
Elaine Academy

Monica Elaine Vilanuez is born into the demon race and faces a tough situation – she's destined to be the queen of the whole world. This causes problem as many others can't accept having such a vicious queen. Monica was able to survive for seventeen years in the mortal world. However, her enemies finally track her down, and she has to return to her real world, leaving her adoptive parents' safety uncertain. Back in her true world, Monica seeks refuge in an academy to stay safe. But the danger isn't over yet. She must continue to hide her identity and wonders how long she can keep this disguise.

Yu_Mira01 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Cause Of Death (2)

"Have you finish your training, dear?" Lady Genevieve as she saw her son entering the door. Ernesh look up, his body filled with sweat and bruises. It was unknown if it was from the training or an abuse.

Once he saw his mother, he unconsciously shivered, his instinctive reaction want him to bit his lips but he force himself not to. He replied in unhurried manner. "Rest assured, mother, it's not yet done. After a short break, I shall return to the training room to continue."

After hearing her son's reply, Lady Genevieve was quite saddened. "Oh dear, why would you say that. I care for your well-being very much." Ernesh did not reply and so Lady Genevieve continued. "My dear Ernesh, don't you think that the training schedule is quite plenty? I think you will get hurt if this continue. Look at you, filled with bruises and tiredness. As much as I like you working hard, it's not good for the body. Remember, your body is also an utmost importance. If others saw you like this, they will not like you. Your body is quite imperfect to have such ugly bruises." As soon as he heard all of this, he sneered inwardly.

"Ernesh dear, I think we should stop here for now. You need to rest too." As much as Ernesh wants to avoid his mother now, he did not a choice other than agree with her. He thought, what other reason could there be to stop him from training. It's after all still a part of her perfection criterias. "I will inform Jesse regarding the change of schedule. You go to your room first."

"Okay, mother." Ernesh was not yet faraway when he was stop by his mother. Ernesh inwardly curse. 'I knew it!'

"I forgot to tell you, we are going to attend a banquet. You are already ten years old. It's time for you to interact with the other nobility."

Ernesh could only nod as he thought to himself. 'What forgotten, liar. Imperfect. It's not even enough that I'm already attending tea party with her? Shit, selfish mother. Imperfect.'


A week prior...

"My dear," Lady Genevieve began, her voice composed and precise, "I believe it's time for Ernie to attend the upcoming banquet. As a Fogartaigh, he needs to learn the art of perfect social graces and etiquette from an early age."

Her husband, Lord Gavroche, looked somewhat hesitant. "Genevieve, he's still quite young. The pressure of perfection might be too much for him at this age."

Lady Genevieve's expression softened, but her determination remained steadfast. "Gavroche, you know as well as I do that perfection is the cornerstone of our family's reputation. If we want Ernie to be respected and successful, he must learn to embody our ideals."

Lord Gavroche understood his wife's unwavering belief in their family's principles, but he also wanted to protect their son from undue stress. "Perhaps we can start with smaller gatherings and work our way up to grand banquets. He needs time to grow and learn at his own pace."

Lady Genevieve considered her husband's words before nodding in agreement. "You make a valid point, Gavroche. We can begin with smaller events, but he should still attend the upcoming banquet as an observer. It will be a valuable lesson in self-control and composure." It seems that Lady Genevieve agreed, yet before he could sigh with relief, she continues. "However, you know very well how he was already attending tea parties with me. I think with all the lessons he learned from the occasion already taught him enough."

"Genevieve, I know your priorities, but that is your son. See to it that you can still care for him as much as you care about perfection." Lord Gavroche's voice rose up a few degrees.

"Gavroche! You knew very well how much I cared for our son! If not, I would not have done what Mom and Dad did to me. You knew I cared for him. I love him so much that I couldn't even bear to hurt him as much as they hurt me." Lady Genevieve's voice grew sadder than the last. Lord Gavroche forgot his prior outburst as he sat closer to his wife to comfort her.

"Yes, yes, I know dear. It's my fault. You love him very much. You're right perfection is the key to success, that's why I agree to him attending the banquet." He caressed her as he wipe the tears away. Lady Genevieve's eyes brighten and she ask. "Really?"

Lord Gavroche's heart warmed. He nodded. He hesitated for a moment before asking. "Have you thought what banquet it is?"

Lady Genevieve borrowed closer to her husband's chest, tightening her hold around his waist. She hummed. "Yes. It was Princess Hannah's second birthday. It was next week."

Lord Gavroche thought, 'next week is quite a good time. Their son can still be prepared.' Lord Gavroche trust his son that he could handle it or was it he trust his wife's teachings to his son?

Lord Gavroche focus too much into the time that he completely forgot it was the princess second birthday next week.


After informing Jesse about the change of schedule Lady Genevieve proceeded to his son's room. She already asked the maid to help their young master take a bath and she will be in charge of the dress. When she arrive, her son was still bathing. She walk around his room, surveying every corners if there was any sign of imperfection. She found none when she was about to sat down to wait for him to finish, something came to mind and she called one of her maids. She commanded her to look down under his bed. The maid oblige, kneeling and slapping her face with the floor.

"My Lady, there is something." The maid said. Lady Genevieve narrowed her eyes as she commanded her to take it and bring it to her. The maid struggle to get the paper out of the bottom. When she is done, she patted herself lightly and walk towards her lady. "My Lady, here it is." She presented the paper with both hands like it was a priceless treasure.

Lady Genevieve accepted and she look through it lightly. Immediately, the paper was crumpled. She clench her fist and she shredded the paper into pieces. The pieces of paper floated out of her hand down to the clear floor. "Throw all the trash under his bed." As soon as that command left her mouth, all of the present maids scrambled to slap their faces on the floor just to fulfill their lady's command.

Lady Genevieve was filled with anger in her heart as she said inwardly, 'I will deal with him tonight.'

After some time, Ernesh finally got out of the bathroom. Lady Genevieve then started working, her expression calm and peaceful as if what happened earlier is an illusion. Ernesh didn't noticed it at all.

Lady Genevieve ensured that Ernesh was impeccably dressed, with every detail meticulously arranged.


As Lady Genevieve, Lord Gavroche, and young Ernesh made their entrance into the grand banquet hall, hushed whispers spread among the guests like ripples on a tranquil lake. Their appearance, as always, was immaculate, a testament to the family's dedication to perfection.

"Look at Lady Genevieve," one guest murmured, admiration evident in their voice. "She's the epitome of elegance and refinement. Her poise is truly unmatched."

"And Lord Gavroche," another guest chimed in, "so composed and dignified. A true pillar of strength for the family."

"Ah, and there's young Ernesh," a third guest observed. "He's like a miniature version of his parents – perfectly groomed and well-mannered. Lady Genevieve must have trained him meticulously."

"It's impressive how Lady Genevieve always seems to have everything under control," a fourth guest remarked. "The way she molds her son to embody their family's principles is remarkable. No detail is too small for her."

"Indeed," someone else added, "but I can't help but wonder if such relentless pursuit of perfection places a heavy burden on young Ernesh. He's still so young, after all."

"True," another guest agreed, "the expectations placed upon him must be tremendous. I hope he gets the chance to be a child amidst all this pressure."

As Lady Genevieve and her family mingled with the guests, the atmosphere around them exuded an air of respect and admiration. However, some couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in Ernesh's demeanor, as if he were trying his best to meet his mother's high expectations.

"I heard Lady Genevieve once say that perfection is the key to success and respect," one guest shared with a nod. "It's clear she lives by that philosophy and expects the same from her son."

"Indeed," another guest replied, "but one wonders if the pursuit of perfection comes at the cost of genuine happiness. It's a delicate balance to strike."

As the evening continued, guests kept a watchful eye on the family, captivated by their aura of refinement and sophistication. Yet, beneath the surface, some couldn't help but wonder about the toll perfection might take on young Ernesh's spirit and individuality.

"I hope Ernesh finds his own path in life," one guest whispered to a companion. "It's a lot of pressure to carry the weight of a family's reputation on his shoulders."

"I couldn't agree more," the companion replied. "I hope Lady Genevieve realizes that nurturing his unique qualities and allowing him to be himself is just as important as perfection."

As the night unfolded, the guests remained intrigued by the Fogartaigh family, a picture of perfection in the eyes of society. However, the conversations hinted at a deeper concern for young Ernesh's well-being and the balance between the pursuit of perfection and the freedom to be true to oneself.

In the years to come, Ernesh's journey would be closely watched, as he navigated the expectations of his family and the desire to find his own identity. For now, the banquet showcased the impeccable façade of the Fogartaigh's, but the whispers of concern revealed that, even in their world of perfection, the complexities of the human spirit were not easily tamed.

As Lady Genevieve gracefully glided through the elegant gathering, she took the opportunity to introduce her young son, Ernesh, to some of the esteemed guests. Each introduction was meticulously orchestrated, emphasizing Ernesh's attributes and accomplishments in a bid to showcase the family's pursuit of perfection.

"Allow me to introduce my dear son, Ernesh Fachnan Fogartaigh," Lady Genevieve said with a warm smile, her eyes filled with pride as she presented Ernesh to a group of nobles. "Ernesh is already excelling in his studies at the finest institutions, a testament to his dedication and commitment to excellence."

Ernesh, standing beside his mother, bowed politely, his movements precise and refined. "It's an honor to meet all of you," he said in a calm and measured tone, a reflection of the etiquette and training instilled in him from an early age.

"He's quite the prodigy," Lady Genevieve continued, her voice carrying an air of approval. "He's not only a diligent scholar but also a remarkable musician and skilled in various forms of artistry."

The guests nodded appreciatively, their eyes examining young Ernesh, searching for the signs of perfection Lady Genevieve spoke of. However, Ernesh couldn't help but shiver. It was what his mother said. To Ernesh, that was a warning. Ernesh was shock that his mother once again found out. Since when? At this moment, he couldn't focus on anything.

As the conversation progressed, Lady Genevieve subtly steered it towards Ernesh's impeccable manners, highlighting his ability to adhere to social norms flawlessly.

"Young Ernesh embodies the essence of refinement," she remarked. "He understands the importance of upholding our family's reputation with grace and dignity."

The voice of her mother force him to calm down and be perfect once again. He bit his tongue.

Ernesh was seen remaining composed, absorbing the attention with a sense of poise that seemed beyond his years. However, hidden beneath his practiced demeanor, a glimmer of vulnerability could be detected. The weight of his mother's expectations and the constant pursuit of perfection weighed heavily on his young shoulders.

As the evening continued, Lady Genevieve made sure to introduce Ernesh to more influential guests, sharing stories of his achievements and emphasizing his potential. The young boy played his part dutifully, the perfect embodiment of his mother's vision for their family.

"I must say, Lady Genevieve, your son is quite impressive," one guest remarked, genuinely impressed by Ernesh's demeanor.

"Thank you," Lady Genevieve replied with a hint of satisfaction. "I believe in nurturing his strengths and guiding him towards a future of greatness."

"You're doing an exceptional job," another guest added, "His composure and intelligence are truly remarkable."

Ernesh's father, Lord Gavroche, observed the introductions with a sense of quiet pride, though he couldn't help but notice the burden that perfection placed on his young son. He knew that Ernesh's potential went beyond academic and social accomplishments, but the pressure to meet Lady Genevieve's expectations seemed to leave little room for exploring his true passions and individuality.

Despite the whispers of concern that circulated through the gathering, Lady Genevieve remained steadfast in her belief that perfection was the key to success and happiness. Ernesh, on the other hand, longed to find his own sense of purpose and meaning, to break free from the constraints of perfection and discover his true self.

As the evening drew to a close, Ernesh found a moment of respite, away from the scrutinizing eyes of the guests. He looked up at the stars shining brightly in the night sky, contemplating the vastness of the universe and the possibilities that lay ahead. In that quiet moment, he allowed himself to dream of a life beyond the pursuit of perfection, a life filled with the freedom to explore and embrace his own unique journey.

As Ernesh stood in the courtyard, taking in the beauty of the moonlit night, he suddenly became aware of a graceful presence beside him. Turning, he found himself facing the queen of the kingdom, a regal and elegant figure with a warm smile on her lips.

"Your Majesty," Ernesh greeted respectfully, giving a small bow. "It's an honor to meet you."

The queen returned his smile, her eyes filled with kindness. "The pleasure is mine, young sir. I've heard much about the Fogartaigh family, and it's a delight to meet again the son of Lady Genevieve and Lord Gavroche." They already met firsthand of the banquet when his mother introduced him to the queen as the family greeted the princess a 'happy birthday'. Though, it was short, the queen has such a good memory of remembering him out of many guests.

Ernesh felt a sense of ease and comfort in the queen's presence, something he hadn't experienced with many others. Her genuine warmth and lack of expectations put him at ease. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Your daughter's birthday celebration has been magnificent, and I'm honored to be a part of it."

The queen's gaze turned towards the moon, and she let out a soft sigh. "The moonlight has a way of revealing truths and stirring emotions," she said, her voice carrying a sense of wisdom and understanding. "It's a time for reflection and connection."

Ernesh nodded, finding himself opening up to the queen in a way he hadn't anticipated. "Indeed, Your Majesty. Tonight, I've come to realize the importance of authenticity and embracing one's true self, rather than striving for perfection."

The queen smiled, her eyes filled with empathy. "Perfection is an elusive goal, my young friend. It's a burden that weighs heavy on the heart and soul. What truly matters is finding happiness and fulfillment in being who you are, imperfections and all."

Her words resonated deeply with Ernesh, as if she could see into his innermost thoughts and fears. "It's difficult, Your Majesty," he admitted honestly. "I've spent so much of my life trying to live up to the expectations of perfection set before me."

The queen placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, offering comfort. "It's never too late to let go of those expectations and to forge your own path. Remember, my dear, you have the power to create your own destiny."

Ernesh felt a sense of gratitude towards the queen for her understanding and support. He realized that in her presence, he didn't need to pretend or hide behind a facade of perfection. He could be himself, vulnerable and true.

"I thank you, Your Majesty," Ernesh said sincerely. "Your words have touched my heart, and I feel a sense of liberation in being able to share my true self with you."

The queen smiled, her eyes sparkling with kindness. "You are always welcome to share your thoughts and feelings with me, young Ernesh. You are not alone in this journey."

As they continued to gaze at the moon, Ernesh felt a newfound sense of connection with the queen. It was a connection that went beyond titles and expectations, and he knew that he had encountered someone truly special – someone who understood the importance of love without conditions, concern without expectations, and acceptance without judgment.

In that quiet moment under the moon's gentle glow, Ernesh experienced the true meaning of compassion and love, unburdened by the pursuit of perfection. It was a moment he would cherish forever, and it marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life – a chapter filled with authenticity, self-discovery, and the embrace of imperfections as part of the beauty of being human.

Throughout the evening, the queen continued to engage Ernesh in conversation, showing a keen interest in his interests and dreams. She spoke of her own experiences as a mother, expressing the importance of nurturing one's passions and embracing the journey of self-discovery.

Ernesh found himself opening up to the queen in a way he hadn't with anyone else. He spoke about his love for music, his fascination with nature, and his desire to explore the world beyond the confines of societal expectations. The queen listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and understanding.

Finally, the queen bid her farewells to Ernesh, but before they parted ways, she offered a final piece of advice to the young boy.

"Ernesh, my dear, never lose sight of who you are and what truly brings you joy," the queen said, her eyes filled with sincerity. "Perfection is an illusion, but love and authenticity will always lead you to a fulfilled and purposeful life."


I don't do good with sad endings so it may not be tragic as anyone thought of. Anyway, next up is the death scene. Finally the reason for the title.

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