
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Savage And Corruption

A low-class boy and a lost child. Travel very different paths as they try and learn who they really are. The struggling origins of two future heroes all begins here. These are the origin stories of both Okara and Crimson. This is Fate Of Two Saiyans-Savage And Corruption.

Foster_Tristan · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13-Obsession

As the group walks around, they find themselves searching for things to do.

"Why don't we go out to one of the outer settlements?" Pasley asked.

"You mean like Settlement B?" Crimson questioned.

"Yeah why not! I hear they've gotten bigger since last year."

"It'd take at least an hour or so to get there on foot. So if we're going, we might as well go now."

"Root, do you ever just shut up and enjoy the journey?" Matoto asked.

"I-I was just giving a time estimate."

"Alright you two stop yapping and lets go!!" Pasley shouted as she held onto Crimson's arm.

"P-Pasley, y-you don't have to hold on so tight to me."

"S-Sorry! I didn't realize I was doing that." Pasley said shyly as she held her hands behind her back and walked with her bright red face.

Root and Matoto looked at each other and drifted behind a little. Crimson noticed, but Pasley didn't. So he thought to himself, you guys are heroes, but what the hell why now!

"So, Pasley... How's your father?"

"Don't know, haven't seen him for a while."

Crimson instantly shut up.

"He's been out helping other settlements for a while, he came back maybe a week ago. But I'm not sure."

For some reason, Crimson felt a breath of relief fill his lungs.

"Oh? What's he doin at other settlements?"

"He's helping them expand. You know better market space, more tents for people to live. Stuff like that."

"Wow your dad sounds like an amazing guy."

"You could say that, but mom and I barely get to see him."

Crimson looks forward thinking about his dad.

"What about yours Crimson?"

"Mine? Well, he's pushing, he's persistent, and annoying... He tends to get on my mothers nerves and sometimes mine with this family responsibility he wants me to take. When in reality, I never wanted to in the first place."

"You mean he's not giving you a choice?"

"Not exactly, my moms stopping him for now, and eventually I'll have to stand up to him and tell him how I feel."

"You should!" Pasley shouted unintentionally, causing her to zip up and blush heavily.

"You think so?"

"I mean! Is it really fair to throw such a responsibility onto your son!"

"When you say it like that, its really not."

"Exactly! So why should you have to accept something like that!"

"You know what Pasley, you're right, thank you."

Crimson smiled at her, causing her to stop in her tracks and faint.

"Pasley? Pasley?!"

"Good going Crimson."

"What did I do!"

"You smiled at here." Root said as he sat by Pasley.

"What the hell..."

*Amaranth Residence*

"Look Carmine, all I'm saying is the time is going to come for him to take it over. It's what our families done for generations!"

"But why do we have to do that! It's nothing but evil, I don't want our son to have such a thing! What if he can't control it!"

"Carmine! He can control it, our son is a prodigy! He's beyond the strongest through our entire family tree! He's even stronger than your old man."

"Please, my old man was strong enough to take on the King, how is Crimson a ten year old boy strong enough to take on the king? I mean do you hear yourself right now?! Are you that delusional that you'd risk your own sons life because of some stupid family generation heirloom?!"

"Carmine! If I don't do this, and this falls into the wrong hands the world... No the universe could be in danger!"

"You don't think I know that! You don't think I know the danger of it! It scares me so bad that I'm more worried about my son then our universe!"

Carmine started to break down into tears at the thought of Crimson taking the gem. Amaranth stood there unsure of what to do.

"Listen... Carmine. If Auburn was to get his hands on it. I have a feeling the world itself would fall into his obsession with control. If its not Crimson, then I'm afraid we have no one else. I can't handle it much longer, it's going to kill me sooner than I thought It would."

"I don't want to lose either of you... Why do we have to have such a curse."

"We'll dear Carmine, that is a good question."

Suddenly Amaranth's eyes widened as he turned to find his brother before him.

"A-Auburn, what are you doing here? We weren't expecting you."

"Oh don't give me that Amaranth, you know why I'm here. I mean after all I did listen in on the whole conversation you just had."

Amaranth glared at Auburn.

"You know I can't give you it."

"Come on already Brother. Your wife is begging you to just give it up to someone who is the kiddo. So why not me! Your other relative!"

"Because you'd go insane with power! I know you Auburn! You're driven by control! By having everything grovel for you and listen to your every command!"

"You think that low of me? My own brother." Auburn felt attacked, but he shrugged it off as he vanished from before Amaranth's eyes and appeared behind Carmine. Grabbing her by the back of the neck.

"I relish power, you spineless coward. That's why I'd do anything to take it out of your hands. It can be the easy way, or the hard way."

Amaranth looked at Carmine with dread in his eyes, as he stood there unsure of what to do.

"A-Amaranth give him it, give him the gemstone!"


"What will it be brother? Your wife, or the gemstone?"


"Amaranth give it to you, please!"

Auburn began squeezing harder.

"Make a choice dear brother, or your wives blood is gonna end up all over the place."

"Auburn stop this! You know I can't do that!"

"Can't?... Or won't?"


"Amaranth damn it!" Carmine had tears flowing down her cheeks as she looked at her coward of a husband.

"I-I won't!"

Her face went pale at the words as Auburn smirked.

"Oh well."

In an instant Auburn crushed Carmines throat before grabbing her body with his other hand and ripping them apart.

Blood slashed all over the place. The ground had a puddle of blood as the body of Carmine drained from the neck hole.

"C-C-Carmine... W-What did you do!" Amaranth found himself shaking as it started.

"I warned you now didn't I brother."

"You're going to die for what you've done! Auburn!"

"I'll lay your entire family together and take what is rightfully mine!"