
Fallout New Game +

Hey so this is basically another writing project for fun and creativity. the story will be about a guy reborn in the world of fallout and him becoming... well I don't know what he'll become but lets find out together in the wastes. Oh just a warning but this is a darkish story so if your not comfortable with serious gore, drug accident and probably other stuff then you probably skip this. Oh also I don't own the fallout franchise or anything like that .., I don't know why I need to say that but every fanfic does so yeah if you guys were wondering I ain't Bethesda.

kingmidas192 · Video Games
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30 Chs

Let the bodies hit the floor

Harkon wipes his eyes quickly and then looks around at everyone in the arena and while they all looked at him some showed pity, other disgust and some just indifference. For a second nothing happens between everyone but that quickly changes as one person takes a cheap shot against his opponent which like a flick of a switch brings everyone back to reality.

As the fighting recontinues Harkon gets up from the ground and just stairs at the comical weapon that he had to murder a boy with, disgusted he leaves it on the ground even though it puts him at greater risk as going weaponless isn't a great thing for anyone unless they knew how to use their fist good, but Harkon decided he was going to make due with just his fists.

Clenching his fist he looks around and then remembers that wait he has a system! so he quickly looks at it gets reminded that while his states are average he did put 10 points each in stealth and melee which ain't shit but is better than nothing so he closes his menu and tries to think of a plan.

He then comes up with the idea of staying on the edge of the arena, crouch besides it and then walk halfway around towards the shaded area where he could maybe hide until the amount of opponents gets slim down, he starts to try this but he forgot one thing.

multiple raiders and even a few slaves that are even allowed to watch scream out to the others or to harkon himself saying a myriad of thing but the top one being " stop trying to sneak you fucking idiot" which draws the full attention of one opponent towards Harkon as he just finish slitting the now dead kids neck.

" oh shit" yelps Harkon as he stands up and looks straight ahead of the now charging kid who is heading straight towards him with a bloody shiv, Harkon knowing nothing else he could do just bum rushes his opponent also which is a terrible idea but nothing else came to his mind.

The both slam into each other quickly and by God, atom or whatever deity the blade somehow slip passed him, as they both slam into the ground luckily Harkon manages to be somewhat on top which he doesn't waste even though his vision goes blurry which is probably a sign of a concussion like that of the games but that didn't matter as he slams his fist into the kid's nose and quickly plants his foot into the wrist of the arm that he is holding the shiv with stopping him from stabbing his side for the moment

As the kids hand arm is pinned down and he can barely moved the rest of his body he starts to panic and whimpers out " hh-heey yyyo-oou d-oont have to d-d-doo this" before he could shiver out anymore words Harkon with a heavy heart and even heavier fist starts to rain blows one after another into the kids face and eventually throat until he stops gasping and moving.

Once he knows the kid is dead he starts to gag as the feeling of breaking his nose and collapsing his throat make him feel unnerved which eventually apex's as vomit comes flooding out of his mouth and he could barely redirect his body so to not vomit and desecrate the kid's body.

After a minute to recover from the vomit and gags after he gets up and looks around and sees three people left but not for long as one kid bludgeons another kid with a claw hammer which makes then the last three standing.

" Well here we have it folks, our three champions, the strongest the luckiest and the most ruthless out of the entire group of kids ... well the entire group of kids that are left" the announcer yells out and laughs before stopping as he looks back to the 12 people behind him, nodding he turns back and screams " now that these children have went through a trial by fire they are now officially raiders and are now apart of our big happy family but first they are gonna need to choose a gang and it seems that each kids has been shown interest in by multiple of the gang bosses, oh how exciting.

Well it looks like he's about to make a choice that may affect a lot of things that'll be happening in his future.... he just hopes he can survive to see how it will be affected, he then looks up and 12 figures come into full view for him and with the 12 of them combined the tension in the air even among the raiders have become thick enough to drown in.

Looks like the next step of his life is about to happen and he doesn't know if he's ready for it.