

What would you do if everything you ever fought for betrays you? What would you do then? Would you fight for revenge? Or would you leave it be, and continue to suffer in despair? Our protagonist, Jonael was betrayed and hunted down by all those who he had protected. Now he has a choice. Continue to suffer? Or take the bulls by its horns and take his revenge? This is a epic coming of age story about a lowly angel who acquired the strength to fight equally against a True Dragon. Who had won, and in his weaken state, was killed by does he tried to protect. Through endless reincarnation, he had once again been reborn. But upon his reincarnations he has been weaken. Now, he must find a way to retrieve his lost power before the Guardians locate and destroy him once more. An epic coming of age story begins! [["We are FALLEN!!"]]

Trigger_Black · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Prologue: The Beginning After The End.

Written by: Trigger.

Prologue: The Beginning After The End

Genesis: In the beginning, there was absolute nothingness, an infinite expanse of nothingness in the truest sense, all things existed in the state of "Null". The valid symbol of perfection, it reminded unchanged for an eternity, until one day an almost Mechanical-like voice descended upon it saying:

<< Per the Master's Will, I the World System will now begin the process called 'Creation', processing... >>

<< The 12 Fundamental Laws per the Master's Will, will now be assembled and constructed, processing... Complete.>>

<< The creation of the 12 Fundamental Laws: Darkness, Light, Life, Death, Destruction, Creation, Space, Time, Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind have now been completed. Henceforth all other Laws will be derived from these Fundamental Laws and shall be called Sub-Laws.>>

<< A form of energy which can be used in the manipulation of these Laws will now be constructed, processing... Complete. [Oranus] a form of energy which can freely manipulate these Laws has now been Completed.>>

<< Creating 2 sub-forms of [Oranus] to ensure optimal usage, processing... Complete. Genesis the origin and Genetelis the end, have now been created.>>

<< Creating a method that allows individuals to have access through certain means and for seamless manipulation of the various Laws. The creation of [Skills] will now begin, processing... Complete.>>

<< Skills will from henceforth be awarded to Individuals whose 'Will' have reached a certain threshold.>>

<< These Skills will now be divided into classes, processing... Complete.>>

<< Skill will now be divided into these seven classes:


Extra Skill.

Unique Skill.

Asura Skill

Ultimate Skill.

Legendary Skill.

Mythical Skill.>>

<< A place for occupancy is needed. Creating an absolute infinite collection of Worlds(universes), processing... Complete.>>

<< Division of all worlds into different realities... Complete. An absolute infinite number dimensions have been created.>>

<< All requirements for the creation of living beings have been met. Now start the process of creating living beings, processing... Complete.>>

<< From henceforth per the Master's Will, the World System will hold absolute power over all things until the chosen one takes its rightful place.>>

This was the true story of creation, a mechanical-like voice had descended on the vast nothingness, and per its Master's Will, it had created all things in search of the so-called chosen one.

Many years later, a magnitude of races and civilizations now ruled over all expenses of existence and flourished, this was the era of the immortals, who ruled ever before the first mortals, these immortal races were led by beings of unimaginable power called the Supremes. The World System had maintained balance and awarded all whose Wills had pushed beyond certain thresholds and there were now many beings with mighty powers, some more so than others, but with this rise in power many races believed they were superior to all others and a great war took place.

The World System in its infinite wisdom allowed for these wars to take place for reasons unknown. A great war of immense magnitude broke out, these wars were so great, that they shook the very dimension in which it took place, and this did not go unnoticed. For a True Dragon, one of the legendary True Dragons, said to be the most powerful race, which resides within the infinite eleventh dimension, descended on the war.

There were only 12 True Dragons, these Dragons had never interfered with the affairs of other races for they were too large, large enough that only 12 of them had filled the zero dimension, which was said to be go beyond the Absolute Infinity. As far as one did not disturb or associate them with that of the Dragoon race, they were completely harmless, in truth the beings capable of ascending to the zero dimension to even attempt such things could barely be counted in the double digits, and none would be so foolish. But somehow these wars had managed to encore the wrath of a True Dragon!

The True Dragon looked down at all before it like everything before it where ants, it gaping jaws sprang open and what came out was the Genetelis of Destruction, Destruction which was one of the fundamental Laws, with this demonstration alone, the many immortal races, where now aware one thing– 'Its has a Legendary skill!' Only 'Ruin' awaited these immortals for in order to combat a Skill of this magnitude, l one must also possess power on equal terms or superior.

All seemed lost as the many powerful races forgot the war and finally joined hand to confront their mutual enemy, at last the war which had lasted eons had now come to a temporal end, but even the united front could not kill the beast, and all that awaited them was death as one race after another where eradicated, that was until a Being surrounded by a curtain of pure light with immense and Truly supreme power appeared amongst the stars of the battlefield forcing all eyes, including the True Dragon's to gaze at it as It spoke:

{{Many have fallen, but you great warriors have kept strong and for that alone I must praise your names, for you all have forgotten the hatred that existed between your races and have come together to fight against this Dragon even though you stand little chance of survival.}} The Being said unto all races which fought against the True Dragon. {{And for that I will render you the power to fight on equal terms with the beast, but this will come at a cost, one amongst you must sacrifice themselves for the good of all races.}}

The battlefield was quiet, none took the challenge, but who could blame them? A Being of unknown origin had come to give them the power to fight a True Dragon? If it could truly do that, why did it not kill the Dragon itself? If it truly wanted to help, it would have done so itself.

Seeing this, the Supreme Being became bemused and said.

{{So, even at the face of certain death there are so many who still wish to preserve what little time before their death?}}

{{If it is doubt that cloud your eyes then look at the Dragon before you, has it not cease its attacks? For I have stopped it, but yet you all still doubt me?}} The Supreme Being asked.

The Supreme Being was right the Dragon which had terrorize them for many years had not made a single movement since the Supreme Being had arrive, but even still life was a precious thing and none would want to throw their lives away just because of the chance of the survival of others.

"I will go!"

'Who accepted!?' all races looked in a certain direction and saw a scrawny looking child from the Angel race who could barely even lift a weapon, 'a disgrace to the immortal race, had actually accepted such a role!' This brought him gazes from many races, some of which were of pity, some were of praise and some of which were contempt.

{{Do you understand what you have agreed to?}} The Supreme Being asked.

"I know, I would not have lasted as long as I have if I had not hid behind the backs of those who have died in battle, and for that I am grateful, now I have a chance to repay all those who have died because I was to weak to help, I must take this opportunity no matter what!!" Said the child.

{{ Indeed, one must pay a life with a life, I will grant you power in exchange of your being, your race will change, you will no longer belong to a race, you will eternally be alone, betrayal and hatred will follow you all the days of your undying life, do you still accept?}} Asked the Supreme Being.

'Undying?' the child thought as he gave his answer. "Throughout my life I have been alone, even my own Mother and Father did not want me, I have no friends nor allies, I am hated even within my own race, what do I need to keep on living for?" The child continued with eyes full of tears " On the battlefield all that matters is strength, for I who was born with no strength I have always been a burden, but not anymore, now a chance has come I can not sit back any longer, now that no one can stand up, but I will, I'll show the World even the weak can be useful!!"

{{ Glorious! Absolutely glorious, for a mere child you have shown such bravery and as any good child you shall be rewarded, even though this isn't quite a reward~}} the Supreme Being said as it drew the child closer to it, a white, long and slender finger which enchanted all who saw it be it male or female, slipped out of the curtain of light touching the child's forehead, and at that very moment–

<< Notice. The individual called 'Supreme' wishes to grant power to the individual named Jonael of the Angel race. Do you accept YES/NO?>>

The child heard a voice in his head, what was even more surprising was the fact the voice knew his name, a name he had all but forgotten, at that very moment he understood 'This must be the World System!' This was the first time he heard the World System itself and it actually spoke to him. He had heard some members of his race talking about it, but had never heard it for himself until today.

'Yes!' he thought as he tried to control his excitement.

<< Confirmed. The individual named Jonael will now evolve into the next possible evolutionary path within the Angelic System; [ArchAngel], processing… failed. Due to the abnormal amount of energy the individual named Jonel can not evolve into the higher race [ArchAngel]>>

<< Reconfirming evolutionary path… success, evolving into the higher race: [Principalities]... Failed.>>

<< Reconfirming evolutionary path… success, evolving into the higher race: [Virtues]… Failed.>>

<< Reconfirming evolutionary path… success, evolving into the higher race: [Powers]... Failed.>>

<< Reconfirming evolutionary path… success, evolving into the higher race: [Dominion]... Failed.>>

<< Reconfirming evolutionary path… success, evolving into the higher race: [Thrones]... Failed.>>

<< Reconfirming evolutionary path… success, evolving into the higher race: [Cherubim]... Failed.>>

<< Reconfirming evolutionary path… success, evolving into the highest possible race within the Angel system: [Seraphim]… Failed.>>

<< Confirmed. Individual Jonael has exceeded the threshold within the Angelic system. Henceforth a new race will be created solely for the individual named Jonael… Successful.>>

<< New race [Fallen] has been created. All bodily attributes have been super enhanced. The spiritual, astral and physical body can now be freely manipulated. New inherent Skills have been acuiqued.>>

"Ghu Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"The child as if in pain screamed out a voice full of anguish which could be heard from all corners of the battlefield.

What could be seen now was no longer that of a living being, but a monster encased in a cocoon as a bloodied scream came out instead of the youths normal, fragile voice, It could no longer be described as a living being for it no longer had any traces of it being a live, and soon it's voice could no longer be heard.

{{ Child let me say a few words before I live, be warned, for if you do managed to survive your battle against the Dragon, trust no one, remember you have managed to survive till this day by relying on your own intelligence and instincts, keep strong for I see a path of hatred, death and loneliness that awaits you.}} The Supreme Being said as if in prophecy as it vanished into the vast cosmos.

The Supreme Being had now left and the True Dragon was free once more. The cocoon showed no signs of movement.

'We were foolish to believe such a being and now we will surely die!!' despair had once again filled the battlefield as the True Dragon came at them with its full force, until–


The True Dragon was hit by a force which had actually pushed it back! 'What in the endless Worlds could possess such force!?' thought all who witnessed it. 'Could the Supreme Being have come back? No for it had already left, then there was only one other who could do such a thing–'

"Look! The cocoon, it's empty…"

All eyes were drawn towards the cocoon and true to the one who spoke, the cocoon was empty.

What stood before the fallen Dragon, an entity of 7 feet tall, of much grandeur, stood before them with a majestic aura, this was no longer the weak child who once struggled to survive, nor was he the weakling whom could not be counted amongst the strong, but an entity which excluded power on a level which most other races could never reach, 14 large black wings had grown out of his back, 7 of which grew from both sides of his back which grew smaller as it descended down, two glorious Jet-black horns protruded from it's head like that of a crown worn by a king, giving him the majesty of an absolute ruler, both his skin and hair shown a white similar to snow, tainted by many black markings all over its body which gave it a beautiful yet demonic aura, a complex network of ruins designed on a diagram(Holo) of light which floated behind it's back, showing many complex mythical patterns and symbols, none of which had never been seen before, it stood above all else as it's squared against the True Dragon.

<< Notice. Evolution successful, new race, Fallen has now been completed. Because of the abnormal amount of energy used in its creation, the individual named Jonael will begin at the racial limit: Fallen: Lucifer, the Morning Star.>>

The child was amazed, he had never known power, but even he knew that the power flowing through his veins was abnormal, he had even surpassed his former race! And had even evolved into a new race, surpassing all who he had ever looked up to. And to test his new found powers, as soon as he was released form his cocoon he attacked the True Dragon by releasing a punch to its face, not expecting anything much by this simple act, but to his surprise, the Dragon was blown away by his punch!

"What!!?" Jonael was shocked by his own force. He had put most of his force into that one punch, but had not expected the Dragon to be blown away by his punch!

The Dragon finally regained its balance and a true battle broke out, one so great even future generations dreaded its stories.

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!! Boom!!!!

Punch after punch, Breath attacks after breath attacks. All parts of these opponents' bodies were used in this fight be it claws, fists, fangs, tail or wings.

The Dragon opened its mouth releasing a breath attack which was effortlessly avoided by Jonael whose wings had turned into blades of light which rushed towards the Dragon who despite its large body nimbly avoided his attacks.

"Hehehe, that was a nice spar, now let's go at it for real!!!" Said Jonael whose body was now coated with a densed, vicious aura!

*Guau Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!* The Dragon roared in response to Jonael's change in appearance, and released an aura not in any way inferior to Jonael's.

These two titans, who had now gotten serious, forgot all about the previous war and the races who watched in fear.

One thought went through the mind of all who witnessed this battle unfold, 'J-jonael has a Legendary skill!!?' It was common knowledge that only one who possesses a Legendary skill could fight on equal terms with a True Dragon! The battle between the two titans had reached a level where they could not participate, in fact no one could even get close to them, for just their auras alone could crush them all.

The battle raged on, a battle so great it shook the stars, so mighty, existence itself shook from its very roots. These titans had fought each other until there were nothing but bloodied plups.

Jonael hands now covered in an immense aura punched the Dragon's snake like body, but was met with nothing but empty space.


The Dragon had appeared behind Jonael, using its tail as means of attack, it smacked Jonael down with so much force the resulting shockwaves had single handedly destroyed a World!

"Nice, now you're serious!"

Jonael said while regaining his balance.

"Now let me show you how it's really done!" Saying so, Jonael appeared right above the Dragons head,and delivered a drop kick to its head.


Another massive shockwave, it was truly comical how a Dragon so big was blown back by a being so small in comparison. The Dragon who'd not been out done and opened its mouth, a vast amount of Destruction came out, but never found its target.

Boom!!! Crack!! Crack!!

Jonael had appeared directly below the Dragons jaws delivering a knee straight to its lower jaw, shutting its mouth and breaking several of its fangs. The Dragon was infuriated and swung its massive claws down at Jonael, Jonael who could barely dodge the Dragon's frontal attacks was met with a tail in mid air.


Jonael was almost knocked unconscious.

The Dragon sensing Jonael's weakness approached him, biting down on Jonael. Jonael who was semi-unconscious could do nothing but receive the Dragon full force attacks.

Crunch! Crunch!!

The battle had truly become intensed as one powerful blow after another was released. At this point the armies of the races had already fled and found shelter. The battle had already surpassed their realm of comprehension. These two titans had reduced each other to bloody pulps, most of the Dragon's claws and fangs were destroyed as it bled all over its gigantic body, Jonael was not faring any better himself, he had several huge holes all over his body, almost all his wings had been destroyed, even the hollow of light behind hide his back had several cracks on it, he was truly in a sorry state. As the battle raged on, many Worlds were destroyed in an extremely short period of time, the likes of which had never been seen before.

"Hehehe, I'm having fun, are you having fun too!?" Jonael said while coughing out blood. "I now understand how it feels to have strength, to fight until death, it is such a glorious feeling. Such a pity! Such a pity indeed! For if we had fought under other circumstances I would not have minded falling before your might, but you threaten all races and for that you must perish!!" Jonael said, as the Holo behind his back glowed gold and the black patterns all over his skin and hair turned Crimson.

"Turn Null." Jonael said in a hushed tune which no one could hear, but for the Dragon it was the most devastating sound it had ever heard, for this was the power to reduce everything to nothingness. It tried fleeing, but it was already to late as a small black mass collided with its body and then–

*Guau Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!* The Dragon cried out in anguish for its body had begun its convergence to nothingness, it was not the only thing to have been affected for half of existence itself was reduced to nothingness….

"Pant' Is pant' it dead?" Jonael thought as he grasped for breath, the method he had used called 'Turn Null' belonged to his Legendary skill, it might have been powerful, but it came with at a cost, it drained him of all his strength, it was not something that could be used consecutively, coupled with the fact he was was already exhausted. He then looked around and found no one, he immediately knew he had been pulled into an artificial space. But it was not all empty for he saw a little girl standing some distance away from him, where she came from he did not know, the little girl stared intently at him then she opened her mouth and said–

"Strong, you are really strong!" "You even managed to defeat my body! If I hadn't pulled out my soul in time I would have been done for!" She said with a voice full of excitement. "Although a True Dragon's soul can not be destroyed it would have reset my memories, that would have been a drag!!"

Its cheerful voice rang throughout the artificial space. 'Who's this kid and why did she refer to herself as True Dragon? Wait, could she be!?' such things raced around in Jonaels head.

"Oh, sorry I haven't introduced myself, I go by the name Ruin, you know the Dragon you supposedly killed!" The girl called Ruin said with an elegant curtsy.

"What!? the Dragon I fought was a girl all along!? Wait, does that mean I've been hitting a girl all this time!!?" Jonael said in panic.

"Yep!" Said the Ruin.

"Hmmm, I see, but I would have not hit you if you hadn't attacked us first!" Jonael rebuked.

"Well I wouldn't call it an attack be–"

"You wouldn't call it an attack? Does the lives of the innocent you killed mean nothing to you? All the races that have gone extinct because of your dumb play time! Unlike you who can never truly die, many out there have died and can never return! Is this some kind of joke to you!?" Jonael said with a voice full of anger.

"I, I n-never–"

"Never what!!?"

"I never wanted any of this! I was forced, controlled, whatever you want to call it, I didn't do any of this willingly!"

"W-what do you mean?" Jonael asked in confusion.

"I, Ruin, of the True Dragon race was manipulated, I am ashamed, but I truly did not do this by my own will!" She said while crying, the face of the laughing girl was replaced by the face of a child who had gone through many troubles. "You see I Ruin I'm an outcast of my own race, I was chased out by the others, for my power of Destruction was too strong, I wondered the vast expanse of existence, and one day met a Being of immense power, so I did what any one in my shoes would do, I challenged it to a fight, and lost, I lost hard! I was so baffled by its strength I was in a daze, then it approach me, I thought I was done for, then it said– {{What luck, I was already looking for a new pawn, how fortunate was I to meet you, you'll do nicely in my plan, hehehe.}} It used some unknown means to manipulate me, forcing me to do its bidding, until one day it told me to go into the battle of the races and kill everyone. I killed and killed, the blood on my hands only grew with each passing moment, I had become a beast who only knew how to kill, a killing machine. Then all of a sudden I could no longer move nor see around my surroundings and after I was freed I was hit by a great force. I think you know the rest of the story, don't you?"

"I guess, so let me get this straight you were manipulated, and did this only because you couldn't disobey?"

"Pretty much, yeah that sounds about right."

"So how did your conscience return?"

"I dunno! Probably because you knocked some much needed sense Into me."



"Let's say I believe you, what are you going to do from now on?"

"Hmmm… I never really thought of that, can't I just follow you?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Why!? What have I ever done to you…"

"'What have you ever done to me!?' you must be high to ask such a question!"

"Please can I come with you!?"


"Even if I go back, I have no physical body, no family, no place to return to, I'll probably just get recaptured by that Being again…"

These words were like knives which stabbed through Jonael's heart, he could not help but see himself in the girl before his eyes. 'What a girl.' he thought.

"Hmmm, ok you can come with me."

<< Notice. The individual Ruin of the [True Dragon] race wishes to join the Individual Jonael of the [Fallen] race, do you accept YES/NO?>>

"YES." 'But why does the World System need my confirmation?–' Then, Jonael realized his mistake.

<< Confirmed. Individuals Jonael of the [Fallen] race and Ruin of the [True Dragon] will now fuse… Complete. Individuals will now eternally share one body.>>

'How great, the World System works even in this artificially created space, and wait did it just say 'eternally'!!' Jonael thought as he and the Ruin began fusing together.

[[ Huh…?]]

[[ So this was your plan all along, eh!?]] Jonael exclaimed]]

[[ No, no I just wanted to tag along with you not fuse together!!]]

[[ Is that so!? Look what you just tagging along has gotten us into! And how the hell are we even communicating with each other!]]

[[ I dunno, probably telepathy, you know, cause we share the same body now, on the other hand let's just ask the World System to terminate our fusion!]]

[[ Good idea. World System please terminate our fusion.]]

<< Once the fusion of two superior beings has been completed, it can never be undone.>>

[[[[ What!? Noooooooo!!]]]] They both cried out in dismay.

[[Well, seems we have to just live with it then!]]

[[No! I refuse to share the same body with this crazy Dragon girl!]] Said Jonael.

<< Confirmed. Does the individual named Jonael of the [Fallen] race wish for his soul to be terminated, YES/NO?>>

[[ Hell no! Why would it even ask that!?]]

[[ Dunno, probably because you pissed it off or something.]] Answered Ruin

[[ Why are you so chill about this anyway!?]]

[[ Well you heard the World System, we can't be separated, and your body feels nice~]]

[[ My body feels nice!? You do know your in a man's body, do you!?]]

[[ Are you sure….?]]

[[ What do you mean?]]

[[ Check down there.]] Said the Ruin.

He hesitantly looked at the place his 'Thing' was supposed to be and found… nothing.

[[ Whaaaat!!!!!]] He cried out. [[System, system where's my 'Thing'!?]]

<< Notice. Because both individuals share separate genders and have now been fused, the resulting individual has become genderless.>>

[[ Huh?]]

[[ It means basically we have no gender and your 'Thing' is gone… good riddance]]

[[ I hate you.]]

[[ Wasn't like you were gonna use it anyway, after all you are still a virgin.]]

[[How did you know?]]

[[ We share the same body I can see some of your memories, I've seen some things and it seems your life was like super sad, sadder than mine, like way way sadder.]]

[[Shut it, who gave you the permission to look into my memories anyway?]]

[[None of your business!]]

[[How is it none of my business, it's my memories. Oh what do we have here, a piece of someone's memories, speaking of virgins aren't you one too!?]]

[[Damn you!! Get out of my head!]]

[[We share the same God damned head, idiot.]]

[[Well what now, Jonael?]]

[[How did you know my name? You know what, never mind let's just go back.]]

[[Ok, let me just disperse this artificial space…]]



[[What's wrong?]]

[[I forgot...]]

[[Forgot what?]]

[[I forgot how to leave this space.]]

[[I see…]]


[[Your not angry?]]

[[No, just disappointed.]]

[[What!? I can help, just give me a chance!]]

[[No, just leave it to me I'll figure something out.]] [[Wait a sec, how did you bring us here anyway?]]

[[Dunno, I just thought of leaving my body a fast as I could and then, next thing I know I'm here, then you came along, why the hell did you think I was looking at you for?]]

[[Just thought you were just weird, Ruin.]]


[[How about I ask the World System?]]

[[Hehehe, do you think your special, like the System would even answer you, eh, Jonael!]]

[[Well, you never know.]]

[[Just hurry up and fail already.]]

[[Ok, World System what is this place and how do we leave it?]]

[[Haa! I tol–]]

<< Answer. This space is a space artificially formed from some remnants of the individual named Ruin physical body. And as for how to leave this space all the individuals Jonael and Ruin need to do is integrate this space into the individual named Ruin Legendary skill.>>

[[Hoo, that's all we have to do? Sounds simple enough, come on Ruin, cheer up a bit let's integrate this space into your Legendary skill and leave this place.]]

[[Ok…]] said Ruin with hollow eyes.

<< Notice. Does the individual named Ruin wish to integrate the artificial space into her Legendary Skill Indra, Lord of Destruction, YES/NO?>>


<< Confirmed. The Legendary skill Indra, Lord of Destruction will now merge with the artificial space… Successful. As a result The Legendary skill Indra, Lord of Destruction has evolved into The Legendary skill Apophis, Lord of Chaos. The Space now integrated within the Legendary skill Apophis, Lord of Chaos can now be freely customized and assets from anywhere, as long as the individual named Ruin Wills it.>>

This shocked both individuals, but that was it, they felt nothing more.

[[Well, that happened.]]

[[Yeah, I got an upgrade or so. As for the space I guess we can use the space to chill every once in awhile, huh.]]

[[Don't you think it's weird calling it 'the space' all the time, eh, Ruin?]]

[[Yeah let's change it to something cool like, Land of the Dragons!! or god Land!! or or!!!]

[[Why are you getting so worked up? Will go with 'Eden', ok?]]


<< Confirmed. The space within the Legendary Skill Apophis, Lord of Chaos will now be named 'Eden.>>

[[Yo, Jonael is it me or does the system seem less busy these days? Like WTF?]]

[[Yeah, I think so too, let's not get on its bad side and leave this place.]]

[[Sure thing, but before we go I'd like to asked one thing.]]


[[Ok, promise me you'll listen, ok. So… why the hell can't I move our body!?]

[[Hmmm, haven't really thought of that, but it may have to do with me being the original possessor of the body. Do you understand, Ruin?]]

[[Yeah, at least I can use my Skills, so that's a plus, well let's get going.]] A door appeared before him, he stepped through. And_

What appeared before him was a battlefield that had not changed one bit since he left.

[[Yo, Ruin seems time in 'Eden flows differently than here.]]

[[Yeah, it seems so weird, after it integrated into Apophis, I can now adjust all aspects including space, time, air pressure etc. Basically I'm like a god in there.]]

[[Aren't you already a god?]]

[[Yeah, your point being?]]

[[Haaaaaa, nothing, nothing at all.]] Jonael said, being completely tired and fed up with Ruin.

[[Yo, we should take it easy we haven't recovered at all, were basically like sitting ducks for an attack right now.]]

[[Shut it, Ruin! That's what they call raising a fucking red flag!!.]]

[[Shut it Jonael, just go over there and pick those two words.]]


[[Idiot, didn't I tell you before I left my body I turned most of it into does swords?]]

[[No, no you didn't.]]

[[Well now I'm telling you, go pick 'em up!]]

[[Ok, I'm going, geez…]]


[[So what does it do?]] Jonael said while picking up the sword and examining it.

[[Yo, be careful! Those may not look like it, but there could contain a power even greater than a True Dragon race!!]]

[[What the hell Ruin, you just made me carry two ticking time bombs, you idiot!]]

[[Relax there won't just explode, they literally have no energy, they're harmless Remember I said 'could' contain such powers, not like I could make something with that much power already inbuilt, if I could I wouldn't have lost. Idiot.]]

[[Oh, so Ruin what did you mean by they could contain more energy than a True Dragon race? Cause I don't see how an entity could create something even more powerful than itself from its own body parts.]]

[[Well my race always called me abnormal, until now I didn't know what there meant, but no I know there didn't mean it as an insult, but the truth, I have the capacity to grow infinitely and so did my physical body, so upon realizing this I tied whatever was left in that short moment before my body was reduced to nothingness, to create these two swords.]]


[[Because, my spiritual, astral and physical bodies all had the ability to evolve infinitely, so I thought when my new body reforms, I would use these swords coupled with my at the time completed body, and fight the Being who used and manipulated me.]]

[[Basically, for revenge.]]

[[You didn't have to lay it so plain and bare like that, but yes for revenge! But now we can use it, your immense powers coupled with my ability to grow infinitely, we will be unstoppable, but for now we barely have the power to even move, say little of fighting that Being. So I'll store it in 'Eden for now.]] Saying so the swords

disappeared from Jonael hands.

[[Let's go, Jonael.]]


[[Back to 'Eden, there's nothing left for us here.]] [[And I also have a bad feeling about this.]] Said Ruin.

[[That's just your imagination, let's go, we must help all the races–]]

[[Jonael, run!!]]

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

[[Jonael, were being attacked!!]]

[[I'm not blind! I can see that, the real question is who would do such a thing!?]] Jonael answered as he tried dodging the attacks which were headed towards his direction, he managed to dodge some, but his injuries made it ultimately impossible for him to dodge all attacks. Powerful bursts of energy after bursts attacked him from all angles adding to his injuries, many of which were only grazes, but even that could pile up, eventually he could move no more.

[[Jonael, just stay strong I'll try opening 'Eden_]]

"Ahaaaaaa!!!, stop, stop it hurts!!!"


"Please stop, it hurts it hurts so much!!" Jonael screamed outwardly.

[[Shit, it seems our body is too damaged to use our Legendary skills, we must find a way to escape, Jonael.]]

[[pant* pant'* I can't, I ca n't mo ve a n y more...]]

The seven mighty beings stood before the bloodied pulp that was Jonael.

There were the seven Guardians. These so-called Guardians chosen from their respective races as the most powerful individuals, each of which representing their race as the absolute rulers, had gathered around Jonael, and exuded a vast killing intent.

"As I thought Valantius, it would not have the strength to oppose us after battling against that Dragon."

The one who spoke in a haughty tune was Baren, the Demon god of Chaos, who ruled over the underworld, he stood at a height of 8.1 feet tall, clothed with the garments of a dark priest.

"Indeed Baren, it is truly weakened, so much so, it is like a different entity, too weak to be of much threat to us."

The Guardian who looked at Jonael with curiosity and had replied Baren, was none other than Valantius, the Giant King of the Giant race, who ruled over the mighty giant race, standing at a height of 15 feet tall, he had 4 arms, he was one of the smallest giants, but undoubtedly the strongest. He wore clothes like that of a barbarian, wielded massive maces and axes in each arm.

"Truly, a weakling will always be a weakling. Isn't that right, Venland?"

Mandarin, the king of the Dragoons, leader of the Dragoon race, who ever since the True Dragon had appeared had always been in a foul mood, said in a foul manner.

He stood at over 8 feet tall in human form. He wore traditional Chinese lóngpáo which symbolized power and a Dragons might. In his Dragoon form he was over 2000 meters long, with gold like scales showing his majesty.

"Indeed, you are right Mandarin, It dared abandon its own race in pursuit of power, it deserves Death doesn't it, don't you think so Theranel?"

Venland, the king of monstrous beast, the leader of the beast race said while looking down at Jonael. He stood at a height of 8 feet tall and dressed very gentlemanly considering his race, he wore a white suit which was always kept spotless.

"I only agreed to this plan, because we agreed it could pose a problem in the future, Venland."

Theranel, the Elder Seraphim of the Angel race whom Jonael had always looked up to, was pissed by Venland's comments. He stood at a height of 7 feet, and wore White priest clothes, he was the stack opposite of Baren.

"Ara Ara, aren't you a strict one Theranel? I like that~"

The one who spoke to Theranel in a provocative tune was Eris, the Queen of the insectoids. She stood at height of 6.3, she was an absolute beauty, her slender waist, voluminous breasts, thick thighs and gorgeous facial features accompanied by her highly revealing dress, made her stand out amongst the Guardians in all the right ways.

"Stop your shamelessness Eris."

Tanment the Queen of humanoid monsters rebukes Eris. Tanment standing at a height of 5.9 feet was praised to be a Queen amongst Queens, her intelligence and wisdom had brought her great fame throughout the cosmos, although she could not compete with Eris in terms of power or beauty, she made up for it in wisdom. She also has been known to hunt down anyone who has ever mocked her appearance or called her flat.

These seven Guardians had surrounded the worn out Jonael; the first to speak was Baren the Demon of Chaos.

"Child please do not hold this in your heart, for we do this for the greater good."

Followed by Valantius.

"You have been deemed too dangerous, and must be purge"


"Child from my race you have done well to protect all races, but your power is too uncontrollable and you have been sentence to death, please forgive me for I alone can not fight against all other Guardians, if I could I would save you, but–"

"Spear me the lies Lord Thera- no you do not deserve to be called 'Lord', Theranel. Jonael exclaimed.

"What did it say!?"

"Clam down Mandarin, is it you who the child talks to?"

"No, but how dare it talk to one of the Guardians, like that, Theranel!?"

"If he were not weakened, would you speak to him in such a manner?"

"No Theranel, but-"

"Enough." Theranel rebuked Mandarin.

"Theranel, please control your anger for Mandarin only tries to preserve your honor."

"Honor, What honor Eris? The honor of 7 of us Guardians ganging up on our savior!?"

"Enough!" Rebuked Baren. "We must kill it now! Before it is able to gain its strength." He walked over to the bloodied Jonael, picked him up and rested his sword on Jonael's neck. "Any last word 'savior'?" Asked Baren.

"Why, why do this? What have I ever done to deserve this…" Jonael spoke with sorrow. "I fought for you, I fought for you all! Is this how you repay me!? I fought and fought until all my strength was gone…" Jonael said as he looked towards the Guardians with hatred. Then as if in response to his rage the many World's trembled as he spoke. "I swear, even in death I will not rest, I'll come back, even if you kill me then, I'll always come back. I will destroy all that matters to you, all that exists, nothing will be spared, not you, not your race, not even all other races which watch from the sidelines as I'm persecuted, I will destroy it ALL!!!!!!! For I am the incarnation of death and destruction, I am FALLEN!!!!"

"Then die!!" Baren said.


Jonael was beheaded.

"Baren, I assure you all that we will regret this!"

"Enough Theranel, now we must find a way to locate its reincarnations." Said Baren.

"What do you mean Baren?" asked Venland.

"Tanment, please explain to them."

"Yes, as Baren had just said it seems the child named Jonael is immortal and 'undying', if you remember, the Supreme Being had said 'you will eternally be alone, betrayal and hatred will follow you all the days of your 'undying' life, do you still accept?' from this statement alone we can deduce it's immortality."

"So we have to track down its location and kill it every time?"

"Indeed Eris." Answered Tanment.

"So we must locate its reincarnations and kill it, '' sounds simple enough. How hard can it be to find and kill a weakened individual?" Said Valantius.

"No doubt it will be weakened upon its reincarnation."

"Indeed Eris. Now Theranel, what is your take on this?" Asked Baren.

"I have already sinned against that child, I am not ready to stain my hands once more with his blood ever again, all of you do as you please, but you can be sure that karma will descend on us all." Leaving those ominous words behind, Theranel left to join his race who had been waiting for him.

"On that note let us stop this pointless war." Said Baren

"""""Agreed.""""" Answered all the Guardians.

"What about Theranel's opinion?" Asked Eris.

"You act like you do not know him, he was the one who wanted peace the most." Replied Baren

"Your right" answered Eris.

"So, let us depart and search for its reincarnations." Ordered Baren.


Deep within the dark empty abyss, Jonael floated in the endless seas of Chaos.

[[Jonael, Jonael wake up!!]] There was no response. Ruin, ever since Jonael was beheaded had tried to contact Jonael, but to no avail.

<< Notice. As a result of the Asura skill Enma, King of the Dead the individuals Jonael and Ruin will now begin the process of reincarnation… Successful.>>


The World System continued its processes.

<< Notice. Individual named Jonael will now lose all memories prior to his reincarnation. Skills above the Unique level will now be sealed. Most of the individual named Jonael's power will be lost upon reincarnation. Henceforth the individual will start at the lowest race within the Fallen system Belphegor, the King of Sloth. Until the individual Jonael is able to recollect his past, the individual named Ruin of the True Dragon race, will go into a partial state of slumber.>>

[[ Wait, what do you mean by slumber!? I refuse to sleep, I must help, I mu-st help… Jo-jonael… Jo... Na... El...]]

Ruin had fallen into a state of slumber and Jonael had lost most of his memories and power.

The Guardians, true to their word hunted and killed every single one of Jonael's reincarnations, be it as a child, as an adult, as a family man or as a lowly animal, they slaughtered every single one, that was until–


Trigger_Blackcreators' thoughts