
Devil Fruit Dealer

Edward was an average ordinary guy, that was absolutely tired of the life he was living. His work overworked and never gave him and credit for the work he did. His family every asked for money never actually caring if they were running him into the ground. Finally he had had enough and was on his way to quite his work when he was suddenly shot in his chest while passing by a store being robbed. Slowly bleeding out he realized he was going to die and cursed the people to made him have a horrible life. After he die a white light surrounded him and a being appeared before him with a frown on it face and told him "Sorry". What is Edward supposed to do with a "Sorry" so instead of accepting the apology Edwards plans for something else and what he planning would affect the world as I'm a big way!

Primal765 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Boring Old Man

Suddenly from the darkness it got bright, like really bright. Edward instinctively covered his eyes to shield them from the unrelenting light. He had them covered for but a few minutes before you finally heard a voice talking to him.

"Ohh sorry about that I always forget that your species is very easy to hurt. Let me just fix that real quick" the mysterious voice said. Just like that Edward noticed the intensity of the light lessened to the point that Edward was finally able to open his eyes. When he did what was standing in front of him was a person that was completely pale from head to toe except for his eyes which were as black as space itself. Seeing this being Edward instantly asking the being a barrage of questions

"Who are you? Where did that light come from? An how am I alive, I'm pretty sure I was shot?" with atone of both curiosity and fear. The being never stopped looking at him with a smile on it face

"Well to answer your question in order: I am a being that way beyond a normal person or being is able to comprehend. Let just say I'm taking over the old being position, the one your kind like to refer to as God."

" For your second question that light was me when I don't compress myself and just allow my energy to wonder around. So as you already guessed it a little to much for regular mortals to deal with. That why I'm in the form you see now, so we can have a proper conversation."

" Finally for you last question! Yes you did die. Shot right through the heart all because you were in a place you weren't meant to be in."

Even after hearing this Edward was still shocked at what he was hearing and decided to sit down. After a few minutes of wrapping his head around what he had just been told Edward look toward the figure and asked the one question that just kept appearing in his mind "What do you mean your taking over the position of God?"

The God looked at him and while still holding a smile on his face he said "Well let just say that the old god was tired and wanted to retire and now I'm taking his place. That all you really need to know." heating this Edward figured it be better not to press any further than this and finally asked the question he should have asked in the beginning "Well why am I here then? Pretty sure since I died I'm not supposed to be here. So what is going on?"

After asking that question the God in front of Edward gave the biggest grin since they met "I'm glad you finally asked, been waiting to get to the exciting part" and with a wave of his hand the area before Edward changed and suddenly there was a planet Infront of Edward. "This here is a plant that the old God was working on but he retired before he finished it, and now it falls on my shoulders to finish it. Even though there not much to do, basically it exactly like your Earth with just some slight changes but overall there nothing different about it and I just find that boring so I figured since I was the one in charge now I'd go ahead and try and spice it up" he said

Edward looked at him with a questioning gaze " How would you do that?"

"Simple I'm going to use your sister and you to do it but just It different ways" Edward now a little weary of this said "How?" and with that same old smile he been having he finally explained the plan "Well one difference between your world and this new one is that y'all had something called anime right? Well your sister seem to watch it constantly when she could so here my plan. to spice up this world a little." With a snap of his finger a wheel appeared and one the wheel was some names of stuff " Now here are the top four anime your sister watched and each one covers a different area of the circle depending on how much time she invested in the series as you can see the smallest one is an anime called Dragon Ball, it pretty small so I doubt you will get that one, next one is something called My Hero Academia it a little bigger than the last one but not by much, now the next two are the biggest that they are close to even but it called Bleach and the final one is call One Piece. Those two are the most likely to be picked." with that explanation Edward was quite literally still lost " So what is it you are wanting me to do?" after asking this question the God finally turned to him and looked at him like he had Just asked the dumbest question ever. With a sigh he said " look I'm going to have you spin this wheel whatever it lands on I'm going to throw you and certain elements from that series into the new world. That way the world will become more interesting. Get it now child!"

after hearing his explanation Edward understood what was happening and nodded his head and God said " Good now get up here and spin the wheel and let get this party started I may have just started this job but I'm still on a time clock " he said with a big smile. Edward looked at him and said "Before I do that can I get request before I'm sent down there since it seems like I'm being made to do this?" and with that said the God pondered it for a second " Fine I'll listen to five of your requests just cause it will make it a lot more interesting but the request can only do with the world or ability that are about to be brought to it by you" with a nod Edward walked towards the Wheel and he begins to spin it. It felt like it was never going to stop spinning and when it finally began to slow down it landed just on the side that had the words One Piece on it.

With the anime finally decide he looked towards the god and said, " Okay so the anime been decided so what next?" and with a smile God looked at him "Well know it time to listen to your request before sending you off." Thinking about it Edward gave his first request which seemed to be a basic and essential question "Can you give me all the knowledge of the world of One Piece" with that said God respond with "Well look at that you actually do have a brain in that head of yours, thought you were just going to make dumb request, either way it would have been interesting to watch. But yes, I can grant that request but i will only give you the amount of info that your sister had before you died." after that was said suddenly Edward head began to flood with information about the anime and the only thing that came to his mind was how long this show had been going on for. With that done they moved on to Edwards next request "My next request is to be able to start go to the world in a younger body, make me like 18 years old." the god just nodded his head at this one and didn't say anything else " My third request is to have a book that will give all the info needed on devil fruits." after hearing this the God smile grew even bigger and with a snap of his fingers a book as thick as his arm appeared with a black leather cover. Edward quickly flipped through the pages and saw that he was familiar with some of the fruits in the book with that checked Edward continued speaking with his fourth request "My next request is to be given complete mastery over Haki when I'm transferred to this world" something about this request seemed to annoy the God "Now that just boring don't you want to go through the effort of learning it yourself. How about this I'll let you master one of the forms, give you partial experience in one, and the final one you must master by yourself." Edward had to think on this one for a second and decided "Alright then I wish to have mastery over Sovereign Haki, I'll take semi-mastery with Observation Haki." With that the god just nodded at the response.

"So, you are on your final request; better think carefully on this." with those word spoken Edward began to think about what would help in in this new world. Once he thought on it for a minute, he realized that his answer was pretty obvious considering he would have the one item he could monopolize "My last request is that I want a suitcase for the next world that allows me to pull out any devil fruit I desire from it and only I am able to access the suitcase" with his last request being said the God smile turned into the biggest yet. With a quick snap of his fingers, he suddenly had a large gray suitcase in front of him with a leather handle.

"That now it for your wishes, now let get you to this new world where you can make hopefully make it a little more interesting." clapping his hands a hole opened up below Edward causing to fall and when he looked below he saw himself falling to the new planet he was going to influence in a way that would change history of the planet.