
Don´t Kiss Me At Hign Noon

Dinora, the princess of the English royal family, wants nothing more than to be able to read her books in peace and not think about getting married, but her father King Melchior and Queen Layna want nothing more than for their daughter to fall in love just like her older sister Faina. They let Dinora have three balls, during these three nights she is supposed to fall in love. But what happens when these three nights turn out to be completely different from what they should have been? And there is another problem: Dinora falls in love with two men who couldn't be more different. Which one should she choose?

Abbey_Winters · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 7: The First Ball

I was excited, it was half an hour before the ball would start. I was dressed, made up, my hair fixed and much more. I was now walking up and down the corridor outside the ballroom, I was so excited that I started to doubt myself and wonder why I had come to this compromise, I should have just stood firm. "Hey, it'll be fine, I was so excited for my first ball too," Faina smiled warmly at me and put her hand around my shoulder, "They'll think you're quite good, believe me." Actually, I only wanted one to think I was good, Livius, I had told him what I looked like too. At least they wouldn't know I was the princess, a small comfort. We waited for our family and the Thahn's, then the doors opened and we were welcomed by the guests. Their Royal Majesties King Melchior and King Sini and their families!" exclaimed Lucien, he had also dressed in the style of the Rococo, with his tricorn and feather he looked very handsome and his just au corps was in the colours white and red. The guests clapped, I didn't expect them to turn up in such numbers. The chandeliers made everyone shine brightly, it sparkled. Some had been adapted to Empire, others to Romanesque. I was completely in the style of the 17th century. Because of the mask, I didn't know much, but enough not to bump into any of the guests, so I could confidently find a seat and sit out my evening. "The Thanh brothers and sister, Crown Prince Bleuciel, his brother Prince Livius and their sister Princess Nyla!", Lucien announced next. The siblings bowed and were received and applauded by the guests. Then it was my sister's turn, she was wearing a dream on purple, her dress was very similar to mine only it was decorated with purple and white glittering stones. We bowed as well and disappeared into the crowd. I could have saved myself the trouble of making an entrance, I had specifically asked Father not to introduce me, now everyone knew who I was. Layna pulled me to a table where Livius and the others were sitting. And have you been asked for a dance?" squeaked Nyla. I shook my head. I hadn't even waited for a nice ball to be requested, I just wanted to go to my room. The opening dance would begin in a few moments and I wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. To cheer myself up, I drank some champagne. Then the first applicants came and asked me for a dance, I could see from Livius' face that he was not very pleased about it. I had promised him the midnight dance to make up for it. A waltz was played for the opening. I had the honour of dancing with the Count of Spain Ruan, he was a nice gentleman, but his passion for horses annoyed me: "Princess, if you come to my estate one day, I can show you the stables." I tried hard to smile: "It would be my pleasure." Fortunately, he didn't seem to notice my undertone. Unfortunately, he then rambled on: "We could go out together and have a picnic, I would compose a song for you, what do you think?" I was just about to answer when the music faded away, I was lucky. I will certainly take you up on your offer, but there are other men waiting for me now, if you will excuse me," I replied and we bowed. It was all a lie, of course, I just wanted to sit. Just as I was about to sit down and my sister started to speak, I was called on again. Heavens, when is this going to end. This time it was an Englishman, a rich burgher's son. I think his name was Leopold, or was it Albert? He led amazingly well, I had to say, I even had a bit of fun. "And what are your favourite pastimes, Princess?" he asked me gallantly as we spun to the music. We danced in a quartet, always alternating hands with another partner, it was Anglaise. I just exchanged hands again: "Now reading and sparring, and you?" We circled each other and went apart and back to each other: "Well, I am engaged in hunting, what are you reading?" This would explain the phasan feathers on the hat of his cloth cap. I wonder who he represented. Should I really scare him off right away? Somehow I liked him very much. Well..." I changed hands again and came from the left, "I read Jane Austen." He laughed softly: "Doesn't every woman, my sister raves about her like that too, I admit she has real talent, I read through a book once because I wanted to know what made her so popular." He had read Jane Austen, which made me curious: "Which book was it?" He thought for a moment and changed his hand, walking apart with me and then together again: "I think it was Pride and Prejudice, or something like that." My heart leapt, it was one of my favourite books, a thought occurred to me, could he, I mean could it be that he was the stranger who had brought my book back to me? Were you recently out at night?", I asked him straight out. He nodded in surprise: "Yes, but how did you know?" I remained silent and thought carefully about what to say: "Do you still have any idea what was written on the last pages?" I had added a line in there, whoever had read my book, then he also knew what was inside. But before I got an answer I was pulled away from him. The person stopped, I looked at the boy Leopold, or Theobald, if only I had remembered his name, then I could find out his address, he was certainly on the guest list. You spent too much time with him, it was more than an hour, there are other guests waiting for you," my sister reminded me. A whole hour of one and the same, I didn't even notice. How many song changes did I miss?" I wanted to know from her. If I counted correctly, I think there were 15," she answered. I was allowed to dance a maximum of five pieces in a row with the same thing, I had clearly exceeded that limit. I bit my lip, my sister smiled at me. It's not that tragic Di, it's your first ball, you can make a mistake". We were interrupted again by Livius: "May I have a dance, princess?" My sister laughed: "Oh Livius, you're really doing it, here, take her, she needs a little rest anyway. Do you know where your brother is, I would love to dance with him." Livius smiled: "He's still at our table." She thanked him and left us alone. He took my hand and led me out onto the balcony, the stars shining: "I must say, you made me a little jealous when you danced with that gentleman for so long, but now you'll only be there for me all evening, do you promise?" I nodded, although I would have actually liked to dance with whatever his name was again, especially I wanted to know if it was that figure. Livius kissed me on the cheek and said he was going to get two drinks and I should wait for him here. As he left, I recognised a figure in the shadow of the balcony. He was leaning against the wall, I guessed it was a guest. Have you been watching me?" I asked. He nodded and came towards me with his hands in his suit pockets. He was dressed very plainly, not as flashy as the other guests, just in black and white. He sauntered over to me halfway: "I didn't expect you to give your heart away so quickly princess." "I beg your pardon?" I was a little appalled at his tone. "But that it has to be the son of the French king, of all people, you are like brother and sister," he continued unconcernedly. He now stood in front of me and took my hand, he was wearing white gloves: I guess I will have to try to win your favour. I withdrew my hand and kept my distance: "How dare you, I have never asked for your advances, you are a stranger to me." He scalded my face and lifted my chin: "That's what you think." I avoided his gaze: "Please leave, I would hate to have you thrown out." He nodded: "Whatever you say princess." He went back inside and just then Livius came back to me and brought a glass of champagne. He handed it to me: "And what has happened in the meantime?" Should I tell him about the encounter with the stranger? I'd better not, otherwise he'd want to defend my honour and then my parents would ask why, and then it would come out that I was having an affair with him, or had, whichever way it was taken. I could do without that. Di?", he waved his hand in front of my face. What?" I asked him. You were so dismissive, is everything all right?" he inquired. I smiled and bumped into his glass, it made a sound: "Yes, everything's fine, how much longer until midnight?" I guess you can't wait to finally give me the dance," he kissed me on the temple, "but don't worry, I've been looking forward to it all day. It made me smile. We spent what felt like another hour on the balcony looking at the stars, they were shining very dully today, not very romantic. There you are, I've found them!" Nyla yelled back into the hall. Livius and I quickly avoided each other and pretended to be just friends. Nyla, did she always have to bother us, I really hated her right at that moment. Nyla, it's good to see you, but wouldn't you rather dance?" I tried not to let my undertone play along. No, I was bored with that, I wanted to see you, someone asked for you again and I said I would find you," she took my hand and pulled me into the hall. I then snatched it from her and hissed: "Nyla, how dare you promise me to the next person, I'm really disappointed in you." I realised in the corner of my eye that this guy was already watching me again and stopped yelling at Nyla, I didn't want him to use any more things against me. Nyla looked down at the ground, she then walked past me and left me alone. I had hurt her, yes it had been negligent of me, but she had praised me and the bad thing is she hadn't even mentioned by whom. I sighed and turned around, I wanted to get back to Livius now. I squirmed away from the strange man, why was he watching me all the time? Livius was surrounded by women, they weren't even ugly, I guess jealousy was talking. I couldn't make a scene now, it would be too conspicuous. I gritted my teeth, it was so awful to watch him dancing with other girls, flirting with them, looking at them. My bile was rising. I couldn't look any faster, I gathered my dress and rammed into a guest. "Forgive me," in all my excitement I had used the wrong form of address. You should be more careful princess, your jealousy is palpable, even hidden under your mask," the same person who had been following me all through the ball replied. I narrowed my eyes, he was beginning to annoy me: "Tell me, are you following me? You are annoying!" He pulled me back to my feet, but then he still didn't let go of my hand. Dance with me once," he asked me. I tried to escape, but his hand was tight around my instep. "Just one dance, the midnight dance, please." Did it really leave me in peace then, he just wanted to dance, how disgusting. "I promised the midnight dance to someone else, you're too late!", I hissed softly. He oh me to him: "You don't think the Prince of France really loves you, do you? He is only looking for the next one to dishonour, not true love." I kicked him with force on the foot: Stop it, he confessed to me that he loves me, you are sick,' I shouted at him. I didn't care at that moment whether I was exposed or not. How did he know, or think he knew, everything? Excuse me, but I don't think the lady wants to know your favours, leave her in peace!", a man's voice interceded behind me. My eyes filled with tears of relief, Livius, he had come to save me. But before my eyes I saw him sitting at a table with our maid Levinia, tightly embraced. They were laughing and, in my opinion, getting a little too close. His hand kept moving to her cleavage. It stung me. Maybe it was just supposed to be camouflage, but this was too close, even for a simple camouflage, he would have some explaining to do. Even if it was just an act, there were always feelings involved somewhere. "Stop lecturing me, you are just a citizen, I am a true prince!" the rebellious one hissed back. I may be of the middle class, Prince Jaro, but I have a sense of decency and respect for women," my saviour countered, "Now let go of this poor lady! Jaro, so that was his name, I would let the guards know after the ball that he was no longer wanted in our palace. My saviour's hand shot out and slapped Jaro in the face, his mesh began to slip, the ribbon had probably come loose. I was grateful that this distraction finally made him let go of my hand. I was pushed to the back: "Stay behind me princess, I'll make sure he can't hurt you anymore!" Only now did I recognise his face, it was Leopold, I had fixated on a name. He had come to help me, that was somehow really dramatic, just like in my books. He reacted quickly and concentrated on his enemy. Prince Jaro had straightened his mask and was swinging his fists at each other, but only punched into the void. Leopold, was adept at dodging him. They were now engaged in a serious fight. Apparently word had got around, because we were being watched by everyone, they were like vultures waiting to snatch the carcass. Suddenly the tower clock struck Big Ben. I counted while I watched, full of adrenaline, as two boys were seriously fighting over me. One, two, three..., twelve. It was now midnight. Jaro stopped with a thud and paused in his position, he looked around and stuck to me. I was afraid and stepped back cautiously. I love you, it echoed in my head. What? That was not my voice. I will fight for you, even if I have to deal with two already. The prince of Somwosonsther disappeared, parting the crowd of people. I stood there rooted to the spot, I didn't know what to do. "Are you all right princess?", Leopold came up to me, he looked damaged. His eye was bloodshot, it was probably going to be a black eye and he was holding the side of his ribs, it didn't look bruised but it didn't look healthy either. I woke up from my shock stupor and supported Leo without argument so that he could sit down on a chair. The crowd parted again and then broke up into small groups. I could hear the whispering, but I didn't care at that moment. The music continued softly and the whispering turned back into entertaining conversation. We had reached a secluded table, he groaned slightly as he sat down. "I thank you...", I preferred to leave out his name, I didn't really know it after all, "I didn't know what I would have done without you I..." He interrupted me by silently raising his hand: "You don't have to thank me princess, he was my duty." I knelt before him, my dress now resembling that of a waterfall: "But I still want to, it was very brave of you." Livius had been watching, doing nothing and enjoying himself with someone else, he must have loved me that much. Was this Jaro right?