

A 16 year old girl name Aurora, she had many obstacles in her life. Will the guy she likes will love her back? Will it last forever? Or he’ll love her?

Vaish_xox · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 2 | Lost Lullabies |

Sometimes life feels like a prison, where we are stuck with very unbearable memories. The present is also stuck with obstacles, and we manifest for a someone to listen our traumatic experience. In this story we will get to know about a girl named Aurora, how her life changed, and how she deals with her obstacles. 

*alarm clock rings

The eyes opens and see something that she always deals with: a messed house with darkness and stony silence. She thought that why she always deserve this, then she remembered that what happened last night. By not further continuing thinking something more, she started settling her messy room. After settling her room she made lunch and got ready for her appalling day at school as always .

School is the place where most of us enjoy our life and save the most precious memories, some people just go there to minimise their time spent in their home.

Aurora entered the school, where again everybody gave her that poor look. Bullies got their victim back. And watchers got their entertainment back. Aurora was just used as an object by the bullies. Aurora rarely had friends. She had a friend named Elara. She was a genuine friend. She always tried to defend Aurora from the bullies. But Aurora was very tired to fight for herself. She was such tired that she lets the bullies to harm herself. Whenever Aurora returns, she always use to seat beside a lack, and express her traumatising life. The deadly silence always stays alive at her home. Aurora defined this as her life. And the story everyday repeats itself.

One fine day Aurora returned from her school and as always and expressed her life with her misty eyes. While explaining how her family is totally broken and how her father has broke her family. Aurora while comparing her beautiful childhood memories with her rough patch. She busted down and she broke into trillion pieces. She complained that why she always becomes the victim of such events?

Why nobody loves her?

Why the guy she loves the most doesn't even cares wether she is alive or not and always makes her let down?

Yes, you guessed it right. Aurora loved a guy named Ethan immensely. But she never expressed it, instead Ethan always bullied her for her simple looks and insulated nature. Ethan hated Aurora without any reason. But Aurora in other place loved him unconditionally without any expectations, where as Ethan always insulted and used her in front of everyone. Ethan already had many girlfriends, but Aurora still loved him immensely.

Aurora busted and cried hardly and loudly thinking that she lost all the hopes. She lost her all meanings of living her life. She felt like she was the most unluckiest person ever existing in the world. She thought that she has lost the battle.

The winds were a bit low and cold that day. The water of the lack was deadly silent as it was speechless to answer Aurora's questions.

Then from somewhere the voice came saying "you are not alone".

Could you guess who's is it in that tranquil place? What if that voice is very unknown to Aurora?

For further story, stay with me and find the answer in next chapter.

Until then stay tuned ~