Hey so this is basically another writing project for fun and creativity. the story will be about a guy reborn in the world of fallout and him becoming... well I don't know what he'll become but lets find out together in the wastes. Oh just a warning but this is a darkish story so if your not comfortable with serious gore, drug accident and probably other stuff then you probably skip this. Oh also I don't own the fallout franchise or anything like that .., I don't know why I need to say that but every fanfic does so yeah if you guys were wondering I ain't Bethesda.
In the Mojave Desert a young man who just died from being shot in his former world is getting reborn into the world of fallout, his most favorite game franchise.
" ugh what the hell happen to me" he said or at least thought he said but soon realized that he ain't saying much besides crying and seeing a dirty woman who looks like just went through hell he soon figure out what is happening
" wait what, am I a fucking baby, this can't be I'm supposed to be a ... a ... wait who even was I, I can't remember much of anything besides being shot" as he is having a panic attack from thinking about all of this he unconsciously starts to cry more which starts to annoy the doctor and the man who is off to the side " well it looks like my son is a bitchy thing isn't he M" the man to the side says to the woman who is M that just gave birth to me.
Before she could respond she faints and the doctor quickly heads to her side while placing me in what I think is my father's hands. the doctor trys to do a bunch of stuff which I can't even understand but eventually he stops and says that M is dead.
Shocked I start to think " oh god my m..mother die, I ... why do I feel so much pain I didn't even know her" I say while hearing myself cry more uncontrollably which isn't the only thing I hear, from the cursing coming from the doctor to the cold silence coming from my dad which which almost is somehow louder than the noise that is being by me and the doctor.
Before anything more happened my dad says a few things quickly to the doctor and walks out of the shoddy building into the greater settlement of whatever this place is called. before I could think of anything else as the pain of losing a mother subsidies for now my father says to me in a soft but cold whisper " my son ... I'm so sorry that your stuck with me and not with your mother but sadly this is how fate has decided things will be ... your name shall be ... Harkon ... it's a powerful name so I hope you like"
"Did he just name me after a vampire lord in skyrim... my God I'm so going to become evil" he thought and he was going to say something more before a sudden fatigue went all over him making him fall asleep quickly