
Devil Fruit Dealer

Edward was an average ordinary guy, that was absolutely tired of the life he was living. His work overworked and never gave him and credit for the work he did. His family every asked for money never actually caring if they were running him into the ground. Finally he had had enough and was on his way to quite his work when he was suddenly shot in his chest while passing by a store being robbed. Slowly bleeding out he realized he was going to die and cursed the people to made him have a horrible life. After he die a white light surrounded him and a being appeared before him with a frown on it face and told him "Sorry". What is Edward supposed to do with a "Sorry" so instead of accepting the apology Edwards plans for something else and what he planning would affect the world as I'm a big way!

Primal765 · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Death

Do you ever just wake up and dread the day the moment you wake up knowing it was going to be the same routine of frustration and anger. Edward started his days like that; ever day was the same to him. Edward was a man about 26 years of age with green eyes and an athletic build to him. He wouldn't have what you would say was an easy life. By the time he got into middle school he was already taking care of his siblings while his parents just spent all their money on the little bit of food, they would provide them and then spend the rest of the money on themselves, and this life continued to the day Edward graduated from high school. From there he worked 2 jobs just to keep his sister in school and to help her go to college. But once she got in high school his parents started to demand that he take up majority of the home payments; or they would no longer allow him to help out the only family he cared about and so he put up with it till the day finally came to where he didn't have to. Edward woke up every morning the same he got out of bed, had toast for breakfast, brushed his teeth and got ready for work. When he was done off to work, he went.

The job he was heading to was one he loathed going to every day. Every day he went there and worked harder than the majority of people there but not once did they every thank him for the work he did instead his boss just took the credit and Edward was unable to say anything without being threatened to be fired and with it being one of the best paying jobs in the city for someone with just a high school degree he needed to stay on his boss's good side. He needed this job because he was having to help out his family because his parents had lost their job and his only sibling was still in high school. So, he was expected to help out around the house while always trying to live his life. His life would be easier if his parents were actually looking for work but no they kept saying they were looking while they just mooched off of him and his sister kept trying to help but he really just wanted her to finish school and live a better life then he was living.

But today was the day Edward had finally been waiting for had happened. His sister was finally graduating high school and was with a full ride through college and he couldn't be happier about today. He was finally going to quite the job he been loathing and actually start trying to live his life for himself. He could finally stop supporting his parents because they had also been taking large portions of his saving.

So today was the day when he was going to change all of it. For the first time in years, he was driving down the road with an actually smile on his face. He was just so happy that he be done with his work today and then finally his parents. Then he and his sister can go about their lives in a more peaceful manner. After driving a few minutes down the road Edward realized he was almost out of gas and so he had to quickly get some gas before continuing his way to work. Edward pulled into the nearest gas station and walk around to start pumping gas, but the machine said he need to pay inside. Once he walked inside, he saw something he never once thought he would see in his life. Before him was a clerk held a gun point by a masked individual and before Edward could even think of what to do there was a loud bang and suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. In the next instance Edward was laying on the ground looking up at the sky and could hear a robber yelling at the other saying " What the fuck are you doing we weren't supposed to shoot anyone" the other guy just looked at his partner and said, "Sorry I panicked!" but that would be the last that Edward would hear before everything around him began to become dark. With his finally thoughts all he could think about was how sad his sister was going to be over his death and that he guessed he wasn't going to get to live a peaceful life after all. With that everything around him slipped to black and that was the end of Edward.

please give feedback if you read. would love to know the thoughts. let me know what I can improve and such

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