
Elaine Academy

Monica Elaine Vilanuez is born into the demon race and faces a tough situation – she's destined to be the queen of the whole world. This causes problem as many others can't accept having such a vicious queen. Monica was able to survive for seventeen years in the mortal world. However, her enemies finally track her down, and she has to return to her real world, leaving her adoptive parents' safety uncertain. Back in her true world, Monica seeks refuge in an academy to stay safe. But the danger isn't over yet. She must continue to hide her identity and wonders how long she can keep this disguise.

Yu_Mira01 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Luminescent Guardian

As the Forest Warden, with a crown of leaves adorning his flowing hair, stepped through the dense foliage of the enchanted forest, the ancient trees seemed to whisper greetings in the breeze that rustled their leaves. The forest, his home, responded to his presence, and the ground beneath his feet seemed to shift softly, forming a path for him to tread upon.

Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. The Forest Warden's emerald eyes glimmered with a deep connection to the living world around him. Each step he took was imbued with grace and purpose, as if he moved in perfect harmony with the natural rhythms of the forest.

As he ventured deeper into the heart of his realm, a figure came into view not far away. It was not clear at first but as he grow closer and closer, the figure became clearer.

"Waldhüter," The voice sound light, soft, and delicate, reflecting the child's youthfulness and innocence. A body of a child turn back to face him. If Monica and Marine was present at this moment, they would have recognize the little girl. However, different from what others saw her, she was currently in a calm mood and if one look closely they could see the corner of her lips slightly turned up.

"Mother." The Forest Warden replied.

"How was the girl?" The 'girl' ask as her fingers busily move to create a crown using the vines.

"She left towards the land of witches." The 'girl' let out a snort. The Forest Warden pause and after a while, he continued. "Mother, if I may ask." He pause waiting for her reply. The girl hummed a reply. "You said the girl killed him, however I found out that is not the truth."

"What are you trying to say, child?" The 'girl' did not bother to lift her head as she continue manipulating the vines.

"I do not dare to doubt you, mother. However, it is possible that you had made a mistake. We may had punish an innocent being..." The Forest Warden stop, not daring to continue.

"Would you rather believe her or your mother?" She lightly ask, it was not clear what she was thinking.

"Of course, you, mother." The Forest Warden immediately answered without hesitation.

"She may not have lied but it also not the case of whether she killed or not." The 'girl' casually throw the crown to her head. She glance at her child and seeing the confusion on his face, she patiently explain. "You know how humans are. They tend to forget what they did wrong. She might have done it and then forgotten about it afterwards."

The Forest Warden is unwilling to believe this. He thought that girl is different. She is different from any humans she have met. Nevertheless, his mother said so. He could only give up and ask the second thing he was curious about. "How about the other girls, mother?"

"Oh, don't worry about them, child. They are not here anymore." She look at him and smiled sweetly. "Do I look pretty?"

"Yes, mother is pretty."


Hidden amidst the dense foliage, the Chameleonius, known as Elara Oakheart, observed the unfolding scene with keen interest. Her eyes, like swirling pools of emerald, glinted with an enigmatic mix of emotions as she witnessed the fierce confrontation between the Eliza and the fearsome Shadowfang.

Elara's keen senses allowed her to perceive every detail of the battle, from the hesitant yet determined movements of the girl to the dark, sinewy grace of the Shadowfang. She could hear the clash of blades, the crackle of arcane energy, and the primal growls echoing through the forest.

As the fight escalated, Elara noted the raw power emanating from the Shadowfang, a mythical creature drawn to the scent of fear and uncertainty. Yet, she also saw the hidden potential in the girl, her connection to nature pulsating like a beacon.

Elara's eyes narrowed as she witnessed the delicate interplay between the two opponents. Despite the odds stacked against her, the girl displayed an unyielding spirit, a spark of courage shining through her fear. Elara couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration for the girl's determination.

Her chameleon-like abilities allowed Elara to remain unseen, her figure blending seamlessly with the surrounding foliage. Her breath was almost imperceptible as she silently willed the girl to find the strength within herself.

As the fight raged on, Elara noticed the ebb and flow of emotions within the girl. Fear, doubt, and fatigue tugged at her resolve, but an inner strength also seemed to surge forth from a hidden wellspring. Elara could sense the connection the girl had with nature, the dormant power that waited to be harnessed.

A subtle smile tugged at the corners of Elara's lips. The girl was like a budding flower, delicate and fragile, yet with the potential to bloom into something extraordinary.

Her gaze then shifted to the Shadowfang, its predatory instincts driving it to relentlessly pursue its prey. Elara knew that this creature was not to be underestimated, but she also knew that the girl possessed something the Shadowfang lacked – empathy and a connection to the world around her.

As the battle reached its climax, Elara's heart quickened, her instincts torn between intervening and allowing the girl to find her own path. The struggle was a test, not just of physical prowess, but of the girl's inner strength and resilience.

In the end, it was the Shadowfang who emerged victorious, the shadow of the creature covered the unconscious body of the girl as it step forward. The creatures mouth opened wide, it's sharp teeth glisten but before it could bite the girl, the creature was thrown a couple of steps away.

Elara Oakheart step out. The Chameleonius' true form is that of a magnificent and majestic creature known as the "Elder Arborix." In this form, she embodies the essence of the ancient and wise spirits that watch over the forest. The Elder Arborix appears as an ethereal being, adorned with intricate patterns of foliage and bark that blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment. Her presence exudes a sense of power, wisdom, and tranquility, commanding respect from all who encounter her.

The Shadowfang upon seeing her immediately scrambles away.

Elara look down on the girl, her gaze complicated. During this past days, she had been playing with them, using them as an entertainment. Not only them, but other humans as well. Why is that? Elara thought of how she became like this and remembered that she wanted revenge. Punish those disgusting humans who made her suffer and her kinds. Destroying her home and families. However, it was clear she was consumed by the power and she lost herself along the way.

Seeing her, with a strong connection to nature, fighting with determination even with lost hope. Elara finds herself enchanted. She immediately dismisses her plan to kill and torture them, just like she had done to others and brought them out of the forest herself.

Elara look back at the bloodied body and then started walking away.

As soon as she left, someone emerge. The luminescent guardian is a breathtaking and ethereal being, a radiant embodiment of nature's beauty and magic. She stands tall and graceful, her form seemingly made of soft moonlight and shimmering stardust. Her slender figure glows with a gentle luminescence, casting a radiant aura that illuminates her surroundings.

Her skin is like the finest alabaster, as if it were kissed by the moon itself, and adorned with intricate patterns that resemble delicate vines and celestial constellations. Her eyes are deep pools of wisdom, reflecting the wisdom of ages past and the mysteries of the cosmos.

Long, flowing hair cascades down her back, resembling cascading waterfalls of moonlit strands. It shimmers with every movement, as if infused with the magic of the universe. Twinkling lights seem to dance within her hair, creating an otherworldly halo that adds to her celestial allure.

The luminescent guardian is dressed in robes of the purest white, adorned with glowing symbols that seem to represent the elements of nature. Her garments flow gracefully around her, seemingly untouched by the passage of time or the wear of the forest's embrace.

As she moves, the air around her seems to hum with a harmonious melody, a symphony of nature's sounds and whispers. Her presence brings a sense of peace and tranquility, as if the very forest itself bows in reverence to her wisdom and power.

In her hands, she holds an elegant staff, crafted from the finest wood and adorned with crystals that shimmer like stars. The staff serves as a conduit for her healing and protective energies, channeling the natural forces of the world to bring harmony and balance to all living beings.

With every step she takes, the ground beneath her seems to come alive, sprouting delicate flowers and lush foliage as if celebrating her presence. Birds and woodland creatures are drawn to her, feeling a kinship with the guardian of their home.

The luminescent guardian bend down and gently cradled the two girls in her radiant embrace, her healing light suffusing their beings with a soothing warmth.

With each tender touch of her ethereal hands, the luminescent guardian channeled the regenerative power of nature, mending their wounds and easing their pain. Slowly, their breathing steadied, and color returned to their pale faces.

Sensing that they were now stable, the luminescent guardian carefully lifted the girls in her arms and began her journey through the enchanted forest. Her graceful steps seemed to glide upon the forest floor, carrying the precious cargo with utmost care.

As she emerged from the mystical woods, the luminescent guardian was greeted by the warm glow of the setting sun. In the distance, the Silvershade Village came into view, a haven of serenity nestled amidst the lush foliage.

The woodland folk, unaware of the perilous battle that had taken place, welcomed the luminescent guardian with a sense of awe and reverence. They recognized her as a symbol of the forest's blessings and were humbled by her presence.

With a gentle nod, the luminescent guardian entrusted the injured girls to the woodland folks' care. She spoke in hushed tones, her voice carrying the weight of responsibility and hope. "These young ones have endured a great ordeal. They possess a unique bond with the forest, and it is my belief that they will play a vital role in preserving its magic and balance."

The woodland folks listened intently, their hearts filled with a mix of curiosity and wonder. They vowed to tend to the girls with the utmost care and gratitude for the luminescent guardian's guidance.

In the coming days, the woodland folks nursed the two girls back to health, tending to their wounds and ensuring their comfort. The luminescent guardian visited them often, offering her healing presence and guiding the woodland folks in the arts of herbal medicine and natural remedies.

As Eliza slowly regained consciousness, she found herself lying on a soft bed of moss and surrounded by the comforting sights and sounds of the forest.

She blinked her eyes, adjusting to the gentle glow of the forest around her. The luminescent guardian stood nearby, her serene presence filling the air with a sense of tranquility. Eliza felt a mixture of awe and comfort in the presence of such a mystical being.

"You're awake," the luminescent guardian spoke in her melodious voice, her eyes filled with compassion. "You and your companion are safe now. You were both injured, but fear not, I have tended to your wounds."

Eliza managed a weak nod, still feeling a bit disoriented. She looked around and saw her twin sister, Marine, also lying on a mossy bed nearby, unconscious but breathing steadily. Relief washed over her at the sight, grateful that they had both survived the encounter with Shadowfang.

"What happened?" Eliza asked, her voice barely a whisper. "I remember... a monster attacked us."

The luminescent guardian's eyes filled with understanding. "Yes, Shadowfang is a formidable creature, and you showed great courage in facing him. You and your sister ventured deep into the heart of the forest, a place where few dare to tread. It was a perilous journey, and you paid a price for your bravery."

The memories of the intense battle flooded back to Eliza's mind. She remembered the overwhelming darkness and the ferocity of Shadowfang's attacks. How she and her sister fought hard yet despite all their efforts they were defeated.

The luminescent guardian seeing her reaction, immediately said. "Your journey has just begun," the luminescent guardian continued, "and the forest has a way of guiding those who seek its wisdom. You and your sister have a connection to nature, and that connection will be your guide in the days to come."

As Eliza absorbed the luminescent guardian's wisdom, she felt a sense of peace and acceptance settle within her. She knew that she had much to learn and grow, but she also understood that she was not alone in her journey.

"Thank you," Eliza whispered, her voice filled with gratitude.

The luminescent guardian smiled warmly. "Rest now, dear one. The Silvershade Village will take care of you and your sister. When you are ready, the forest will be here to welcome you with open arms."

With those comforting words, the luminescent guardian watched over the girl as she drifted back to sleep.

This is quite a boring chapter. I keep yawning while writing this.

So are you shock about the revelation? I'm not ಥ‿ಥ I'm really not a good narrator, why am I even writing.

Anyway, have you notice? I'm also not good at naming. I'm sorry, this author is not creative┐( ˘_˘)┌

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