

What would you do if everything you ever fought for betrays you? What would you do then? Would you fight for revenge? Or would you leave it be, and continue to suffer in despair? Our protagonist, Jonael was betrayed and hunted down by all those who he had protected. Now he has a choice. Continue to suffer? Or take the bulls by its horns and take his revenge? This is a epic coming of age story about a lowly angel who acquired the strength to fight equally against a True Dragon. Who had won, and in his weaken state, was killed by does he tried to protect. Through endless reincarnation, he had once again been reborn. But upon his reincarnations he has been weaken. Now, he must find a way to retrieve his lost power before the Guardians locate and destroy him once more. An epic coming of age story begins! [["We are FALLEN!!"]]

Trigger_Black · Fantasia
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8 Chs

A New Beginning.

Written by: Trigger.

Chapter 2: A New Beginning.

"Yaaaaaaawn~ Good morning world! Today's gonna be a beautiful day!"

The name's Jonael Kendo, I know what you're thinking, but why the weird name? Well, my Dad's Japanese, and my Mom's British, so as they say the rest is history.

On that note, let me introduce you to my fam. The man of the house, the strong looking fellow with a bank account that would make most people go crazy, meat Gojo Kendo, my dad, owns Kendo's Real estate which is one of the biggest Real estate companies in Japan, he's about 6.5 feet tall, he's currently 49 years old with a head full of black hair, brown eyes, a solid build, usually dressed in a suit, but today's his day off which means… his in his holiday suit, which consists of shorts and a t-shirt.

Next, my Mom, meet Charity Kendo, she was a model for various high-class brands and she's currently the CEO of Charity Co. A company that supplies high-class goods to different parts of Asia. She's currently 47 years old, still a head turner even at her age. She stands at a height of 5.7 feet tall with blond white hair, and deep blue eyes, she usually dresses in famous brands like Dior, Gucci, or Channel, but today she's in her house clothes which consist of a crop top, mini shorts, and flip flops.

Then there's my older sister, Rias Kendo, that one's a drag, like seriously always in my business, like WTF!? She's 19 years old, she is a university student, she attends Harvard University to be exact, she's currently on holiday so she came back to Japan, she's always in my room. Why's she in my room, you ask? That's what I'd like to know!! Well back to her description, she stands at a height of 5.6 feet, has deep blue eyes, and snowy white hair, she's currently dressed in a mini skirt and a small crop top which reveals a lot of her body's proportions, all this coupled with her pretty face, she's basically a living example of Mom in her prime, a real beauty, but… she has a really bad temper, probably why she has no boyfriend. Heh.

"The fuck are you thinking about!?"

"Nothing Sis, I swear!"

"Why are you running? Get over here and tell me what you were thinking, you bastard!!"

"Mom, Dad save me!!" I said that while running to our parent's room about 4 stories up.

Opening the door, no one was in!

"Hehehe, I caught you now, so what was that again about me not having a boyfriend!?"

"How the fuck did you even read my mind!?"

"Heh, so you admit it!? You're gonna die!"

"Wait Sis, let me explain!"

"The time for explaining has expired, now face my wrath!!"

And then...

I felt a vast amount of pain on my face, I knew what had happened, she most likely gave me a shining wizard, 'damn you!' I screamed as everything went blank.

Oh, right, I forgot my description, like I said before, I'm Jonael Kendo, I'm currently 16 years old, and I'm in my final year of high school. I stand at a height of about 5.9 feet tall, a mixture of black and white hair and light brown eyes. I usually wear my uniform, but today I'm wearing my casual wear, which consists of a shirt, jean pants, and a jacket, I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty handsome, i mean l, just looking at my Mom and Dad that idea was pretty obvious.

So yeah, this is my fam, we're not perfect, but we try our best to live a normal life even if we're wealthy, we like keeping a low profile and just living our lives normally.

Breakfast time!

"So, how's your face?" Rias asked.

"Better than your relationships, that's for sure," I replied.

"What did you say, kid!?"

"What you heard, you fat cow!"

"Stop it, kids." Said Dad, whom was eating with one hand and using his phone with the other(talk about always being busy).

"Yes, Dad." We replied.

Then the maids came in with our meals, and we started eating, shortly after, Mom came and joined us.

"So, Mom, Dad, I'd be heading out for school today. Is that ok?"

"Hmmm? Isn't school closed around this time of year?" Said, Dad.

"Your father's right, schools usually close around this time of the year." Reaffirmed Mom.

"Yes, but some friends and I are going to meet-up and go somewhere fun.

"I don't have a problem with it." Said, Dad.

"Well, I have a problem with it. Now tell me, whats the actual reason you want to leave?"

"I swear Mom, that's the real reason!"

"If you say so, honey. You can go, but be careful and–"

"I know, 'keep a low profile"

The school building isn't that far away, I'll be a good 2 minutes walk down the street. Oh, I forgot to mention, I attend Shojo Academy, it's a private school for rich kids or something like that.

"See y'all later!" I said.

"See ya later, kid." Said, Dad

"Bye honey." Said Mom.

"Don't even think about coming back!" Said Rias.

And, so, I left.

"So Mom, Dad, we gonna pretend we don't know what he's going to school for?"

"Heh, Rias your brother, that kids a chip off the old block, hehe!" Said Gojo.

"Take it easy you two, he's a growing young man, maybe he still thinks he can keep secrets from his family." Mom said while holding a book in her hand.

"So, Mom how did you even get his journal?"

"Your father has all the spare keys in the house, if your smart enough you'll understand."

"Mom, sometimes you are scary!"

"Now for more important things, Rias I found somethings in your diary that I'd like to talk about." Said Charity with a smile on her face.

"Wait, Mom let me explain, Dad back me up!"

"..." Rias asked for help from her father, but he was already gone.

"Damn you, you traitor!!" Rais yelled in frustration.

"So, Rias, what did you mean by 'Ways to make your brother fail on his date'? You wrote this down, right?"

"Mom, please listen, I'm not the only one, Dad helped out too! He forced me, I would never 'willingly' do such a thing! I promise!"

"Your father… hehe."

On that day in the Kendo mansion, a father-daughter pair were punished.