
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Savage And Corruption

A low-class boy and a lost child. Travel very different paths as they try and learn who they really are. The struggling origins of two future heroes all begins here. These are the origin stories of both Okara and Crimson. This is Fate Of Two Saiyans-Savage And Corruption.

Foster_Tristan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 14-Relentless

"The heirloom is mine! Give it to me before I lay you along with your weak wife!"

Amaranth was in shock from his brothers profound power. It was odd and menacing.

"What is this it feels so evil. Much more evil than..."

"Than your gemstone?!" Auburn laughed manically as he continued to let his body flow with this newly given power. "Why don't we test, which one is much stronger! Your Lyrx power versus my newly given power!"

"You're disgusting, to think I'd use the power against you! I can defeat you on my own!"

"Are you sure about that?"

Suddenly sparks of orange energy, and black streams emitted from around Auburn.

Auburn without hesitation smiled wide as he rushed at his brother. Both of his arms pulled back, Amaranth out of time, takes the blow of Auburn's combined fists and is fired out of his home away from his wife's breathless body.

"GAH!" Amaranth gasped as his body flew out into the roadways of his secluded home. The only thing around him was trees and mountains. Even small river ways peering around the scene.

"Come now brother, you've got to put up some sort of fight or else Carmine's death would be for nothing!" Auburn laughed at the remembrance of him killing his brothers wife.

*Settlement B*

As the group enters settlement B they find themselves exploring the unique markets around.

"Look Crimson! They've got some new armor!" Pasley shouted as she pulled Crimson towards the armor stall.

"No, lets check out the Vein Forest stuff that guy has over there!" Root said with anticipation.

"Yeah right, like its gonna be anything but rocks and branches. Lets just go find a food stall already... I'm hungry." Matoto said with a roaring stomach.

The group were divided in what to do as they never really came to Settlement B a lot.

"Well well, is that who I think it is?" A male voice caught Crimson and the groups attention.

"Whoa! Is that you Olive?! You're so tall!"

A tall, pointy haired Saiyan boy stood before the group. Along with three others.

"Wait a minute!" Pasley said out loud in realization. "Oh wow! Mayze is here as well!

Mayze's hair had two bangs and a slicked back tower of spikes. He often wore a headband that divided a part of his head and wrapped around his right eye and the left side of his face.

"Well I'll be, its Chaya as well. She hasn't changed one bit."

"I'll have you know I've gotten four inches taller!"

Root and Matoto felt sweat drops slide down their foreheads as she started laying into them.

"...Oh? Who's that?" Crimson asked, as he didn't remember the other female standing in the group from back then.

"You don't remember her? That's Dive, she won against Lima in the second match."

"Dive... Dive..." Crimson couldn't recall her at all.

Till Pasley quickly rushed behind her and pulled her hair up into a ponytail with several parts unkept.

Suddenly something clicks and Crimson smacks into his left palm with his right fist.

"Water spout! I remember now!"

She said nothing but her face began getting bright red from the embarrassment.

Root and Matoto quickly rushed behind Crimson and bopped him on the head with opposite fists.

"OW! What'd I do?!"

Everyone else began to chuckle at the event.

"Do you guys want to hang out with us? It'd be more interesting if we have a bigger group." Olive offered as he calmed down from his outburst of laughter.

"What do you say Crimson? Do we wanna join them?" Pasley asked with sparkles in her eyes.

"Why are you asking me?" Crimson asked confused.

"You're stronger than us so its only natural for the strongest to make the group decisions." Root said with a sad smirk.

Crimson looked at everyone, and thought why not.

"Yeah lets do it, it could be more fun if we had more people."

As the groups merged they began walking together, with Crimson and Olive in the front, Pasley, Dive, and Chaya behind them, and Root, Mayze, and Matoto in the back. The groups had began sprouting multiple conversations each having laughs and excitement.

"What's it been like? Since the tournament for you?"

"Eh, mostly quiet and slow days. Nothing interesting really happens when you're in such a high standing with high ranks."

"Come on now, really? You haven't experienced anything interesting to talk about?" Olive asked with a slight tone of disappointment.

"Crimson tell him about that wild Low-Class that went rampant!" Matoto shouted from the back.

"A rampant Low-Class? Oh that strange guy with the dark power. Yeah I forgot about that actually." Crimson wandered on it trying to recall it a bit.

"Tell Olive, how he was giving you a run for your coin! He could keep toe to toe with him for a good bit!"

"Really now? A Low-Class was giving you trouble?" Olive gave Crimson a surprised look.

"Well he wasn't normal that's for sure. If the fight had continued he would've kept getting stronger no matter how bad I damaged him. Its like he had limitless potential."

"Limitless potential? You're crazy, there's no way a Low-Class Saiyan could hide such a power." Mayze shouted from the back as he listened to the explanation as well.

"It's true... It was suffocating the longer he fought, the harder it was for me to breathe. The pressure of it all was taking a toll on my body so fast I couldn't stand it much longer. So I had to end him quickly."

"End him? You kill the Low-Class?"

Crimson paused for a second.

"NO, NO! I delivered a final blow to knock him unconsious. Then dragged him to the palace."

The group was in shock from Crimson's explanation and in awe from his description. That the group was in silences. Till Olive broke it.

"Well I pity that Low-Class. I'm sure the Royal Guards are dealing with him indefinitely. But still for a Low-Class to put up one hell of a fight with you, he could've become a great Saiyan warrior." Olive said with a smirk of respect.

"Yeah probably..." Crimson said with a bit of guilt in his voice. As he thought of what if scenarios.