
Dragon ball : Echoes of the Void

Dragon Ball: Echoes of the Void transports readers into the thrilling and perilous world of Dragon Ball, where danger lurks at every corner, and exhilaration awaits those who dare to seek it. In this captivating fanfic, we follow the extraordinary journey of Renji, a lost soul who unexpectedly finds himself in the vibrant and treacherous realm of Dragon Ball. Awakening in this world of superhuman strength, breath-taking battles, and limitless possibilities, Renji is both exhilarated and apprehensive. He quickly realizes that he possesses a unique opportunity to forge his own destiny and become the strongest being to ever grace the Dragon Ball universe. As he traverses this dangerous yet exhilarating realm, Renji encounters iconic characters from the Dragon Ball series, both friend and foe. Through intense training sessions, fierce battles, and the forging of deep connections, he learns valuable lessons about power, sacrifice, and the true nature of strength. Along the way, he unearths long-lost Saiyan techniques, taps into untapped reservoirs of power, and faces unimaginable adversaries that push him to his limits. With determination in his heart and the echoes of a forgotten past urging him forward, Renji sets out on an epic quest of self-discovery and transcendence.

Ashlin_17 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Arrival on Alderaan - A Stirring in the Frieza Force

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

- Lao Tzu


As the spacecraft approached its designated docking bay, the intricate ballet of the docking procedure began to unfold. The vessel, a formidable entity in its own right, found its place among an array of other impressive spacecraft, each one a testament to the technological prowess of their empire. The docking area was a hive of activity, a symphony of mechanical whirrs and the low hum of idling engines.

The docking mechanism engaged with a soft, yet firm, 'clunk', a sound that echoed within the confines of our spacecraft, marking the end of our journey through the cosmos. The metallic structure of the dock enveloped us, and the hum of machinery and the distant chatter of disembarking crews filled the air. We were no longer solitary voyagers in the vast expanse of space; we were now part of a bustling, alien world.

"Finally, we've arrived." Renji's voice broke through the hum of activity, a note of relief. He took a moment to savour the sight of our new surroundings, his eyes drinking in the alien landscape that stretched out before us.

The endless void of space had taken its toll on him, the monotony of the journey leaving him restless and yearning for solid ground. The emptiness of space stirs memories of a life suspended in limbo, an experience from before his rebirth.

Aspera, ever the pragmatist, nodded in agreement. "Let's head to that building over there," she suggested, pointing towards a structure that stood out amidst the alien architecture. "We can leave our stuff there. But first, we need to sign in. Some protocol about this planet being newly discovered or something."


As they navigated through the bustling docking area, the Saiyan group made their way towards the towering structures in the distance. The air was heavy with anticipation, with the hum of alien machinery and the chatter of diverse beings echoing around them.

They were venturing into the pulsing nexus of the Frieza Empire, the operational heart that enabled the empire's forces to assert their dominion across the stars. Each ship that docked, each being that scurried about their tasks, was a cog in the grand machine that propelled the empire's relentless expansion.

The members of the Frieza Force were as varied as the stars themselves, each one a unique representation of their home world. Some bore a striking resemblance to humans, their features a comforting echo of familiarity amidst the foreign landscape.

Others were entirely alien, their forms defying human comprehension. Their bodies twisted and turned in ways that seemed to defy the laws of physics; their appearances were a testament to the infinite diversity of life in the universe. They moved with a grace that was both mesmerising and unsettling; their movements were a dance of life in its most exotic forms.

Among them were beings of towering stature, their heads brushing against the metallic ceilings of the building. Their skin was a living kaleidoscope of colour and light, shifting and changing with every movement. Blues as deep as the ocean gave way to vibrant rainbows that danced across their skin, a living canvas of colour and light.

Creatures with tentacles moved with fluid grace, their appendages weaving intricate patterns in the air. Beings with horns of varying shapes and sizes moved with quiet dignity, their horns a symbol of their strength and status. Others sported wings, their feathers or scales shimmering under the artificial lights, a testament to the adaptability of life.

The variety was staggering, a testament to the vastness of the universe and the diversity of life it held. Each being was unique; their appearances were as varied as the worlds they hailed from. Yet they all shared the same look in their eyes, a look that held a hardness that spoke of battles fought and won, of worlds conquered and lost.

Despite their differences, they were all united under the banner of the Frieza Force. Their allegiance to this formidable organisation was a testament to its power and reach.

Even amidst the bustling chaos of the camp, the entrance of the Saiyans sent a wave through the crowd, akin to the ripples created by a stone cast into a pond. The once lively hub fell into a hushed stillness, the air thick with a tension that hung heavily, akin to a fog settling over a quiet town. The members of the Frieza Force, previously engrossed in their own tasks and conversations, now found their attention irresistibly drawn to the newcomers. Their gazes, as diverse as the beings themselves, were threaded with a common strand of unease and apprehension.

Among the sea of faces, a demon-like woman stood out like a beacon. Her skin, a deep, rich crimson, seemed to absorb the light around her, while her eyes glowed with an inner fire that was both captivating and intimidating. Horns curled from her forehead, adding to her intimidating presence. She turned to her companion, a being of similar stature but with a more subdued appearance, and remarked with a dismissive air, "Are those the Saiyans? They don't look so tough."

Her companion, a being named Lilith, shot her a warning glance. "Quiet," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of the docking bay. "Don't stir trouble. They're a prideful lot, easily provoked over the smallest things." Her words, laced with a mix of agitation and caution, echoed the reputation the Saiyans had earned among the Frieza Force.

Their exchange, a mere whisper in the bustling area, might have been lost to the untrained ear. However, it didn't escape the notice of Renji. His senses, already sharpened from his time spent in the void, picked up every word. The dismissive comment didn't surprise him. He was well aware of the reputation his people held, and he was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they ventured deeper into the camp, the members of Frieza's forces continued to observe them. Their expressions varied from anger to pity and resentment to curiosity. Some regarded them with a sense of superiority, their eyes filled with scorn. Others looked upon them with pity, their eyes reflecting the harsh realities of the universe. Yet others regarded them with resentment, their eyes issuing a silent challenge. Others looked upon them with pity, their eyes reflecting the harsh realities of the universe. Despite the range of reactions, one thing was clear: their arrival had stirred the pot, and they were now the centre of attention.


As they stepped into the makeshift 'hotel' that served as temporary lodging for the Frieza Force, Aspera led the way to the reception desk. The receptionists, a motley crew of various alien races, eyed them with a mix of curiosity and disdain. One of them, a reptilian creature with scales that shimmered under the harsh fluorescent lights, sneered at Aspera. "The Saiyans, huh? Don't get too comfortable. Lord Frieza isn't too fond of your kind," he hissed, his voice dripping with mockery.

Aspera, however, remained unfazed. She signed them in with calm efficiency, ignoring the receptionist's taunts. As they left the reception area, Lotan grumbled under his breath. "The nerve of those weaklings mocking us Saiyans. We're the backbone of the Frieza Force, the conquerors of countless planets."

Renji, who had been silent until now, chimed in. "Perhaps that's why they despise us. We're seen as the destroyers of worlds, the bringers of chaos. Just look at what happened to the Tuffles."

Aspera interrupted, her voice steady. "They fear us because they see our strength growing with each generation. They're worried we'll outgrow our roles as mere soldiers and become a threat."

Renji raised an eyebrow. "So, they're worried we'll usurp their positions? That seems unlikely. Mercenaries like them shouldn't be concerned about job security. After all, the universe will never run out of individuals who desire the demise of others. Life, in its inherent cruelty, will always bear its fangs."

Aspera sighed, a rare show of emotion. "I'm not entirely sure what they're plotting, but I sense a significant upheaval on the horizon within the Frieza Force—and perhaps the universe itself. I just hope we Saiyans can avoid becoming entangled in any new strife. Our plate is already full as it is," she said, her sigh resonating with a weariness uncharacteristic of her people.

This display of composure was atypical among the Saiyans, a race known for their fiery tempers and impulsive nature. Aspera's calm demeanour set her apart, suggesting a depth and thoughtfulness that belied the common perception of Saiyan culture. It made Renji wonder if he had been too narrow-minded, too quick to accept the stereotypes of Saiyan behaviour without considering the individual.

Their conversation dwindled into a contemplative silence as they continued their walk, distancing themselves from the lively epicentre of the basecamp to its more secluded fringes. The busy hum of activity faded behind them, leaving only their thoughts and the quiet anticipation of what changes the future might hold for their people.

"I presume you both remember our mission," Aspera stated, breaking the quiet with a reminder of their purpose.

Lotan, with a casual flick of his hand, brushed off her concern. "Of course, we're to eliminate any being with a power level over 75," he said, his tone laced with a hint of impatience.

Aspera fixed a steady gaze on both Lotan and Renji. "Should you come across any threat or encounter anything out of the ordinary, communicate it to me without delay," she instructed, punctuating her words with a deliberate tap on her scouter. Moments later, she was airborne, her form rapidly diminishing as she soared into the sky, leaving a resonating sonic boom in her wake.

Renji watched her ascent, a smirk touching his lips as he remarked with a hint of dry humour, "We'll reconvene in a few days, or sooner, depending on how long this takes you."

Upon their parting words, Lotan and Renji diverged, each carving a path through the barren terrain. They ventured far, creating a buffer of approximately 250 kilometres between them, a strategic move to ensure a thorough sweep of their assigned territories.

Their hunting grounds, a vast expanse spanning 100 thousand square kilometres, lay before them, untouched and awaiting their exploration.



I wanted to give you a heads-up about the first few chapters of this story. They might seem to progress at a slower pace, and that's intentional. Why? Well, I wanted to take the opportunity to delve into the protagonist's thoughts and emotions, allowing us to truly understand their journey. It's important to establish a solid foundation for the story's development.

As always, your feedback is valuable to me. If you come across any grammatical errors or plot points that don't quite make sense, please don't hesitate to let me know in the comments. Your critique will help me improve my storytelling.

Furthermore, if you have any questions about the story, its characters, or the world it unfolds in, feel free to ask. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. Peace out!

Ashlin_17creators' thoughts