
Dragon ball : Echoes of the Void

Dragon Ball: Echoes of the Void transports readers into the thrilling and perilous world of Dragon Ball, where danger lurks at every corner, and exhilaration awaits those who dare to seek it. In this captivating fanfic, we follow the extraordinary journey of Renji, a lost soul who unexpectedly finds himself in the vibrant and treacherous realm of Dragon Ball. Awakening in this world of superhuman strength, breath-taking battles, and limitless possibilities, Renji is both exhilarated and apprehensive. He quickly realizes that he possesses a unique opportunity to forge his own destiny and become the strongest being to ever grace the Dragon Ball universe. As he traverses this dangerous yet exhilarating realm, Renji encounters iconic characters from the Dragon Ball series, both friend and foe. Through intense training sessions, fierce battles, and the forging of deep connections, he learns valuable lessons about power, sacrifice, and the true nature of strength. Along the way, he unearths long-lost Saiyan techniques, taps into untapped reservoirs of power, and faces unimaginable adversaries that push him to his limits. With determination in his heart and the echoes of a forgotten past urging him forward, Renji sets out on an epic quest of self-discovery and transcendence.

Ashlin_17 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Fight ?

Renji's eyes fluttered open, the blaring sound of his alarm pulling him from his slumber. Fatigue clung to his muscles, remnants of the intense training session from the previous day.

With a determined sigh, he swung his legs out of bed and went through his usual morning routine. Stretching his limbs, he could feel the satisfying ache of his muscles protesting against the exertion they had endured.

As he descended the stairs, a pang of emptiness resonated within him. His uncle was absent, off-world on another planet. The realisation washed over Renji, reminding him of the distance between them.

Settling at the dining table, Renji indulged in a hearty breakfast, fuelling his body. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, filling his senses with comfort and warmth.

Satisfied, Renji made his way back to his training area, a dedicated space he had fashioned to hone his skills. Each day, he followed a carefully crafted routine, alternating between intense training sessions and moderate ones.

Renji believed he had nearly perfected his Ki-suppressing ability. With each passing day, his control over his energy grew stronger, and he felt that only a few more practice sessions would be enough to master the ability to suppress his Ki completely.

Renji understood the importance of this skill, especially when undertaking missions. He aimed to take on tasks that would not require the assistance of a group or pose an overwhelmingly high level of difficulty. Controlling his energy signature would be key to blending in and executing covert operations seamlessly.

Just as he delved into his Ki-suppressing training, a sudden descent caught his attention. Gavil, a fellow Saiyan warrior, materialised from the sky, landing with grace and confidence. His presence disrupted the tranquility of Renji's practice.

"Ah, so this is where you disappear off to," Gavil remarked, his voice carrying a hint of surprise.

Renji paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "What are you doing here? Didn't you have a mission to attend to?" He inquired, his tone laced with genuine curiosity.

Gavil let out a mock sigh, feigning sadness. "Unfortunately, it got cancelled. Now I have to wait another week. Seems like I'm cursed, huh, Renji?" His words dripped with a touch of self-deprecating humour.

"Did you blow the hole in the mountains nearby?" Gavil inquired, his voice filled with curiosity as he glanced towards the impressive crater.

"Yeah, that was me," Renji responded.

With curiosity burning in his eyes, Gavil leaned in closer. "So, what were you doing here?".

Renji's gaze met Gavil's, his expression focused and determined. "Same as usual," he replied, his voice steady.

Gavil's brow furrowed inquisitively. "And what does 'usual' entail?" he pressed, eager to understand Renji's approach.

"Just training," Renji stated matter-of-factly.

A sceptical smile tugged at Gavil's lips as he leaned back, crossing his arms. "You know, Renji, power levels mainly grow from experience, from real battles and challenges," he voiced his doubt, his tone tinged with a touch of scepticism. He couldn't fathom how Renji's training alone could lead to significant power gains.

Renji met Gavil's gaze unwaveringly, a fire burning within his eyes. "Yeah, whatever," he replied dismissively, but there was a glint of determination in his voice.

He had witnessed firsthand the incredible strength one could attain through rigorous training. Goku, a prime example, had seen his power surge from 8,000 to 90,000 simply by training in the gravity chamber. Renji knew that growth came from pushing one's limits and unlocking untapped potential.

Gavil sat atop a hill, his eyes fixed on Renji's training session. He observed the young Saiyan's movements with a critical eye, taking note of his strengths and weaknesses.

"Renji, why don't you use your ability to fly back and forth from the city?" Gavil questioned, genuinely puzzled by Renji's reluctance to utilize such a basic skill.

Renji sighed, his expression tinged with frustration. "I can't," he confessed. "I haven't been able to grasp the instinctual feeling that everyone talks about. And my uncle is too busy to teach me."

A mischievous glint sparked in Gavil's eyes as an idea formed in his mind. He proposed a deal to Renji. He would teach him how to fly if Renji agreed to engage in a friendly training battle. It would be an opportunity for them to test their skills and learn from each other.

Curiosity danced in Gavil's eyes as he spoke, his voice filled with intrigue. "Tell me, Renji, why do you always act so secretive? What's behind that reclusive demeanour of yours?"

Renji paused for a moment, considering Gavil's question. "I guess it's just my nature," he replied, "I've always been a bit reserved, preferring to observe and learn before fully revealing myself."

"I see," Gavil remarked, his head tilting to the side as he spoke in a questioning tone. "So, do you want to spar or not?" His words hung in the air, waiting for Renji's response. The prospect of engaging in a battle sparked a glimmer of excitement in Gavil's eyes. He was curious to see how Renji would fare against him.

"Alright, let's have that training battle. But remember, it shouldn't be too serious. I still have a lot to learn, and you've been on far more missions than I have." Renji spoke, agreeing to Gavil's proposition.

Gavil smirked, his confidence evident. They descended to a deserted patch of land, ready to engage in their 'friendly' spar. "Of course, Renji," Gavil replied, a playful tone lacing his words. "There's no fun in beating up a kid. Let's make it a challenge, but keep it light."

"Tchh, shut up, and let's start the fight already. Or are you scared that you'll lose to a kid?" Renji taunted Gavil, his words laced with an eager arrogance to prove himself.

With intense focus, Renji engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Gavil. Despite Gavil's power level of 1000, they exchanged swift blows, their movements a blur of speed and precision. They leaped into the air, gracefully defying gravity as they continued their duel.

Renji huffed, sweat glistening on his forehead, as he caught his breath for a moment. "You're really strong, Gavil," he admitted, a mixture of admiration and determination in his voice.

Gavil nodded, a confident smirk playing on his lips. "Saiyan's are known to be the strongest race in the universe," he proclaimed, a touch of pride colouring his words. (Note: Gavil's statement about Saiyan's being the strongest race is false, as beings such as G.O.D. and angels exist in Dragon Ball.)

As the battle raged on, Renji unleashed a relentless barrage of ki attacks towards Gavil. The air crackled with energy as each blast illuminated the sky, casting a dazzling display of power and intensity. The sheer force of the assault caught Gavil off guard, momentarily disorienting him and causing his momentum to falter.

Sensing this momentary advantage, Renji seized the opportunity to disengage from the fight. With swift and calculated movements, he focused his energy, containing the surging ki within his body. Using the chaos of the moment, Renji swiftly retreated, finding refuge within the hidden crevices of the nearby rocky terrain. The rugged landscape provided him with a concealed area, shielded from aerial view.

Determined not to let Renji escape, Gavil hovered above the rocky terrain, his eyes scanning every nook and cranny.

"Where on earth is he?" Gavil muttered in frustration. He cursed himself for not bringing his scouter, realizing the handicap it presented in locating Renji.

Soaring through the vast expanse of the rocky terrain, he scanned every nook and cranny, desperately searching for any sign of his elusive opponent. But his efforts were in vain, as Renji seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Gavil's voice echoed through the empty air, tinged with a mixture of annoyance and impatience. "Alright, dude. I don't know where you went, so come out already!" His words hung in the air, a challenge thrown into the void, urging Renji to reveal himself and face the consequences of their battle.

"Fight like a Saiyan, don't run away!" he shouted, his words echoing through the vast expanse. Just as he spoke his last word, a massive ki blast surged towards him. Reacting swiftly, Gavil unleashed a counter-ki blast of equal proportions, meeting the incoming attack head-on.

In the midst of the explosive clash, Gavil's danger senses soon erupted, sending a surge of adrenaline through his veins. He instinctively looked down, only to witness an amazing sight.

Renji stood below him, his entire being enveloped in a radiant deep blue hue, as the energy crackled and swirled around him, charging up a formidable attack. The surrounding area shimmered with an ethereal glow, casting an otherworldly ambiance over the scene.

Renji focused his ki, channelling its power into his hands. The air hummed with anticipation as he unleashed a concentrated beam of deep green and purple energy towards the incoming blue beam attack.

As the two beams of energy collided, a surge of realisation washed over Gavil. The force and magnitude of Renji's attack surpassed his initial expectations, causing him to acknowledge the gravity of the situation. With a newfound determination, Gavil understood that he needed to push himself to the limit and tap into his full power.

A surge of energy surged through Gavil's body as he unleashed his full power. The air crackled with electricity, and his aura intensified, radiating an overwhelming presence. He raised his power level to its utmost peak, preparing himself for the clash that would determine the outcome of their battle.

The collision of the two beams created a spectacle of colours, an awe-inspiring sight that held both beauty and danger. The explosion reverberated through the surrounding landscape, releasing shockwaves of force that shook the very foundation of the terrain.

Gavil's heart skipped a beat as he realised the magnitude of Renji's power. "That could have been dangerous," he thought, a mix of caution and surprise coursing through his veins.

As Gavil's thoughts raced through his mind, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught his attention. He instinctively turned around, only to be met with a distorted image, a rippling effect in the fabric of space. Before he could fully comprehend the situation, a colossal wall of pressurised air surged towards him with alarming speed.

Realising the imminent danger, Gavil swiftly raised his hands in a defensive posture, shielding his upper body, bracing himself for the impact. The force behind the approaching wall was overwhelming, akin to the weight of an entire planet being hurled in his direction. The sheer magnitude of the impending collision left him in awe and desperation.

"Darn it! It's as if someone unleashed the fury of an Ozaru on me," Gavil thought, his mind reeling with the incredible force he was about to face. The sheer scale of the attack filled him with a mixture of awe and fear.

The wall of pressurised air crashed into Gavil with devastating force, propelling him through the rugged terrain. He was sent hurtling through a series of towering mountains, his body colliding with the unyielding surface. Finally, he came to an abrupt halt as his back collided with the side of a small, rocky peak.

"Damn it! My left hand is broken, and I can feel the sharp sting of fractured ribs," Gavil thought, his mind consumed by the overwhelming pain.

The pain surged through Gavil's body, radiating from his broken left hand and fractured ribs. The agony was intense, but as an average Saiyan, he had been trained to endure such hardships. Gavil gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, determined not to let the injuries hinder his fight.

Lying against the rugged mountain wall, Gavil's eyes scanned the surroundings, his gaze falling upon the distant figure of Renji perched on the opposing peak several kilometres away.

"Huff... How was that... from someone younger than you?" Renji managed to speak between laboured breaths, his voice betraying the exertion he had endured. The relentless exchange of attacks had drained a significant portion of his energy.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Gavil's lips as he caught his breath, appreciating the tenacity displayed by his younger foe. "Not bad at all. Your attacks were impressive, especially that blue beam attack. Surprising amount of power packed into it," he remarked.

With a determined grunt, Gavil pushed himself off the ground, his left arm throbbing with pain. He glanced at Renji; their eyes locked in an intense stare-down, a silent exchange of unspoken challenges.

In the hushed stillness of the surroundings, not a sound could be heard. The air grew heavy with anticipation as the world seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the clash between them.

Suddenly, like lightning unleashed, both fighters burst into action, their speed transcending the limits of human comprehension. They propelled themselves towards each other with incredible velocity, leaving a trail of blurred motion in their wake.

".... Boom..."


Author's Note:

Hey, guys! I wanted to give you a heads-up about the first few chapters of this story. They might seem to progress at a slower pace, and that's intentional. I wanted to take the time to lay out the main character's thought process and delve into their emotional journey. It's important to establish a solid foundation for the story's development.

I ask for your patience and understanding as we embark on this journey together. I truly believe that with your feedback and my dedication to writing, we can create one of the best Dragon Ball fanfics out there. I know it's a bold claim, but I have faith in our collective ability to craft an amazing story.

So, please stick with me, offer your advice, and let's create something extraordinary. Thank you for your support, and let's make this adventure unforgettable!


Hey guys! Just a quick note to let you know that the first few chapters may progress slowly as I focus on developing the main character's thoughts and emotions.

With your feedback and my dedication, we can create an amazing Dragon Ball fanfic together. Thanks for your support!

Ash out.

Ashlin_17creators' thoughts