
Daede The Eternal!

What happened to the man who decided to never leave his home? He died. Well, kind of... Okay, at least not entirely... He almost destroyed the Earth, ruled a kingdom in space, survived Collassals fracturing reality and even Explored the abyssal sea on a mighty ship! His stories became eternal across the stars. Shall we hear them all? Join me and read about his rise and maybe even his fall. --------------------------------------------- I'm writing a new story and I don't know if my writing is good or not but I would appreciate it if you let me know if you like the book~! FYI I joined the fantasy carnival so if you support the book, I'll make sure to dish out them chaps. Thank you in advance! Also for those wondering it's pronounced ["De"-"Eh"-Dey"] Or so It sounds in my head. Day-day works too! Art: Jensen Art - free commercial use (edited)

MissingHeart · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


"Alright! Tis' finally time my dear dark abyss. I have stared far too long into your soul. Our time has come so as I leave you, you leave me." Daede loudly thought.

His speeches were improving he sniggered.

One may forget but the terrifying level of consciousness Daede had developed would not miss the detail.

He had managed to float when he originally got shot out of the space tear. He floated until he reached that relic of times past.

If he weren't so distracted from literally crashing into a planet and fusing with a stone holding unimaginable contents. He would have probably realized sooner and escaped.

It was natural to him when he had originally landed as fear of the unknown had gripped his soul and mind into flying.

Now, however, a boon was found. The two years spent deducing the small bits of fragmented knowledge left him with a thoroughly well-refined soul-body. The language the fragments were written in was a language of power.

How did Daede realize it?

He had stumbled upon a faint feeling that every symbol from that race's language emitted a faint feeling.

Unique but as a whole felt hard to detect.

Imagine 100 lightbulbs all shining at you with their highest intensity and the only difference between them was a slight deviation in the shade of light they sent. Nothing obvious like different colored lights. Shades.

Complicated to detect but luckily or not, Daede was fused with the host of the knowledge. The rock. Leaving him quite susceptible to these differences, especially when studying them so thoroughly with a mind that was several times stronger than any Earthly human dare proclaim to have.

Just trying to understand these symbols had left him straining his already vast spiritual consciousness. Leaving it only one option. To refine itself in order to accommodate the changes his being was exposing himself to.

"Hmm, I wonder if I would have exploded had my soul-body not grown from my jelly kingdom... Cough... best not to think about it then. " Daede shivered when the thought fleeted by his mind.

"Ah, let's leave it be. LIGHT AWAITS!" Daede declared proudly before focusing.

He suddenly calmed his whole being with but a thought. Leaving the restrictions of his body allowed his already powerful will to bloom into a nova of power.

Tangible threads started seeping out of his shiny rock body.

These threads of energy were extensions of himself. Daede had figured this part out simply from attempting to control his massive consciousness.

Once something grows dense enough they become tangible. Consciousness included it seems.

Telekinesis and such powers relied heavily on the power of their mind to affect reality. Every human could do this if they had a powerful and dense enough level of mind power or energy.

As the threads started mixing, ethereal fins of mind power came into being.

"Hehe, I can't get enough of this. Now off we go!" And with those words, he shot off directly above in a straight line.

Moments passed and Daede started picking up speed.

The water was hard to initially shoot off from but his powerful mind allowed him to at least get started and as the pressure started lessening the higher he went, his speed picked up accordingly.

"I wonder if I'll find land soon... and what the hell am I going to do for a body?... Argh... Being a shiny mind-powered rock is cool and all but I should really find a solution to this."

Daede had gotten distracted as he was making his ascent. Wondered how to proceed once he did find land.

As a human, land was very important. Food, shelter, freedom, it all came with land but the biggest was that humans couldn't breathe underwater, at least the one's from Earth couldn't.

Although Daede was now a rock absorbing some type of energy through his stony exterior and thus, did not require breathing, he didn't want to stay in perpetual darkness as a rock.

He wasn't reincarnated as a fish for god's sake. Why would he stay at the bottom of the ocean? What? Create the next kids' hit show as a certain square-panted sponge did?

"Na," Daede mumbled while remaining distracted failing to notice the large body moving in his glowing direction through the dark and dreary abyssal waters.

"Hm?" Daede felt a feeling of uncertainty creep up into him.

"What!?" He realized but it was too late.


"Noooo!" Daede screamed internally.

His slightly glowing body had failed to notice the damn sea beast that just swallowed his ass whole.

"All this power contained within my mind, yet I fail to suspect a #@$%# fish in the god damn ocean to appear? @#$%#$@%@##%$@#" Daed cursed and cursed.

He was blaming himself and ashamed at how he has landed himself in trouble within moments of getting out of one.

"Calm down. Let's assess the situation first." He reassured himself since he knew he was a rock and the sea beast luckily didn't chomp his shiny body.

Taking a glance around he noticed fleshly dark red walls and disgusting coloured liquid simmering like a boiling vat of acid.

"Sigh... literally in the belly of the beast. Wow. Just when you think, hey maybe some normalcy but nope. The moment I moved. The universe conspired to eat me. #$%#$%" Daede said with sorrow and cursed at the end.

"Hmmm. Wonder if I can mess with it." Daede thought as he noticed his shiny body didn't give a hoot about the literal acid it was swimming in.