
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs


Davis shouted. "No Max wait, this could be a tr..."

[ --Sniper Shoots-- ]

In the blink of an eye we saw Max falling on the ground. From the moment of the gunshot sound till Max's body falling so much had gone through my head.

This must be a joke, this can't be true, it can't be happening, it is dream a horrible one, a nightmare of some kind.

I got frozen, my body couldn't move, my brain was about to short-circuit from this bunch of never expecting information happening around. All the thoughts of this not being real were going through my mind.

But reality is often disappointing and in the situation which we were in, definitely wasn't worth living.

My facial expressions were not even close to showing what was happening inside of my brain.

As I was startled, I looked at Ron. He was shocked too and he rushed towards Max's body and took him in his arms.

I...I never in my life seen Ron so agitated, so frustrated, and having that feeling of helplessness altogether.

He was also having mixed emotions of sadness and frustration as we were not able to think straight. At that time, emotions took control of us rather than any logic.

Ron held Max dearly and he started to scream out loud. "Come Forward, you cowards, face me head on. Stop hiding behind those walls of yours and come fight me fair and square."

As he was screaming another worst thing happened right in front of me. This was worse than anything. I never saw this coming in any of my worst case scenarios.

[ A Big Arm Swing right in front of me.]

In that flash of the moment I saw Ron's head cut-off from his body. One blob monster suddenly appeared because of Ron's screaming I guessed and that led us to this.

That monsters single eye was staring at me, that being's stare was like it was looking inside my soul. Those strong and big hands with sharp claws were holding Ron's head. That blob monster gave a deep stare at me and just left me behind alone.

I was still realising what had happened to Max and in these thinking moments this all happened in front of me. My body just gave up, my knees were completely shaking and I felt powerless. I wasn't able to breathe, move, think, express, do anything properly.

Everything got silent. No sound from any surrounding. Many thoughts were going through my head. That is this not real, why is this happening.

"What have I done to deserve this!!!" Davis screamed inside.

I snapped. It was like a mental breakdown seeing my two best friends died right in front of me and I...I couldn't do a thing.

My brain just got blank. I couldn't think or was able to apply any logic to anything at that moment. I was on my knees sitting right there like a living dead body, holding a knife in my hand ready to finish myself anytime.

I was having thoughts of killing myself that let's end this here and now. But I was also having thoughts of killing that sniper guy who shot Max. There was sadness, anger, frustration all emotions mixed together inside of me which can easily change or break any person.

Without any thought in mind I rushed right into the house from where the gun was shot. He was surprised and was about to shoot me but I threw my knife right into his hand.

HE screamed. "My Hand!!" I slide through and toss his gun away. I removed that knife and again stabbed him right in the guts. He was screaming in pain, he was begging for his life but I was blinded by my anger so I couldn't even hear him straight.

When that happened we saw each other in the eyes. I could see fear of death in his eyes and he also must have seen the pain, frustration, anger inside me.

In that state of mental breakdown I stabbed, and stabbed, and stabbed, and stabbed, and stabbed, and stabbed, and stabbed, and stabbed, and stabbed, and stabbed, I mercilessly kept on stabbing him until I forgot the count of stabs and then stab him again and again and again and again. the Room was filled with his screams but I couldn't hear any.

I was *panting* but wasn't stopping at all because of all this anger and frustration that was building inside of me from all my past years. I never snapped like this before but today...it was completely different.

I kept on stabbing him until he was not able to breathe a single ounce of air in him. Then I did the final blow and pierced through his skull with that knife. After the 37th stab I finally stopped and the room got silent.

I was completely covered in his blood and that person's body was spread into small pieces. I could see his kidney's fallen, his slashed hand, his intestines, ruptured veins, and what not spread all over in that room.

My facial expressions were like a shocking face but I was screaming mentally. I screamed so hard inside my head that it could have been heard by anyone around me, but there was no one. Everything got silenced in my surroundings.

My...My two best friend's bodies were lying right in front of me, what...what could be worse than this, that could happen to anyone.

With that hopeless feeling I laughed...laughed like crazy, I wanted to cry but my body was not in my control I was just moving where my emotions were taking me.

At that moment of Ron's head being slashed off his body, I...I could feel him saying. "I am coming with you Max, we will always be together."

After thinking, crying, mentally beating myself I realised that now I got a purpose.

"I...I think I have got my purpose now, that I have to kill anyone who tries to come in my way of my SURVIVAL!!!"