
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Uncontrollable Hunger

Out of blue Seth the supreme being appeared on Root island and made us play this so-called survival and more like an inhuman murderous game of his for his enjoyment.

And now we were stuck in this for our own life's sake.


Even though we cheered ourselves up, we were pretty much scared. We kept hidden for these past 3 days watching people die and hearing their screams.

The area we were hidden wasn't a densely populated area and it was around 50 people only because it is near to a bushy area.

Once we had that thought that "let's run towards the bushy area for camouflage." But the safety of this compartment wasn't letting us out of it.

After we finished the last drop yesterday, there was no food or water left and we couldn't get out of this because of that imaginary comfort and the real fear.

We haven't eaten in these three days we were alive just because we all had water and there was some in this compartment but now the hunger was taking over our thoughts.

We were getting frustrated over our current situation and finally we decided that. "We will go out no matter what now."

"Once we get out of this room, there is no turning back guys!!!" said Ron.

We found whatever we could for our use because now it has become a do-or-die situation. We had to do something or else our survival chances would become zero.

I had that knife from before, Ron pickup an old bat, and Max carried a steel rod. With this we stood at the door and saw each others faces and said to each other.

"Are we really doing this?" Max asked.

"Now theirs no turning back." Ron replied.

He opened the door and light suddenly struck our eyes like a flashy. Everything slowly got visible and it was like a post apocalyptic scene from any disaster movie.

We noticed a complete silence like no one was living here. Houses were destroyed, bloodshed over the places of those people whose screams were haunting us every night.

There was no one, not even an animal to be seen and we saw that the bushy area we were talking about was also almost destroyed. So our scardiness saved us this time.

Then our eyes roll over the big hologram and we got shocked to see the numbers.


We were still reacting to it but we saw two blob monsters coming near the area. They were far but we wanted to be more cautious.

We were seeing them and I saw 3 people were killed on the spot who were hiding in that collapsed building. It was a terrible sight to watch someone die but a small corner inside me was happy as it increases our chances of survival.

I dropped that thought but deep down I know that my morals are affecting because of this situation.

Only I saw this happening as Ron was taking and cheering Max that we can do this. So, we continued our journey forward away from those two monsters and reached the next block which felt like a war-zone. There were barbed wires, blood and also a made up campfire place.

It was giving us an eerie (scary/creepy) vibes so we were more cautious now. Ron and I also felt like someone was here.

In any situation, Ron and I we both always go with our gut feelings and it never disappointed us, never.

"Let's try to look around to confirm our suspicion of someone being here other than us." Ron said.

"Yeah my gut feeling is also telling me this." Davis replied.

As we were looking for any suspicious thing Max shouted. "Hey guys, I found something."

We rushed towards him and we saw some fruits fallen on the ground. Max was seeing them like a blessing but I was like it must be a trap. It can't be that simple.

Told you even if I am not a fighter but I am not dumb. But my focus was also wavering as hunger was our main driving force right now.

"We can take them theirs no one around, and it's not like these are someone's property now." Max said.

"We can't just take those this could be a trap." Davis replied.

"Max first check around all the places to see that it is safe to pick those. Davis and I we both also hungry, you know." said Ron.

"Agreed." Davis replied.

But Max's hunger made him unable to think properly and he ran to pick those fruits. As soon as I saw Max, I shouted. "No Max wait....."

He was running and we suddenly heard...

[ --Gun Shot-- ]