
Dragon ball : Echoes of the Void

Dragon Ball: Echoes of the Void transports readers into the thrilling and perilous world of Dragon Ball, where danger lurks at every corner, and exhilaration awaits those who dare to seek it. In this captivating fanfic, we follow the extraordinary journey of Renji, a lost soul who unexpectedly finds himself in the vibrant and treacherous realm of Dragon Ball. Awakening in this world of superhuman strength, breath-taking battles, and limitless possibilities, Renji is both exhilarated and apprehensive. He quickly realizes that he possesses a unique opportunity to forge his own destiny and become the strongest being to ever grace the Dragon Ball universe. As he traverses this dangerous yet exhilarating realm, Renji encounters iconic characters from the Dragon Ball series, both friend and foe. Through intense training sessions, fierce battles, and the forging of deep connections, he learns valuable lessons about power, sacrifice, and the true nature of strength. Along the way, he unearths long-lost Saiyan techniques, taps into untapped reservoirs of power, and faces unimaginable adversaries that push him to his limits. With determination in his heart and the echoes of a forgotten past urging him forward, Renji sets out on an epic quest of self-discovery and transcendence.

Ashlin_17 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Alien Wilderness

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

- Mahatma Gandhi



Renji, filled with a mix of anticipation and caution, was prepared to venture into the unknown. The thrill of finally being able to unleash his power was palpable, yet he was acutely aware of the potential dangers that lurked on the uncharted planet. He knew that in a universe as perilous as his, caution was not just a virtue but a necessity.

He takes to the skies, his body hovering above the alien terrain. His eyes scan the landscape, his scouter diligently measuring the power levels of the surrounding area. But nothing seems out of the ordinary; there are no power level spikes that would indicate a formidable adversary. Only those with a power level of 1000 or more would truly pique his interest. The device was designed to detect power levels; this was but one of the device's features, a useful tool in a universe where strength is often the difference between life and death.

Descending into the fray, he navigated the fluctuating power levels that surrounded him, most barely cresting between 50 and 150. It was a spectrum of strength that barely warranted his attention, let alone the full extent of his abilities.

Engaging in combat, he relied solely on the finesse of his hand-to-hand techniques to dispatch these adversaries, finding no immediate need to draw upon his Ki blasts. The creatures he faced were an aberration of nature; some were sloth-like entities that bore a sinister resemblance to the symbiotic forms reminiscent of the comic book characters Venom and Carnage.

Within him, there was no emotion for these beings. Perhaps it was their lack of human features, their wild and untamed essence, that detached him from any sense of empathy. They were like the wild beasts of old, creatures that, in the natural order of this world, required culling.

Yet he held no disgust for them. He understood that not every creature was at the pinnacle of evolution. Some were still on their evolutionary journey, and it was a pity that their path would end here, at his hands. (Cell nods in agreement.)

As Renji delved further into the untamed wilds, he was met with an array of creatures, each more peculiar and captivating than the last. Some were gentle, meandering through the lush underbrush, contentedly nibbling on the rich flora. Others, however, bore the unmistakable mark of the hunter, their eyes alight with a sharp, calculating glint of predation.

With every step deeper into this vibrant ecosystem, Renji moved with deliberate care, his senses heightened and alert.

Perched atop a makeshift mound of vanquished creatures, Renji's breath flowed in a slow, controlled rhythm. As he surveyed the fallen beasts below him, a sense of anticlimax washed over him. The battle, it seemed, had not tested his limits as he had anticipated.

"I did it, I guess," he whispered to himself, his voice a hushed echo amidst the stillness. "That was easier than I expected it to be."

As the first creature of significant power made its presence known, Renji's interest was piqued, albeit minimally. A colossal beast, its form reminiscent of the reptiles of old, burst forth from the dense undergrowth. Sunlight danced off its scales, casting a mesmerising sheen that belied the danger it posed. With a roar that seemed to shake the very earth beneath them, it bared its fangs and lunged at Renji.

"It seems you're up for a dance," Renji mused aloud, his tone light despite the imminent threat. His body moved with a fluidity and speed that spoke of countless battles and honed instincts. He sidestepped the creature's charge with ease, his movements a blur to the untrained eye.

He countered with a swift, powerful punch, his fist connecting with the beast's jaw with a force that sent shockwaves through the air. The impact sent the creature staggering back, but it was not one to be easily subdued. Shaking off the blow, it recovered with a resilience that spoke of its wild, untamed nature and charged at Renji once more.

As the duel wore on, Renji's connection to his Ki deepened, his senses sharpening, his reflexes quickening, and his physical form resonating with his mental acuity. He was the embodiment of a warrior in tune with the ebb and flow of battle, his spirit undaunted by the ferocity of his opponent.

And then, in a moment of perfect clarity, Renji unleashed a devastating kick, aimed with unerring accuracy at the beast's chest. The force of the blow was monumental, propelling the creature through a swath of trees, their trunks splintering like kindling under the onslaught. The beast's massive form hurtled through the air, finally crashing against a large hill with such impact that the landscape itself seemed to rupture.

As the dust settled, the beast lay motionless, its final spasms ceasing as stillness claimed its form. Foam flecked its mouth. Renji stood over his vanquished adversary. A triumphant grin etched itself upon his face, not out of malice but as an acknowledgment of the challenge he had overcome and the strength he had drawn from it.

"Not so tough now, huh, lizard?" He taunted, his voice steady and mocking, as he stood over the subdued reptilian creature. Its once fearsome demeanour had diminished, leaving it a mere footnote in his journey.

"I wonder what all of you are looking at," he mused aloud, his gaze sweeping across the crowd of alien creatures that had encircled him. Their varied forms and sizes, a mosaic of the galaxy's diversity, watched him with an array of expressions—curiosity, fear, perhaps even respect.

"Alright, if you don't want to bring the fight to me, I'll bring it to you," he declared, his voice rising with challenge. With a powerful leap, he launched himself off the red lizard's body, his form cutting through the air with the precision of a well-thrown spear.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with streaks of orange and purple, Renji began to construct a makeshift camp amidst the alien terrain. Though fatigue had not yet claimed him, the prospect of a meal was a welcome one. With a casual flick of his wrist, he levitated the carcass of a cattle-like creature towards him, its body hovering in the air. He set about the task of butchering with practiced ease, preparing the meat for a feast under the stars.

Just as he was about to savour the first bite of his hard-earned meal, a colossal, winged creature descended from the twilight sky, its form a blur against the darkening canvas. Silver talons gleamed like deadly scythes, poised to strike with lethal precision.

"The hell, how did it hide its ki and body?" Renji muttered, his mind racing. Concealing one's ki was a skill that required discipline and practice, not something he would attribute to a mere beast of the wild.

His eyes widened in shock at the creature's sudden appearance, but he quickly regained his composure. Instincts kicked in, his stance shifted, and his body tensed like a coiled spring, prepared to unleash its energy.

As the creature descended upon him, Renji leaped into action, his body a blur of motion as he dodged and countered the beast's attacks in the air. The dance of combat was second nature to him, a testament to his rigorous training and innate skill.

"Damn you, stupid chameleon chicken," Renji shouted, his voice laced with irritation as he engaged in aerial combat with the creature. The beast's ability to blend into its surroundings was impressive, but Renji's instincts were sharper.

"HEAAAAAK!" the creature screamed, a sound so piercing it made Renji's ears ring. The cacophony was a desperate attempt to disorient him, but Renji was undeterred.

"Shut up; you ruined my meal," he retorted, his annoyance palpable. The sky darkened further as the sun's last rays disappeared, and Renji found himself growing weary of the relentless battle. The bird's ability to vanish and reappear was a cunning trick, one that made the fight unpredictable and tedious.

With a strategic release of his ki, Renji sent tendrils of energy radiating outward, laced with his power, and whipping through the air like electrified whips. The bird, caught off guard by the sudden discharge, struggled against the binding energy, its body convulsing in resistance.

With a final surge of strength, Renji unleashed a devastating Ki blast, channelling the energy through his body with precision. The beast let out a final, pained screech as the beam tore through its' torso before plummeting to the ground, defeated and still.

Renji landed on the ground. "Stupid bird, had you only concealed yourself, you might have survived," he said.





I wanted to give you a heads-up about the first few chapters of this story. They might seem to progress at a slower pace, and that's intentional. Why? Well, I wanted to take the opportunity to delve into the protagonist's thoughts and emotions, allowing us to truly understand their journey. It's important to establish a solid foundation for the story's development.

As always, your feedback is valuable to me. If you come across any grammatical errors or plot points that don't quite make sense, please don't hesitate to let me know in the comments. Your critique will help me improve my storytelling.

Furthermore, if you have any questions about the story, its characters, or the world it

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Peace out!

Ashlin_17creators' thoughts