
3. New Years Eve

Asonya could smell it, it was everywhere. The excitement, it was all around her yet she was immune to it all. The pack was preparing for the ceremony and there will be a big party after to celebrate new mates that have been found and to thank the Moon Goddess for her blessings.

Asonya thought about staying in her room and skip the ceremony but it was mandatory to attend. They would stand outside in the clearing behind the pack house that was meters away.

One the twelfth stroke of midnight the moon will shine almost as bright as the morning sun in that very area. Their wrist will start glowing and will only fade with the moon no longer shined so bright. The markings will be left behind of your enemy and mate. Your mate can either be in your pack or other pack across the country. Most would leave the pack if the latter case. Wolves will return with their mate and others never came back since they decided to stay in the pack where they going their mate but of course there is proper paperwork for that.

Asonya was requested to help with decorations so of course she would be in the middle of the excitement with unmated she-wolves yapping about how they can't wait to meet their mate and how he'll be a perfect match since the Moon Goddess paired them together.

Again no one was worried about the enemy on their left wrist. That's what they should he talking about the mate can wait. Once you get rid of the threat there will be no one threatening your happiness but happiness before the threat is taken care is a disaster waiting to happen. No one wants to go through the heartache of seeing their love one hurt much less their mate.

What if your enemy is strong and is the ultimate villian of all time and instead of spending your time getting stronger to weed out such problem before it becomes a tragedy for everyone around you.

Maybe she can focus on getting rid of get enemy first before she ever thinks about her mate. She's a fighter and there is no way Asonya will let a man take charge and protect her.

Asonya was double checking to see if everything was in place for the ceremony. Even though she isn't enthusiastic about tonight's event she still had to make sure everything was perfect. Things tend to get wild too and so there is also security measures put in place to ensure everyone's safety. Can't let their guard down on and important night like this therefore mated wolves are put on guard and high alert.

Checking the time she sighed, only a few hours left before all the unmated she-wolves and male wolves should start gathering in the clearing. Before the gathering food and refreshments is provided.

"I'm so excited about tonight, I can't wait to meet him. I can already imagine how handsome he looks," some girl from the pack said drooling over the idea of finally meeting her mate.

Can you blame them they have been waiting for the person that has been destined for them since they understood the meaning of having a mate.

"Me too, I bet he'll be tall and handsome, a strong man to lift me up," the next girl breath in a dreamy way looking ahead of her with starry eyes. They both started giggling very excited. She shakes her head continuing with her checking.

."Asonya, I don't get why you're so against this you should smile more often you know, always frowning," the person shakes her head disappointedly. "Will make you look older than you are," she scolds.

"I'm a werewolf, werewolves doesn't age as humans, that's what happen to humans not us so I can frown all I want because I won't look old until I'm about 70 something." Asonya waved her off. She only shrugged her shoulder.

"Does it hurt your face to smile a little," the girl complained.

Asonya said. "No."

"Then why don't you smile," the girl persist. Tyeeka as been good friend with Asonya. Tyeeka was the only she-wolf she allows herself to be close to and that's only possible because Tyeeka doesn't come with the drama that other she-wolves carry around them.

"I do smile."

"..." Tyeeka that she does smile but not often. "Yeah but you're too serious must of the time, tonight can't you let loose a little since it's a special event and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't want your mate to think you got something stuck up your ask." Asonya glared at her and she only laughed at her friend expense.

Rolling her eyes she directed back to the clipboard in her hand. "Don't you have things to do?" Asonya asked.

"Yeah I do." Tyeeka sat down on a chair nearby watching her friend, Asonya walk to and fro checking to make sure everything was in place.

"Then go do it and stop wasting time." Asonya said looking over her shoulder at Tyeeka giving her a go do your work look.

"I'm doing it right now." Tyeeka informed Asonya that she was doing her work but all she is doing is sitting down watching Asonya as she work.

"..." Asonya opened her mouth to say something before closing it pinching the bridge of her nose thinking why she's friends with Tyeeka again when she never do anything she says. "Something other than sitting down, Tyeeka, there is a lot of things more to do around here, like..." she taps her chin with the pen thinking of all the work that has not yet completed for the ceremony. "bringing out the food and putting it on the tables." Asonya suggested only for Tyeeka to wave her off.

"And why would I do that now? Who would keep you company to remind you that tonight you have to be at the ceremony and no you can't say you'll wait for the next season..." Tyeeka knew Asonya wasn't that optimistic about finding out who her mate is and if it was left to her alone she wouldn't attend the ceremony at all until she feels like she as lived a little too long without a mate. "You're eighteen now what are you waiting for, the longer you want to wait it's the harder it is to find your mate, finding out now would give you more time to search for him or him for you if he's halfway across the world." Tyeeka exaggerates.

"Think about how he'd feel knowing his precious mate that he's been waiting for so long avoided him for a few more years because she's afraid of commitment." Tyeeka continues.

Asonya sighs. Leave it up to Tyeeka to make her feel bad about not wanting a mate right away like everyone else. "I'm not afraid of commitment," Asonya defends.

"Then why are you wanting to dodge the ceremony?" Tyeeka asked a good question.

"I'm not dodging the ceremony," Asonya tried but try as she might Tyeeka won't believe her after all Asonya did tell Tyeeka she didn't wanted to go to the ceremony.

"Mmmm you better not. I want my best friend there with me," Tyeeka was giving her a penetrating look saying you better not disappoint me.

"I'm going for a run," Asonya announced her hands falling to her side loosely as she hold the clipboard in the other. "Don't worry I'll be back," She added when Tyeeka shot her a look.