me, a discreet smile on her face.

-I don't work until three o'clock this afternoon, and I haven't been here this week. - I shrugged. - I guess I'm starting to think this is my safe place too.

She didn't need to know that seeing her blue eyes was my main motivation for waking up early, even though I didn't like it. I’d have to keep that a secret for now.

-But we could meet somewhere a little later someday, you know? - I joked and Maya laughed, finally taking the step towards the woman behind the cash register.

-A double espresso and a cappuccino with cinnamon and no suger, please. - She spoke our usual orders.

I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out a ten-dollar bill and placed it on the counter.

-Hey, no. - Maya said.

-Maya, you paid last time. - I gave her a hard look. - That's our deal, right?

She sighed heavily before nodding.

She took our drinks and went to our table - it was nice to think that there were things that were "ours" - while I waited for the change.

-Okay, let's start another episode of “what have you done for the past ten years” game. - Maya spoke up as soon as I sat down in front of her, and I let out a hearty laugh.

-Go ahead. - I picked up the cuo and sipped from my espresso. – Ask whatever you want.

-What is the craziest thing you have done in the last ten years? - She asked, with a smile before also drinking from her own cup.

-Craziest thing... - I creased my forehead trying to think back to my years in Italy. - Well, maybe going to a party, eating cookies of very questionable origin with substances that were definitely illegal in Italy at the time, and getting into a car for a road trip with friends who had also consumed said cookies only because we decided we had to go to a specific beach in southern Italy?

-What? - Maya's eyes widened. - You got high and got into a car with other high people just to go to the beach?

-In the middle of the night. Sí. - I nodded and laughed. - It sounded like a good idea at the time.

-You were wild. - Maya laughed, her eyes closing in mirth.

-Irresponsible you mean, no? - I winked at her.

-Maybe a little. - I squinted my eyes at her answer. - Okay, a lot.

-And you? - I asked. - Craziest thing you've ever done. Go!

-Probably having sex with two people at the same time? - She spoke back, and I raised my eyebrows. I didn't expect sexual answers to be included in this chat. - I don't know, I've never been a crazy person. I have never used any illicit drugs, never bungee-jumped or parachuted, never gotten into a car with drugged up people to go to the beach.

I couldn't help but laugh.

-Having sex with two people at the same time is always crazy. I accept your answer. - I winked at her again and she blushed. A strange kind of warmth ran through my chest; I always had intense reactions when I saw Maya blushing due to a comment of mine. All I wanted was to make her blush more and more, in every possible situation. - And how was your path to becoming captain?

-It's been a long road. - Her gaze immediately lost some of its shine. - It's not a profession made for women, you know? I had to prove myself many times, I had to do twice or three times what my male colleagues did in order to be recognized, double or triple of the work, to have a chance to get promoted to lieutenant and then to captain. But it was worth it, today I see that working harder than them only made me more qualified, giving me more resources to be a better firefighter.

-I admire you very much for that. And I’m also very proud of you, I’ve always knew you were a hardworking person. – The honest words just flew out of my mouth as I reached out and placed my hand on her wrist, smiling at the woman in front of me. - I'm sure you are an excellent captain!

-Thank you. - She blushed and I got warmer again.

-And what is the biggest advantage of being a captain? - I asked, stroking the back of her hand once with my thumb before retracting my hand and drinking more of my coffee.

-Honestly? Having my own office and my own bunk to sleep in. - She laughed. - I've always loved having privacy.

-Attached to routine and privacy. - I muttered and she nodded. - I won't lie that I was also very happy to hear that I would be getting an office for my research at the hospital.

-See? Privacy is important. - Maya laughed and I nodded.

-Let's pretend you're not a control maniac. - I joked and Maya laughed.

-It's control freak. - She corrected me, and I rolled my eyes.

-I hate American expressions! - I grunted and the blonde continued laughing.

Giving Maya another chance would be worth it if I could hear that laugh every day. I just knew that soon her laugh would become one of my favorite sounds, and I wouldn't object to it.



-I thought you were spending the night at home. - Andrea looked at me curiously as I finished putting on my makeup.

He had arrived about an hour ago, was talking about his work day, and was confident that he might be chosen to be chief resident in the upcoming months - and I was too oblivious to the competencies of the other residents and too excited about the possibility of the position being Andrea's to question anything - and again he circled back to talking about how wonderful Meredith Grey was - and I still hadn't decided if all this admiration he had was actually healthy.

-You spent an entire month in Seattle without leaving the house of your own free will, I practically had to drag you out of the house. - He continued when there was no response, and the truth was that I didn't know how to explain to him that I was going to a bar with Maya and her friends that night without arousing suspicion.

I remembered the unfamiliar – but amazing – feeling in my chest earlier when I received Maya's message.

"Vic, Andy and I are going to a new bar that opened downtown. Do you want to go with us?"

The idea of making new friends was quite nice, because Andrea was right, I had wasted enough time cooped up indoors for a month. But the truth was that the idea of meeting Maya excited me much more than the idea of having a few drinks outside the house.

I would invite her over to share a bottle of wine with me, but I was afraid I’d make her think I was being too forward - after all, although she would get nervous and blush around me, it could be just a mere natural response to my bolder lines, I knew how Americans could be such prudes - and I was trying to lower my expectations because I was more interested in a calm and careful approach, cultivating a real friendship with Maya, than to rush into things with her and end up screwing this up – also, I didn't even know if I was her type.

"Sure, just tell me when and where." - That's what I replied.

-I thought you would be happy to see me leave home on my own accord. Isn't that what you wanted? - I ran a few coats of mascara over my eyelashes, trying to divert from the subject.

-And where are you going? Who are you going out with? - He asked, finally stopping beating around the bush and asking exactly what he wanted to know. Andrea had always been very curious.

-Andrea, I am an adult, older than you, and have lived by myself for many years. I don't need to explain myself to you. - I answered, now with lipstick in my hand.

-What if something happens? - He asked back.

-If something happens, I'll text or call you. - I shrugged and went back to looking at my reflection in front of the large mirror that faced my king-size bed. - Don't worry, go have fun tonight.

-Okay, if you want to go all mysterious and stuff, I don't care. - I knew he was dying to know where I was going and who’d accompany me, he wasn’t that good of an actor. - I think I'll go home, I'm not really in the mood for drinking tonight.

-Okay. - I answered and he got out of my bed.

-I'll have my cell phone near me all night. - He said and kissed me on the top of my head before leaving my room.

I heard Andrea slam the front door and I sighed heavily.

Now that I was alone my nerves were acting up again and I looked at the time on my phone to make sure I was on schedule. I called a car by app, made sure the backyard door was locked, and waited on my porch until the car arrived.

-Good evening! Ruby's Bar, please. - I confirmed the address I had put in the app.

-Right. - The guy was brief in his reply and remained silent the whole way.

"We're here" - Maya's message popped up on my cell phone when I was halfway there.

"I'm on my way, I'll be there in 5 minutes" - I replied.

When the car stopped in front of the entrance to the bar, I politely thanked the driver and got out of the car. I stared at my translucent reflection in the glass door framed by neon lights before entering, trying to convince myself - for the third time that night - that my choice of dress had been appropriate. I was wearing a black satin dress, with a heart-shaped neckline that made my breasts look great and reached my mid-thighs; On my feet I had black, low-heeled shoes that matched the dress perfectly.

It had been a good choice, Carina! Stop overthinking it so much.

-Carina! - Maya's voice made me turn around quickly.

She was wearing tight jeans with a button-down shirt partially tucked into her pants; her long blond hair had some curls, and her light make-up was perfect.

She was perfect.

-Ciao, Maya! - I spoke with a smile, trying to focus my gaze on her face.

-You look... - She began as she took a few steps toward me. - Beautiful.

-Grazie, you don't look so bad yourself. - I joked, and she laughed, blushing slightly and looking down at her feet. - And the girls?

-They are waiting at the table, I just ordered you a drink. I hope you don't mind. - She said, and I continued to smile at her kindness.

-I don't mind. I appreciate it. - I dug my fingers in the handbag I held to prevent one of my hands from going to her face and stroking it in gratitude.

Maya led the way to the table that Vic and Andy occupied.

-Carina! You look wonderful! - Vic squealed when she saw me and then stood up to give me a hug.

-I feel really bad sitting at the same table as you. - Andy said and also gave me a hug in greeting.

-Oh, stop it! You guys look great! - I said back in between laughs.

The waiter soon approached with a tray of shots and some drinks, I raised my eyebrows and asked Maya a silent question.

-I wasn't responsible for those shots. - She immediately defended herself.

-It was me! - Vic clapped her hands. - It's not a girls' night out without shots!

-Dio mio, I'm sure I'll hate you in the morning. - I joked, and the woman rolled her eyes, distributing the glasses among the four of us.

Maya delicately placed a colorful drink in front of me and I smiled in appreciation.

-To the hottest girls in Seattle! - Andy lifted the glass of clear liquid.

-Cheers! - Vic said.

-Cheers. - Maya and I spoke at the same time, exchanging a complicit smile.

As soon as the glasses clinked against each other our elbows went up and we quickly swallowed the burning liquid. I coughed twice at the long-forgotten sensation of liquid fire running down my throat and the burning in my stomach, Vic laughed pointing at me as she sipped from her own drink.

-I haven't had a shot of vodka in years! - I defended myself.

-You need to hang out with us more. - Andy said, also drinking from her glass.

-I won't say no to that. - I confessed and smiled at the girls.

Now that the burning had dissipated a little, I took my mouth to the straw of my cocktail and sucked the colorful liquid into my mouth - it was much better than that shot, it was sweet and there were many flavors teasing my tastebuds.

-It's delicious, grazie. - I said softly, turning to Maya who was seating to my right.

-I'm glad you liked it. - She answered.

-Is yours the same? - I asked, pointing with my chin to her glass, which was also very colorful.

-Uh, no... There’s whisky on mine. I didn't know if you liked it. - She answered, turned a little more sideways and held the glass out in my direction. - Would you like a taste?

I nodded before leaning over and putting the straw between my lips, my eyes still on her face as she looked down towards my mouth, and I sucked in the drink.

It was much stronger than mine, and to my shame, I coughed once more.

-You're going to be drunk soon. - A shiver ran down my arms from the taste of alcohol, and I tried to rid myself of the burning sensation in my stomach by drinking some more of my own drink.

-Or you’re too much of a lightweight. - She shrugged.

-I second that. - Vic said.

-I don't drink much when I'm out. - I confessed. - I don't know the city well, I don't hang out with friends who can share uber rides nor I tag along groups that have a designated driver.

-You are right to drink in moderation in this case. - Andy said. - It's a tough world for women.

-It certainly is. - I agreed.

The girls - Vic and Andy - filled me with questions about Italy - most of them related to Italian men and their main characteristics - and it was good to talk about my country, it gave me a good kind of longing. Maya remained quiet, just smiling at her friends' comments or my answers.

-Let's dance. - Andy pointed to the dance floor.

I loved dancing, so I was the first one to get up and join Andy.

Some people were already gathered there, couples were dancing to the Latin music that filled the space, and friends were taking turns being the center of attention in the center of improvised circles.

-Are you not coming? - I asked, turning to Maya.

-I'm going to finish my drink first. - She said and pointed with her chin to her glass, it was almost finished, but I didn't insist.

Vic asked Andy to teach her dance moves, and I tried to let myself go with the rhythm that surrounded me and moved my hips to the beat of the song.

-You're a Latin prodigy, Carina. - Andy joked, dancing in front of me.

-And I'm a disaster. - Vic complained.

-You're not, come on, dance with us. - I said and pulled the black woman by her hand.

We placed one of our hands on opposite sides of Vic’s hips and began to lead her moves in coordination with ours. Soon the three of us were dancing in perfect rhythm.

-Okay, I think I'm feeling a little gay after dancing with you two. - The girl said as the song ended and I let out a chuckle along with Andy.

-Let's revisit that thought after a few more shots. - Andy joked and Vic laughed.

-In your dreams, Herrera. - Vic said.

-You brought it up, not me! - Andy defended himself. - And you're lucky you made that kind of comment around us and far away from Maya.

-Why’s that? - I asked back.

-Maya has the dirtiest mouth I have ever known, and her repertoire of answers with sexual-connotation is quite extensive. She's the only person who can make us uncomfortable and tingling with her sharp responses and provocative looks, and even though we know it's in jest.... Well... We're human beings. - Andy explained and I let out a giggle because I definitely desired to get to know this side of Maya.

-She makes me feel things. - Vic spoke quite reflexively, looking at a fixed point, but letting herself be carried away by some memory. - Tingling things. In places that a straight person shouldn't feel.

I laughed louder at the younger girl's answer, she soon came back to reality and the three of us started laughing.

-What's so funny? - Maya came up behind me.

-Nothing! - Andy and Vic turned to continue dancing together, now the music was a little louder and livelier, and they were jumping around, but I was content to make rhythmic steps from one side to the other, just like Maya.

-What were they talking about? - Maya asked, her words barely hearable. I creased my forehead and she seemed to realize that the music was making it difficult for me to understand, so she leaned toward me and pressed her lips against my ear. - Were they talking about me?

Her breath was warm, and her voice was a little huskier. Instinctively, because of the closeness, I reached out and placed my hand on her waist - my fingers closing around the soft flesh there - and I heard a low sigh in response.

-Apparently there is a side of you I don't really know. - I spoke, keeping her close and also speaking close to her ear. - But I want to get to know it, for sure.

-What side? - She asked back.

-A side of sharp answers and provocative looks, according to Andy. Filled with answers with sexual connotations. - I answered and let out a chuckle. – I’m honestly curious to know if you are a match for me.

-Oh. - She said softly, and I squeezed her waist a little tighter. as a way to stop my hand from traveling to the base of her back and pulling her even closer. - Let's see if you are a match for me.

-Let the games begin. - I joked.

-Good luck. - She spoke back, her hot breath against my ear and the way her words came teasingly out of her mouth already told me that I was getting into trouble.

The best kind of trouble.

-Buona fortuna. - I spoke back in Italian and stepped back.

Maya was smiling sideways at me, and I rolled my eyes at her. I was determined to use all my wiles to make her uncomfortable - in the best of ways - and end this game as the winner. But the truth was that neither of us would truly win in this game of teasing.  Maya was too competitive to give in, I was too Italian to control myself, we’d both go over the top and I knew it, but it wasn't enough to make me want to stop - on the contrary, it was what encouraged me to stay on top of my game.

When I turned towards the girls, they were whispering something and looking at the both of us - surely, they had noticed our proximity a few moments ago - but when Maya turned in their direction, they both turned around quickly and tried uselessly to disguise their indiscretion.

-Come dance with me. - I held out my hand to the blonde.

Let the games begin, indeed.

Maya smiled at me and took my hand but turned me around quickly and pulled me back to her, gluing my back to her front, her hands going straight to my hips as she led me from side to side in rhythm with the music that was playing.

She was good, I had to give her that.

Her fingers were tempting, I wanted her to squeeze me tighter, I wanted her to be more glued to me, I wanted to feel the warmth of her body even though I was already sweating after so many minutes on the dance floor. I started to roll over against her, grinding my ass against her front and she let out a giggle behind me, knowing fully well what I was doing, and squeezed my waist a little tighter – yes, there you go Maya. I turned around, her hands remained on my waist, and I put my arms around her shoulders.

-You're a good dancer. - She said, looking at the movement of my body. - You forgot to mention that ten years ago.

-I wasn't a good dancer ten years ago. - I confessed and laughed, and she laughed with me.

I loved Maya's laughter.

-You're not a bad dancer either, but I think you're afraid of me. - I joked and she creased her forehead without understanding. - You're so far away. Are you scared? I won’t bite.

I took another cross step forward and so our bodies were definitely glued together. There was no space between us and yet my desire didn't diminish, it only increased, I wanted more.

-Unless that’s actually something you enjoy. - I added softly, my face close to hers, and she stared at my lips without the slightest discretion.

-Oh, I do. - She replied and I smirked. The blue immensity now locked into my eyes. - But you know, I am a woman who values consent. And I didn't know what you were comfortable with.

-I'm European. - I laughed. - I'm comfortable with most things.

-Can you guys get a room? - Andy spoke loudly next to us and we both laughed, pulling away a little to turn to her.

-Kiss each other already! - Vic added.

-I don't know what you're talking about. - I shrugged.

-Carina is just a friend who thinks she can compete with me. - Maya replied and I arched my eyebrows.

The word "friend" burned in my ears, and I couldn't help but be disappointed. And I didn't do a very good job of trying to hide it because a second later I was letting go of Maya's shoulders and taking a few steps backwards to dance on my own.

-This should be interesting then. - Vic said. - I'm going to get another round of shots! And I won't take any complaints, don't be a big baby Carina.

I knew it was no use trying to convince Vic that a second round of shots were not a good idea, and when Andy and Maya clapped their hands together excitedly, I realized that even if I wanted to say something I would be a losing vote.

After a few minutes we went back to our table and waited for our shots.

Maya would cast furtive glances at me, and giggle at her own thoughts occasionally as if she were having a great time imagining how she could strike me next time. I should be doing the same thing, I should be thinking about how to affect her, but I couldn't stop thinking about how attractive she looked, how the sweat that made her shirt cling against her body just made me want to rip her clothes off.

-Time for fun! - Victoria hummed as she placed the tray full of shots in front of us. - Okay, Travis is going to be so jealous when he finds out that Carina is not only pretty but can dance and is a really nice person.

-He sure will! - Andy said, laughing and grabbing a glass for herself.

-Pretty is an understatement. - Maya laughed beside me.

-Okay, Romeo... Elbows up! - Vic said handing me a glass and taking one for herself. - Cheers!

-Cheers! - We said back, and I tried to swallow the contents of my glass as quickly as possible.

-Nice. - Andy spoke after shaking her head a few times.

I turned toward Maya and saw that she was quite red after her drink and although she hadn't coughed - as I had, once again - she had a strange frown on her face. I put a hand on her left thigh and leaned over to whisper against her ear.

-You're cute when you're red. - I didn't know if she would remember the last time I had said this to her all those years ago, but I knew it would have the same effect.

-It's hot. - She tried to give me an excuse.

-You're hot. - I said back and laughed softly before pulling away. Somehow, Maya managed to turn even more red. The tips of her ears were taking on a rosy hue, as was her neck.

-I need more shots if we're going to keep up with this game of yours. - Andy was the one who got up to go get another tray.

I was starting to get drunker than I used to when outside my home, and the booze was taking away my inhibitions at the same rate that it was turning me on - I really wasn't used to not getting laid for so long, and it had been at least two months since I had sex - and if Maya kept looking at me the way she was looking at me right now, I wouldn't answer for myself.

-I'm going to get some water; do you guys want anything? - I asked Maya and Vic.

-Uh, shots? - Vic answered as if I had asked a dumb question.

-Nothing for me, thanks. - Maya replied laughing at Vic along with me.

I went to the bar and found Andy leaning over the counter while waiting for the attendant to hand her another tray of our shots.

-A bottle of water, please. - I asked as I made eye contact with the attendant, and he smiled before nodding.

-Water? - Andy asked. - I thought we were meant to drink ourselves to sleep tonight!

-I work tomorrow afternoon and I've definitely had a lot more than I should have. - I leaned over the counter just as Andy did. - But I had a great time, thanks for inviting me.

-I don't know if you've noticed, but Maya was looking forward to our time together. - The latina responded with a giggle. - She likes you.

-And I like her. She's a good friend. - There was that bitter word again, but there was no other word I could use at that moment because that's all she was now. A friend. A friend I had a great affection for and who attracted me in the same proportion.

-Yes... Maya is a good friend. - Andy seemed to be a little disappointed by my words, but Maya had used it first.

As soon as the tray of shots was ready, and my bottle of water was in my hands we went back to the table. Vic was talking seriously to Maya, who also had no trace of a smile on her face, and I creased my forehead at the scene.

-We're back! - Andy hummed as she approached the table and placed the tray in front of the two women sitting at it.

-I'm going to the bathroom. - Maya spoke up and stood up quickly, not even looking a second time in our direction before marching off toward the bathroom.

-Did something happen? - I asked Vic.

-Maya doesn't like to be confronted with the truth. - She just shrugged, her answer not giving me any clarification.

-Do you want to go after her? - I asked Andy now.

-Definitely not, I am more than happy with my shots! Maya doesn't like to be cornered, but maybe you should go after her. - The latina handed a glass to Vic. - We'll be dancing when you get back.

I opened the bottle of water in my hand and took two big sips before letting my legs carry me to the bathroom. I really wanted to go after Maya, to find out why she was upset and tell her that everything would be fine, but I was just as afraid that she would think I was cornering her-I guess I would have to deal with that when and if I had to because I was already in front of the bathroom.

-Maya? - I called out as I passed through the door.

She was leaning against the sink counter, her back to the mirror, her arms firmly crossed against her chest and a prominent wrinkle between her eyebrows showed all her displeasure and irritation.

-Here, have some water. - I offered the bottle that was in my hand.

-No, thank you.

-Don't be a big baby, just drink the water, you'll feel better. A lot of alcohol has been ingested, and any feeling is heightened when you're drunk. - She finally took the bottle, opened it and took a few sips.

-I'm not drunk. - she begrudgingly said.

-Of course you're not. - I laughed softly and walked over to her.

Her hair was sweaty, some strands sticking to her forehead, so I ran my fingers through it and brushed the strands back, freeing her beautiful face so that I could admire it properly. My hands were on either side of her face, she was staring at me intensely, and I held her gaze before giving her a smile.

-Are you feeling better? - I asked softly.

-Yes. - She whispered back, still looking into my eyes.

-Good. - I leaned forward and kissed her cheek tenderly, my lips sticking to her skin longer than necessary, but I didn't want to let go of that woman. - If you want to talk, I'm here. And if you don't want to talk, that's fine too.

-Thank you. - She replied, one of her hands cupping the wrist of one of the hands that still held her face.

-I can be a good friend, you know. - I joked, and she smiled sideways. - You can count on me.

-I know.

-Do you want to go back to the table? - I asked and begrudgingly let go of her face, taking a step back and feeling the palms of my hands tingle in protest at the lack of contact with Maya.

-I think I'll call it a night. - She spoke back.

-Me too. - I smiled at her. - Where do you live?

-Capitol Hill, Belmont Avenue. It's not far from here.

-Oh, I live on 18th Avenue. - My smile widened as I realized that we didn't live that far away from each other. - We can share an uber.

Maya agreed and soon opened her cell phone to call our ride and then we said goodbye to the girls who were sorry we were leaving, but were determined to have fun for a few more hours. After saying our goodbyes, we went to the front of the bar and waited.

-There! - Maya pointed to the approaching car and we soon got into the back of the car.

It hurt to not know how to act around Maya, mainly because I was attracted to her and now that she had put the word "friend" between us all the confidence I had to tease her was shaken to think that all this would probably not evolve, we would exchange teasing and that would be that.

-First stop. - The driver spoke and I looked out the window to see that we were in front of my house.

-Thank you. - I answered.

-I'll walk you to the door, it will only take a second. - Maya said beside me and I nodded, getting out of the car and holding the door open for her to get out as well.

We walked side by side, her hands tucked inside her pants pockets and her gaze riveted on her feet.

-I loved hanging out with you guys today, I had a great time! Thanks for the invitation. - I smiled at her when we reached my porch.

-Thank you for coming. - She smiled back. - I had a great time too.

-See you soon?

-Yes, of course. - Maya kissed me on the cheek quickly and stepped away one second later. - Good night.

-Good night, Maya. - I smiled and felt my cheeks warming up, hoping only that my tanned skin and the dim light would prevent her from noticing.

She turned and walked toward the car that was waiting for her. I put the key in the lock, unlocked the door, and was ready to enter the house when I heard her.

-Hey, Carina. - I turned toward her. - The game is still on.

-It sure is. - I laughed.