
Dragon ball : Echoes of the Void

Dragon Ball: Echoes of the Void transports readers into the thrilling and perilous world of Dragon Ball, where danger lurks at every corner, and exhilaration awaits those who dare to seek it. In this captivating fanfic, we follow the extraordinary journey of Renji, a lost soul who unexpectedly finds himself in the vibrant and treacherous realm of Dragon Ball. Awakening in this world of superhuman strength, breath-taking battles, and limitless possibilities, Renji is both exhilarated and apprehensive. He quickly realizes that he possesses a unique opportunity to forge his own destiny and become the strongest being to ever grace the Dragon Ball universe. As he traverses this dangerous yet exhilarating realm, Renji encounters iconic characters from the Dragon Ball series, both friend and foe. Through intense training sessions, fierce battles, and the forging of deep connections, he learns valuable lessons about power, sacrifice, and the true nature of strength. Along the way, he unearths long-lost Saiyan techniques, taps into untapped reservoirs of power, and faces unimaginable adversaries that push him to his limits. With determination in his heart and the echoes of a forgotten past urging him forward, Renji sets out on an epic quest of self-discovery and transcendence.

Ashlin_17 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Echoes of Destiny - The Super Saiyan Prophecy

"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."

- William Jennings Bryan



"My lord, why do you seek information about this alleged Super Saiyan?" Beriblu, a petite lady with a pale blue complexion, questioned. Her face was laced with curiosity as she contemplated her lord's interest in a race that seemed inconsequential.

"My dear Beriblu," the lord began, his voice echoing in the grand hall, "you must understand that I cannot afford to overlook any element that could potentially jeopardise the reign of my empire."

"But my lord," Beriblu interjected, her voice laced with skepticism, "this Super Saiyan is nothing more than a myth, a tale spun by the Saiyans to instill hope amongst their kind."

Frieza paused, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the cosmos visible through the grand window. "Even myths," he finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, "have a way of becoming reality. And I cannot and will not risk the stability of my empire on the off chance that this myth might just be true."

Beriblu fell silent, her mind racing with thoughts. She had served her lord for many cycles, and she knew that once he had made up his mind, there was little anyone could do to sway him. She could only hope that this obsession with the Super Saiyan would not lead them down a path of destruction.

Renji's head throbbed as he strained to listen to the distant conversation. This was the fourth such dream—or vision—that had visited him in the past year. As always, his presence seemed invisible to the figures in his dream. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than a dream or vision; it was as if he were there, observing from a third viewpoint.

"Let the monkeys dream all they want; they won't have the luxury later," Frieza's voice cut through the silence with cold dismissal.

"Very well, my lord. I shall have Zarbon investigate," the pale blue lady, Beriblu, responded, her voice tinged with a mix of obedience and curiosity. Frieza's laughter filled the chamber, a sound devoid of joy and full of dark portent.

Beriblu opened the door exiting the main chamber where Frieza resided, her eyes scanning the new room before signalling to another figure. Renji followed her, his form passing through the ship's walls as if he were a ghost, a silent observer of the unfolding events.

As he watched, Renji's mind raced. These visions were becoming more frequent and vivid. They left him with a sense of urgency, a feeling that these were not mere figments of his imagination but glimpses of something real, something imminent. He needed to understand their meaning to decipher the message they were trying to convey before it was too late.

In the shadowy confines of the corridor, Beriblu's voice echoed with a sense of urgency. "Kikona, summon Zarbon and Dodoria at once. I have an important task for them, one that requires the utmost discretion. Speak to them in private and instruct them to gather information on the whereabouts of a 'Super Saiyan.' It is imperative that this matter remain confidential among our ranks. Understood?" Her pale blue features were etched with the gravity of the situation, her usual calm demeanour giving way to the weight of the task at hand.

"Has Lord Frieza truly decreed this, Beriblu?" inquired a small, yellow alien with prominent antennas, another executive within the Frieza Force.

"You needn't concern yourself with the details. Meanwhile, I will attempt to contact the Ginyu Force. They are elusive and answer only to Lord Frieza himself," Beriblu replied, her tone leaving no room for further questions.

"Of course, I shall do anything to help Lord Frieza's empire," Kikona affirmed. His voice echoed through the vast, metallic corridor as he departed, his small form quickly disappearing from sight.

Renji followed, his ethereal form permeating through the ship's structure, unseen and unheard yet acutely aware of the significance of what he was witnessing.

"Zarbon, do you know where Dodoria is?" Kikona asked, his voice echoing in the large, empty hallway.

"I'm not certain; he should be arriving shortly. What prompts your inquiry? Is there a matter of significance?" responded a towering figure with pale turquoise skin, his presence commanding attention. His long green hair, tied back into a single braid, and the pearl earrings adorning his ears gave him an almost regal air. Despite his appearance, which could deceive one into assuming a gentler nature, he was, in fact, an elite warrior, serving as one of the highest-ranking generals under Lord Frieza, alongside General Dodoria.

Kikona's voice lowered. "You and Dodoria were assigned a mission by Beriblu. She was seeking information about a Super Saiyan."

Zarbon, the turquoise-skinned warrior, let out a thoughtful hum. "It seems Lord Frieza has finally made his decision," he mused, his voice deep and resonant. "Very well. We will conduct an inquiry through our forces and dispatch intelligence spies to the neighbouring systems."

The search for the Super Saiyan was not just another assignment; it was a quest that could alter the balance of power within the universe—a directive that came from the very top of the Frieza Empire's hierarchy. Renji listened intently, his mind already racing with the implications of their words.

As Renji observed the exchange, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The gears of a grand scheme were beginning to turn, and he could only watch as the events unfolded.

Renji's surroundings plunged into darkness once again, and he found himself transported to a different scene. He was now observing a Saiyan man and woman in the heart of a bustling city. He recognised them but couldn't quite place where or when he had seen them before.

The woman was small and didn't fit the typical description of a Saiyan. She was not a warrior but a butcher, relegated to a life of labour due to her relative weakness. Dressed in standard Saiyan armour, she was a beacon of kindness in a race known for their ferocity, always ready to lend a helping hand to those around her.

Gine let out a soft sigh, her breath catching in her throat as she meticulously continued her task. Abruptly, a voice she knew all too well broke the silence: "What's wrong? No warm welcome, Gine."

Startled, she let her tools clatter to the ground, her eyes widening as she beheld her husband, Bardock, standing before her. "Bardock, you're back!" she cried out, her voice a mixture of surprise and joy as she hurried into his embrace, the warmth of their connection enveloping them both.

Bardock cast his eyes over the bustling streets, observing the unusual activity that filled the city. "Seems like there's quite a stir in town today," he remarked, curiosity lacing his words.

Gine agreed with a nod, "It's rare for everyone to return at once."

Bardock's expression grew thoughtful, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "Where's Raditz?" he inquired, his thoughts turning to their eldest son.

With a gentle smile, Gine responded, "He's off-world, serving in the military alongside Prince Vegeta on a far-flung planet. I seriously doubt they'll make it back for this."

Bardock's eyebrow arched in surprise. "With Prince Vegeta, you say? I wouldn't want to be stuck on a ship with that one." He was well aware of the prince's notorious temper and ruthless nature.

Changing the subject, Bardock asked, "What is Kakarot doing? Is he still in the nursing capsule?"

"Yes, he's still there. But it's nearly time for him to emerge," Gine confirmed, a softness in her voice. "You should come and see him." With that, she guided Bardock to a secluded room, where a nursing capsule lay. Within it, a tiny figure stirred, the promise of a new beginning.

Bardock studied his son, his expression contemplative. "He's still quite small, isn't he?"

Gine's smile was gentle, and her eyes softened as she looked at her child. "Perhaps he's just a late bloomer. But don't you think he bears a striking resemblance to you? He's even inherited your unruly hair," she chuckled, her laughter light and filled with affection.

In the quiet room, Bardock's voice rang out, laden with a gravity that seemed to hang in the air. "When night falls, I intend to steal a pod for him," he announced, his gaze unwavering on the tiny figure nestled within the nursing capsule.

Gine's eyes widened, her heart hammering against her ribcage. "What?" she managed to utter, her mind whirling as she tried to process Bardock's words.

"We're going to send our son to a different world," Bardock continued, his voice firm despite the weight of his declaration.

Gine felt her breath hitch in her throat. "You can't be serious!" she protested, her voice echoing her disbelief and fear.

Bardock turned to her, his eyes locking onto hers. "Gine, I am serious," he stated, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

A shiver of apprehension coursed through Gine as she confronted Bardock, her voice quivering with emotion. "Are you out of your mind? How could we possibly consider leaving our son behind?" she implored, disbelief etching her features. "He hasn't even learned how to talk yet!"

Bardock exhaled deeply, his attention momentarily captured by the sight of their son in the nursing capsule. "With his latent abilities, he's destined to be sent away," he explained, his voice filled with a strange mix of resignation and hope. "Probably somewhere horrible. So we're going to see to it that he at least grows up on a decent planet."

Gine's denial was palpable, her eyes brimming with tears. "He's simply too young for such a fate," she whispered, her protest barely audible.

Bardock turned to face her again, his expression serious. "I don't think we can afford to wait much longer," he said, his voice low.

A sense of foreboding tightened in Gine's gut. "What are you implying?" she pressed, her voice filled with dread.

Bardock's expression grew somber. "It's Frieza," he murmured, the name itself a harbinger of dread. "I suspect he harbours fear of the Super Saiyan appearing one day."

Gine's eyes widened in surprise. "Hold on, the Super Saiyan?" she asked, her voice filled with confusion. "But that's only... that's just a children's fairy tale, Bardock!"

Bardock nodded, his gaze distant. "I know. The problem is, I think he's still bothered by the legend," he said, his voice filled with a strange sense of foreboding. "And I can't imagine he'd want to take any chances."

Gine felt a chill run down her spine. "Huh?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Bardock's gaze met hers, his eyes filled with a strange mix of determination and fear. "I get the feeling that death is on its way for us," he said, his voice filled with a grim certainty.


As the cries of young Kakarot echoed, Gine turned to Bardock, her eyes filled with desperation. "Isn't there another way? We must consider all options before making such a drastic decision."

"No, it's the only choice," Bardock had responded, his tone resolute. "If I turn out to be wrong, I'll go and rescue him."

Gine's heart throbbed painfully in her chest, the incessant cries of her son piercing her soul. "Then why not flee together, all three of us?"

"That's impossible," Bardock responded, his voice laden with regret. "Their scouters would pinpoint our location in an instant. We wouldn't stand a chance."

Gine looked at Bardock, her eyes filled with confusion and fear. "Bardock, why are you going through so much trouble? It's not like a Saiyan man to worry about his children. So what's gotten into you?"

Bardock sighed, his gaze distant. "I don't know, Gine. Maybe it's because I'm constantly fighting and destroying... I'd actually like to save something for once. Especially someone who is judged to be a lower-class warrior, like our Kakarot."

Bardock moved towards the space pod, his eyes fixed on the small figure of his son inside. "I've programmed this pod to head to a distant planet called Earth. The inhabitants there have low power levels and aren't technologically advanced. I believe Kakarot will be able to thrive there."

Gine's voice quivered as she murmured, "Kakarot..."

Bardock continued, "The good thing is, Earth isn't a valuable world. I'm hoping it won't show up on Frieza's radar."

Gine looked at her little boy with tears. "If your father is wrong about this, then we'll come and get you immediately."

Bardock's hand rested against the cool glass of the nursing capsule, his eyes locked on the child within. "Listen, son, you must do whatever it takes to survive. We'll see you soon. Goodbye."

Gine's cry was laden with a mother's love and the agony of parting. "Remember us, Kakarot," she called out, her plea echoing with the hope that it would reach across the stars to her son.

Renji, observing from a distance, felt a pang of emotion at the scene unfolding before him. "To send their kid off that young... Earth, huh? Maybe I should give that planet a visit in the future," he mused, the scene stirring feelings within him that he couldn't quite comprehend.


In the quietude of an alien dawn, Renji found himself roused from a vision that had ensnared his senses, leaving behind a world painted in the vivid hues of memory and emotion. The ambient symphony of the planet's wilderness—a chorus of avian calls woven with the gentle whisper of a nearby stream—cradled his awakening. A lone tear, a silent witness to the turmoil that had gripped him in slumber, traced a path down his cheek, marking the passage from dream to reality.

Renji remained still, allowing the tranquilly of his environment to envelop him and seep into his very being before he stirred. The quietude was a balm, yet the poignant finality in Bardock's farewell and Gine's heartfelt plea lingered, echoing within the recesses of his thoughts.

Renji yawned, the 'fatigue' of the past days' exertions catching up to him. It had been three days since his encounters with the formidable lizard and the elusive bird—beings that had offered a fleeting taste of challenge on this otherwise unremarkable planet.

With a languorous stretch, he reached for the scouter lying beside him, its presence a reminder of the world beyond this peaceful interlude. As he placed the device over his eye, the familiar weight of it seemed to anchor him back to reality, to the role he played in the universe—a warrior, a Saiyan, bound by duty and strength.

Renji's fingers traced the contours of the scouter, a device that had become as familiar to him as the weapons he wielded. As he navigated through the digital pages of information, his eyes narrowed with curiosity. The site, lordfriezanews.cold, held a revelation that piqued his interest: Lord Frieza's executive members were actively seeking information about the elusive Saiyan race, with a particular focus on the legendary Super Saiyan.

Renji's mind raced, his thoughts diverging like the branches of a sprawling tree. He leaned back against the rough surface of the rock he'd chosen as a resting place, his gaze distant as he pondered the implications of this news.

"Now that's an interesting thing, isn't it?" Renji mused aloud, his voice echoing in the quiet of the alien landscape. He stroked his chin, his fingers tracing the stubble that had grown during his time on this planet. "Frieza seems to be more rushed than I expected."

As he mulled over his next steps, the scouter at his side buzzed to life.

Ring, Ring.

The mission had consumed four days, a testament to Renji's efficiency and prowess. Yet, as he mulled over his next steps, the scouter at his side buzzed to life, a direct communication from Aspera slicing through the tranquilly.

"What's up?" Renji answered, his voice a steady amidst the storm of his thoughts.

"I was curious about the progress of your mission," Aspera's voice filtered through, tinged with the cacophony of battle—a backdrop of monstrous screams that did little to mask her tone.

"You needn't worry. Though I'm taken aback by your concern," Renji replied, a hint of surprise colouring his tone.

Aspera's laughter, a fleeting respite from the chaos that surrounded her, filled the air. "It seems your first day's bravado has driven the creatures from your vicinity. You've only yourself to thank for the silence," she quipped, the sound of her laughter barely masking the screams as she deftly dodged an attack and retaliated, her fist driving through the chest of a beast with lethal precision.

"Are you certain you've exterminated them all? Any oversight, and our pay gets slashed in half."

"Absolutely, I've completed my part of the mission," Renji affirmed, his hands methodically slipping into his battle boots and gloves. With a casual flick of his finger, he extinguished the flickering fire nearby, sending a shockwave that scattered the embers into the night.

"I see. Good job," Aspera acknowledged, a brief silence falling between them before she continued. "If you're finished, you should assist Lotan. I'll wrap up here in a few hours, and then we can depart."

"Sure thing, see you later then," Renji replied, and with a swift motion, he ended the call.





I wanted to give you a heads-up about the first few chapters of this story. They might seem to progress at a slower pace, and that's intentional. Why? Well, I wanted to take the opportunity to delve into the protagonist's thoughts and emotions, allowing us to truly understand their journey. It's important to establish a solid foundation for the story's development.

As always, your feedback is valuable to me. If you come across any grammatical errors or plot points that don't quite make sense, please don't hesitate to let me know in the comments. Your critique will help me improve my storytelling.

Furthermore, if you have any questions about the story, its characters, or the world it

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Peace out!

Ashlin_17creators' thoughts