
Eroge Dragon Monarch: Harem In A Game World

A misunderstanding allowed Orion to be summoned before the goddess of war instead of his best friend, who had initially annoyed the goddess. Luckily for Orion, the misunderstanding was cleared by the goddess’s sister, who also allowed Orion to understand the true reason behind his summoning. With his mind made up to not only live as he pleases but also prevent the two goddesses from fading into obscurity, Orion’s soul safely transmigrated into the game world. Upon waking up in this new world, Orion discovered he had woken up in the body of a prince who also happened to be a villain in the game. In the game, Prince Orion Azvameth was fated to not only lose his half-sister and her mother but was also destined to lose his personal maid, who sacrificed herself for him. As if the cruelty he was meant to suffer wasn’t enough, his kingdom was destined to be plagued with both internal and external problems while he was destined to die at the hands of the protagonist after being used as a puppet by a Greater Demon. With all this weighing on his mind, Orion vowed to not only change his fate but also that of those he cared about. However, his actions were bound to create a butterfly effect, and what better way to defy the odds than by ruling the world.

Megabyte · Fantasia
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45 Chs

32. My Status.

[Would you like to consume the fruit?]


In acknowledgment of his response, the system made a big juicy golden apple appear on his palm.

Orion vividly remembered the benefits of consuming the fruit and didn't hesitate to take a bite of the sweet juicy golden apple in his hand.

Strangely enough, the apple was far sweeter than any apple he had tasted in both this world and his previous one.

Within seconds, the apple completely vanished from his hand and into his stomach.

The moment he was done eating the apple, his body began to glow with a shining white light, but unlike the time he was awakening his dragon bloodline, this was different.

Golden chains appeared and spiraled down his body, revealing the restraint that had been keeping him from discovering his true potential.

The golden chains slowly began to rot, and before he knew it, they shattered into a million pieces and vanished right before his eyes.

Then a cool breeze caressed his skin and Orion inhaled and exhaled deeply, feeling a huge chunk of weight lifted from his body.

Initially, it felt like his body was strapped with a hundred invisible golden metal chains, preventing him from gaining access to his latent potential but now, he felt different.

With the help of the fruit, he now had the potential to achieve greater heights in his strength and cultivation.

The fruit essence also allowed for accelerated training. This meant that Orion could progress at a rapid rate in his training when compared to others.

This was because, as a person approached their limit, their progress would inevitably slow down.

Thus, those with a higher potential usually experienced faster rates of improvement, and this was due to their enhanced capacity for growth.

But now that Orion had eaten the fruit, he no longer felt bound by the laws of the world. He could freely train and improve as much as he wanted.

However, while Orion was lost in thought, thinking of several possibilities that could occur in the future, a new screen suddenly popped up in front of him.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through your limit.]

[With the blessing of the goddess of evolution, coupled with the consumption of the magical fruit, your future harem, loyal companions, and legions of monsters are no longer bound by the chains of limitations, which were hindering them from attaining their full potential.]

[They can now evolve and advance beyond their current levels without having to worry about reaching their predestined limits.]

"This is amazing."

[Congratulations to the host, all attributes will increase after successfully awakening your mana core and breaking past your limit.]

[All Attributes: Stamina, Mana, Agility, Strength, Constitution, Luck, and Vitality have increased by [+200], Health [+400].]

[The Host's corresponding attributes have increased to:- Health [600], Stamina [300], Mana [300], Agility [300], Strength [300], Constitution [300], Luck [300], Vitality [300].]

[Congratulations to the host, your Attributes are now equivalent to a Mid Stage First Order Mage.]

[Congratulations to the host, your Attributes are now equivalent to a Mid Stage First Order Knight.]

[You have successfully advanced from an Early Stage First Order Cultivator to a Mid Stage First Order Cultivator.]

[Congratulations to the host, the conditions needed to have access to the fourth beginner's gift package have finally been attained.]

[Would you like to check it out?]


[Opening The Host's Fourth Beginner's Gift Package.]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a new weapon 'Inferno Frostbite Twin-blade'.]

[A perfect weapon which complements your innate magical affinity.]

[To open the last Beginner's Gift Package, the host must select two more magical affinities of your choice.]

Reading the words displayed in front of him, Orion's lips curled into a smile.

Not only had he acquired a new weapon, but he could also choose two new magical affinities to add to the four he already had.

He wasn't in a hurry to choose the two new magical affinities.

There were countless magical affinities to choose from, so he wanted to make a careful evaluation of all of them before making his choice.

Moreover, he was yet to get accustomed to the four he already had, so this was even more reason for him not to rush into making a choice.

Since his mind was already made up, Orion informed the system of his desire to check out his status.


[Name: – Orion Azvameth]

[Race: – Human (95%), Dragon (4%), Spirit (1%).]

[Age:- 18.]

[Title:- Beloved Partner Of The Goddess Of Love And Warfare. Useless Prince Of The South{Upgradeable}.]

[Bloodline:- Frost-fire Dragon Bloodline.]

[Bloodline Name And Stage:- Frost-fire Inchoate Dragon Bloodline. {Stage:- One}.]

[Innate Magical Affinity:- Frost-fire Magic {Tier 1:- 5%}.]

[Number Of Evolution:- One.]

[Magical Affinity:- Fire Magic {Tier 1:- 5%},

Ice Magic {Tier 1:- 5%},

Body Enhancement Magic {Tier 1:- 5%},

Weapon Enchantment Magic {Tier 1:- 5%}.

(Unknown), (Unknown).]

[Mage Rank:- Mid-stage First Order.]

[Knight Rank:- Mid-stage First Order.]


Health [600]

Stamina [300]

Mana [300]

Agility [300]

Strength [300]

Constitution [300]

Luck [300]

Vitality [300]

[Attribute Points:- 85 points]

[Weapon:- Inferno Frostbite Twin-blade'.]

[Technique:- Inferno Frostbite Twin-blade Piercing Art.]

[Active Skill:- Appraisal, Mana control.]

[Innate Skill:- Mana Sight, Devour, Eternal Blaze, Frostbite Claw.]

[Life Skills:- Potion-brewing Skill.]

[Magical Skills And Spells:- Ember, Flame lash, Chill Touch, Frost bolt.]

[Servant(s):- Aria,]


[Mana Sight:- This skill grants you the ability to perceive the intricate flow of mana and miasma around you.]

[Devour:- Once activated, this skill allows you to absorb the mana core of your opponents, automatically providing you with an increase in attributes. As your cultivation progresses, the skill would evolve.]

[Eternal Blaze:-Creates a never-ending flame for attack.]

[Frostbite Claw:- It creates claws that freeze and shatter a target on impact.]

[Ember:- This skill allows the host to conjure a small, flickering flame which can be used for illumination or basic tasks.]

[Flame lash:- A very dangerous Tier 1 spell that allows the host to create a whip-like tendril of fire that can be used to lash at opponents.]

[Frost bolt:- This allows the host to shoot small bolts of freezing energy at a target.]

[Chill Touch:- This skill inflicts a cold numbing feeling upon touch, capable of causing discomfort and minor damage.]


A/N:- Thank you so much for giving this novel a read. The support so far has been breathtaking. You guys are simply amazing. Thankfully, this is the end of volume one titled 'Into the game world'.

The next volume will be titled 'Civil War'. Hope you guys continue to support the novel.