
Eroge Dragon Monarch: Harem In A Game World

A misunderstanding allowed Orion to be summoned before the goddess of war instead of his best friend, who had initially annoyed the goddess. Luckily for Orion, the misunderstanding was cleared by the goddess’s sister, who also allowed Orion to understand the true reason behind his summoning. With his mind made up to not only live as he pleases but also prevent the two goddesses from fading into obscurity, Orion’s soul safely transmigrated into the game world. Upon waking up in this new world, Orion discovered he had woken up in the body of a prince who also happened to be a villain in the game. In the game, Prince Orion Azvameth was fated to not only lose his half-sister and her mother but was also destined to lose his personal maid, who sacrificed herself for him. As if the cruelty he was meant to suffer wasn’t enough, his kingdom was destined to be plagued with both internal and external problems while he was destined to die at the hands of the protagonist after being used as a puppet by a Greater Demon. With all this weighing on his mind, Orion vowed to not only change his fate but also that of those he cared about. However, his actions were bound to create a butterfly effect, and what better way to defy the odds than by ruling the world.

Megabyte · Fantasy
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45 Chs

33. Statues Of The Goddesses.

Orion stood up from the chair he sat on and walked out of his father's private study. While walking, he read the details of his status once again.

'Are the percentage in front of the magical affinities similar to proficiency?' He asked Aria.

[Yes, they are.]

[The more you increase your proficiency, the more you will be rewarded with new spells relating to that tier until it gets to 100%.]

"I see, so if I don't have a hundred percent proficiency with a Tier 1 spell for a magical affinity, I won't be able to use a Tier 2 spell of that affinity.'


'That's simple enough to understand, but why the heck is my title 'Useless Prince Of The South'.'

[This is how more than 95% of the people across the empire see you.]

Although Orion never paid attention to the way others saw him, but considering the way Aria just dropped a bombshell on him, it felt like a huge arrow had been shot straight into his chest.

He couldn't deny how hurt he was to find out that 95% of the people in the human continent saw him as nothing more than 'The Useless Prince Of The South'.

He knew he had to do something about this.

But then again, the rumors had started ever since he was unable to awaken his bloodline because so many knew he would be unable to awaken his mana core as well.

In this world, anyone who successfully awakened his mana core would be able to manipulate and cultivate mana.

Cultivation in this world was divided into orders, starting from the first order. Those who were unable to awaken a mana core were grouped under Zero order or they were simply referred to as ordinary individuals.

Just like Prince Orion, not everyone was blessed with the ability to awaken a mana core, but even among those who awakened their mana core and became a first-order mage or knight, not everyone had the talent to advance to the second order.

This was why most people were stuck in the first order.

This world's cultivation was also divided into two paths. Mana cultivation and Body Cultivation.

Mana cultivation was the ability to use mana to cast spells. These types of cultivators were referred to as mages.

While Body Cultivation was the ability to use mana to strengthen one's body and one's weapon which could also serve as an extension of your body, these types of cultivators were called Knights.

The main difference between mages and knights was that mages used spells while knights made use of their skills.

Most people were either a mage or a knight but only a few people, like Orion, were capable of being both.

Most of these people were either extremely gifted or they possessed a really strong bloodline.

Just like Orion, some royal families and nobles were able to awaken a bloodline that granted them increased strength, increased cultivation speed, rare elemental affinities and so much more.

However, as long as Orion continued to remain in the human continent, there was no one in the entire continent who could possess a bloodline superior to his, and this was because, no matter how strong a human might be, no one could ever be stronger than a dragon with an awakened bloodline.

After Orion checked everything he wanted to see in his status, he noticed that he had arrived at the royal courtyard.

The royal courtyard had a marble pathway leading to two statues. A garden of roses also surrounded the statues, filling the air with its sweet scent.

There was also a stone bench near the statues as well.

Looking closely, Orion noticed that the two statues were meant to represent Anastasia and Astarte.

One of the statues stood tall and proud with a fierce expression on her face. She also seemed to be clad in full battle armor while wielding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. The statue was definitely depicting Anastasia, the goddess of war.

As for the other statue, Astarte was depicted with a beautiful smile while wearing a long flowing robe, with her outstretched hand holding a delicate flower in it.

'Too bad no one knows she's also my jealous beautiful wife.' Orion jested in his thoughts.

He was impressed by how detailed the statues were made, but he saw no resemblance to his two beautiful women.

The goddesses were far prettier than what the statues depicted.

"Young master, you were here?" Orion heard Jarvis' voice from behind him, causing him to turn around and find both Jarvis and Lilith walking towards him.

"What were you doing here?" Lilith asked.

"I was just admiring these statues," He replied while looking at the statues once again.

Hearing this, Jarvis and Lilith were prompted to look at the two statues as well.

"Do any of you know what these two statues mean?"

"Isn't it one of your grandfather's collection of sculptures, I heard he liked to collect weird artifacts as well and he had interest in stuff like this," Jarvis replied.

"It's true that he liked to collect weird artifacts and sculptures but this isn't one of them. Tell me, Jarvis, do you think the demons have gods they believe in?"

"Of course, they do, just like the demons, every race has a deity they belie…"

Lilith noticed Jarvis suddenly trailing off mid-sentence and she asked. "What's wrong?"

"I can't seem to remember the name of our deity. It's strange because I can remember the deities the elves worship, even those of the harpies and merfolks are still in my memory. But I can't seem to remember ours. It almost feels like we never had one to begin with, but a part of me feels like we've always had one just like every other race."

"We do not have one, but two." Orion decided to inform him.

"Two?" Both Lilith and Jarvis repeated after him.


"But why can't I remember their names?" Jarvis asked.

"That's because someone doesn't want us to remember them."


A/N:- Guess who just received a contract invitation?