
You're a raider Harry...Harkon

The 12 figures each look intimidating but the one that step up from the 12 to take the microphone from the announcer had a unique intimation to him, almost like he wasn't even human but before Harkon could analyze them futher the raider boss with the microphone simply raises the it to his mouth and in a chilling raspy voice chokes out " Well done childern, the trial by fire you went through have made you stronger and have eliminated the weak ones that could of possibly have infested our ranks, now enough of me rambling like a old fool and get to the point ... which raider clan do you want to swear allegiance to as we all have shown interest in the three of you"

Harkon nor the other two kids said anything as while Harkon knew a little about the clans ... gangs? he didn't know all of them and didn't know what would be a good choice. " ah I see, no one must of informed you kiddos about the clans ... well I don't want to bore you or the people witnessing you today so how about I make the choice for you" The old raider boss says and almost to the disgruntle of the few other bosses behind him but for some reason they don't try to stop him for some unknown reason.

" You can join the Cyberpunks and you can join the Battle Brothers. Now for you hmmm" he says but Harkon not wanting his choice to be made and not knowing if he could join the Cyberpunks anymore yells out " Brotherhood of Rust!" the old raider boss goes silent for a moment before chuckling and saying " Sure I'll accept you recruit but for talking without permission and especially to your clan leader you shall have to endure five lashes" Harkon is happy for a moment before becoming scared and thinks about running but the thought is quickly knocked out of his mind as he gets tackled by a man from the brotherhood of rust, most likely because they already knew what he was thinking.

The raider that tackled him pulls him up to his knees and rips off his shirt while he hears the sound of boots behind him, before he could look behind him he is meet with something striking his back cutting into his flesh which is cheered on by the crowd that still had some thrist for blood still left.

Harkon even with all of his will cannot help but let out screams as the third lash hits him and the next two in his mind last forever but eventually the last lash hits him and he is let go by the raider holding him but the raider lowers his head to him and says with almost a kindred voice " welcome to the brotherhood of Rust brother"

Harkon says nothing as the exhaustion both physical and mental have all catch up with him and trying his best he can't help but past out and the last thing he hears is the thud he makes as he hits the ground.