Here it is, everyone!
Based on the majority's choice of option 2, I present to you a 5000-word chapter. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the immersive journey that awaits you within these pages.
Happy reading!
Entry Log - Year 737, 2nd Month, 12th Day
Time: 08:15 - Saiyan Time
Location: Central Vegacity, Planet Vegeta
Renji stepped out into the dawning day. The warm embrace of the morning sun greeted him, casting a golden glow upon his face.
He inhaled deeply, relishing the freshness of the early air as it filled his lungs. He exhaled gently, his visible breath cloud dissipating into the air as he had a thoughtful look.
"Huff... Honestly, after all this time, I'm still surprised," he reflected, a tinge of disbelief evident in his voice. In stark contrast to London's dirty air, which left him feeling exhausted, the air on Planet Vegeta always left him feeling energised.
Renji's gaze ascended from the ground, drawn to the limitless expanse of the open sky.
The regal arcs of the flying Saiyan's enticed his attention, and he felt a twinge of envy at their effortless navigation through the air.
"Damn it," he muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. "If only I could fly. It would make my training so much easier and save me time."
Flight, an instinctual ability for Saiyan's, remained elusive to Renji despite his Saiyan lineage.
He couldn't help but worry if his ability to control his Ki was being influenced by his soul. Was there some secret technique he was missing, some hidden knowledge that eluded him?
Renji had made numerous attempts to mimic the flying technique following Gohan's instruction's during the Buu arc.
According to Gohan, the technique involved gathering Ki beneath oneself and using it as a force to propel oneself upward, much like an engine or helicopter propelling air to rise from the ground.
But no matter how hard he tried or how diligently he practised, his feet remained firmly planted on the ground. Frustration gnawed at him, a constant reminder of his limitations. Perhaps it was his lack of experience in wielding Ki and his relatively short time since awakening that hindered his progress.
"Guess I'll have to settle for Hulk-like jumps for now," he sighed, a wry smile playing on his lips. A series of lightning-fast jumps soon followed as he propelled himself through the air.
Renji's path led him through the heart of Central Vegacity, its bustling streets and towering structures gradually giving way to the outskirts of the city.
As Renji approached the edge of the city, his eyes caught sight of a young Saiyan perched atop a hill, bathed in the golden glow of the sun. Intrigued by this unexpected encounter, he slowed his sprint and made his way toward the figure.
Drawing nearer, Renji could see that the young boy appeared to be around the age of 8, his features reflecting a mix of determination and youthful exuberance. With a wave and a smile, the Saiyan signalled his presence, inviting Renji to engage in conversation.
Curiosity piqued, Renji paused to exchange words with the young Saiyan named Gavil. As they stood there, a gentle breeze carrying the scent of the desert, Gavil inquired about Renji's recruitment into the Saiyan force.
"So, Renji, I heard you joined the Saiyan force recently," Gavil began, his voice filled with genuine interest. "Have you made any preparations? Any missions in mind?"
In the days of old, long before the reign of Lord Frieza, Saiyan tradition dictated that children as young as three years old were sent off to train and battle whenever deemed ready. It was a testament to their ruthless nature as a warrior society.
However, in the wake of mounting casualties, the advisors of Lord Frieza had imposed an age ban, forbidding the enrolment of Saiyan's under the age of five. This measure was implemented to minimize the loss of young lives, albeit begrudgingly accepted by the Saiyan community.
Renji's gaze hardened, his expression growing more serious, before he spoke out. "None as of now. I have my reasons, Gavil. But that's not something I'll be sharing with you or anyone else. All I can say is that I'm still training and advancing my skills. I want to make sure I'm fully prepared before I embark on my first mission."
Gavil's eyes widened, taken aback by Renji's cold response. He quickly regained his composure, leaning in closer. "Alright, Renji, I respect your privacy. But let me tell you, once you're in the force, things get real."
"Since I joined the force, I've been stuck doing the same mundane jobs focused on protection duties and handling routine tasks. I want to fight, to experience the thrill of battle like a true Saiyan warrior."
Renji's eyes flickered with a hint of understanding, though his expression remained intact. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Gavil. We all have unique paths to follow, and sometimes they don't align with our desires."
Gavil spoke, "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Discipline and all that. But I'm tired of waiting. I want to prove myself, to rise above the rest, and make a name for myself."
Renji's voice lowered, his words laced with a hint of caution. "Be careful what you wish for, Gavil. The path of a warrior is treacherous; I have felt its effects first-hand. Don't rush into battles without understanding the consequences."
"Sure thing, wise boy." Gavil spoke with a small chuckle.
"Anyways, I've blabbered on for far too long," Gavil admitted, his voice carrying a hint of self-awareness.
"I don't want to disturb your routine or keep you from your tasks. But let me tell you something before hand."
"Renji," Gavil began, his tone earnest, "don't wander too far into the wilderness. There are dangerous beasts lurking out there. Stay vigilant and focused on your training, but always be mindful of the threats that lie beyond the city's boundaries."
Renji smirked, a glimmer of amusement breaking through his stoicism. "I don't need a reminder, Gavil. I've been hunting for meat in these parts whenever I have free time. I'm well aware of the dangers. But thanks for your concern."
With a final exchange of encouraging words, Renji bid farewell to Gavil, their paths diverging once again.
Gavil watched him go, a mix of admiration and curiosity in his eyes, wondering what secrets Renji held and what battles awaited him in the future.
The monotony of the city streets vanished, replaced by the exhilarating sensation of wind rushing through his hair. Renji's legs propelled him forward, effortlessly gliding over the uneven terrain. He revelled in the sensation of speed, the rhythmic pounding of his feet creating a harmonious symphony with the beating of his heart.
Each stride carried him farther away from the confines of his uncle's house, farther away from the safety and familiarity of his everyday life.
It was in these moments, when he ventured out into the vastness of Planet Vegeta, that he felt a sense of freedom and possibility.
The world blurred around him, his surroundings reduced to mere streaks of colour as he surrendered himself to the euphoria of pure motion. The weight of his worries, the burden of expectations, all dissolved in the rush of adrenaline.
As Renji treaded the familiar path to his secluded training grounds, his mind embarked on a journey through the depths of history.
(Important Note: This part is crucial to the story. Please don't skip it. )
Five long years had elapsed since the momentous birth of the Prince, son of the esteemed King Vegeta. The arrival of the young Saiyan had reverberated across their society, causing ripples of astonishment and awe to cascade through the ranks.
This was no ordinary birth, for the Prince possessed a power level that surpassed all previous records, a prodigious feat unmatched since the bygone days of the Civil War on the distant and now-forgotten planet of Sadala, which had faded into obscurity over two centuries ago.
The Saiyan refugees, driven from their home world by the ravages of a brutal civil war conflict, sought solace and a fresh start on the planet known as Planet Plant, a once-thriving world inhabited by the technologically advanced yet physically weaker Tuffle race.
It was the year 720 when the mysterious war between the Saiyan's and the Tuffles erupted, its origins shrouded in secrecy and lost to the annals of history.
Each race clung to its own version of events, pointing fingers and assigning blame. The Saiyan's claimed they had been subjugated and treated as slaves, their fury was stoked by years of pent-up frustration and oppression.
The Tuffles, on the other hand, maintained that it was the Saiyan's who initiated the conflict, launching a surprise attack on their peaceful civilization. The truth, remained an enigma, lost in the chasms of conflicting narratives.
The struggle persisted, escalating in intensity and brutality as the years wore on. But it was during the latter half of the year 730 that the Saiyan's unleashed the full might of their transformed Ozaru forms, their colossal and ferocious ape-like manifestations.
In the face of such overwhelming power, the Tuffles found themselves defenceless, their once formidable technology rendered impotent against the raw fury of the Saiyan warriors.
It had been a moment of triumph, the Saiyan's' hard-fought liberation from the clutches of the Tuffles. But alas, their newfound freedom proved ephemeral, as the formidable King Cold cast his long shadow over their lives.
In a twist of fate, King Cold, a cosmic force to be reckoned with, relinquished his dominion and passed the reins of power to his successor, Lord Frieza. Months had barely passed since the Saiyan's' glorious triumph, and yet their world once again teetered on the precipice of uncertainty. The tension between the Frieza Force and the Saiyan's escalated to unprecedented heights, fuelled by Lord Frieza's undisguised contempt for the Saiyan race.
Renji's brow furrowed as he contemplated the irony of their plight. The Saiyan's, a race that had revelled in their savagery and ardently embraced the virtues of freedom, now found themselves subjected to the whims and tyranny of their newfound ruler. The once exalted status of the Saiyan's waned, overshadowed by the oppressive grip of their despotic leader.
Karma, that intricate weaver of destinies, seemed to have ensnared the Saiyan's within the tangled threads of their own transgressions. They stood at the edge of an abyss, oblivious to the impending cataclysm hurtling towards them. The imminent demise of their home planet, Vegeta, loomed ominously, a harbinger of devastation that would soon be consigned to the unforgiving depths of time.
Renji, burdened by the weight of this knowledge, grappled with the magnitude of the forthcoming tragedy. It was a solitary burden he bore, for none among his kin possessed the foresight to perceive the cataclysmic fate that awaited them.
Renji's heart remained steadfast, unfazed by the impending doom that loomed over Planet Vegeta.
As a being reborn within the vast and intricate multiverse, he had come to accept the transient nature of existence. Planets rose and fell, civilizations flourished and crumbled, and amidst it all, Renji held an unwavering certainty that the fate of Planet Vegeta was sealed. It would soon be reduced to cosmic dust, its memory fading into the depths of forgotten history.
It was this grim knowledge that drove him to detach himself from the bonds of kinship; for what purpose would there be in forging connections with those who were destined to perish?
Renji's brows furrowed as he let out a deep sigh, his voice carrying a hint of frustration. "Alright, let's move on from that long info dump," he muttered to himself, his tone tinged with impatience.
He knew dwelling on past events would only hinder his progress. "There's no point in me thinking about those. It's best I focus on getting stronger. I can ponder those points later."
Renji shook his head vigorously, as if trying to physically shake off the remnants of his previous thoughts. He needed a clear mind, free from distractions, to fully immerse himself in his training.
Renji leaped forward with hulking strides, his powerful legs propelling him effortlessly across the desert terrain. The wind whistled past his ears, the sound blending with the rhythm of his footsteps.
"Alright, I'm here, I guess." Renji muttered, his voice barely audible amidst the vast expanse.
He found himself standing in the location he had desired—a desolate, deserted area that mirrored the harshness of Planet Vegeta itself.
The soil beneath his feet was a deep shade of red, a stark reminder of the aridity and resilience that defined the planet. Vegetation was scarce, and the absence of fellow Saiyan's made the desolation even more apparent. The only noteworthy feature in the vicinity were the abnormal-looking hills, their contours jutting out against the stark horizon.
Renji's mind brimmed with thoughts of the foreseeable future, which held within its depths both the promise of triumph and the threat of danger, an ever-shifting landscape that demanded his unwavering focus.
"Let's think about what I need to do in the short term," Renji mused aloud, his voice carrying a hint of contemplation. He knew that careful planning was essential for survival in this harsh and unforgiving world.
Thoughts raced through his mind like lightning as he contemplated the need to suppress his power level. He knew that the energy surging within him, if left unchecked, could easily attract unwanted attention.
The last thing he needed was the gaze of a scouter locking onto him, exposing his true potential to the prying eyes of others.
"It's a risk I can't afford to take," Renji muttered, his voice laced with a mixture of caution and determination. "I need to find a way to conceal my power, to blend into the shadows."
The last thing he needed was to draw attention to himself and raise questions about his abilities that would require lengthy explanations and possibly jeopardise his safety.
"Phew!" Renji exhaled, a faint smile playing on his lips. "It would be quite the nuisance to have to justify the seemingly impossible growth of my power in such a short span of time. "It's better to keep my true potential under wraps."
Renji took a deep breath, allowing his exhaled sigh to release any lingering tension within him.
He recognised the importance of starting his training with a proper warm-up, a ritual that not only prepared his body for the physical exertion ahead but also helped to clear his mind.
"Now, let's begin," Renji mumbled to himself, his voice carrying a hint of determination. "I need to shake off these distractions and focus on the task at hand."
He closed his eyes for a moment, shutting out the external world and delving into his inner sanctum. Thoughts of suppressing his power level and concealing his potential temporarily faded to the background, replaced by the immediate need to prepare his body and mind for the challenge that lay ahead.
He swung his arms in wide arcs, feeling the gentle pull of muscles and tendons as they gradually loosened. The sound of sinew and joint stretching reverberated through the air, a symphony of physical readiness. (Ouch, that sounds painful.)
As he transitioned into stretches, Renji couldn't help but entertain a momentary doubt. He questioned whether he was executing the exercises correctly, those thoughts were brushed reminding himself that consistency and effort were key.
"Sometimes, it's not about perfection," Renji muttered, his voice a mere whisper against the backdrop of his warm-up routine. "It's about putting in the work, putting in the hours, honing my body, and allowing it to adapt and grow."
His muscles responded to the stretching, each movement was accompanied by a satisfying ache that hinted at the progress he was making.
As his warm-up drew to a close, Renji stood tall, his muscles primed and ready for the challenges that awaited him. The doubts and distractions that had plagued his mind earlier seemed to fade into insignificance, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose.
"Huff.." With a final stretch and a deep breath, Renji set forth, his heart pounding with anticipation.
"Now, for the real training montage."
"Now for the real training montage." His gaze was directed towards the surrounding hills; his eyes were filled with determination and a touch of excitement.
A soft 'swoosh' echoed through the air as Renji channelled his Ki, drawing upon the vast well of energy within him. His mind focused, and he summoned his telekinetic abilities, intertwining his ki with the unseen forces of the universe.
"Crack. Boom. Crush." Renji's hands moved in sync with his thoughts, directing the raw energy towards the once-majestic hills that stood before him.
The ground beneath his feet trembled as his Ki surged forward, an invisible force colliding with the earthen masses. The hills, once towering and imposing, yielded to Renji's immense power. They began to reshape under the pressure, the very fabric of their existence succumbing to the might of his telekinesis.
The variety of Ki manipulation techniques, often overlooked in the show, now took centre stage in his training. Potential lay within these abilities, and he was determined to harness them to their fullest extent.
"The possibilities are endless," He thought, a spark of inspiration igniting within him. "Telekinesis, teleportation, hypnosis, energy manipulation... There are so many uses. I will explore every facet of my power, leaving no stone unturned."
He would not limit himself to the confines of conventional techniques but would instead embrace the vast repertoire of possibilities that lay before him.
Renji approached the makeshift weights he had constructed with a determined glint in his eyes. He knew that in order to push his physical limits, he had to subject himself to intense training.
Utilising his telekinetic ability, he slowly started placing the enormous weights upon his back, pressing down with an almost crushing force.
With resolute determination, Renji positioned himself under the immense weight, feeling its oppressive presence pressing down on his back. He braced himself, his muscles tensing in anticipation of the gruelling workout that awaited him as he began the first exercise.
"Huff...huff," Renji exhaled heavily, his breaths ragged and laboured as the ground beneath him shook with each push-up.
He fought to maintain a steady breathing pattern, knowing that it was crucial for endurance. The weight on his back seemed to grow heavier with each repetition, testing his strength and resolve.
His muscles screamed in protest, aching with the strain of the immense weight he bore. But Renji refused to succumb to the pain. He knew that growth came from pushing beyond his limits, from embracing discomfort and forging through it.
"Huff... damn..." Renji gasped for air, the sweat pouring down his face, mixing with the dirt and grime. The relentless burning in his muscles was a necessary sacrifice, a trade-off for the immense power he sought to attain.
Thoughts of quitting taunted Renji's mind, tempting him to surrender to the pain and exhaustion. But he silenced those voices with sheer force of will. He reminded himself of his purpose and of the dreams and aspirations that fuelled his training.
"F**k!" Renji's voice erupted in a mix of frustration and determination, and his teeth gritted tightly together. The intensity of his training had pushed him to the edge, testing the limits of his endurance.
"This pain is temporary, but the strength I gain from it will last forever."
The Saiyan body was a marvel of biology and growth, a natural advantage that set them apart from other races in the universe. Renji drew strength from this knowledge, knowing that his body would recover and rebuild at an accelerated rate.
"No pain, no gain," he muttered through heavy breaths, his voice laced with determination. It had been a while since he started and he refused to let exhaustion consume him. Each repetition, each curl of the weights, was a step closer to his goal.
With a final burst of energy, Renji completed the last set, his muscles trembling with fatigue. His body collapsed onto the floor, the exertion leaving him utterly exhausted.
"Huff... I'm exhausted," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction.
Taking a moment to catch his breath and allow his body to recover, he relished in the well-deserved 30-minute respite.
As he sat in the shade, a sense of accomplishment washed over him. His mind replayed the gruelling sets of weightlifting, the strain and burn of each repetition. He had pushed himself to the limit, surpassing his previous boundaries.
"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves." Renji muttered under his breath as he lifted himself from the ground. His gaze settling on a collection of rocks strewn across the rugged terrain, their jagged edges calling out to him like silent adversaries.
"Alright, time to step up the intensity," his breath escaped his lips in a soft exhale, a momentary release of tension before the storm.
He assumed a sturdy stance; his muscles coiled like springs, ready to unleash their potential.
With a surge of raw energy, Renji launched himself forward, his body flowing with controlled power. His leg extended with lightning speed, delivering a swift and precise kick that collided with the nearest rock. The impact reverberated through his body, a satisfying confirmation of his strength and skill. The rock shattering into pieces soared through the air, propelled by the force of his strike, and landed several metres away.
Renji continued his relentless assault on the rocks. Each kick, and strike, were executed with a calculated precision, his body moving with the fluid grace of a seasoned warrior. The rhythm of his movements became a dance of power and agility, a symphony of motion that resonated with his warrior spirit.
As he delivered a barrage of punches and strikes, Renji's mind conjured vivid images of opponents, their phantom forms materialising before him. He visualised their movements, intentions and channelled his focus into countering their attacks.
The air crackled with intensity as Renji's fists flew through the space, delivering swift jabs and powerful strikes. The sharp thuds and cracks intermingled with his rhythmic breathing, creating a cadence that drove him forward.
His movements were a blend of technique and instinct, honed through countless hours of training. He weaved and bobbed, dodging imaginary blows and countering with precision against the phantom adversaries.
As the sweat dripped down his forehead and his muscles burned with exertion, Renji's resolve remained unshaken. The shadow boxing and self-fighting were not mere exercises; they were a reflection of his inner drive and the battles he fought within himself.
With each movement, Renji grew more attuned to his body's capabilities, discovering new depths of strength and agility. The training became a canvas for self-discovery, an exploration of his own limits and potential for growth.
Stepping back, Renji assumed a focused stance, both hands poised before him as his eyes fixed on the mountain that stood afar.
He understood that true mastery transcended mere physical prowess; it required harnessing the very essence of his being, the life force that permeated his body.
Concentrating his energy, he summoned the very essence of his being, the Ki within him surging forth, prepared to unleash the full might of his power.
His voice resounded with determination and power as Renji channelled his Ki into a concentrated beam. The air crackled with electrifying energy, swirling around him in a dazzling display of vibrant blue.
With a thunderous roar, the blast erupted from his outstretched hands, streaking through the air with blinding speed. The beam of pure energy is slicing through the atmosphere, leaving behind a trail of shimmering light.
The sound of his attack was a symphony of power, a combination of fierce intensity and the crackling of unleashed energy. It reverberated through the training grounds, echoing off the barren landscape.
The impact of Renji's Ki blast was cataclysmic. The beam collided with the mountains in the distance, a collision that shook the very foundation of the planet. Rocks crumbled and shattered, and the ground trembled beneath the sheer force of his attack.
The physical training session drew to a close, and Renji stood amidst a landscape of fallen rocks and the echoes of his exertions.
Breathing deeply, Renji allowed his heart rate to gradually slow, his body gradually easing from its battle-ready stance.
As the sun shone at full brightness, its heat radiating across the training grounds, Renji's body pulsated with exhaustion. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, his muscles aching from the relentless exertion. Seven gruelling hours had passed since he had arrived, and the toll on his physicality was undeniable.
With a sigh of relief, Renji reached into a massive bag by his side, a collection of food he had brought along for sustenance. He unwrapped the nourishing provisions, the scent of his meal wafting through the air and tantalising his senses.
He devoured each morsel with ravenous hunger, savouring the taste that replenished his energy. The sound of his chewing echoed in the otherwise quiet surroundings, a satisfying symphony that accompanied his well-deserved feast.
Having satisfied his hunger, Renji leaned back against a rock, taking a well-deserved thirty-minute rest. The world around him seemed to fade into the background as he closed his eyes, finding solace in the stillness of his surroundings.
The rhythmic inhales and exhales harmonised with the tranquil atmosphere, as if nature itself had joined in his quest for inner serenity.
The gentle breeze rustled the leaves as Renji stirred from his short nap, his body gradually awakening.
With a yawn, he stretched his limbs, feeling the satisfying pull and release of his muscles. Each deliberate movement served as a prelude to the upcoming meditation, a practice that had become an integral part of his daily routine.
As he positioned himself in a secluded spot atop a tall hill, Renji's eyes closed, shutting out the external distractions. The world around him faded into the background, and his focus turned inward. The sound of his own heartbeat echoed in his ears, a steady rhythm that harmonised with the tranquillity of the surrounding nature.
In the depths of his meditation, Renji sought to cultivate a sense of calmness to still the chaos of his thoughts and emotions. It was within this state of inner peace that he could truly understand and harness the power of his Ki.
With each breath, Renji felt the energy within him surge and swirl, an ethereal force waiting to be harnessed. He visualised his ki as a vibrant flame, flickering and dancing within the core of his being. The sensation was both exhilarating and humbling, a reminder of the immense potential that resided within him.
Renji's mind became a canvas upon which he painted his understanding of Ki. He delved deep into the recesses of his consciousness, seeking to contain the wellspring of his energy that leaked from his body. He imagined invisible threads binding his Ki tightly, keeping it as close to him as possible, shrouded in the cloak of secrecy.
Months of research, observations, and discussions with fellow Saiyan's had provided Renji with insights into the nature of power levels and the mechanics of concealing one's Ki. He understood that the power levels detected by scouters or sensed by others were directly influenced by the amount of Ki that escaped the body. By controlling and minimising this leakage, Renji aimed to hide his true power level, only revealing it when he chose to do so.
Within the depths of his meditation, Renji's thoughts intertwined with his emotions, a delicate dance between fleeting sensations and profound realisations. Frustration mingled with determination as he strived to tighten the reins on his Ki and refine his control over the energy that flowed within him. Progress was slow, but each step forward brought him closer to his goal.
As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue across the sky, Renji gradually emerged from his meditative state. His eyes opened, revealing a newfound clarity and serenity. The time he had spent in introspection had strengthened his connection with his Ki, leaving him more attuned to its nuances.
With a final gaze upon the ever-changing canvas of the sky, Renji descended from the hill, his mind filled with anticipation.
With each step, Renji's tired muscles protested, their fatigue a testament to his unwavering dedication. The weight of the day's efforts hung on his shoulders, urging him to seek solace in the comfort of his home.
The path leading to his house seemed longer than usual, each stride an arduous journey. The familiar sights and sounds of the training grounds gradually faded, replaced by the anticipation of a well-deserved respite. The distant chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of nearby leaves provided a soothing backdrop, a lullaby for his exhausted senses.
As Renji pushed open the door to his house, a wave of familiarity enveloped him. The cool air within welcomed him, a refreshing contrast to the heat of the training grounds. His gaze fell on the dining table, where a feast awaited him. The aroma of a hearty meal, carefully prepared, wafted through the air, stirring his appetite.
With each bite, Renji savoured the flavours that danced on his palate. The nourishment replenished his energy, revitalising his weary body. He closed his eyes momentarily, savouring the satisfaction that filled him, grateful for the sustenance that would aid in his recovery.
The sound of water cascading from the showerhead echoed as Renji stepped into the bathroom. The cool droplets embraced his tired body, washing away the physical remnants of his arduous training. The sound of water mingled with his contented sigh, a momentary release of tension as he allowed himself to simply be in the present.
Wrapped in a towel, Renji made his way to his bedroom, his steps growing slower and heavier with each passing moment. The inviting embrace of his bed beckoned to him, promising a sanctuary of rest and rejuvenation.
With a sigh of gratitude, he sank into the softness of the mattress, his eyelids growing heavy.
Darkness enveloped his room, and Renji surrendered himself to the embrace of sleep, his body and soul finding solace in the respite of the night.
Author's Note:
Hey, guys!
I wanted to give you a heads-up about the first few chapters of this story. They might seem to progress at a slower pace, and that's intentional. I wanted to take the time to lay out the main character's thought process and delve into their emotional journey. It's important to establish a solid foundation for the story's development.
I ask for your patience and understanding as we embark on this journey together. I truly believe that with your feedback and my dedication to writing, we can create one of the best Dragon Ball fanfics out there. I know it's a bold claim, but I have faith in our collective ability to craft an amazing story.
P.S. I understand that some may have concerns about the protagonist's inability to fly, but rest assured, he will soon acquire that skill in due time.
Regarding Gavil, every character given an extended role in my story will serve a purpose, whether it is in the present or the future.
So, please stick with me, offer your advice, and let's create something extraordinary.
Hey guys! Just a quick note to let you know that the first few chapters may progress slowly as I focus on developing the main character's thoughts and emotions.
With your feedback and my dedication, we can create an amazing Dragon Ball fanfic together. Thanks for your support!
Ash out.