

A 16 year old girl name Aurora, she had many obstacles in her life. Will the guy she likes will love her back? Will it last forever? Or he’ll love her?

Vaish_xox · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 | Love— The Meaning |

Can you name any feeling which can be painful and pleasurable at the same time??

Yes you guessed it right!! In this chapter I'm talking about love. What do you think, what is love??

Love doesn't means that loving only a person, love can also mean that loving anything possible. Like loving our pets, loving our passion and career, loving any devices etc.

Let's suppose, let us take an example. If you have brought any devices, for which you have manifested it for many years, and you achieved it in your life. Which feeling you'll get at that time?? Yeah, the feeling of achievement and gratitudeness will possess your soul. This can also be a part of 'love'. And suppose you lost that device during any accident. What feeling you'll get during that time? If you guessed the feeling of sorrow and and the sense of loss, then you are correct. This is also a part of 'love'.

Therefore, love is not always about happiness and fulfilment, love can also be painful at the same time. And both the things are beautiful in their own ways.

Not all the love stories ends with happy and great endings, some of the love stories ends with huge pain too.

Love can not always be the most beautiful at first time, but it can be beautiful all the time it happens but differently.

Love and affection both are different feelings, affection can be a part of love, but love can not be the part of of affection. In this world, which is fully loaded with lust, love is the only feeling which doesn't demands anything from this world in its return. If you are dying to get anything in return then it's not love, it can be the lust.

Lust is not always about physical intimation. Lust can also be of money, power, strength etc. If you are loving someone then keep it unconditional, it'll be painless. If you'll believe that you should get love in return too, then I'm sorry, it can not be the actual love. Love is not about enforcing the feelings, love is inside us. If we will love everyone genuinely then we will feel the feeling of peace inside us too.

Let's take an example of Ravan from the great Ramayana. Ravan was a great emperor, a powerful man, he was strong, sharp minded and God gifted. But because of the lust of power and ego. He ended up destroying himself and his empire made up of gold. Where as Lord Shree Ram was a very kind, humble and loving person. He always treated everyone with his humbleness and kindness. If he wanted then he would have distroyed everything at that time when Maa Sita was being kidnapped by Ravan, but he maintained his peace inside him and never hurted anyone intentionally. Because of that everyone was ready to work for him and end up their lives too. And at the end he won the battel. This is the art of loving everyone genuinely.

The feeling you apply for everyone is the way you treat yourself too. So, see everyone as the part of this universe. You'll become the most beautiful and great person in this world, and maybe you'll get almost all the answers of your questions related to life.

Hating is the most easiest feeling in this world. But loving is the hardest feeling which you can keep inside.

We have always grown up watching that if we love someone, then they should also love us the same way and should also be attached to us. But we need to understand that everyone's definition and way of loving are different. Not everyone can comfort us and love us the way we want, maybe someone is trying their best to describe their love to us, but we are still stuck with those unrealistic stories. This thing can also end up the beautiful relationships.

If we'll keep highly unrealistic and costly expectations from someone, then there is the probability of the end of that relation.

If you have the feeling of attached with someone or something and you are afraid to lose them or it, then definitely you'll lose that person or thing. And this the actual life, the universe always tries to teach us the difference between love and attachment. When you associate the feeling of attachment with love, then that love will definitely be painful.

But, if you love something or someone without any fear of losing it or then, then that love will be the most beautiful thing in your life ever!!

Have you ever noticed that the person you have loved the most are the once who gave you the most brutal pain of life. It happens because we sometimes forget to learn the difference between love and attachment. Relate that attachment with "love" which is not actually love.

Love can be the life changer or can be the life destroyer at the same time for some people. But we need to understand that if we will love something or someone unconditionally and don't want to get anything in return then, that love can uplift and can change our lives. But if we will get attached to something or someone then definitely we will end up destroying ourselves and this attachment.

Mastering to let things go and balance ourselves is the best art we can developin ourselves.

If you have loved someone and you are not expecting anything in return, and if that relation ends. Then too it'll not affect you such deeply. If you'll love someone in such way then you'll never break yourself. You'll always believe that you have gave your best and if that person wasn't compatible with you it wasn't your fault. The situation may happen because of the situation or because of time.

I accept the fact that the things about which I'm speaking about can be baseless or meaningless for some people. But once who have faced and observed it somewhere at a part of life can relate to me.

What do you guys think? Do you guys agree with my ideology??

In further chapters we will get to know about a love story which is totally filled with fantasy and lots of love. A clumsy girl named Aurora. Will she get her love of life? Else she'll get heart breaks? If she'll be loved then who will love her. Will it last forever?