
Elaine Academy

Monica Elaine Vilanuez is born into the demon race and faces a tough situation – she's destined to be the queen of the whole world. This causes problem as many others can't accept having such a vicious queen. Monica was able to survive for seventeen years in the mortal world. However, her enemies finally track her down, and she has to return to her real world, leaving her adoptive parents' safety uncertain. Back in her true world, Monica seeks refuge in an academy to stay safe. But the danger isn't over yet. She must continue to hide her identity and wonders how long she can keep this disguise.

Yu_Mira01 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter Twelve: Cause Of Death (3)

Warning: Mild depiction of violence, abuse, and death.

As the night drew to a close, Lady Genevieve, Lord Gavroche, and Ernesh bid farewell to the Queen and King of the Kingdom of Aquaria. The banquet had been a grand affair, filled with celebration, laughter, and warm camaraderie. It was a night that everyone would cherish in their hearts for years to come.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Your Majesties," Lady Genevieve said with genuine gratitude. "It has been an exquisite celebration, and we are deeply honored to have been part of your daughter's birthday."

The Queen smiled warmly at Lady Genevieve. "The pleasure was ours, Lady Genevieve. Your family's presence has added a special touch to the occasion, and we are delighted to have made your acquaintance."

Lord Gavroche nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Your Majesties. Your hospitality and kindness will forever be remembered."

Ernesh, who had been reserved in the presence of royalty before, found himself more at ease now, thanks to the newfound perspective he had gained from the Queen's wisdom. "Thank you, Your Majesties, for the warmth and graciousness you have shown us tonight. Your daughter's birthday celebration has been an unforgettable experience."

The King chuckled warmly. "You are most welcome, young Ernesh. Your parents have raised a fine and polite young man. We look forward to more opportunities to meet in the future."

As they bid their farewells, Ernesh exchanged a final glance with the queen. There was an unspoken understanding between them – a shared moment of connection that transcended words. He felt a sense of kinship with the Queen, knowing that he had experienced her genuine concern and love without any expectations.

As they walk out of the castle towards their carriage, the moon shone on them. Lady Genevieve held her husband's arm while Ernesh was beside them, walking quietly.

As the family walked, Lady Genevieve couldn't help but comment on the success of the banquet. Her face beamed with pride as she spoke about the attention Ernesh had received from the guests and how well he had handled himself during the event. "Ernie, my dear, you were simply splendid tonight," she praised, her voice filled with a mix of maternal affection and a touch of her characteristic perfectionism.

"You charmed everyone with your wit and grace," she continued, her smile never faltering. "It's clear that all the lessons and training have paid off." However, as she complimented Ernesh, her keen eyes didn't miss even the smallest of mistakes he might have made. She was quick to point them out, gently criticizing him in a way that only a mother with high expectations could.

"However, Ernie, there is still room for improvement. Remember, perfection is a continuous journey, and you must strive to be faultless in every aspect."

Ernie nodded, feeling both a sense of accomplishment and the weight of his mother's expectations. "Yes, Mother. I'll work harder to be perfect."

Lady Genevieve patted his shoulder, her voice softening slightly. "I know you can achieve greatness, my son. Just remember, perfection is the key to success and respect. Never settle for anything less."

"Oh, and Ernie, do remember to work on your posture. A slight slump can leave the wrong impression," she noted, her tone soft but firm. "And try not to fidget too much; it's a sign of restlessness." Even in moments of praise, Lady Genevieve couldn't help but strive for perfection in her son's every aspect.

Ernesh listened attentively to his mother, nodding and absorbing her words.

As they reached the carriage, Lady Genevieve gracefully stepped in, followed by Lord Gavroche. Ernesh followed suit, feeling a sense of contentment despite the slight pressure he felt to meet his mother's expectations. He knew he had done well, and tonight's encounter with the queen had left a lasting impression on him.

The carriage set off, leaving behind a successful evening that had brought both praise and constructive criticism. Lady Genevieve was already planning for Ernesh's next social appearance, eager to mold him into the paragon of perfection she believed he could become. Meanwhile, Ernesh glanced back at the banquet venue, grateful for the experiences he had gained, and intrigued by the genuine care and concern he had felt in the presence of the queen. It was a night he would remember for a long time to come.

As Lady Genevieve and Lord Gavroche settled into the carriage, Lord Gavroche suddenly seemed preoccupied. He looked concerned and realized that he had forgotten to discuss something important with a friend regarding their plans for a piece of land. Lady Genevieve couldn't help but notice his distraction and ask. "Gavroche, is everything alright?" Lord Gavroche didn't reply and shouted stop the coach for further driving off. He look towards her wife explaining the reasons of his unease.

Lady Genevieve felt a bit confused about why they needed to be left behind while he attended to this matter.

"Gavroche, is everything alright?" she inquired, her brow furrowing with concern. "Why can't we all go together and sort out this matter as a family?"

Lord Gavroche sighed and took Lady Genevieve's hand gently, offering her a reassuring smile. "My dear, I apologize for the inconvenience," he began, his voice warm and tender. "It's just that this is an urgent matter, and I need to address it immediately. There are some time-sensitive negotiations that I must attend to."

"But why can't we wait until tomorrow? It's still early, and we could all go together," Lady Genevieve insisted, her desire to keep the family together evident in her words.

Lord Gavroche understood her reluctance but knew that time was of the essence. "I promise I will follow as soon as possible," he reassured her, squeezing her hand gently. "It won't take long, and I'll make sure to catch up with you and Ernesh as soon as I'm done. Please understand, my love, this is important."

Reluctantly, Lady Genevieve nodded, realizing that her husband's duty as a nobleman sometimes required him to handle matters promptly. "Alright," she said softly, her voice tinged with a mix of understanding and disappointment. "Just make sure to join us as soon as you can."

"I will, my dear. You and Ernesh enjoy the ride back home, and I'll be there before you know it," Lord Gavroche replied, giving her a reassuring smile.

With a heavy heart, Lady Genevieve gave in, knowing that her husband's responsibilities couldn't always align with her desires. She leaned back in her seat, trying to shake off her unease and trust that he would join them soon.

As the carriage departed, Lady Genevieve couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the family to be together. She looked out of the window, gazing at the moon, and hoped that her husband's business would be resolved quickly. She yearned for the moment when they would all be reunited once again, cherishing the love and bond they shared as a family.

When they reach their estate, Lady Genevieve completely forgotten her disappointment earlier as she remembered what herself promise. As soon as they entered their door. Lady Genevieve roughly grab her son's wrist. Forgetting he was still young and she uses all her strength to drag him towards the punish room. In other words, downstairs, in the basement.

In the dimly lit basement of the grand estate, Lady Genevieve brought Ernesh, her young son, to punish him for what she deemed an unnecessary and improper act – his indulgence in music. She had learned of his music sheets in his bedroom. Remembering what she had read, she became even angrier. She disapproved of this perceived imperfection in her son's conduct.

As they stood in the gloomy space, Lady Genevieve's face was stern and disapproving. "Ernesh, I cannot believe you would engage in such frivolous activities like music," she scolded, her voice laced with disappointment. "As a member of our esteemed family, you must strive for perfection in all aspects of your life. Frivolities like music will only distract you from your true purpose."

Ernesh, still feeling the warmth of the Queen's kind words and genuine concern from the banquet, felt a surge of courage within him. He lifted his head and looked at his mother with determination. "But Mother, music brings me joy, and it allows me to express myself in ways that words cannot. The Queen herself said that pursuing one's passion is important for personal growth and happiness."

Lady Genevieve's eyes narrowed with anger at the mention of the Queen's words. "You dare to question my teachings and the values of our family?" she snapped, her voice growing colder. "The Queen's opinions may hold weight in her kingdom, but they have no place here. Your purpose is to uphold the family's legacy and be a perfect representation of our name."

"But Mother, the Queen showed genuine care and love without expecting anything in return," Ernesh pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion. "She saw beyond our family's reputation and treated me as a person, not just a member of the nobility. I don't want to be perfect if it means losing touch with my true self and the things that make me happy."

Lady Genevieve's face flushed with anger, her belief in perfection fueling her determination to bring her son back in line. "You are being naive, Ernesh. The world we live in demands perfection from us, and I am merely trying to prepare you for it. You will be respected and admired for your achievements, not for indulging in frivolous pursuits like music."

Ernesh's heart sank as he realized the gulf that separated his mother's perception of perfection and his own desires. Feeling trapped and suffocated, he took a step back and turned to run away from the oppressive atmosphere of the basement.

"Ernesh, get back here this instant!" Lady Genevieve's voice boomed after him, filled with fury at her son's defiance. Her hands move before she could think. She throw a wooden club at him and soon as it hit him, he stumbled and fell to the ground. Lady Genevieve walk towards him. She heard her son groaned in pain as blood drip from his head. It seems that Lady Genevieve uses too much force.

"Mother," Ernesh called out, his vision slightly blurred with his hand outstretched. Lady Genevieve grab her son's hands. Ernesh thought his mother got soft hearted and was now helping him. He ought to be disappointed because her mother not only did not help him, she twisted his fingers like it was twig. Ernesh hear his bones cracking as he shouted in pain.

"I ask, I said, I scolded and keep begging you to be perfect, why couldn't you understand? Do you really want me to use violence? Is it necessary to feel pain so that you understand how importance perfection is?" Lady Genevieve spoke and slap his son's cheek hard. "Music is unnecessary, I keep telling you that, why don't you understand. There's no future in music."

Ernesh though pain still spoke. "Music can also be perfect, mother. Please mother, give me a chance."

Lady Genevieve laugh scornfully. "Music? Perfect? Naive thought! There's no perfect in once dreams. If you want to be perfect, forget your dreams because it will only be a hindrance to your road of perfection." She patted her son's head. "Don't be selfish, Ernesh, that is imperfection. Forget about your dreams or forget about your perfect and successful life."

"Mother," Ernesh cried sorrowfully. "I don't want to be perfect, I want to be—"

"Impudence!" Lady Genevieve slap her son again and Ernesh tilted towards the floor, hitting his face over and over again by her mother and the floor. He cried calling out her mother who was gentle and loving.

He hated her. He hated her so much he wanted her to disappear. He did not deserve this kind of mother. He wanted someone who is normal, who cared for him deeply, who love him whoever he is. Who wanted him to be happy most of all. He did not want this kind of mother who suppresses him and hurts him. He wanted him to be gone.

He couldn't control his emotions and his ability unexpectedly presented itself. His ability to summon any weapons, is useless has finally has its use now. The sword was struck towards her mother's abdomen. Blood flowed from her mouth as she stumbled back successfully falling down and hitting her head in the process in the sharp edge of a stone.

Ernesh struggled to stand up. He look down at his mother. Unconscious. Blood keep flowing out of her wound flooding the floor with her blood.

Ernesh realizes the big situation it was and he run up. Ernesh didn't look back. He ran up the stairs and out of the basement.

Ernesh's world shattered as he stood there, tears streaming down his face, calling out for help after his confrontation with his mother. The words they exchanged, now bitter memories, weighed heavily on his heart. The maids and guards who heard his cries rushed to the scene, their faces filled with concern and worry.

What they saw made their hearts drop and cold. They saw their lovely and elegant Lady Genevieve covered by her own blood. The floor is already filled with red. They immediately moved.

After some time...

"What happened? Where is Lady Genevieve?" Lord Gavroche voice boomed as he arrived at the basement, his face contorted with fear and confusion.

One of the maids stepped forward, her voice trembling as she spoke. "My lord, we found Lady Genevieve unconscious in the basement. We immediately called for assistance and carried her out to your chamber, but…" Her voice trailed off, unable to bear delivering the devastating news.

Lord Gavroche, his heart sinking, hurriedly made his way to his wife's chamber, praying that she would be alright. The maids and guards followed closely behind, leaving Ernesh standing there, his emotions in turmoil.

In their chamber, the air was heavy with sorrow. The family physician was attending to her, but it was evident that her condition was grave. Ernesh's father knelt by her side, taking her hand in his, his eyes filled with pain and regret.

The physician turned to Ernesh's father and spoke softly, "My lord, it appears that Lady Genevieve loss too much blood, adding to that she also hit her head against a sharp object causing it to bled. If not for the reason of too much blood loss, then the head injury will be it. Her condition is critical. I fear…"

Before he could finish, Lady Genevieve's hand went limp in her husband's grasp, and her life slipped away, leaving behind a void that could never be filled. Lord Gavroche let out a cry of grief, and tears streamed down his face as he mourned the loss of his wife.

Ernesh, devastated and guilt-ridden, finally made his way to his parents chamber, where he saw his father weeping beside her lifeless body. His heart felt heavy with sorrow and regret, knowing that their last exchange had been one of anger and misunderstanding.

"I'm so sorry, Father," Ernesh whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I never meant for this to happen."

His father turned to him, his eyes filled with grief and pain. "None of this is your fault, my son," he said, his voice trembling. "Life is unpredictable, and we can never truly prepare for the depths of its twists and turns."

Ernesh and his father embraced, finding solace in each other's grief. They knew that they would have to lean on one another to navigate the difficult days ahead.

In the following weeks, the grand estate felt emptier than ever. Lady Genevieve's absence left a void that seemed impossible to fill. Ernesh and his father mourned her loss deeply, each dealing with their grief in their own way.

Ernesh found comfort in the sword that had once caused a disagreement between him and his mother. He poured his emotions into his strikes, finding a sense of release and healing through the art form he loved and hated. His father, on the other hand, immersed himself in the responsibilities of the estate, seeking solace in his duties and the routine that came with them.

In the midst of their grieving, Ernesh and his father grew apart.

As time went on, Ernesh became more proficient at maintaining a facade of perfection, but deep inside, he wrestled with the burden of living up to his mother's expectations. He yearned for acceptance and love not based on an unattainable ideal but for who he truly was. And as he grew older, he would embark on a journey to discover his own path, hoping to find a sense of self-worth and contentment beyond the relentless pursuit of perfection.


Ernesh meet up with his group. Upon arrival he immediately ask whether the poster is already drawn and posted.

A knight answered. "Yes, Lieutenant. It's drawn and already posted across all kingdoms."

Ernesh nodded in appreciation, then announce. "Let's go, patrol!"

"Aye! Yes Sir!"



Rule #1: Perfection has no dreams.

'Yes, Mom and Dad.' Genevieve drop her paint brush down.

'Very good, Little Genevieve. Look, William, our daughter is so obedient.'

'Yes, she is. Good job, Genevieve.' William put the dagger back. Genevieve's hand were trembling, with dagger still stuck on the back of her hand, blood dripping down.

I knew it! It's not sad at all. I want to make it heartbroken, but sigh I'm so talentless.

Are you still confuse about the Ernesh shift of personality? Feel free to ask any questions. I might answer but if there's a plot involve, we'll see.

Next will be the aftermath of Eliza's battle. If you still haven't notice, this is nonlinear. There will be past presented and the timeline will be backward depending on the point of view. I'm a bad narrator so bear with me.

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