
chapter 5

Just InCommunityForumMoreFairy Love by Dr Yandere Anime » Fairy Tail Rated: M, English, Romance & Drama, [Erza S., Natsu D., Mirajane S.], Words: 119k+, Favs: 317, Follows: 324, Published: Aug 8, 2020 Updated: Jun 14, 2022214Chapter 5: First Time

If you guys are real otakus, you would notice some scenes to be familiar. Since I read a lot of manga, I used some scenes for inspiration (more like reference) and put it in here. So as a disclaimer, I do not in any way, shape or form, own those scenes. With that said, this chapter is kinda special because this is when Natsu and Mira finally do 'it' for the first time. I know it doesn't make that much sense why they waited so long after they became lovers, but their love is rather pure compared to others. It's not like Natsu doesn't have the urges to do naughty things with Mira, but he wanted to wait until she is comfortable enough to say she's ready before he launches himself at her. Basically, Natsu's been waiting for Mira to make the first move in terms of the bedroom department so that he can make love to her without anything holding him back.

I got this lemon scene from a - *cough* *cough* - "stimulating" source, shall we say (not from real life at least since I'm an otaku loser that seems too childish for his age).

Again, if anyone wants to adopt this, please send me the details of your story so I can enjoy it. Thanks!

BTW, I know it's annoying how I'm always trying to downplay myself and come up with excuses for my bad writing, and how I'm so desperate to pawn this off to someone else, but I can't help it. For the first time in my life, I don't want to give up on something and that "something" is this story. Now, what I perceive as modesty I know sounds like arrogance to most of you guys, but I don't really blame you there. Reading the previous chapters to make the next parts coherent, I started to realize how pathetic and cringy I sound.

But please try to understand I have extremely low self-esteem as a result of my inferiority complex. My whole life, I've been passed over for my brothers, and I always have this feeling that I can't catch up to them no matter how hard I try. That is most certainly the case when it comes to academics, athletics, gaming, and overall smarts. This led to me being competitive, but I can't seem to ever have that feeling of accomplishment when I do win. Usually, when I "win" at something, it's clearly just dumb luck or someone was going easy on me knowing how I hate to lose. Because of this lifestyle of incompetence on my part, I'm always jumping the gun and quick to belittle myself and everything I do. I feel like this will never change because it's been like this for 15 years already, and my self-depreciation never seems to run out of steam. At the same time, I don't really want to change anymore because I feel more comfortable keeping to myself. It's pretty much second nature to me already.

And just a warning, this is my longest chapter yet, so this is gonna be a long read. Eat or drink something and get comfortable because it will take a while to finish this one.

And as always, I hope you somehow enjoy

Chapter 5: First Time

"Natsu, hurry up! I want to try looking there next!" Mira called over to her boyfriend to fasten his pace, something that was difficult since he was carrying her shopping bags.

'Easy for you to say.' He kept to himself, not wanting to displease his girlfriend. Well, it wasn't like he minded being her pack mule in the first place since he enjoyed any moment he could spend time with her.

"Calm down, it's not like the stores are going anywhere." He mumbled out.

"Yeah, but since we only have today for ourselves, I want to make as much of it as possible." She beamingly responded. Natsu smiled gently at her cuteness.

Since Natsu and Mira were still keeping the fact that they were dating a secret from the guild, they would only have the chance to go on dates every once in a while when Mira could find someone to cover for her at the bar, and if Natsu was given the opportunity to go with Mira when Happy was on a date with Carla or off doing other stuff, going with Mira under the guise of doing a solo mission. They were also pretty good at making excuses for their absences.

To keep their secret, they go on dates away from Magnolia, usually in the neighboring towns and cities. They also dress up just in case they're recognized by anyone from their hometown. After all, Mira was a renowned model and Natsu was already a global icon recognized as one of, if not, the strongest mages in the world.

They don't change their appearances or put on wigs, but they do wear clothes that make them less noticeable, donning many different styles and varieties of fashion to spice themselves up. They also plan out their dates in advance, only going to the less frequented districts of the city or town they are in.

They managed to fool not only the people they passed by in their dates, but also their guildmates who never seemed to question why they would conveniently disappear at the same time as each other. Even those who do, just think that the two of them are hanging out as friends as usual since they did such a good job of concealing their relationship to the guild.

Their date right now served as a breather from the chaotic events that transpired during the 100 Years Quest.

This time, Mira was wearing a cute long-sleeved sweater and a long skirt that reached her shin, accompanied by boots. She was also wearing a hat and put on some glasses. To top it all off, she was wearing Natsu's muffler. Her hair was down in the same fashion it was back when they in Tenroujima (I personally found this hairstyle better on her than the one she had when she got out of the testing tube in Tartaros).

Natsu was wearing a bonnet to hide his hair, a buttoned shirt underneath a sweater, a blouson jacket that was rolled up to his wrists, pants accompanied by dress shoes (leather shoes), and some glasses as well. Usually, when they "disguise" themselves for their dates, they have a matching pair in their ensemble to imitate the couple look.

"Say 'Aaahh!' ", Mira motioned for her boyfriend to open his mouth by putting her food-filled spoon in front of him. Although he was embarrassed, Natsu accepted it without hesitation.

After bulldozing through all the stores in the district, they had dinner at a trendy place. Mira ordered a simple chicken meal and Natsu settled with an average serving of roast beef. After all the events of the 100 Years Quest, Natsu finally grew up a little bit, which was unsurprising considering all the things they went through at the end of the quest.

"Do we have to do this every time we're on a date?" He asked after he chewed his food.

"Of course, it's one of the great things that only couples can do, so we have to!" She said determinedly.

Natsu just looked at her weirdly, not knowing why she was so worked up.

"My girlfriend is so weird." He grumbled to himself, teasing Mira.

"But that's one of the things you like about me." She said with a wink of her eye.

Natsu smiled warmly in response.

After they finished eating, they picked up their things (although it's really just Natsu carrying all of their shopping bags) and decided to head back to their room in the inn they reserved for their one night date trip.

While walking there, they talked about stuff they wanted to do for the future, and places they were gonna go to next time. They also reminisced about the time they first started dating, and how they weren't as good as they are now in keeping their relationship a secret.

"Mira, do you ever wonder if the two of us would've still gotten together if you hadn't talked to me that night?" Natsu asked, referring to the time he vented all his bottled-up feelings over Erza.

Mira looked at him questioningly in response, trying to make out his thoughts by reading the emotion present in his face.

"I mean, I was so hung-up on Erza back then that it really hurt when I saw what she did with Jellal…" Natsu's nose subconsciously scrunched up at the memory of that time. He wasn't bothered at all about it anymore because he has completely moved on from Erza already, but remembering how weak he was back then brought back so many familiar feelings of dread.

Mira looked at him inquisitively before suddenly asking him a question out of left field.

"Then… if you had the power to turn back time to 9 years ago (after Tenrou timeskip, Tartaros timeskip, and 100 Years Quest timeline), would you have made sure Erza accepted your feelings before she met Jellal again?" Mira said this with an unreadable expression on her face. Just as Natsu had his own insecurities back then with Jellal, Mira had the same problem from time to time. Natsu knew this side of Mira, and he quickly quelled her worries.

Natsu's response blew her away.

"Well, considering what I felt for her at that time, that is a bit tempting…" Natsu delayed his response to tease her a little bit, "But I know that I wouldn't do it. Even if things didn't play out like the way I hoped to before, it led me to becoming closer to you. And now I realized that's all I ever wanted." He said this with his most charming smile, replacing the scowl on Mira's face when he teased her into a teary-eyed look.

"Natsu!" Mira said loudly before hugging him with force. Luckily, the two of them were already walking along the park that led to the inn, so no one was around, especially since it was already dark outside.

Natsu returned Mira's hug with a smile.

When they arrived at the inn, they quickly went back to their room to drop off their bags.

While Natsu was busy setting the shopping bags in one corner of the room and fixing their futon, Mira looked at his back with a serene expression on her face.

Natsu was the perfect lover. He liked to give rather than to take. He's been working so hard all this time to protect everyone, almost facing death numerous times. He achieved so many things that most people wouldn't even dream of doing in their lifetime. And yet, he never let all his power and fame get to his head, and remained the same goofy and fun dragon slayer that everyone liked to be with.

Looking at him fixing their stuff so Mira wouldn't have to do anything made her feel so loved. The fact that he's always putting her above him didn't sit well with her, but she loved it anyway. Although it's one of the things she loved about Natsu, she couldn't stand the fact that he never asks for anything in return, even all the times he put his life on the line and made her worry madly. He all did it with such pure intentions.

So she resolved herself that tonight is the night. Tonight is the night that she will finally make love to Natsu and take their relationship a step further. She will finally climb the stairs to adulthood!

"Let's take a bath before we go to sleep." Mira suggested, something Natsu found slightly unusual. In their previous dates, they would be too tired once they get back to the hotel or inn they were staying at, that they would immediately settle themselves on the bed and cuddle with each other to sleep, taking an early morning shower the next day instead.

But tonight, Mira finally broke their habit. Maybe she was finally bothered by their smell and wanted to sleep cleanly for once. Natsu put down the bags and got his complementary yukata and bath set together with Mira, and proceeded to the direction of the baths with her.

"Alright, let's go!" He grinned, looking forward to release the tension in his body from walking around all day carrying their mountain of shopping bags, in the hot springs.

When they reached the baths, they went their separate ways-Natsu heading in the Boys bath and Mira in the Girls.

Opening the door to the female section of the hot spring, Mira smiled, happy that there was no one else there. How convenient!

It's not that she didn't like the company of others, or that she was conscious of sharing a space with other bare-skinned girls. She just wanted some time for herself to prepare for what she was about to do after they return to their room. Tonight was the night she would finally consummate her love for Natsu, becoming one with him on a deeper level than before. This was the real reason why she wanted to freshen up for tonight.

After she cleaned herself with the soap and shower, she sniffed herself. Content with her smell, she submerged herself in the hot spring and let the calming effect take over her body. Now that she was done cleaning herself, she needed to ease her body for what she had planned for the night.

She was reminiscing one of the fun memories they shared together the past 2 years (when they started dating), and a smile made its way onto her face.

She remembered the time Fairy Tail and the other guilds who participated in the Alvarez War and the fight against Acnologia, did a week-long photoshoot for the special edition of Sorcerer Magazine (considering how many mages there were) in a commercial city located near the ocean. After their victory against Alvarez, the people of Ishgar wanted to see a special issue featuring the core heroes of the war. It was difficult considering the guilds resumed their day-to-day activities soon after, and most of them were just too busy with their newfound relationships. But, with permission from the reformed Magic Council and a special request from the new Queen of Fiore, the guilds weren't left with much of a choice but to accept.

During the photoshoot, a lot of attention was on Mira, and some even tried hitting on her. It was unsurprising considering Mira got her title as the top model of Sorcerer Magazine back from Jenny, so seeing Miss Fiore get that much attraction was inevitable. To keep up appearances, she smiled back at them and even chatted with some of them, looking at her jealous boyfriend at the sides.

She didn't like to see Natsu angry, but she wanted to see him reaffirm his love for her, and what better way to do it than to gauge his reaction when she's with other guys.

Since they were keeping their relationship a secret, Natsu could do nothing but curse at those guys from the side. Mira giggled at how cute her pink-haired boyfriend was… But it wasn't long until karma swept in on her.

Since Natsu was the one who defeated Zeref and dealt the finishing blow on Acnologia, he was recognized as the lead hero and became the main center of attention. He even had an entire section of the special edition just for him. While the other core heroes of the war got lots of pictures and some were even interviewed for their own individual articles, Natsu was busy posing for various pictures and countless interviews asking him everything about how he got stronger, how he was able to fight some members of the Spriggan 12 and still had the strength left to fight Zeref and Acnologia, etc.

Of course, his fame was not limited to the admiration he got from other mages. Girls from the other guilds were flocking to Natsu left and right, something that was unusual to him and those who knew him. Although he had a lot of fans who idolized his 'Salamander' persona, he was never the type of guy to attract fangirls (and girls in general) because of his behavior and personality, so it was sudden seeing so many girls take a sudden interest in him (seriously, why is he so unpopular with girls in the anime/manga?).

Well, it was understandable by the guys who knew how much he did in the war, but Mira was feeling spiteful. She didn't mind that Natsu was unpopular with girls, she even preferred it that way because it means she would get to keep Natsu all to herself without any competition. Sure, she suspected Lucy liked Natsu, but she wasn't that worried because she knew that she would fight for Natsu when the time comes. She didn't really worry about Lisanna anymore because she seemed to have moved on from Natsu a long time ago (if she was even genuinely interested in him in the first place).

And so the girls continued to swarm around Natsu, starting up conversations to him and following him everywhere he went, unknowingly making Miss Fiore furious. She was mad at Natsu for not resisting those girls harder, but she was mostly mad at herself for being unreasonable this way. After all, it's not like Natsu liked it, or Mira was hoping he didn't, still not knowing if he didn't mind the attention of those girls up to the present day. But he couldn't just downright reject them since it would be a cruel thing to do, and Mira knew just how gullible and pure-hearted her boyfriend was.

Mira never felt this way before, especially since she had nothing to be jealous about. She had the looks, strength, and talent to do just about anything she set her mind to.

Anyway, for the whole week, Natsu was torn between the various photoshoots he was asked to do with the other mages and the never-ending list of questions they asked him, and dealing with the girls who clung to him.

Mira kept an eye out for the whole week, always on edge whenever a girl gets too friendly with Natsu. She even became conscious of the female reporters and photographers on the set. All she could do was try her best to get through the week without snapping, her admirers and the job she came here to do making it easier for her.

When she one of the girls from the other guilds pose provocatively with Natsu, she almost lost it. Luckily, Natsu quickly shifted their positions and requested the director for a more normal shot. Thinking about it now, maybe Natsu did notice her jealousy and took it easy on her, eventhough she was the one who started it. From that point forward, Natsu did a better job of avoiding his female admirers and thus keeping Mira's sanity in check.

Thanks to that, the photoshoot wasn't a complete disaster for her, and she was actually able to enjoy it a little bit, when she wasn't thinking of how her boyfriend was being seduced by so many girls.

After that event, Mira promised herself she would do an even better job as a lover so she will never have any doubts about her relationship with Natsu ever again.

After she soaked herself a little longer, she decided that she was already done mentally preparing herself for what's about to come later, and got out of the hot spring. After she put on her yukata, she went outside and saw Natsu already waiting for her there.

The closer they got to their room, the more nervous Mira was getting. She was getting cold feet.

'Can I really push through with this?' She asked herself. Her face was flushed and she looked jittery.

Natsu noticed her out of the corner of his eye and called her out on it.

"Mira, your face is red! Did you take too long in the bath?" Natsu asked worriedly.

Seeing how concerned he was, Mira recollected herself and replaced her nervousness with renewed vigor.

"No, I'm alright. I was just feeling lightheaded for a moment, but I'm fine now." She said in the most convincing way possible.

"Okay, if you say so." Natsu shrugged.

After they entered their room, Natsu was ready to hit the hay because walking around the whole day while carrying all those bags took a toll on his body. Hilariously, although he was one of the world's most powerful mages, he was bested by a mere shopping trip with his girlfriend.

However, for Mira, the night has just begun.

Natsu stretched his arm above his head and moaned tiredly. Once he settled down on their large futon, he looked at Mira and wondered why she was still standing by the door. He asked her why she wasn't lying down with him yet and motioned for her to lay down beside him.

"Are you planning to sleep while standing up?" He chuckled teasingly. After he said that, he got an odd response from his girlfriend, "No, because I won't be sleeping sleep tonight..."

Mira walked over to him with a certain sway to her hips, her face morphed in an expression that Natsu could only describe as a person with a fever. Add that to the fact that her face was slightly flushed and the vulnerable aura she was giving off, he thought she was sick.

"…And neither are you." She finished once she was close enough to be on top of him.

Natsu just looked at her questioningly, not knowing what was wrong with her all of a sudden. Maybe she really did get sick back when they were walking back to the room. Ignoring what she just said because he was worried about her, Natsu decided to ask again.

"Mira, are you ok? Did you get sick after all?" He asked out of genuine concern as she got closer to him.

He was surprised when she suddenly lay down on top of his stomach and pushed his body down. She loosened her yukata to reveal more of her skin and pinned him down with her arms, placing both her hands beside his head.

That's when he suddenly realized the meaning behind her strange actions. Her face wasn't contorted into an expression of sickness, it was lust.

Realizing this, he felt excited and became more conscious around her.

With her blushing expression and the look on her face, she boldly said, "I'm not sick, I'm horny."

Natsu immediately became aroused, and the tent that was building up under his body went full mast.

"Y-y-ou're horn-…" He became a mumbling mess, not knowing what to make of the situation. On one hand, he was ready to do it already and was even looking forward to this moment, but on the other hand, he was confused because Mira was usually reluctant to do this, saying that she 'Needed to be prepared.'

So is that what happened? But what sparked her on?

He couldn't think much longer as Mira slowly became more forceful and started to grind her hips against him in an effort to get him to begin.

She was getting impatient at the lack of response from her lover. Didn't he want to do it?

It's not like Natsu was hesitating or anything, he was just overcome by her suddenness that he was still processing what was happening since it was finally happening! The moment he's been waiting for since he started dating Mira was right beneath his very eyes, or should we say above.

Mira was starting to get embarrassed at the lack of response that she suddenly switched gears from the seductress to the shy maiden.

"Aren't you gonna do anything?" She cutely asked, looking at him expectantly.

Seeing her expression, Natsu couldn't hold it in anymore and finally let his instincts take control. He held her by the waist from their position and flipped her over, their positions reversed with him now on top of her.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do this…" He growled out.

"I know. That's why…" She responded and cut herself off, looking at the side in embarrassment, not having the power to finish her sentence anymore. It seems she used up all her resolve already.

Although they had gotten so comfortable with each other to the point that they felt like something was missing whenever they're apart, doing 'it' for the first time was something that they treasured and didn't take lightly. It was the first time they would cross over the physical boundary between them to open the path to something else. They were both nervous and excited at the same time.

Looking at how hard she tried to initiate their first time, Natsu decided to take it from here. He began by untying his yukata and letting it slide right off his back. Seeing him do this, Mira knew he was finally ready to begin. To make things go faster, she untied her loose yukata herself and opened it, revealing her perfect body, leaving each side of her yukata sprawled on the futon.

Natsu took in the sight in front of him, enjoying every inch of his lover's body. Her skin looked so smooth, and her skin was just the perfect shade of color, it wasn't too white and it wasn't too dark either. He couldn't help but caress her beautiful face with the back of his hand. He proceeded to explore further below.

Next, his eyes drifted to her breasts, which looked hard but soft at the same time. It wasn't too big like Lucy's, or too small like Wendy's. Her bust had the perfect size and shape. He touched it, and groped it softly. Her breasts were soft as expected, but it also felt elastic like clay. He never knew fondling someone's breast could feel so good, remembering the time he accidentally fondled Lucy's breast during the Dragon Festival, and how it doesn't even compare to the softness of Mira's own. Natsu gently traced the valley between her mounds with his finger, liking the feeling of his hand being sucked in. Mira was moaning a little, experiencing this for the first time.

Next, his hands slowly traced further down along her stomach until it finally reached its destination. Her pussy was clean-shaven, baring all of it to him. It was like she was inviting him to go in. Curious, he slowly slid his fingers in. Mira moaned louder this time. Liking her reaction, he slid his hand out a little, before pushing it in again. Mira kept moaning, the pleasure finally starting to set in this time. Eventhough he was just using his fingers, it felt so good. She was getting wetter and wetter with each thrust of Natsu's fingers. Natsu liked the sound she was making, but decided that he wanted to make her feel so good she would say his name out loud, invading her mind with only thoughts of him.

He kept one hand working on her breasts while the other was pleasuring her from below.

Mira was almost there, but Natsu pulled his hand out suddenly. She looked at him with a dissatisfied look. She almost experienced her first orgasm, but he suddenly stopped his ministrations.

Natsu was moving his fingers around, liking the feeling of Mira's love nectar. The reason why he stopped fingering her was because he wanted her first orgasm to be with his dick.

After he used his fingers, next was his mouth. He wasn't gonna give her what she wanted just yet. She's kept him waiting for so long that now he wanted to tease her a little bit. He started by kissing her on the lips hungrily, using his tongue to explore her mouth. After a minute, he broke apart from her with a string of saliva connecting their mouths together. "I want to take in every inch of you before we do this."

Mira nodded, her face so flushed that Natsu was motivated to continue. He then proceeded to lick her neck, before biting it slightly and sucking it. Slurping sounds and the soft, angelic moans of Mira, were the only sounds that could be heard in the room.

After a while, he moved to her breasts, his tongue tracing itself down her body. He started to nibble her nipples first, soliciting a loud moan from Mira. "Ah! Natsu…" After a while longer, he started to suck on it harder, as if trying to get milk out.

Mira was biting her lip, holding the futon tightly. She was trying her best not to be so loud, fearing that their neighbors might hear her embarrassing sounds.

After Natsu was done with her breasts, he dragged his mouth all over her body. He was so excited by simply sucking her breasts he wanted to try out every part of her. He wanted everything now! He got a good taste of her face, her arms, underneath her arms, her legs, her shoulder, her stomach, even licking her feet.

"Natsu! Not my feet, that's disgusting." Mira chimed.

"You're not disgusting. Every part of you is perfect to me." He stopped licking her feet and dropped it gently to the floor. He kept his eyes on hers, and moved his head in front of her pussy, ready to start tasting her, saying "Besides, didn't I say I want to have every inch of you?"

"Natsu, what are yo-… hnnngh" She groaned in pleasure as Natsu licked her pussy. "Mira, I want to taste you now." He hazily said, looking at her with a fuzzy expression on his face. He wanted to get familiar with every part of her body tonight. He was going to make her beg for him and think only of him. He was gonna make her, his.

He licked her pussy and started slurping her juices. His hands held both her legs in place while she gripped his hair to push him down further, the pleasure more unbearable this time.

"Aaahnnn!" she moaned sexily once Natsu reached her G-spot.

"Mira, you're so wet down here, it's like I'm drinking from a fountain." He teased her.

"Don't say weird things like that." Mira was too focused on the moment that she didn't realize he was just joking. Natsu just smiled in his head, continuing to pleasure her using his mouth.

To make sure she didn't come yet, he stopped sucking her with his mouth, bringing her out of her near-orgasmic state again. She expressed her anger more this time.

"Why did you stop? Stop teasing me already!" She said with force. Natsu just smiled in response.

He held her legs open, positioning his cock in front of her hole. He put his face in front of her, and told her how much he was looking forward to this.

"I've always wanted to do this. You have no idea how many times my instincts just screamed at me to take you by force." Mira lightly gasped at Natsu's confession, still a bit inundated from his earlier actions. "But I didn't want you to do something you weren't ready to do, so I held myself back. I've kept holding myself back that when you suddenly threw yourself at me earlier, I felt so happy."

"Then you should've said something back then. You know I would've been fine with it as long as it's you." She answered, holding the sides of his face and smiled at him warmly.

"I know." Natsu said matter-of-factly, before kissing her passionately. She tasted herself on his lips, but she didn't mind.

After they shared their lips together for a few more seconds, Natsu decided it was time to insert his flaccid cock inside her vagina.

"Are you ready?" He asked one last time, gripping her legs comfortingly at the sides. Mira nodded "Go ahead. We've waited long enough already."

Knowing it was gonna hurt for a girl's first time, (don't ask me how he knows this stuff. He may be an idiot, but he's not that dumb) he inserted his dick in one swift motion.

"AAAH!" Mira screamed loudly from her hymen being penetrated, tears appearing at the corner of her eyes. Natsu gave her some time to get used to it before moving around, not wanting to hurt her more.

After he felt Mira start to move her hips around, she finally gave him the signal. "Go ahead."

At this, he pulled his enveloped dick out a little, before plunging it in just as fast. He started to pull his dick in and out in a rhythm, liking how it felt and feeling immense pleasure at how tight she was.

It wasn't long before the only sounds that could be heard in the room were skin slapping skin, and their grunts and moans of pleasure. After a while of doing this, they finally felt that jittery feeling in their stomach.

"Mira, I'm almost there." Natsu moaned out, almost reaching his climax. "Me too." She answered back.

Wanting to cum together with her, he sped up his thrusts and kissed her again using his tongue. When they finally reached their climax, they moaned in each other's mouths. Natsu fell on top of her, losing his strength in the arms that were holding him up.

They both lay there, panting heavily from their sweet release, Natsu's sweaty body on top of hers. They gathered their breaths for a minute. But they were far from over, after giving himself time to recover from the first round, he quickly started it up again.

Recovering his strength back, he sat up and carried her body along, her yukata sliding off her from behind. Placing her above him, he hugged her waist tightly while she placed both her hands on his shoulders.

"I'm not yet done."

"Neither am I." Mira retorted.

He slid his cock back in her pussy, making her hold on to his neck, she was grinding her hips violently against his, wanting to feel him deeper inside her.

"Nnn… Aahh… Aahnn!" She kept moaning and making different lewd sounds while Natsu kept thrusting faster and stronger.

The moonlight shone on their shaking bodies, droplets of sweat visible dripping around them.

Natsu sucked on her breast this time, biting her nipples slightly to arouse her more. She held on to his neck more tightly.

At this point, Mira's mind was already clouded with lust. She couldn't think straight anymore, drool coming out of her mouth and her eyes rolled at the back of her head.

After thrusting inside her for a few more minutes, they both came again.

"Aaahhh!" Mira moaned in delight while Natsu grunted in pleasure. Afterwards, they were both panting again, catching their breaths.

Natsu leaned his head on her chest, his hands still gripping her sides. Mira rested her head on top of his, her hands limp behind his neck.

But Natsu was not yet satisfied. He wanted her to scream his name out. He was not gonna stop until she thinks about him so much to the point she will be saying his name out loud subconsciously.

Recovering faster than her, he began their next round.

Changing positions, he flipped her over on her hands and knees and knelt himself down behind her abused cunt.

"Natsu? What… wait!" She pleaded, not yet ready to begin another round. She was still catching her breath, and her body was still feeling sluggish from her previous orgasm.

Natsu didn't listen to her and plunged himself inside her again, reaching deeper than ever before compared to their first two times in the past hour.

Although her body was telling her she was tired, soon, Mira was feeling pleasure again. She didn't know if she was a closet pervert or something, but she couldn't get enough of Natsu's dick. This was easily one of her most favorite activities already. She never wanted to stop.

"Do it harder! Please!" She begged, her face contorted in immense pleasure. She couldn't hold herself back anymore, she let her body take control and moaned more, not having the strength to suppress it anymore.

This served to make Natsu's thrusts more powerful, encouraged by the sounds he was able to make his girlfriend make.

Eventually, she was close again. "Natsu, I'm gonna…" She failed to finish her sentence as she exploded yet again. But this time, instead of letting her rest, Natsu kept continuing.

"Natsu, wait. Let me rest a little…" Her plea fell on deaf ears again as Natsu continued to pound into her wantonly.

"Hyaaah-" Mira squealed, Natsu not letting up one bit. She didn't know why Natsu wasn't stopping. Didn't he also come earlier? Oddly, she actually wanted this although it was new to her. She never saw Natsu like this. He was so passionate and full of energy. He was so aggressive.

She loved the fact that her boyfriend went crazy like this over her body, so she let him continue without any resistance.

Their bodies glistened in the moonlight. The futon was already wet from their love juices. Mira looked like she was in heat. Her face was red, her tongue were sticking out slightly since she couldn't control it anymore, her eyes only expressed intense pleasure, and her body's juices kept dripping down, her sweat, drool, and dripping pussy already soaking the futon under her.

They continued to have sex throughout the whole night. Natsu's vigor never seeming to weaken, he kept on plowing into her. They both came countless times, and eventhough Natsu was almost at his limit, he refused to stop. His body almost gave in many times, with each orgasm feeling stronger and stronger. But he won't give up… Not until he hears her say his name. He would keep fucking her without telling her when he'll stop, wanting her to say his name by herself. He wanted her to only think of him and only him, as the only man in her world.

Until finally, Mira said the magic word. After hours of endless fucking, she finally conceded.

"NAATSSUUUUU!" She screamed out so loudly it woke up some residents of the inn they were staying at.

"MIIIRAAAA!" He shouted her name as well, wanting them to say their names together.

After their fatal orgasmic blow, they finally reached their limits and let their bodies rest after that mindblowing sex they just had. Natsu rolled himself on his back, and hugged Mira's limp form close to him, letting her head rest on his chest. She wrapped her arms around his body as well.

Before letting sleep overtake them, they looked at one another one last time. "I love you," Mira said warmly, the effects of their lovemaking on her subsiding.

Natsu smiled at her tiredly, before returning her feelings, "I love you too."

They kissed each other lovingly one last time, before letting their fatigue take over and sleeping in the arms of one another, two lovers finally made as one under the gaze of the full moon.

"Goodnight, Erza. I'll see you tomorrow." Jellal said, claiming her lips and leaving right after.

Erza and Jellal just came back from their own date, and Jellal was kind enough to walk her home to Fairy Hills and kiss her goodbye.

On her way back to her room, she smiled slightly, thinking of how good her relationship with Jellal was lately.

But she couldn't help but feel like something is missing. Sure, she felt ecstatic when Jellal finally got together with her, but the spark between them wasn't as strong as she imagined it to be.

She's been waiting for this to happen ever since Jellal came back all those years ago, but why was she having doubts now? Isn't this what she wanted?

Remembering all the tears she shed back then whenever she thought of how she could never be with Jellal in that way, she remembered someone who was always there for her.

She closed off her heart and always pushed him away, but he never gave up on her. He always did his best for his friends, only ever getting angry for their sakes. He always put himself second to them.

Taking a quick shower and changing into her pajamas, she headed to her bedroom. She passed by her bookshelf, having a picture frame on it with a photo of someone from the guild. (*Note: Jellal already joined Fairy Tail)

"Natsu…" She let his name escape her lips, wondering why he wasn't at the guild today and what he was doing. When she realized what she was thinking of, she quickly shaked her head to get her thought out of her mind.

"Wait, what the hell am I saying?" She questioned herself. "I'm Jellal's girlfriend, what am I doing thinking of another man?"

Realizing it was useless to ponder over trivial thoughts like this, she got under the covers of her bed and went to sleep. She smiled, looking forward to spending time tomorrow with her boyfriend.

The moon shone on her bedroom as she slept, illuminating the picture of Natsu with his cutest smile doing a peace sign, on her bookshelf.

Sorry for the late update. Although I suck at writing, I still want to make each chapter as good as possible, as best as I can. I don't wanna half-ass anything. I swear on my grave that I will finish this story, and even if I lose interest in this sometime in the future, I'll just write a half-baked ending abruptly. What matters is that something here gets resolved in the end. There are so many great fics out there that never got finished (like shinji01ikari's "Pink and Black Goes Well Together", god, how I loved that NaLtear fic. It was what got me started on liking NaLtear and crack-ships in general, NaLtear on my top three list on FT).

Since I'm still inexperienced, writing this smut scene was too much for me since I didn't know what I was doing. It was cringy as hell, and when I proofread it, it made me feel so embarrassed. After all, my only reference was Por-, I mean, portable romance novels. Yeah, let's go with that.

Browsing through great NaZa stories for reference lately, (since I felt I've sort of abandoned my OTP because I was too focused on NaMi, which is my OOTP, which is "other one true pairing") I just want to give a shout-out to Squirtle 1996, Bismarcx (TimStormX6 now), and Kowaba. When it comes to NaZa, I personally love Bismarcx's stories like "Choices we make" or "Her Champion". His most recent story is a FT and OnePiece crossover, but his other NaZa stories were done so well I couldn't help but be inspired to make my own. I'm not saying this fic will end with NaZa since I feel like Natsu has a deeper bond with Mira right now, so it's hard to pass her over.

The story Im following the most right now is 'ShesTheBoss19's "A boy becomes a man, and a man becomes a weapon". Seriously, that's some awesome NaLtear shit right there. If you're a fan of this pairing, I will definitely recommend you guys to check it out. My 4th fav Natsu crack-ship is with Kagura, then Irene, then Seilah. Something about those characters just seems compatible with him for me.

I have no idea how to proceed for the next chapter, so if anyone has any good ideas, please do tell me. Otherwise, I'll be stuck in a slump again and I might not update for another month.

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